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Last active June 28, 2017 05:15
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MQTT Status Updates
//* Esp_radio -- Webradio receiver for ESP8266, 1.8 color display and VS1053 MP3 module, *
//* by Ed Smallenburg ( *
//* With ESP8266 running at 80 MHz, it is capable of handling up to 256 kb bitrate. *
//* With ESP8266 running at 160 MHz, it is capable of handling up to 320 kb bitrate. *
// ESP8266 libraries used:
// - ESP8266WiFi - Part of ESP8266 Arduino default libraries.
// - SPI - Part of Arduino default libraries.
// - Adafruit_GFX -
// - TFT_ILI9163C -
// - ESPAsyncTCP -
// - ESPAsyncWebServer -
// - FS -
// - ArduinoOTA - Part of ESP8266 Arduino default libraries.
// - AsyncMqttClient -
// - TinyXML - Fork
// A library for the VS1053 (for ESP8266) is not available (or not easy to find). Therefore
// a class for this module is derived from the maniacbug library and integrated in this sketch.
// See for suitable stations. Add the stations of your choice
// to the .ini-file.
// Brief description of the program:
// First a suitable WiFi network is found and a connection is made.
// Then a connection will be made to a shoutcast server. The server starts with some
// info in the header in readable ascii, ending with a double CRLF, like:
// icy-name:Classic Rock Florida - SHE Radio
// icy-genre:Classic Rock 60s 70s 80s Oldies Miami South Florida
// icy-url:
// content-type:audio/mpeg
// icy-pub:1
// icy-metaint:32768 - Metadata after 32768 bytes of MP3-data
// icy-br:128 - in kb/sec (for Ogg this is like "icy-br=Quality 2"
// After de double CRLF is received, the server starts sending mp3- or Ogg-data. For mp3, this
// data may contain metadata (non mp3) after every "metaint" mp3 bytes.
// The metadata is empty in most cases, but if any is available the content will be presented on the TFT.
// Pushing the input button causes the player to select the next preset station present in the .ini file.
// The display used is a Chinese 1.8 color TFT module 128 x 160 pixels. The TFT_ILI9163C.h
// file has been changed to reflect this particular module. TFT_ILI9163C.cpp has been
// changed to use the full screenwidth if rotated to mode "3". Now there is room for 26
// characters per line and 16 lines. Software will work without installing the display.
// If no TFT is used, you may use GPIO2 and GPIO15 as control buttons. See definition of "USETFT" below.
// Switches are than programmed as:
// GPIO2 : "Goto station 1"
// GPIO0 : "Next station"
// GPIO15: "Previous station". Note that GPIO15 has to be LOW when starting the ESP8266.
// The button for GPIO15 must therefore be connected to VCC (3.3V) instead of GND.
// For configuration of the WiFi network(s): see the global data section further on.
// The SPI interface for VS1053 and TFT uses hardware SPI.
// Wiring:
// NodeMCU GPIO Pin to program Wired to LCD Wired to VS1053 Wired to rest
// ------- ------ -------------- --------------- ------------------- ---------------------
// D0 GPIO16 16 - pin 1 DCS -
// D1 GPIO5 5 - pin 2 CS LED on nodeMCU
// D2 GPIO4 4 - pin 4 DREQ -
// D3 GPIO0 0 FLASH - - Control button "Next station"
// D4 GPIO2 2 pin 3 (D/C) - (OR)Control button "Station 1"
// D5 GPIO14 14 SCLK pin 5 (CLK) pin 5 SCK -
// D6 GPIO12 12 MISO - pin 7 MISO -
// D7 GPIO13 13 MOSI pin 4 (DIN) pin 6 MOSI -
// D8 GPIO15 15 pin 2 (CS) - (OR)Control button "Previous station"
// D9 GPI03 3 RXD0 - - Reserved serial input
// D10 GPIO1 1 TXD0 - - Reserved serial output
// ------- ------ -------------- --------------- ------------------- ---------------------
// GND - - pin 8 (GND) pin 8 GND Power supply
// VCC 3.3 - - pin 6 (VCC) - LDO 3.3 Volt
// VCC 5 V - - pin 7 (BL) pin 9 5V Power supply
// RST - - pin 1 (RST) pin 3 RESET Reset circuit
// The reset circuit is a circuit with 2 diodes to GPIO5 and GPIO16 and a resistor to ground
// (wired OR gate) because there was not a free GPIO output available for this function.
// This circuit is included in the documentation.
// Issues:
// Webserver produces error "LmacRxBlk:1" after some time. After that it will work very slow.
// The program will reset the ESP8266 in such a case. Now we have switched to async webserver,
// the problem still exists, but the program will not crash anymore.
// Upload to ESP8266 not reliable.
// 31-03-2016, ES: First set-up.
// 01-04-2016, ES: Detect missing VS1053 at start-up.
// 05-04-2016, ES: Added commands through http server on port 80.
// 14-04-2016, ES: Added icon and switch preset on stream error.
// 18-04-2016, ES: Added SPIFFS for webserver.
// 19-04-2016, ES: Added ringbuffer.
// 20-04-2016, ES: WiFi Passwords through SPIFFS files, enable OTA.
// 21-04-2016, ES: Switch to Async Webserver.
// 27-04-2016, ES: Save settings, so same volume and preset will be used after restart.
// 03-05-2016, ES: Add bass/treble settings (see also new index.html).
// 04-05-2016, ES: Allow stations like "".
// 06-05-2016, ES: Allow hiddens WiFi station if this is the only .pw file.
// 07-05-2016, ES: Added preset selection in webserver.
// 12-05-2016, ES: Added support for Ogg-encoder.
// 13-05-2016, ES: Better Ogg detection.
// 17-05-2016, ES: Analog input for commands, extra buttons if no TFT required.
// 26-05-2016, ES: Fixed BUTTON3 bug (no TFT).
// 27-05-2016, ES: Fixed restore station at restart.
// 04-07-2016, ES: WiFi.disconnect clears old connection now (thanks to Juppit).
// 23-09-2016, ES: Added commands via MQTT and Serial input, Wifi set-up in AP mode.
// 04-10-2016, ES: Configuration in .ini file. No more use of EEPROM and .pw files.
// 11-10-2016, ES: Allow stations that have no bitrate in header like
// 14-10-2016, ES: Updated for async-mqtt-client-master 0.5.0
// 22-10-2016, ES: Correction mute/unmute.
// 15-11-2016, ES: Support for .m3u playlists.
// 22-12-2016, ES: Support for localhost (play from SPIFFS).
// 28-12-2016, ES: Implement "Resume" request.
// 31-12-2016, ES: Allow ContentType "text/css".
// 02-01-2017, ES: Webinterface in PROGMEM.
// 16-01-2017, ES: Correction playlists.
// 17-01-2017, ES: Bugfix config page and playlist.
// 23-01-2017, ES: Bugfix playlist.
