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Last active June 29, 2023 18:40
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all u need

  • 1-2 hours of your life
  • build envirment for the Kernel
  • device with Ubuntu and nvflash
  • AC100
  • mini-usb cabel
  • usb-stick >512MB

build the kernel

  1. setup the build enviorment

    • create the work directory:

      mkdir -p ~/ac100/output_files

  2. get the kernel source

    • get the sources:

      curl -LO

      cd linux-4.5.2

  3. build the kernel

    • genrate the config

      make tegra_defconfig ARCH=arm

    • adjust the config for:

      1. Kernel low-level debugging options

        in Kernel hacking

        to OFF

      2. USB Video Class

        in Device drivers --> Multimedia support --> Media USB Adapters

        to MODULE

      3. USB NETWORK Device [only if like to use anadapter] you will find the availbe Modules under

        in Device drivers --> Network device support --> USB Network Adapters

        to MODULE

      make menuconfig ARCH=arm

    • build zIMAGE, modules, dtb

      make zImage modules dtbs INSTALL_MOD_STRIP=1 ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf-

    • build install-modules

      make modules_install INSTALL_MOD_PATH=../output_files INSTALL_MOD_STRIP=1 ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf-

    • copy dtb and zImage to the output_files directory

      cp arch/arm/boot/dts/tegra20-paz00.dtb ../output_files

      cp arch/arm/boot/zImage ../output_files

  4. make output flashable

    • change into output_files directory

      cd ../output_files

    • create needed folders

      mkdir boot usr

    • move lib into usr [to avoid breaks of arch]

      mv lib usr

    • move zImage and dtb into boot

      mv zImage boot

      mv tegra20-paz00.dtb boot

    • create boot.cmd

        cat <<'EOF' > ~/ac100/output_files/boot/boot.cmd
        setenv bootargs 'root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rootfstype=ext4 rootwait'
        ext2load mmc 0:1 0x1000000 /boot/zImage
        ext2load mmc 0:1 0x2000000 /boot/tegra20-paz00.dtb
        bootz 0x1000000 - 0x2000000
    • create directory etc

      mkdir etc

    • add fstab

        cat <<'EOF' > ~/ac100/output_files/etc/fstab
        /dev/mmcblk0p1  /   ext4    rw,noatime,commit=30,barrier=1,data=ordered    0    0
    • pack the files

      tar cf kernel.tar boot usr etc

  5. prepare pen drive

    • copy kernel.tar to pen drive

      cp ~/ac100/output_files/kernel.tar < mountpoint of the pen drive >

    • get Arch Linux filesystem for Tegra systems

      curl -o < mountpoint of the pen drive >

  6. boot AC100 into recovery mode

    • press ctrl + esc + Power
  7. install on the flash host nvflash

    curl -O /tmp ; sudo dpkg -i nvflash_20110628-2_all.deb

  8. connect AC100 with your flash Host

  9. get and boot a minimal SOSUBOOT

    • on the flash Host

      curl -O /tmp nvflash --bl sos-uboot-r5-2013-11-10.bin --go

    • on the AC100


  10. prepare the AC100

    • create one new partions [maybe u like to backup the old once]

        parted /dev/mmcblk0 mklabel gpt
        parted /dev/mmcblk0 -s mkpart primary 7168s '100%'
        parted /dev/mmcblk0 -s name 1 UDB
    • create filesystem

      mkfs.ext4 /dev/mmcblk0p1

  11. Install Kernel and OS

    • create mount point

      mkdir /target mkdir /source

    • mount the emmc

      mount -t ext4 /dev/mmcblk0p1 /target

    • inserte the stick and mount it

      mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /source

    • change into directory /target

      cd /target

    • extract the ARCH Linux filesystem

      gzip -dc /source/ArchLinuxARM-trimslice-latest.tar.gz | tar xp

    • erase /boot to add new builded kernel for the AC100

      rm -rf boot/*

    • unpack kernel.tar

      tar xf /source/kern.tar

    • change into the /boot directory

      cd /target/boot

    • make the kernel bootable

      mkimage -A arm -O linux -T script -C none -a 0 -e 0 -n "ubootscript" -d boot.cmd boot.scr

    • sync for safety


    • unmount the pen drive and the emmc

      cd /; umount /target; umount /source

enjoy Arch Linux and the mainline kernel on your AC100 \o/


AC100 wiki

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Hi, thanks for the reply. I still have a couple of question for you.

manually edit kernel/exit.c reverting changes before the patch

Does this mean that you replace the file with an older version from "working" kernels?
Also did you change anything else in the config when building the kernel other than the three things mentioned by Nokius?

Personally I'm still at kernel 5.11.2, I've stopped updating it since it's a long process and I have no issues other than the poweroff. To be fair though I just use the shell. Thanks again.

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Does this mean that you replace the file with an older version from "working" kernels?

NO, I don't think it would work. I just add lines, that were removed (-) and remove line that were added by the patch (+)

--- a/kernel/exit.c
+++ b/kernel/exit.c
@@ -577,10 +577,6 @@ static struct task_struct *find_child_re

-       if (unlikely(pid_ns == &init_pid_ns)) {
-               panic("Attempted to kill init! exitcode=0x%08x\n",
-                       father->signal->group_exit_code ?: father->exit_code);
-       }

        list_for_each_entry_safe(p, n, dead, ptrace_entry) {
@@ -823,6 +819,14 @@ void __noreturn do_exit(long code)
        group_dead = atomic_dec_and_test(&tsk->signal->live);
        if (group_dead) {
+               /*
+                * If the last thread of global init has exited, panic
+                * immediately to get a useable coredump.
+                */
+               if (unlikely(is_global_init(tsk)))
+                       panic("Attempted to kill init! exitcode=0x%08x\n",
+                               tsk->signal->group_exit_code ?: (int)code);

Also did you change anything else in the config when building the kernel other than the three things mentioned by Nokius?

You can download my config file here

and my kernel here

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@martin-ac100 Thanks a lot! And good job on spotting the issue too.

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ibisal commented Dec 19, 2021

@martin-ac100 seems like your compilation use IPv6 only. How can I change it for IPv4 only (disable IPv6/enable IPv4)?

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Good morning,
After some time, I tried to update the system.
I have locked the linux-armv7, libdrm and mesa packages in the pacman.conf file.....but every time I run Syu, the update always results in: kernel panic.
Am I forgetting some steps or? Does anyone have a stable image to share?

Greetings in advantage.

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