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Last active December 20, 2023 00:04
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  • Save NolanDeveloper/f751b31c520f090f80ecf307eb1fdfa8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Comparison of performance between std::map and std::unordered_map
/* My result:
* $ c++ --std=c++20 -O3 map_benchmark.cpp 2>&1 && ./a.out
* tiny map, a lot of queries
* omap) hits: 27271969, setup: 0ms, query: 916ms
* umap) hits: 27271969, setup: 0ms, query: 637ms
* small map, a lot of queries
* omap) hits: 4004139, setup: 0ms, query: 378ms
* umap) hits: 4004139, setup: 0ms, query: 167ms
* big map, a few queries
* omap) hits: 63229, setup: 577ms, query: 60ms
* umap) hits: 63229, setup: 251ms, query: 9ms
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <random>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
using namespace std;
using namespace std::chrono;
struct BenchmarkParameters {
int seed;
int int_min;
int int_max;
int map_size;
int number_of_queries;
/* Build a map using {map_size} random numbers between {int_min} and {int_max}
* as keys and its string representations as values. Call find()
* {number_of_queries} times incrementing number_of_hits every time it finds
* something.
* Output parameters:
* {number_of_hits} - number of times the value was found (has to be used to
* avoid optimization)
* {setup_time} - time of building a map
* {query_time} - total time of queries
template <typename MapIntToString>
run_benchmark(BenchmarkParameters parameters,
int *number_of_hits,
milliseconds *setup_time,
milliseconds *query_time) {
auto setup_start_time = steady_clock::now();
MapIntToString map;
mt19937 engine(parameters.seed);
uniform_int_distribution<int> pick_random(parameters.int_min, parameters.int_max);
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.map_size; ++i) {
int key = pick_random(engine);
string value = to_string(key);
map[key] = value;
int hits = 0;
auto query_start_time = steady_clock::now();
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.number_of_queries; ++i) {
int key = pick_random(engine);
auto it = map.find(key);
if (it != map.end()) {
auto query_finish_time = steady_clock::now();
*number_of_hits = hits;
*setup_time = duration_cast<milliseconds>(query_start_time - setup_start_time);
*query_time = duration_cast<milliseconds>(query_finish_time - query_start_time);
void run_benchmarks(BenchmarkParameters parameters) {
int hits;
milliseconds setup_time, query_time;
run_benchmark<map<int, string>>(parameters, &hits, &setup_time, &query_time);
cout << "\tomap) hits: " << hits
<< ", setup: " << setup_time.count() << "ms"
<< ", query: " << query_time.count() << "ms"
<< endl;
run_benchmark<unordered_map<int, string>>(parameters, &hits, &setup_time, &query_time);
cout << "\tumap) hits: " << hits
<< ", setup: " << setup_time.count() << "ms"
<< ", query: " << query_time.count() << "ms"
<< endl;
int main() {
cout << "tiny map, a lot of queries" << endl;
BenchmarkParameters tiny_map_a_lot_of_queries;
tiny_map_a_lot_of_queries.seed = 42;
tiny_map_a_lot_of_queries.int_min = 0;
tiny_map_a_lot_of_queries.int_max = 10;
tiny_map_a_lot_of_queries.map_size = 10;
tiny_map_a_lot_of_queries.number_of_queries = 50'000'000;
cout << "small map, a lot of queries" << endl;
BenchmarkParameters small_map_a_lot_of_queries;
small_map_a_lot_of_queries.seed = 42;
small_map_a_lot_of_queries.int_min = 0;
small_map_a_lot_of_queries.int_max = 1000;
small_map_a_lot_of_queries.map_size = 500;
small_map_a_lot_of_queries.number_of_queries = 10'000'000;
cout << "big map, a few queries" << endl;
milliseconds setup_time, query_time;
BenchmarkParameters big_map_a_few_queries;
big_map_a_few_queries.seed = 43;
big_map_a_few_queries.int_min = 0;
big_map_a_few_queries.int_max = 1'000'000;
big_map_a_few_queries.map_size = 1'000'000;
big_map_a_few_queries.number_of_queries = 100'000;
return 0;
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