// 26-01-2017, ES: Check on wrong icy-metaint.
// 30-01-2017, ES: Allow chunked transfer encoding.
// 01-02-2017, ES: Bugfix file upload.
// 26-04-2017, ES: Better output webinterface on preset change.
// 03-05-2017, ES: Prevent to start inputstream if no network.
// 04-05-2017, ES: Integrate iHeartRadio, thanks to NonaSuomy.
// 09-05-2017, ES: Fixed abs problem.
// 11-05-2017, ES: Convert UTF8 characters before display, thanks to everyb313.
// 24-05-2017, ES: Correction. Do not skip first part of .mp3 file.
// 26-05-2017, ES: Correction playing from .m3u playlist and LC/UC problem.
// 31-05-2017, ES: Volume indicator on TFT.
// Define the version number, also used for webserver as Last-Modified header:
#define VERSION "Wed, 31 May 2017 12:35:00 GMT"
// TFT. Define USETFT if required.
//#define USETFT
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESPAsyncTCP.h>
#include <ESPAsyncWebServer.h>
#include <AsyncMqttClient.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#if defined ( USETFT )
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <TFT_ILI9163C.h>
#include <Ticker.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <FS.h>
#include <ArduinoOTA.h>
#include <TinyXML.h>
extern "C"
#include "user_interface.h"
// Definitions for 3 control switches on analog input
// You can test the analog input values by holding down the switch and select /?analog=1
// in the web interface. See schematics in the documentation.
// Switches are programmed as "Goto station 1", "Next station" and "Previous station" respectively.
// Set these values to 2000 if not used or tie analog input to ground.
#define NUMANA 3 // Number of analog pins.
//#define asw1 437 // Go to first preset.
//#define asw2 507 // Go to next preset.
//#define asw3 875 // Go to previous preset.
#define asw1 2000
#define asw2 2000
#define asw3 2000
// Color definitions for the TFT screen (if used)
#define BLACK 0x0000
#define BLUE 0xF800
#define RED 0x001F
#define GREEN 0x07E0
// Digital I/O used
// Pins for VS1053 module
#define VS1053_CS 5
#define VS1053_DCS 16
#define VS1053_DREQ 4
// Pins CS and DC for TFT module (if used, see definition of "USETFT")
#define TFT_CS 15
#define TFT_DC 2
// Control button (GPIO) for controlling station
#define BUTTON1 2
#define BUTTON2 0
#define BUTTON3 15
// Ringbuffer for smooth playing. 20000 bytes is 160 Kbits, about 1.5 seconds at 128kb bitrate.
#define RINGBFSIZ 20000
// Debug buffer size
// Name of the ini file
#define INIFILENAME "/radio.ini"
// Access point name if connection to WiFi network fails. Also the hostname for WiFi and OTA.
// Not that the password of an AP must be at least as long as 8 characters.
// Also used for other naming.
#define NAME "ESPRadio"
// Maximum number of MQTT reconnects before give-up
// Subscription topics for MQTT. The topic will be pefixed by "PREFIX/", where PREFIX is replaced
// by the the mqttprefix in the preferences. The next definition will yield the topic "espradio/command"
// if mqttprefix is "espradio".
#define MQTT_SUBTOPIC "command" // Command to receive from MQTT
// Forward declaration of various functions *
void displayinfo ( const char* str, uint16_t pos, uint16_t height, uint16_t color ) ;
void showstreamtitle ( const char* ml, bool full = false ) ;
void handlebyte ( uint8_t b, bool force = false ) ;
void handlebyte_ch ( uint8_t b, bool force = false ) ;
void handleFS ( AsyncWebServerRequest* request ) ;
void handleFSf ( AsyncWebServerRequest* request, const String& filename ) ;
void handleCmd ( AsyncWebServerRequest* request ) ;
void handleFileUpload ( AsyncWebServerRequest* request, String filename,
size_t index, uint8_t* data, size_t len, bool final ) ;
char* dbgprint( const char* format, ... ) ;
char* analyzeCmd ( const char* str ) ;
char* analyzeCmd ( const char* par, const char* val ) ;
String chomp ( String str ) ;
void mqttpublish( String topic, uint8_t qos, bool retain, String message ) ;
String xmlparse ( String mount ) ;
// Global data section. *
// There is a block ini-data that contains some configuration. Configuration data is *
// saved in the SPIFFS file radio.ini by the webinterface. On restart the new data will *
// de read from this file. *
// Items in ini_block can be changed by commands from webserver/MQTT/Serial. *
struct ini_struct
String mqttbroker ; // The name of the MQTT broker server
String mqttprefix ; // Prefix to use for topics
uint16_t mqttport ; // Port, default 1883
String mqttuser ; // User for MQTT authentication
String mqttpasswd ; // Password for MQTT authentication
String mqtttopic ; // Topic to subscribe to
uint8_t reqvol ; // Requested volume
uint8_t rtone[4] ; // Requested bass/treble settings
int8_t newpreset ; // Requested preset
String ssid ; // SSID of WiFi network to connect to
String passwd ; // Password for WiFi network
} ;
struct mqttpub_struct // For MQTT publishing
const char* topic ; // Topic as partial string (without prefix)
String* payload ; // Payload for this topic
bool trigger ;
} ;
enum datamode_t { INIT = 1, HEADER = 2, DATA = 4,
} ; // State for datastream
// Global variables
int DEBUG = 1 ; // Debug on/off.
ini_struct ini_block ; // Holds configurable data
WiFiClient mp3client ; // An instance of the mp3 client
AsyncWebServer cmdserver ( 80 ) ; // Instance of embedded webserver on port 80
AsyncMqttClient mqttclient ; // Client for MQTT subscriber
IPAddress mqtt_server_IP ; // IP address of MQTT broker
char cmd[130] ; // Command from MQTT or Serial
#if defined ( USETFT )
TFT_ILI9163C tft = TFT_ILI9163C ( TFT_CS, TFT_DC ) ;
Ticker tckr ; // For timing 100 msec
TinyXML xml; // For XML parser.
uint32_t totalcount = 0 ; // Counter mp3 data
datamode_t datamode ; // State of datastream
int metacount ; // Number of bytes in metadata
int datacount ; // Counter databytes before metadata
String metaline ; // Readable line in metadata
String icystreamtitle ; // Streamtitle from metadata
String icyname ; // Icecast station name
String ipaddress ; // Own IP-address.
String icyurl ; // Icecast station url.
String icygenre ; // Icecast station genre.
String icydescription ; // Icecast station description.
String icybr ; // Icecast station bitrate.
String icysr ; // Icecast station sr.
String contenttype ; // Stream content type.
String state ; // Player state playing, stopped, paused, etc.
String nowplaying ; // Name and Title.
int bitrate ; // Bitrate in kb/sec
int metaint = 0 ; // Number of databytes between metadata
int8_t currentpreset = -1 ; // Preset station playing
String curvolm ; // Current Volume.
