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Created February 19, 2010 13:05
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Copyright (C) 2009 Xyne
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
//povray +Ikonify3d.pov +P +W1680 +H1050 +D +Q11 +A
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#declare Aspect_Ratio = 1680/1050;
#declare Cam_Pos = <0,-1,-5>;
#declare Cam_Angle = 80;
//width of background array
#declare N = 30;
//random seed... change this to change the random pattern
#declare Random_1 = seed (87341);
//Greyscale Range
#declare Grey_Min = 0.05;
#declare Grey_Max = 0.10;
// Enable Colors
#declare Colorful = 0;
#declare Red_Min = 0;
#declare Red_Max = 1;
#declare Green_Min = 0;
#declare Green_Max = 1;
#declare Blue_Min = 0;
#declare Blue_Max = 1;
// Amount by which the height varies in the background
#declare Jitter_Height = 1.2;
#declare Height = 2;
#declare Rounded_Box_Radius = 0.01;
#declare Edge = 0.2;
#declare Include_Logo = 1;
#declare Only_Logo_Reflection = 1;
#declare Arch_Logo_As_Light = 0;
#declare Logo_Size = 6; //2 is a good size to start with when not viewing the reflection
#declare Arch_Logo_Color_Vector = <23/255, 147/255, 209/255>;
Careful with these settings, they can greatly increase the render time
These look better imo when you remove the light source at the camera below.
#declare Random_Arch_Logo_Lights = 0; //This needs work, don't bother
#declare Random_Lights_In_Array = 0;
#declare Random_Lights_In_Array_Frequency = 0.08;
#declare Pattern_Lights_In_Array = 1;
#declare Circular_Pattern = 0;
#declare Inner_Radius = 10.5;
#declare Outer_Radius = 11.8;
#declare Random_Color_Lights = 0;
#declare Random_Light_Lower_Jitter = 0.2;
#declare Random_Light_Upper_Jitter = 0.5;
// between 0 and 1
#declare Rainbow_Lights_In_Array = 0;
#declare Rainbow_Phase_Shift = -90;
#declare Circular_Rainbow_Lights_In_Array = 1;
// This sets the progression of the rainbow.
// 360/x, where x specified the number of
// rows or columns before the phase completes
// a cycle. e1 specifies the x direction and e2
// specified the y direction in the final image.
// Set the value to zero to suppress progression
// in that direction.
#declare Rainbow_e1_k = 360/20;
#declare Rainbow_e2_k = 360/40 * 0;
// Light settings
global_settings { ambient_light rgb <2, 2, 2> }
light_source { Cam_Pos color rgb <1,1,1>}
//background { color White }
#declare Vect_0 = <0,0,0>;
#declare Vect_A = Edge * <1,0,0>;
#declare Vect_B = Edge * <0,1,0>;
#declare Vect_C = Height * Edge * <0,0,-1>;
#declare Jitter_Height = Jitter_Height * Edge;
#declare Max = N;
#declare Min = -Max;
#declare Cam_Look = Vect_0;
#declare Cam_Zoom = 1;
camera {
up Cam_Zoom * <0,1,0>
right Cam_Zoom * Aspect_Ratio * <1,0,0>
location Cam_Pos
look_at Cam_Look
//sky <0,0,1>
angle Cam_Angle
########## TEXTURES ##########
#declare Base_Texture = texture {
pigment { color <1,1,1> }
#declare Arch_Logo_Texture = texture {
pigment {
color rgb Arch_Logo_Color_Vector
reflection {0.1,0.3}
ambient 0.5 diffuse 0.5
specular 0.6 roughness 1/1000
########## MACROS ##########
#macro Get_Reflected_Vector(Vect_U, Surface_Point, Surface_Normal)
Vect_U - 2 * VProject_Plane(Vect_U - Surface_Point,Surface_Normal)
#macro Get_Random_Vector(Min1,Max1,Min2,Max2,Min3,Max3)
RRand(Min1,Max1,Random_1) * <1,0,0> + RRand(Min2,Max2,Random_1) * <0,1,0> + RRand(Min3,Max3,Random_1) * <0,0,1>;
#macro Get_Random_Color_Vector()
rgb Get_Random_Vector(Red_Min,Red_Max,Green_Min,Green_Max,Blue_Min,Blue_Max)
#macro Get_AB_Rainbow_Color_Vector(e1,e2)
#local Hue = mod(Rainbow_Phase_Shift + Rainbow_e1_k * e1 + Rainbow_e2_k * e2, 360);
