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Last active February 16, 2018 20:14
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ExploitBans - Bans players with ambiguous Steam IDs.
#include <sourcemod>
#pragma semicolon 1
public Plugin myinfo = {
name = "ExploitBans",
author = "]HeLL[ Clan",
description = "Bans players with ambiguous Steam IDs.",
version = "1.0",
url = ""
new String:LogFile[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
public OnPluginStart()
BuildPath(Path_SM, LogFile, sizeof(LogFile), "logs/ExploitBans.log");
public OnClientPutInServer(client)
new String:SteamID[64];
new String:IP[64];
GetClientIP(client, IP, sizeof(IP));
GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, SteamID, sizeof(SteamID));
//LogToFile(LogFile, "%N | %s | %s", client, SteamID, IP);
if(StrEqual(SteamID, "") || StrEqual(SteamID, "STEAM_ID_PENDING") || StrEqual(SteamID, "STEAM_ID_STOP_IGNORING_RETVALS"))
LogToFile(LogFile, "Player %N connected with ambiguous SteamID: %s | IP: %s", client, SteamID, IP);
CreateTimer(20.0, Timer_AuthCheck, GetClientUserId(client), TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
public Action:Timer_AuthCheck(Handle:timer, any:data)
new client = GetClientOfUserId(data);
if(!client || !IsClientConnected(client))
new String:SteamID[64];
new String:IP[64];
new String:Name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
GetClientIP(client, IP, sizeof(IP));
GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, SteamID, sizeof(SteamID));
GetClientName(client, Name, sizeof(Name));
if(StrEqual(SteamID, "") || StrEqual(SteamID, "STEAM_ID_PENDING") || StrEqual(SteamID, "STEAM_ID_STOP_IGNORING_RETVALS"))
decl String:pieces[4][16];
new nums[4];
ExplodeString(IP, ".", pieces, 4, 16);
nums[0] = StringToInt(pieces[0]);
nums[1] = StringToInt(pieces[1]);
//nums[2] = StringToInt(pieces[2]);
//nums[3] = StringToInt(pieces[3]);
LogToFile(LogFile, "Player %N still has ambiguous SteamID: %s | IP: %s", client, SteamID, IP);
//ServerCommand("kickid %s STEAM validation rejected", GetClientUserId(client));
ServerCommand("addip 1440 %s.%s.0.0", nums[0], nums[1]);
LogToFile(LogFile, "Banned IP range for Player %s for having ambiguous SteamID: %s | IP: %s", Name, SteamID, IP);
LogToFile(LogFile, "Player %N no longer has ambiguous SteamID: %s | IP: %s", client, SteamID, IP);
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