String curprem ; // Current Preset.
String host ; // The URL to connect to or file to play
String playlist ; // The URL of the specified playlist
bool xmlreq = false ; // Request for XML parse.
bool hostreq = false ; // Request for new host
bool reqtone = false ; // New tone setting requested
bool muteflag = false ; // Mute output
uint8_t* ringbuf ; // Ringbuffer for VS1053
uint16_t rbwindex = 0 ; // Fill pointer in ringbuffer
uint16_t rbrindex = RINGBFSIZ - 1 ; // Emptypointer in ringbuffer
uint16_t rcount = 0 ; // Number of bytes in ringbuffer
uint16_t analogsw[NUMANA] = { asw1, asw2, asw3 } ; // 3 levels of analog input
uint16_t analogrest ; // Rest value of analog input
bool resetreq = false ; // Request to reset the ESP8266
bool NetworkFound = false ; // True if WiFi network connected
bool mqtt_on = false ; // MQTT in use
String networks ; // Found networks
String anetworks ; // Aceptable networks (present in .ini file)
String presetlist ; // List for webserver
uint8_t num_an ; // Number of acceptable networks in .ini file
String testfilename = "" ; // File to test (SPIFFS speed)
uint16_t mqttcount = 0 ; // Counter MAXMQTTCONNECTS
int8_t playlist_num = 0 ; // Nonzero for selection from playlist
File mp3file ; // File containing mp3 on SPIFFS
bool localfile = false ; // Play from local mp3-file or not
bool chunked = false ; // Station provides chunked transfer
int chunkcount = 0 ; // Counter for chunked transfer
// XML parse globals.
const char* xmlhost = "" ;// XML data source
const char* xmlget = "GET /api/livestream" // XML get parameters
"?version=1.9" // API Version of IHeartRadio
"&mount=%sAAC" // MountPoint with Station Callsign
"&lang=en" ; // Language
int xmlport = 80 ; // XML Port
uint8_t xmlbuffer[150] ; // For XML decoding
String xmlOpen ; // Opening XML tag
String xmlTag ; // Current XML tag
String xmlData ; // Data inside tag
String stationServer( "" ) ; // Radio stream server
String stationPort( "" ) ; // Radio stream port
String stationMount( "" ) ; // Radio stream Callsign
// End of global data section. *
// Pages and CSS for the webinterface. *
#include "about_html.h"
#include "config_html.h"
#include "index_html.h"
#include "radio_css.h"
#include "favicon_ico.h"
// VS1053 stuff. Based on maniacbug library. *
// VS1053 class definition. *
class VS1053
uint8_t cs_pin ; // Pin where CS line is connected
uint8_t dcs_pin ; // Pin where DCS line is connected
uint8_t dreq_pin ; // Pin where DREQ line is connected
uint8_t curvol ; // Current volume setting 0..100%
const uint8_t vs1053_chunk_size = 32 ;
// SCI Register
const uint8_t SCI_MODE = 0x0 ;
const uint8_t SCI_BASS = 0x2 ;
const uint8_t SCI_CLOCKF = 0x3 ;
const uint8_t SCI_AUDATA = 0x5 ;
const uint8_t SCI_WRAM = 0x6 ;
const uint8_t SCI_WRAMADDR = 0x7 ;
const uint8_t SCI_AIADDR = 0xA ;
const uint8_t SCI_VOL = 0xB ;
const uint8_t SCI_AICTRL0 = 0xC ;
const uint8_t SCI_AICTRL1 = 0xD ;
const uint8_t SCI_num_registers = 0xF ;
// SCI_MODE bits
const uint8_t SM_SDINEW = 11 ; // Bitnumber in SCI_MODE always on
const uint8_t SM_RESET = 2 ; // Bitnumber in SCI_MODE soft reset
const uint8_t SM_CANCEL = 3 ; // Bitnumber in SCI_MODE cancel song
const uint8_t SM_TESTS = 5 ; // Bitnumber in SCI_MODE for tests
const uint8_t SM_LINE1 = 14 ; // Bitnumber in SCI_MODE for Line input
SPISettings VS1053_SPI ; // SPI settings for this slave
uint8_t endFillByte ; // Byte to send when stopping song
inline void await_data_request() const
while ( !digitalRead ( dreq_pin ) )
yield() ; // Very short delay
inline void control_mode_on() const
SPI.beginTransaction ( VS1053_SPI ) ; // Prevent other SPI users
digitalWrite ( dcs_pin, HIGH ) ; // Bring slave in control mode
digitalWrite ( cs_pin, LOW ) ;
inline void control_mode_off() const
digitalWrite ( cs_pin, HIGH ) ; // End control mode
SPI.endTransaction() ; // Allow other SPI users
inline void data_mode_on() const
SPI.beginTransaction ( VS1053_SPI ) ; // Prevent other SPI users
digitalWrite ( cs_pin, HIGH ) ; // Bring slave in data mode
digitalWrite ( dcs_pin, LOW ) ;
inline void data_mode_off() const
digitalWrite ( dcs_pin, HIGH ) ; // End data mode
SPI.endTransaction() ; // Allow other SPI users
uint16_t read_register ( uint8_t _reg ) const ;
void write_register ( uint8_t _reg, uint16_t _value ) const ;
void sdi_send_buffer ( uint8_t* data, size_t len ) ;
void sdi_send_fillers ( size_t length ) ;
void wram_write ( uint16_t address, uint16_t data ) ;
uint16_t wram_read ( uint16_t address ) ;
// Constructor. Only sets pin values. Doesn't touch the chip. Be sure to call begin()!
VS1053 ( uint8_t _cs_pin, uint8_t _dcs_pin, uint8_t _dreq_pin ) ;
void begin() ; // Begin operation. Sets pins correctly,
// and prepares SPI bus.
void startSong() ; // Prepare to start playing. Call this each
// time a new song starts.
void playChunk ( uint8_t* data, size_t len ) ; // Play a chunk of data. Copies the data to
// the chip. Blocks until complete.
void stopSong() ; // Finish playing a song. Call this after
// the last playChunk call.
void setVolume ( uint8_t vol ) ; // Set the player volume.Level from 0-100,
// higher is louder.
void setTone ( uint8_t* rtone ) ; // Set the player baas/treble, 4 nibbles for
// treble gain/freq and bass gain/freq
uint8_t getVolume() ; // Get the current volume setting.
