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Last active August 14, 2017 20:21
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.julia <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
julia <- new.env(parent = .julia)
.julia$bin_dir <-
system("julia -E 'println(JULIA_HOME)'", intern = TRUE)[1]
.julia$dll_file <-
system("julia -E 'println(Libdl.dllist()[1])'", intern = TRUE)[1]
.julia$dll <- dyn.load(.julia$dll_file, FALSE, TRUE)
.julia$include_dir <-
sub("/bin", "/include/julia", .julia$bin_dir)
## .julia$cppargs <- paste0("-I ", .julia$include_dir, " -DJULIA_ENABLE_THREADING=1")
.julia$cppargs <- paste0("-I ", .julia$include_dir)
.julia$VERSION <- system("julia -E 'println(VERSION)'", intern = TRUE)[1]
message(paste0("Julia version ", .julia$VERSION, " found."))
system("julia -e 'if Pkg.installed(\"RCall\") == nothing Pkg.add(\"RCall\") end; using RCall'",
ignore.stderr = TRUE)
if (.julia$VERSION < "0.6.0") {
.julia$init_ <- inline::cfunction(
sig = c(dir = "character"),
body = "jl_init(CHAR(STRING_ELT(dir, 0))); return R_NilValue;",
includes = "#include <julia.h>",
cppargs = .julia$cppargs
.julia$init <- function() .julia$init_(.julia$bin_dir)
if (.julia$VERSION >= "0.6.0") {
.julia$init <- inline::cfunction(
sig = c(),
body = "jl_init(); return R_NilValue;",
includes = "#include <julia.h>",
cppargs = .julia$cppargs
message("Julia initiation...")
.julia$cmd_ <- inline::cfunction(
sig = c(cmd = "character"),
body = "jl_eval_string(CHAR(STRING_ELT(cmd, 0)));
if (jl_exception_occurred()) {printf(\"%s \", jl_typeof_str(jl_exception_occurred())); return Rf_ScalarLogical(0);};
return Rf_ScalarLogical(1);",
includes = "#include <julia.h>",
cppargs = .julia$cppargs
.julia$cmd <- function(cmd){
if (!(length(cmd) == 1 && is.character(cmd))) {
stop("cmd should be a character scalar.")
if (!.julia$cmd_(cmd)) {
stop(paste0("Error happens when you try to execute command ", cmd, " in Julia."))
reg.finalizer(.julia, function(e){message("Julia exit."); .julia$cmd("exit()")}, onexit = TRUE)
.julia$cmd(paste0('ENV["R_HOME"] = "', R.home(), '"'))
.julia$cmd(paste0('include("', system.file("julia/setup.jl", package = "JuliaCall"),'")'))
.julia$do.call_ <- inline::cfunction(
sig = c(func_name = "character", arg = "list"),
body = '
jl_function_t *docall = (jl_function_t*)(jl_eval_string("JuliaCall.docall"));
jl_value_t *func = jl_box_voidpointer(func_name);
jl_value_t *arg1 = jl_box_voidpointer(arg);
SEXP out = PROTECT((SEXP)jl_unbox_voidpointer(jl_call2(docall, func, arg1)));
return out;',
includes = "#include <julia.h>",
cppargs = .julia$cppargs
julia$ <- function(func_name, arg_list){
if (!(length(func_name) == 1 && is.character(func_name))) {
stop("func_name should be a character scalar.")
if (!(is.list(arg_list))) {
stop("arg_list should be the list of arguments.")
r <- .julia$do.call_(func_name, arg_list)
if (inherits(r, "error")) stop(r)
julia$call <- function(func_name, ...) julia$, list(...))
.julia$do.call_no_ret_ <- inline::cfunction(
sig = c(func_name = "character", arg = "list"),
body = '
jl_function_t *docall = (jl_function_t*)(jl_eval_string("JuliaCall.docall_no_ret"));
jl_value_t *func = jl_box_voidpointer(func_name);
jl_value_t *arg1 = jl_box_voidpointer(arg);
SEXP out = PROTECT((SEXP)jl_unbox_voidpointer(jl_call2(docall, func, arg1)));
return out;',
includes = "#include <julia.h>",
cppargs = .julia$cppargs
julia$do.call_no_ret <- function(func_name, arg_list){
if (!(length(func_name) == 1 && is.character(func_name))) {
stop("func_name should be a character scalar.")
if (!(is.list(arg_list))) {
stop("arg_list should be the list of arguments.")
r <- .julia$do.call_no_ret_(func_name, arg_list)
if (inherits(r, "error")) stop(r)
julia$call_no_ret <- function(func_name, ...) julia$do.call_no_ret(func_name, list(...))
julia$VERSION <- .julia$VERSION
julia$exists <- function(name) julia$call("JuliaCall.exists", name)
julia$eval_string <- function(cmd) julia$call("JuliaCall.eval_string", cmd)
julia$command <- function(cmd) julia$call_no_ret("JuliaCall.eval_string", cmd)
julia$include <- function(file_name) julia$call("include", file_name)
julia$source <- function(file_name) julia$call_no_ret("include", file_name)
julia$install_package <- function(pkg_name) julia$call_no_ret("Pkg.add", pkg_name)
julia$installed_package <- function(pkg_name) julia$call("JuliaCall.installed_package", pkg_name)
julia$install_package_if_needed <- function(pkg_name){
if (julia$installed_package(pkg_name) == "nothing") {
julia$update_package <- function(...) julia$"Pkg.update", list(...))
julia$library <- julia$using <- function(pkg){
tryCatch(julia$command(paste0("using ", pkg)),
error = function(e) {
message(paste0("Some error occurs in loading the Julia package ",
". Will try again."))
system(paste0("julia -e 'using ", pkg, "'"), ignore.stderr = TRUE)
julia$command(paste0("using ", pkg));
message("Second try succeed.")
julia$help <- function(fname){
cat(julia$call("", fname))
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