#macro Get_AB_Circular_Rainbow_Color_Vector(e1,e2)
#local Hue = mod(Rainbow_Phase_Shift + degrees(atan2(e2,e1)), 360);
#macro Get_AB_Light_Color_Vector(e1,e2)
#if (Random_Color_Lights)
#if (Circular_Rainbow_Lights_In_Array)
#if (Rainbow_Lights_In_Array)
rgb Arch_Logo_Color_Vector;
#macro Get_AB_Object(e1,e2,Current_Object)
#declare AB_Object = Current_Object;
#if (Random_Lights_In_Array)
#if Rand_Bernoulli(Random_Lights_In_Array_Frequency,Random_1))
#local Color_Vector = Get_AB_Light_Color_Vector(e1,e2)
#declare AB_Object = light_source {
color (Color_Vector)
looks_like {
object {
pigment { Color_Vector + (<0,0,0,0.90>)}
finish {
phong 0.8 phong_size 20
reflection 0.2
interior { ior 1.2 }
translate -RRand(Random_Light_Lower_Jitter,Random_Light_Upper_Jitter,Random_1) * Vect_C
#if (Pattern_Lights_In_Array)
#if (Circular_Pattern)
#local dist = sqrt((e1*e1) + (e2*e2));
#if (dist > Inner_Radius & dist < Outer_Radius)
#local Color_Vector = Get_AB_Light_Color_Vector(e1,e2)
#declare AB_Object = light_source {
color (Color_Vector)
looks_like {
object {
pigment { Color_Vector + (<0,0,0,0.90>)}
finish {
phong 0.8 phong_size 20
reflection 0.2
interior { ior 1.2 }
translate -RRand(Random_Light_Lower_Jitter,Random_Light_Upper_Jitter,Random_1) * Vect_C
#macro Get_AB_Jitter(e1,e2)
RRand(0, Jitter_Height,Random_1)
#macro Get_AB_Texture(e1,e2)
#if (Colorful)
pigment { color rgb Get_Random_Color_Vector() }
pigment { color rgb RRand(Grey_Min,Grey_Max,Random_1) * <1,1,1> }
# macro Create_Rounded_Box(Vect_A, Vect_B, Vect_C, Radius, Base_Texture)
union {
#local Vect_0 = <0,0,0>;
#local e1 = 0;
#while (e1 <= 1)
#local e2 = 0;
#while (e2 <= 1)
#local e3 = 0;
#while (e3 <= 1)
sphere {
Vect_0 + (e1 * Vect_A) + (e2 * Vect_B) + (e3 * Vect_C)
#local e3 = e3 + 1;
#local e2 = e2 + 1;
#local e1 = e1 + 1;
#local e1 = 0;
#while (e1 <= 1)
#local e2 = 0;
#while (e2 <= 1)
#local x1 = (Vect_0 + (e1 * Vect_B) + (e2 * Vect_C));
cylinder {
x1 + Vect_A
#local e2 = e2 + 1;
#local e1 = e1 + 1;
#local e1 = 0;
#while (e1 <= 1)
#local e2 = 0;
#while (e2 <= 1)
#local x1 = (Vect_0 + (e1 * Vect_A) + (e2 * Vect_C));
cylinder {
x1 + Vect_B
#local e2 = e2 + 1;
#local e1 = e1 + 1;
#local e1 = 0;
#while (e1 <= 1)
#local e2 = 0;
#while (e2 <= 1)
#local x1 = (Vect_0 + (e1 * Vect_B) + (e2 * Vect_A));
cylinder {
x1 + Vect_C
#local e2 = e2 + 1;
#local e1 = e1 + 1;
#local Vect_D = Vect_0 + Vect_A + Vect_B + Vect_C;
box {
#local Delta_Vect = Radius * vnormalize(Vect_A);
Vect_0 - Delta_Vect
Vect_D + Delta_Vect
box {
#local Delta_Vect = Radius * vnormalize(Vect_B);
Vect_0 - Delta_Vect
Vect_D + Delta_Vect
box {
#local Delta_Vect = Radius * vnormalize(Vect_C);
Vect_0 - Delta_Vect
Vect_D + Delta_Vect
translate -Vect_A/2 - Vect_B/2 - Vect_C/2
texture {Base_Texture}
#macro Create_2D_Array(Rounded_Box,Vect_A,Vect_B,e1_min,e1_max,e2_min,e2_max)
#local Vect_C = vnormalize(vcross(Vect_A,Vect_B));
#local e1 = e1_min;
#while (e1 <= e1_max)
#local e2 = e2_min;
#while (e2 <= e2_max)
object {
Get_AB_Object(e1, e2, Rounded_Box)
translate e1 * Vect_A + e2 * Vect_B
translate Vect_C * Get_AB_Jitter(e1,e2)
#local e2 = e2 + 1;
#local e1 = e1 + 1;
########## ARCH LOGO ##########
#macro Get_Arch_Logo(Arch_Logo_Depth)
// Povray Prism of the Arch Linux Logo generated with Inkscape
#local Arch_Logo_MIN_X = 0.00000003;
#local Arch_Logo_CENTER_X = 223.05180193;
#local Arch_Logo_MAX_X = 446.10360384;
#local Arch_Logo_WIDTH = 446.10360381;
#local Arch_Logo_MIN_Y = 0.00000390;
#local Arch_Logo_CENTER_Y = 223.09375202;
#local Arch_Logo_MAX_Y = 446.18750013;
#local Arch_Logo_HEIGHT = 446.18749624;
#local Arch_Logo_Center = <Arch_Logo_CENTER_X, Arch_Logo_Depth/2, Arch_Logo_CENTER_Y>;