// higher is louder.
void printDetails ( const char *header ) ; // Print configuration details to serial output.
void softReset() ; // Do a soft reset
bool testComm ( const char *header ) ; // Test communication with module
inline bool data_request() const
return ( digitalRead ( dreq_pin ) == HIGH ) ;
} ;
// VS1053 class implementation. *
VS1053::VS1053 ( uint8_t _cs_pin, uint8_t _dcs_pin, uint8_t _dreq_pin ) :
cs_pin(_cs_pin), dcs_pin(_dcs_pin), dreq_pin(_dreq_pin)
uint16_t VS1053::read_register ( uint8_t _reg ) const
uint16_t result ;
control_mode_on() ;
SPI.write ( 3 ) ; // Read operation
SPI.write ( _reg ) ; // Register to write (0..0xF)
// Note: transfer16 does not seem to work
result = ( SPI.transfer ( 0xFF ) << 8 ) | // Read 16 bits data
( SPI.transfer ( 0xFF ) ) ;
await_data_request() ; // Wait for DREQ to be HIGH again
control_mode_off() ;
return result ;
void VS1053::write_register ( uint8_t _reg, uint16_t _value ) const
control_mode_on( );
SPI.write ( 2 ) ; // Write operation
SPI.write ( _reg ) ; // Register to write (0..0xF)
SPI.write16 ( _value ) ; // Send 16 bits data
await_data_request() ;
control_mode_off() ;
void VS1053::sdi_send_buffer ( uint8_t* data, size_t len )
size_t chunk_length ; // Length of chunk 32 byte or shorter
data_mode_on() ;
while ( len ) // More to do?
await_data_request() ; // Wait for space available
chunk_length = len ;
if ( len > vs1053_chunk_size )
chunk_length = vs1053_chunk_size ;
len -= chunk_length ;
SPI.writeBytes ( data, chunk_length ) ;
data += chunk_length ;
data_mode_off() ;
void VS1053::sdi_send_fillers ( size_t len )
size_t chunk_length ; // Length of chunk 32 byte or shorter
data_mode_on() ;
while ( len ) // More to do?
await_data_request() ; // Wait for space available
chunk_length = len ;
if ( len > vs1053_chunk_size )
chunk_length = vs1053_chunk_size ;
len -= chunk_length ;
while ( chunk_length-- )
SPI.write ( endFillByte ) ;
void VS1053::wram_write ( uint16_t address, uint16_t data )
write_register ( SCI_WRAMADDR, address ) ;
write_register ( SCI_WRAM, data ) ;
uint16_t VS1053::wram_read ( uint16_t address )
write_register ( SCI_WRAMADDR, address ) ; // Start reading from WRAM
return read_register ( SCI_WRAM ) ; // Read back result
bool VS1053::testComm ( const char *header )
// Test the communication with the VS1053 module. The result wille be returned.
// If DREQ is low, there is problably no VS1053 connected. Pull the line HIGH
// in order to prevent an endless loop waiting for this signal. The rest of the
// software will still work, but readbacks from VS1053 will fail.
int i ; // Loop control
uint16_t r1, r2, cnt = 0 ;
uint16_t delta = 300 ; // 3 for fast SPI
if ( !digitalRead ( dreq_pin ) )
dbgprint ( "VS1053 not properly installed!" ) ;
// Allow testing without the VS1053 module
pinMode ( dreq_pin, INPUT_PULLUP ) ; // DREQ is now input with pull-up
return false ; // Return bad result
// Further TESTING. Check if SCI bus can write and read without errors.
// We will use the volume setting for this.
// Will give warnings on serial output if DEBUG is active.
// A maximum of 20 errors will be reported.
if ( strstr ( header, "Fast" ) )
delta = 3 ; // Fast SPI, more loops
dbgprint ( header ) ; // Show a header
for ( i = 0 ; ( i < 0xFFFF ) && ( cnt < 20 ) ; i += delta )
write_register ( SCI_VOL, i ) ; // Write data to SCI_VOL
r1 = read_register ( SCI_VOL ) ; // Read back for the first time
r2 = read_register ( SCI_VOL ) ; // Read back a second time
if ( r1 != r2 || i != r1 || i != r2 ) // Check for 2 equal reads
dbgprint ( "VS1053 error retry SB:%04X R1:%04X R2:%04X", i, r1, r2 ) ;
cnt++ ;
delay ( 10 ) ;
yield() ; // Allow ESP firmware to do some bookkeeping
return ( cnt == 0 ) ; // Return the result
void VS1053::begin()
pinMode ( dreq_pin, INPUT ) ; // DREQ is an input
pinMode ( cs_pin, OUTPUT ) ; // The SCI and SDI signals
pinMode ( dcs_pin, OUTPUT ) ;
digitalWrite ( dcs_pin, HIGH ) ; // Start HIGH for SCI en SDI
digitalWrite ( cs_pin, HIGH ) ;
delay ( 100 ) ;
dbgprint ( "Reset VS1053..." ) ;
digitalWrite ( dcs_pin, LOW ) ; // Low & Low will bring reset pin low
digitalWrite ( cs_pin, LOW ) ;
delay ( 2000 ) ;
dbgprint ( "End reset VS1053..." ) ;
digitalWrite ( dcs_pin, HIGH ) ; // Back to normal again
digitalWrite ( cs_pin, HIGH ) ;
delay ( 500 ) ;
// Init SPI in slow mode ( 0.2 MHz )
VS1053_SPI = SPISettings ( 200000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0 ) ;
//printDetails ( "Right after reset/startup" ) ;
delay ( 20 ) ;
//printDetails ( "20 msec after reset" ) ;
testComm ( "Slow SPI,Testing VS1053 read/write registers..." ) ;
// Most VS1053 modules will start up in midi mode. The result is that there is no audio
// when playing MP3. You can modify the board, but there is a more elegant way:
wram_write ( 0xC017, 3 ) ; // GPIO DDR = 3
wram_write ( 0xC019, 0 ) ; // GPIO ODATA = 0
delay ( 100 ) ;
//printDetails ( "After test loop" ) ;
softReset() ; // Do a soft reset
// Switch on the analog parts
write_register ( SCI_AUDATA, 44100 + 1 ) ; // 44.1kHz + stereo
// The next clocksetting allows SPI clocking at 5 MHz, 4 MHz is safe then.
write_register ( SCI_CLOCKF, 6 << 12 ) ; // Normal clock settings multiplyer 3.0 = 12.2 MHz
//SPI Clock to 4 MHz. Now you can set high speed SPI clock.
VS1053_SPI = SPISettings ( 4000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0 ) ;
write_register ( SCI_MODE, _BV ( SM_SDINEW ) | _BV ( SM_LINE1 ) ) ;
testComm ( "Fast SPI, Testing VS1053 read/write registers again..." ) ;
delay ( 10 ) ;
await_data_request() ;
endFillByte = wram_read ( 0x1E06 ) & 0xFF ;
dbgprint ( "endFillByte is %X", endFillByte ) ;
//printDetails ( "After last clocksetting" ) ;
delay ( 100 ) ;
void VS1053::setVolume ( uint8_t vol )
// Set volume. Both left and right.
// Input value is 0..100. 100 is the loudest.
