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Created November 8, 2018 14:31
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Hangman game with Javascript
let rl = require('readline-sync');
let hangman = require('hangman-ascii');
let alpha = /a-z/
// let begin;
let wordBank = ["dog", "cat", "lion","rat","goat","donkey","horse","yak","elk","hamster","frog","turtle","rhino","hyena","lynx","dingo","zebra","bear","ram","panther","wolf","camel","fox","tiger","gerbil","gopher","platypus","badger","mule","jackal"];
let userSelection;
// let takeGuess;
let playAgain = true;
let chances = 10;
let chosenWord = wordSelected(wordBank);
let wordArray = chosenWord.split('');
let hiddenWord = x => '_');
let firstRun = true;
let didWin = false;
let wrongGuess;
let incorrectGuess = [];
//create a map with a function inside.
function printLine(){
function wordSelected(wordBank){
let wordBankIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * wordBank.length);
let word = wordBank[wordBankIndex];
return word;
//let luckyGuess = console.log("Lucky...keep going.");
function incorrect(){
incorrectGuess = wrongGuess.push(userSelection);
return incorrectGuess;
// function life(){
// console.log("YOU LIVE ANOTHER DAY...test your luck again?")
// playAgain = rl.question(` (Y)es | (N)o: `).toLowerCase;
// if (playAgain === "y" || playAgain === "yes"){
// newGame();
// // playAgain = true;
// }else{
// playAgain === false;
// }
// }
let insultLines = [
`You're an idiot...`,
`WOW? really? ${userSelection} is the letter you go with?`,
`LOL this will be an easy hanging..`,
`It's not considered an insult if it's describing you.`,
`You are an oxygen thief...`,
`Please just give up, you're not very good at this...`,
`We're wasting time here.`,
`Some babies are dropped.. but looks like you were thrown at the wall.`,
`I'd slap some sense into you but that would be animal abuse.`,
`I don't know what makes you look stupid, but it works..`,
`The last time I saw something like you... I flushed it.`,
`Your brain seems to be decorative...`,
`Why don't you surprise me? Try saying something smart for once`,
`Let's just get this hanging over with...`,
`I'd ask how old you are, but I doubt you can count that high...`,
`I hope you sued your parents for that face..`,
`It's better to let people think you're an idiot rather than opening your mouth and proving it.`,
`I bet your birth certificate is an apology from Trojan`,
`You're proof that god makes mistakes.`,
`Do you have a terrible empty feeling.... inside that skull of yours.`,
`Whenever I'm next to you, I have a strong desire to be alone.`,
`If I said I had a piece of dirt in my eye, would you move out of view?`,
`Stupidity isn't a crime, so that's not the reason for the noose`,
`You're like monday mornings... no one wants you.`,
`You're the reason gene pools need a lifeguard.`,
`Sometimes I need what only you can provide... your absence.`,
`I'd prefer a battle of wits, but you're unarmed.`,
`If I throw a stick, will it get rid of you?`,
`Your inferior complex is fully justified`,
`I'd agree with "${userSelection}" as a choice... but then we'd both be wrong..`,
`Awww! I like the way you try...`,
`It is impossible to underestimate you..`,
`I'm jealous of the people who haven't met you.`,
`Isn't it dangerous to use one's entire vocabulary in one sentence?`,
`I like your approach... show us your departure.`,
`If you were an inanimate object, you'd be a participation trophy.`,
`You look like your father would have been disappointed if he would have stayed.`,
`You're not pretty enough to be that DUMB..`,
`To think you were the fastest sperm...`,
`This is taking forever...`,
`Your face looks like it was set on fire and put out with a hammer.`,
`You're so ugly that when you were born, the doctor slapped your mother.`,
`Cheer up... they say love is blind...`,
`To think your mother wanted kids.. and ended up with you.`,
`You're the reason your mom swallows now...`,
`How did you crawl out of the abortion bucket?`,
`If you could do autofellatio, you'd finally suck at everything!`,
`You look like something I drew with my left hand.`,
`The only thing that will ever fuck you is life...`,
`You look like a bag of mashed up assholes.`,
`You're as important as a white crayon...`,
`If your parents divorce.. would they still be brother and sister?`,
`Life tip, don't play hard to get, you're already hard to want.`,
`Take your time... you still have ${chances} left`,
`You sound like terms and conditions, in case you're wondering why people ignore you.`,
`two wrongs don't make a right, your parents are an example.`,
`There's only one problem with your face, I can see it.`,
`You have ${chances} left.. why don't you ask a smarter person for help`,
`Do you like poems? Roses are red. Violets are blue. I got 5 fingers. The middle one's for you.`,
`Ordinary people live and learn, you just live.`,
`Aww it's cute when you try to talk about things you don't understand`,
`I'm glad you're not letting your education get in the way of your ignorance..`,
`You look like a before picture.`,
`I like to shop... but I can't buy this bullshit... ${userSelection} is wrong!`,
`You do know that makeup can't hide stupidity right?`
function death(){
console.log("You failed... just like your dad's condom.");
console.log("Would you like to play again?");
function initiateGuess(){
let correct = chosenWord.match(userSelection);
if(hiddenWord.join("") === chosenWord){
console.log("YOU LIVE ANOTHER DAY...test your luck again?");
} else if (correct === null) {
let insults = insultLines[Math.floor(Math.random() * insultLines.length)];
chances -= 1;
console.log(`You have ${chances} chances left`);
if (chances === 0){
} else if (userSelection === "") {
console.log("the enter bar will not reveal the answer!");
console.log(`You have ${chances} chances left`);
if (chances === 0){
else {
let fillInBlank = correct.index
hiddenWord[fillInBlank] = userSelection;
if (didWin && !firstRun) {
// function hints(){
// }
// function reset(){
// newGame();
// }
function newGame(){
firstRun = false;
// wordSelected(wordBank);
chosenWord = wordSelected(wordBank);
wordArray = chosenWord.split('');
hiddenWord = x => '_');
chances = 10;
hangman.drawLevel(6, 'cyan')
console.log('Welcome to HANGMAN!');
console.log(`Are you ready to "PLAY"?`);
let begin = rl.question(`(Y)es | (N)o: `).toLowerCase();
if (begin === 'y' || begin === 'yes') {
console.log("You wake up with a noose around your neck, with an audience watching");
console.log(`The hangman says "Guess the word, save your soul!"`);
console.log("******************** Category : FOUR LEGGED ANIMALS ********************");
console.log("Salvation awaits");
while( playAgain === true ){
console.log("*******Your category is animals with 4 legs *******");
userSelection = rl.question("Choose a letter: ");
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A Hangman In Javascript is a word-guessing game. One player picks a secret word, and the other player tries to guess it. The number of incorrect guesses before the game ends is up to the players, but completing a character in a noose provides a minimum of six wrong answers until the game ends. The first player to guess the correct answer thinks of the word for the next game.

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