prism {
<223.00985528, 446.18750013>, <203.15040559, 397.49743103>, <191.17216609, 365.64840403>, <169.06127317, 318.40570807>,
<169.06127317, 318.40570807>, <182.61802001, 304.03556324>, <199.25827717, 287.30081220>, <226.28200701, 268.40048878>,
<226.28200701, 268.40048878>, <197.22884269, 280.35568163>, <177.41103440, 292.35841967>, <162.60086477, 304.81368542>,
<162.60086477, 304.81368542>, <134.30314947, 245.76614394>, <89.96875429, 161.65555199>, <0.00000003, 0.00000390>,
<0.00000003, 0.00000390>, <70.71241831, 40.82349808>, <125.52743195, 65.99163601>, <176.61238714, 75.59512615>,
<176.61238714, 75.59512615>, <174.41878356, 85.02981162>, <173.17162317, 95.23524348>, <173.25634912, 105.88352957>,
<173.25634912, 105.88352957>, <173.25634912, 105.88352957>, <173.34022667, 108.14886202>, <173.34022667, 108.14886202>,
<173.34022667, 108.14886202>, <174.46227045, 153.45244091>, <198.02915176, 188.29089114>, <225.94640058, 185.92543916>,
<225.94640058, 185.92543916>, <253.86364065, 183.55998718>, <275.56341986, 144.89452515>, <274.44139358, 99.59092877>,
<274.44139358, 99.59092877>, <274.23026529, 91.06622292>, <273.26881336, 82.86555207>, <271.58875208, 75.25952847>,
<271.58875208, 75.25952847>, <322.11905710, 65.37489546>, <376.34795118, 40.27120068>, <446.10360384, 0.00000390>,
<446.10360384, 0.00000390>, <432.34916311, 25.32289985>, <420.07210436, 48.14966452>, <408.34799024, 69.88983440>,
<408.34799024, 69.88983440>, <389.88057558, 84.20330722>, <370.61816964, 102.83233705>, <331.32652099, 122.99940483>,
<331.32652099, 122.99940483>, <358.33334412, 115.98189729>, <377.66987543, 107.88556172>, <392.74232204, 98.83581212>,
<392.74232204, 98.83581212>, <273.53988043, 320.76995305>, <263.88702585, 350.26041767>, <223.00985528, 446.18750013>
translate -Arch_Logo_Center
scale <1/Arch_Logo_HEIGHT, 1 ,1/Arch_Logo_WIDTH>
rotate <-90,0,0>
#macro Random_Arch_Logos(Vect_A,Vect_B,e1_min,e1_max,e2_min,e2_max)
#local Arch_Logo = Get_Arch_Logo(0.09)
#local Vect_C = vnormalize(vcross(Vect_A,Vect_B)) * RRand(1,2,Random_1);
#local e1 = e1_min;
#while (e1 <= e1_max)
#local e2 = e2_min;
#while (e2 <= e2_max)
#if (rand(Random_1) < 0.1)
#local Color_Vector = Get_AB_Light_Color_Vector(e1,e2)
light_source {
color (3 * Color_Vector)
looks_like {
object {
pigment { Color_Vector + (<0,0,0,0.80>)}
finish {
phong 0.9 phong_size 40
reflection 0.2
interior { ior 1.5 }
rotate rand(Random_1) * 60 * Vect_A
rotate RRand(-0.25,0.25,Random_1) * 120 * Vect_C
translate (e1) * Vect_A + (e2) * Vect_B - (1 + abs(mod(e1 + e2, 5))) * Vect_C
scale RRand(0.3,0.6,Random_1)
#local e2 = e2 + 1;
#local e1 = e1 + 1;
########## CREATE SCENE ##########
#declare Rounded_Box = Create_Rounded_Box(Vect_A, Vect_B, Vect_C, Rounded_Box_Radius, Base_Texture);
Create_2D_Array(Rounded_Box, (Vect_A + 2 * Rounded_Box_Radius * vnormalize(Vect_A)), (Vect_B + 2 * Rounded_Box_Radius * vnormalize(Vect_B)), Min, Max, Min, Max)
#declare Test=
sphere {
#local Arch_Logo = object {
#if (Only_Logo_Reflection)
scale Logo_Size
texture {Arch_Logo_Texture}
refraction on
reflection on
#if (Only_Logo_Reflection)
object {
translate Get_Reflected_Vector(2 * Cam_Pos, Vect_0, Vect_C)
#if (Arch_Logo_As_Light)
light_source {
Cam_Pos * 0.5
color (3 * Arch_Logo_Color_Vector)
looks_like {
object {
pigment { rgbf Arch_Logo_Color_Vector + (<0,0,0,0.90>)}
finish {
phong 0.8 phong_size 20
reflection 0.2
interior { ior 1.1 }
object {
translate Cam_Pos * 0.5
pigment { rgbf Arch_Logo_Color_Vector + (<0,0,0,0.90>)}
finish {
phong 0.8 phong_size 20
reflection 0.2
interior { ior 1.1 }
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