// Clicking reduced by using 0xf8 to 0x00 as limits.
uint16_t value ; // Value to send to SCI_VOL
if ( vol != curvol )
curvol = vol ; // Save for later use
value = map ( vol, 0, 100, 0xF8, 0x00 ) ; // 0..100% to one channel
value = ( value << 8 ) | value ;
write_register ( SCI_VOL, value ) ; // Volume left and right
void VS1053::setTone ( uint8_t *rtone ) // Set bass/treble (4 nibbles)
// Set tone characteristics. See documentation for the 4 nibbles.
uint16_t value = 0 ; // Value to send to SCI_BASS
int i ; // Loop control
for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ )
value = ( value << 4 ) | rtone[i] ; // Shift next nibble in
write_register ( SCI_BASS, value ) ; // Volume left and right
uint8_t VS1053::getVolume() // Get the currenet volume setting.
return curvol ;
void VS1053::startSong()
sdi_send_fillers ( 10 ) ;
void VS1053::playChunk ( uint8_t* data, size_t len )
sdi_send_buffer ( data, len ) ;
void VS1053::stopSong()
uint16_t modereg ; // Read from mode register
int i ; // Loop control
sdi_send_fillers ( 2052 ) ;
delay ( 10 ) ;
write_register ( SCI_MODE, _BV ( SM_SDINEW ) | _BV ( SM_CANCEL ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 200 ; i++ )
sdi_send_fillers ( 32 ) ;
modereg = read_register ( SCI_MODE ) ; // Read status
if ( ( modereg & _BV ( SM_CANCEL ) ) == 0 )
sdi_send_fillers ( 2052 ) ;
dbgprint ( "Song stopped correctly after %d msec", i * 10 ) ;
return ;
delay ( 10 ) ;
printDetails ( "Song stopped incorrectly!" ) ;
void VS1053::softReset()
write_register ( SCI_MODE, _BV ( SM_SDINEW ) | _BV ( SM_RESET ) ) ;
delay ( 10 ) ;
await_data_request() ;
void VS1053::printDetails ( const char *header )
uint16_t regbuf[16] ;
uint8_t i ;
dbgprint ( header ) ;
dbgprint ( "REG Contents" ) ;
dbgprint ( "--- -----" ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i <= SCI_num_registers ; i++ )
regbuf[i] = read_register ( i ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i <= SCI_num_registers ; i++ )
delay ( 5 ) ;
dbgprint ( "%3X - %5X", i, regbuf[i] ) ;
// The object for the MP3 player
VS1053 vs1053player ( VS1053_CS, VS1053_DCS, VS1053_DREQ ) ;
// End VS1053 stuff. *
// M Q T T P U B _ C L A S S *
// ID's for the items to publish to MQTT. Is index in amqttpub[]
// mqttpub.trigger ( MQTT_STREAMTITLE ) ; // Request publishing to MQTT
class mqttpubc // For MQTT publishing
struct mqttpub_struct
const char* topic ; // Topic as partial string (without prefix)
String* payload ; // Payload for this topic
bool topictrigger ;
} ;
// Publication topics for MQTT. The topic will be pefixed by "PREFIX/", where PREFIX is replaced
// by the the mqttprefix in the preferences.
mqttpub_struct amqttpub[14] = // Definitions of various MQTT topic to publish
{ // Index is equal to enum above
{ "ip", &ipaddress, false }, // Definition for MQTT_IP
{ "icy/name", &icyname, false }, // Definition for MQTT_ICYNAME
{ "icy/streamtitle", &icystreamtitle, false }, // Definition for MQTT_STREAMTITLE
{ "icy/url", &icyurl, false }, // Definition for MQTT_ICYURL
{ "icy/genre", &icygenre, false }, // Definition for MQTT_ICYGENRE
{ "icy/description", &icydescription, false }, // Definition for MQTT_ICYDESCRIPTION
{ "icy/sr", &icysr, false }, // Definition for MQTT_ICYSR
{ "icy/content", &contenttype, false }, // Definition for MQTT_ICYCONTENT
{ "icy/bitrate", &icybr, false }, // Definition for MQTT_UCYBITRATE
{ "nowplaying", &nowplaying, false }, // Definition for MQTT_NOWPLAYING (not active)
{ "volume", &curvolm, false }, // Definition for MQTT_VOLUME
{ "preset", &curprem, false }, // Definition for MQTT_PRESET
{ "state", &state, false }, // Definition for MQTT_PLAYSTATE
{ NULL, NULL, false } // End of definitions
} ;
void trigger ( uint8_t item ) ; // Trigger publishig for one item
void publishtopic() ; // Publish triggerer items
//curvolm = vs1053player.getVolume() ; //(char*)ini_block.reqvol ;
//String strcurvolm = String(intcurvolm) ;
//int intcurprem = ini_block.newpreset ;
//curprem = String(curprem) ;
} ;
// MQTTPUB class implementation. *
// T R I G G E R *
// Set request for an item to publish to MQTT. *
void mqttpubc::trigger ( uint8_t item ) // Trigger publishig for one item
amqttpub[item].topictrigger = true ; // Request re-publish for an item
// P U B L I S H T O P I C *
// Publish a topic to MQTT broker. *
void mqttpubc::publishtopic()
int i = 0 ; // Loop control
char topic[40] ; // Topic to send
const char* payload ; // Points to payload
while ( amqttpub[i].topic )
if ( amqttpub[i].topictrigger ) // Topic ready to send?
sprintf ( topic, "%s/%s", ini_block.mqttprefix.c_str(),
amqttpub[i].topic ) ; // Add prefix to topic
payload = (*amqttpub[i].payload).c_str() ; // Get payload
dbgprint ( "Publish to topic %s : %s", // Show for debug
topic, payload ) ;
if ( mqttclient.publish ( topic, 1, false, payload ) ) // Publish!
amqttpub[i].topictrigger = false ; // Success, clear trigger
return ; // Do the rest later
dbgprint ( "MQTT publish failed!" ) ; // Failed
i++ ;
yield() ;
// Next entry
mqttpubc mqttpub ; // Instance for mqttpubc
// Ringbuffer (fifo) routines. *
// R I N G S P A C E *
inline bool ringspace()
return ( rcount < RINGBFSIZ ) ; // True is at least one byte of free space is available
// R I N G A V A I L *
inline uint16_t ringavail()
return rcount ; // Return number of bytes available for getring()
// P U T R I N G *
void putring ( uint8_t b ) // Put one byte in the ringbuffer
// No check on available space. See ringspace()
*(ringbuf + rbwindex) = b ; // Put byte in ringbuffer
if ( ++rbwindex == RINGBFSIZ ) // Increment pointer and
rbwindex = 0 ; // wrap at end
rcount++ ; // Count number of bytes in the
// G E T R I N G *
uint8_t getring()
// Assume there is always something in the bufferpace. See ringavail()
if ( ++rbrindex == RINGBFSIZ ) // Increment pointer and
rbrindex = 0 ; // wrap at end
rcount-- ; // Count is now one less
return *(ringbuf + rbrindex) ; // return the oldest byte
// E M P T Y R I N G *
void emptyring()
rbwindex = 0 ; // Reset ringbuffer administration
rbrindex = RINGBFSIZ - 1 ;
rcount = 0 ;
// U T F 8 A S C I I *
// UTF8-Decoder: convert UTF8-string to extended ASCII. *
// Convert a single Character from UTF8 to Extended ASCII. *
// Return "0" if a byte has to be ignored. *
byte utf8ascii ( byte ascii )
static const byte lut_C3[] =
{ "AAAAAAACEEEEIIIIDNOOOOO#0UUUU###aaaaaaaceeeeiiiidnooooo##uuuuyyy" } ;
static byte c1 ; // Last character buffer
byte res = 0 ; // Result, default 0
if ( ascii <= 0x7F ) // Standard ASCII-set 0..0x7F handling
c1 = 0 ;
res = ascii ; // Return unmodified
switch ( c1 ) // Conversion depending on first UTF8-character
case 0xC2: res = '~' ;
break ;
case 0xC3: res = lut_C3[ascii-128] ;
break ;
case 0x82: if ( ascii == 0xAC )
res = 'E' ; // Special case Euro-symbol
c1 = ascii ; // Remember actual character
return res ; // Otherwise: return zero, if character has to be ignored
// U T F 8 A S C I I *
// In Place conversion UTF8-string to Extended ASCII (ASCII is shorter!). *
void utf8ascii ( char* s )
int i, k = 0 ; // Indexes for in en out string
char c ;
for ( i = 0 ; s[i] ; i++ ) // For every input character
c = utf8ascii ( s[i] ) ; // Translate if necessary
if ( c ) // Good translation?
s[k++] = c ; // Yes, put in output string
s[k] = 0 ; // Take care of delimeter
// D B G P R I N T *
// Send a line of info to serial output. Works like vsprintf(), but checks the DEBUG flag.*
// Print only if DEBUG flag is true. Always returns the the formatted string. *
char* dbgprint ( const char* format, ... )
static char sbuf[DEBUG_BUFFER_SIZE] ; // For debug lines
va_list varArgs ; // For variable number of params
va_start ( varArgs, format ) ; // Prepare parameters
vsnprintf ( sbuf, sizeof(sbuf), format, varArgs ) ; // Format the message
va_end ( varArgs ) ; // End of using parameters
if ( DEBUG ) // DEBUG on?
Serial.print ( "D: " ) ; // Yes, print prefix
Serial.println ( sbuf ) ; // and the info
return sbuf ; // Return stored string
// G E T E N C R Y P T I O N T Y P E *
// Read the encryption type of the network and return as a 4 byte name *
const char* getEncryptionType ( int thisType )
switch (thisType)
return "WEP " ;
return "WPA " ;
return "WPA2" ;
return "None" ;
return "Auto" ;
return "????" ;
// L I S T N E T W O R K S *
// List the available networks and select the strongest. *
// Acceptable networks are those who have a "" file in the SPIFFS. *
// SSIDs of available networks will be saved for use in webinterface. *
void listNetworks()
int maxsig = -1000 ; // Used for searching strongest WiFi signal
int newstrength ;
byte encryption ; // TKIP(WPA)=2, WEP=5, CCMP(WPA)=4, NONE=7, AUTO=8
const char* acceptable ; // Netwerk is acceptable for connection
int i ; // Loop control
String sassid ; // Search string in anetworks
// Scan for nearby networks
dbgprint ( "* Scan Networks *" ) ;
int numSsid = WiFi.scanNetworks() ;
dbgprint ( "Scan completed" ) ;
if ( numSsid == -1 )
dbgprint ( "Couldn't get a wifi connection" ) ;
return ;
// print the list of networks seen:
dbgprint ( "Number of available networks: %d",
numSsid ) ;
// Print the network number and name for each network found and
// find the strongest acceptable network
for ( i = 0 ; i < numSsid ; i++ )
acceptable = "" ; // Assume not acceptable
newstrength = WiFi.RSSI ( i ) ; // Get the signal strenght
sassid = WiFi.SSID ( i ) + String ( "|" ) ; // For search string
if ( anetworks.indexOf ( sassid ) >= 0 ) // Is this SSID acceptable?
acceptable = "Acceptable" ;
if ( newstrength > maxsig ) // This is a better Wifi
maxsig = newstrength ;
ini_block.ssid = WiFi.SSID ( i ) ; // Remember SSID name
encryption = WiFi.encryptionType ( i ) ;
dbgprint ( "%2d - %-25s Signal: %3d dBm Encryption %4s %s",
i + 1, WiFi.SSID ( i ).c_str(), WiFi.RSSI ( i ),
getEncryptionType ( encryption ),
acceptable ) ;
// Remember this network for later use
networks += WiFi.SSID ( i ) + String ( "|" ) ;
dbgprint ( "--------------------------------------" ) ;
// T I M E R 1 0 S E C *
// Extra watchdog. Called every 10 seconds. *
// If totalcount has not been changed, there is a problem and playing will stop. *
// Note that a "yield()" within this routine or in called functions will cause a crash! *
void timer10sec()
static uint32_t oldtotalcount = 7321 ; // Needed foor change detection
static uint8_t morethanonce = 0 ; // Counter for succesive fails
if ( datamode & ( INIT | HEADER | DATA | // Test op playing
if ( totalcount == oldtotalcount ) // Still playing?
dbgprint ( "No data input" ) ; // No data detected!
if ( morethanonce > 10 ) // Happened too many times?
dbgprint ( "Going to restart..." ) ;
ESP.restart() ; // Reset the CPU, probably no return
if ( datamode & ( PLAYLISTDATA | // In playlist mode?
playlist_num = 0 ; // Yes, end of playlist
if ( ( morethanonce > 0 ) || // Happened more than once?
( playlist_num > 0 ) ) // Or playlist active?
datamode = STOPREQD ; // Stop player
ini_block.newpreset++ ; // Yes, try next channel
dbgprint ( "Trying other station/file..." ) ;
morethanonce++ ; // Count the fails
if ( morethanonce ) // Recovered from data loss?
dbgprint ( "Recovered from dataloss" ) ;
morethanonce = 0 ; // Data see, reset failcounter
oldtotalcount = totalcount ; // Save for comparison in next cycle
// A N A G E T S W *
// Translate analog input to switch number. 0 is inactive. *
// Note that it is advised to avoid expressions/math as the argument for the abs function. *
uint8_t anagetsw ( uint16_t v )
int i ; // Loop control
int oldmindist = 1000 ; // Detection least difference
int newdist ; // New found difference
uint8_t sw = 0 ; // Number of switch detected (0 or 1..3)
if ( v > analogrest ) // Inactive level?
for ( i = 0 ; i < NUMANA ; i++ )
newdist = analogsw[i] - v ; // Compute difference
newdist = abs ( newdist ) ; // Make it absolute
if ( newdist < oldmindist ) // New least difference?
oldmindist = newdist ; // Yes, remember
sw = i + 1 ; // Remember switch
return sw ; // Return active switch
// T E S T F I L E *
// Test the performance of SPIFFS read. *
void testfile ( String fspec )
String path ; // Full file spec
File tfile ; // File containing mp3
uint32_t len, savlen ; // File length
uint32_t t0, t1, told ; // For time test
uint32_t t_error = 0 ; // Number of slow reads
dbgprint ( "Start test of file %s", fspec.c_str() ) ;
t0 = millis() ; // Timestamp at start
t1 = t0 ; // Prevent uninitialized value
told = t0 ; // For report
path = String ( "/" ) + fspec ; // Form full path
tfile = ( path, "r" ) ; // Open the file
if ( tfile )
len = tfile.available() ; // Get file length
savlen = len ; // Save for result print
while ( len-- ) // Any data left?
t1 = millis() ; // To meassure read time ; // Read one byte
if ( ( millis() - t1 ) > 5 ) // Read took more than 5 msec?
t_error++ ; // Yes, count slow reads
if ( ( len % 100 ) == 0 ) // Yield reguarly
yield() ;
if ( ( ( t1 - told ) / 1000 ) > 0 || len == 0 )
// Show results for debug
dbgprint ( "Read %s, length %d/%d took %d seconds, %d slow reads",
fspec.c_str(), savlen - len, savlen, ( t1 - t0 ) / 1000, t_error ) ;
told = t1 ;
if ( ( t1 - t0 ) > 100000 ) // Give up after 100 seconds
dbgprint ( "Give up..." ) ;
break ;
tfile.close() ;
dbgprint ( "EOF" ) ; // End of file
// T I M E R 1 0 0 *
// Examine button every 100 msec. *
void timer100()
static int count10sec = 0 ; // Counter for activatie 10 seconds process
static int oldval2 = HIGH ; // Previous value of digital input button 2
#if ( not ( defined ( USETFT ) ) )
static int oldval1 = HIGH ; // Previous value of digital input button 1
static int oldval3 = HIGH ; // Previous value of digital input button 3
int newval ; // New value of digital input switch
uint16_t v ; // Analog input value 0..1023
static uint8_t aoldval = 0 ; // Previous value of analog input switch
uint8_t anewval ; // New value of analog input switch (0..3)
if ( ++count10sec == 100 ) // 10 seconds passed?
timer10sec() ; // Yes, do 10 second procedure
count10sec = 0 ; // Reset count
newval = digitalRead ( BUTTON2 ) ; // Test if below certain level
if ( newval != oldval2 ) // Change?
oldval2 = newval ; // Yes, remember value
if ( newval == LOW ) // Button pushed?
ini_block.newpreset = currentpreset + 1 ; // Yes, goto next preset station
dbgprint ( "Digital button 2 pushed" ) ;
return ;
#if ( not ( defined ( USETFT ) ) )
newval = digitalRead ( BUTTON1 ) ; // Test if below certain level
if ( newval != oldval1 ) // Change?
oldval1 = newval ; // Yes, remember value
if ( newval == LOW ) // Button pushed?
ini_block.newpreset = 0 ; // Yes, goto first preset station
dbgprint ( "Digital button 1 pushed" ) ;
return ;
// Note that BUTTON3 has inverted input
newval = digitalRead ( BUTTON3 ) ; // Test if below certain level
newval = HIGH + LOW - newval ; // Reverse polarity
if ( newval != oldval3 ) // Change?
oldval3 = newval ; // Yes, remember value
if ( newval == LOW ) // Button pushed?
ini_block.newpreset = currentpreset - 1 ; // Yes, goto previous preset station
dbgprint ( "Digital button 3 pushed" ) ;
return ;
v = analogRead ( A0 ) ; // Read analog value
anewval = anagetsw ( v ) ; // Check analog value for program switches
if ( anewval != aoldval ) // Change?
aoldval = anewval ; // Remember value for change detection
if ( anewval != 0 ) // Button pushed?
dbgprint ( "Analog button %d pushed, v = %d", anewval, v ) ;
if ( anewval == 1 ) // Button 1?
ini_block.newpreset = 0 ; // Yes, goto first preset
else if ( anewval == 2 ) // Button 2?
ini_block.newpreset = currentpreset + 1 ; // Yes, goto next preset
else if ( anewval == 3 ) // Button 3?
ini_block.newpreset = currentpreset - 1 ; // Yes, goto previous preset
// D I S P L A Y V O L U M E *
// Show the current volume as an indicator on the screen. *
void displayvolume()
#if defined ( USETFT )
static uint8_t oldvol = 0 ; // Previous volume
uint8_t pos ; // Positon of volume indicator
if ( vs1053player.getVolume() != oldvol )
pos = map ( vs1053player.getVolume(), 0, 100, 0, 160 ) ;
tft.fillRect ( 0, 126, pos, 2, RED ) ; // Paint red part
tft.fillRect ( pos, 126, 160 - pos, 2, GREEN ) ; // Paint green part
// D I S P L A Y I N F O *
// Show a string on the LCD at a specified y-position in a specified color *
void displayinfo ( const char* str, uint16_t pos, uint16_t height, uint16_t color )
#if defined ( USETFT )
char buf [ strlen ( str ) + 1 ] ; // Need some buffer space
strcpy ( buf, str ) ; // Make a local copy of the string
utf8ascii ( buf ) ; // Convert possible UTF8
tft.fillRect ( 0, pos, 160, height, BLACK ) ; // Clear the space for new info
tft.setTextColor ( color ) ; // Set the requested color
tft.setCursor ( 0, pos ) ; // Prepare to show the info
tft.println ( buf ) ; // Show the string
// S H O W S T R E A M T I T L E *
// Show artist and songtitle if present in metadata. *
// Show always if full=true. *
void showstreamtitle ( const char *ml, bool full )
char* p1 ;
char* p2 ;
char streamtitle[150] ; // Streamtitle from metadata
if ( strstr ( ml, "StreamTitle=" ) )
dbgprint ( "Streamtitle found, %d bytes", strlen ( ml ) ) ;
dbgprint ( ml ) ;
p1 = (char*)ml + 12 ; // Begin of artist and title
if ( ( p2 = strstr ( ml, ";" ) ) ) // Search for end of title
if ( *p1 == '\'' ) // Surrounded by quotes?
p1++ ;
p2-- ;
*p2 = '\0' ; // Strip the rest of the line
// Save last part of string as streamtitle. Protect against buffer overflow
strncpy ( streamtitle, p1, sizeof ( streamtitle ) ) ;
streamtitle[sizeof ( streamtitle ) - 1] = '\0' ;
else if ( full )
// Info probably from playlist
strncpy ( streamtitle, ml, sizeof ( streamtitle ) ) ;
streamtitle[sizeof ( streamtitle ) - 1] = '\0' ;
icystreamtitle = "" ; // Unknown type
return ; // Do not show
// Save for status request from browser and for MQTT
icystreamtitle = streamtitle ;
if ( ( p1 = strstr ( streamtitle, " - " ) ) ) // look for artist/title separator
*p1++ = '\n' ; // Found: replace 3 characters by newline
p2 = p1 + 2 ;
if ( *p2 == ' ' ) // Leading space in title?
p2++ ;
strcpy ( p1, p2 ) ; // Shift 2nd part of title 2 or 3 places
displayinfo ( streamtitle, 20, 40, CYAN ) ; // Show title at position 20
if ( ( icyname.length() == 0 ) && ( icystreamtitle.length() > 0 ) )
nowplaying = icystreamtitle ;
mqttpub.trigger ( MQTT_NOWPLAYING ) ;
else if ( ( icystreamtitle.length() > 0) && ( icyname.length() > 0 ) )
nowplaying = icyname + " - " + icystreamtitle ;
mqttpub.trigger ( MQTT_NOWPLAYING ) ;
nowplaying = "Unknown" ;
mqttpub.trigger ( MQTT_NOWPLAYING ) ;
// S T O P _ M P 3 C L I E N T *
// Disconnect from the server. *
void stop_mp3client ()
while ( mp3client.connected() )
dbgprint ( "Stopping client" ) ; // Stop connection to host
mp3client.flush() ;
mp3client.stop() ;
delay ( 500 ) ;
mp3client.flush() ; // Flush stream client
mp3client.stop() ; // Stop stream client
// C O N N E C T T O H O S T *
// Connect to the Internet radio server specified by newpreset. *
bool connecttohost()
int inx ; // Position of ":" in hostname
char* pfs ; // Pointer to formatted string
int port = 80 ; // Port number for host
String extension = "/" ; // May be like "/mp3" in ""
String hostwoext ; // Host without extension and portnumber
stop_mp3client() ; // Disconnect if still connected
dbgprint ( "Connect to new host %s", host.c_str() ) ;
displayinfo ( " ** Internet radio **", 0, 20, WHITE ) ;
datamode = INIT ; // Start default in metamode
chunked = false ; // Assume not chunked
if ( host.endsWith ( ".m3u" ) ) // Is it an m3u playlist?
playlist = host ; // Save copy of playlist URL
datamode = PLAYLISTINIT ; // Yes, start in PLAYLIST mode
if ( playlist_num == 0 ) // First entry to play?
playlist_num = 1 ; // Yes, set index
dbgprint ( "Playlist request, entry %d", playlist_num ) ;
// In the URL there may be an extension
inx = host.indexOf ( "/" ) ; // Search for begin of extension
if ( inx > 0 ) // Is there an extension?
extension = host.substring ( inx ) ; // Yes, change the default
hostwoext = host.substring ( 0, inx ) ; // Host without extension
// In the URL there may be a portnumber
inx = host.indexOf ( ":" ) ; // Search for separator
if ( inx >= 0 ) // Portnumber available?
port = host.substring ( inx + 1 ).toInt() ; // Get portnumber as integer
hostwoext = host.substring ( 0, inx ) ; // Host without portnumber
pfs = dbgprint ( "Connect to %s on port %d, extension %s",
hostwoext.c_str(), port, extension.c_str() ) ;
displayinfo ( pfs, 60, 66, YELLOW ) ; // Show info at position 60..125
if ( mp3client.connect ( hostwoext.c_str(), port ) )
dbgprint ( "Connected to server" ) ;
// This will send the request to the server. Request metadata.
mp3client.print ( String ( "GET " ) +
extension +
String ( " HTTP/1.1\r\n" ) +
String ( "Host: " ) +
hostwoext +
String ( "\r\n" ) +
String ( "Icy-MetaData:1\r\n" ) +
String ( "Connection: close\r\n\r\n" ) ) ;
state = "Playing" ;
mqttpub.trigger ( MQTT_PLAYSTATE ) ; // Request publishing to MQTT
return true ;
dbgprint ( "Request %s failed!", host.c_str() ) ;
return false ;
// C O N N E C T T O F I L E *
// Open the local mp3-file. *
bool connecttofile()
String path ; // Full file spec
char* p ; // Pointer to filename
displayinfo ( " **** MP3 Player ****", 0, 20, WHITE ) ;
path = host.substring ( 9 ) ; // Path, skip the "localhost" part
mp3file = ( path, "r" ) ; // Open the file
if ( !mp3file )
dbgprint ( "Error opening file %s", path.c_str() ) ; // No luck
return false ;
p = (char*)path.c_str() + 1 ; // Point to filename
showstreamtitle ( p, true ) ; // Show the filename as title
mqttpub.trigger ( MQTT_STREAMTITLE ) ; // Request publishing to MQTT
state = "Playing" ;
mqttpub.trigger ( MQTT_PLAYSTATE ) ; // Request publishing to MQTT
displayinfo ( "Playing from local file",
60, 68, YELLOW ) ; // Show Source at position 60
icyname = "" ; // No icy name yet
chunked = false ; // File not chunked
return true ;
// C O N N E C T W I F I *
// Connect to WiFi using passwords available in the SPIFFS. *
// If connection fails, an AP is created and the function returns false. *
bool connectwifi()
char* pfs ; // Pointer to formatted string
WiFi.disconnect() ; // After restart the router could
WiFi.softAPdisconnect(true) ; // still keep the old connection
WiFi.begin ( ini_block.ssid.c_str(),
ini_block.passwd.c_str() ) ; // Connect to selected SSID
dbgprint ( "Try WiFi %s", ini_block.ssid.c_str() ) ; // Message to show during WiFi connect
if ( WiFi.waitForConnectResult() != WL_CONNECTED ) // Try to connect
dbgprint ( "WiFi Failed! Trying to setup AP with name %s and password %s.", NAME, NAME ) ;
WiFi.softAP ( NAME, NAME ) ; // This ESP will be an AP
delay ( 5000 ) ;
pfs = dbgprint ( "IP =" ) ; // Address if AP
return false ;
dbgprint ( "Connected to %s", WiFi.SSID().c_str() ) ;
pfs = dbgprint ( "IP = %d.%d.%d.%d",
WiFi.localIP()[0], WiFi.localIP()[1], WiFi.localIP()[2], WiFi.localIP()[3] ) ;
#if defined ( USETFT )
tft.println ( pfs ) ;
return true ;
// O T A S T A R T *
// Update via WiFi has been started by Arduino IDE. *
void otastart()
dbgprint ( "OTA Started" ) ;
// R E A D H O S T F R O M I N I F I L E *
// Read the mp3 host from the ini-file specified by the parameter. *
// The host will be returned. *
String readhostfrominifile ( int8_t preset )
String path ; // Full file spec as string
File inifile ; // File containing URL with mp3
char tkey[10] ; // Key as an array of chars
String line ; // Input line from .ini file
String linelc ; // Same, but lowercase
int inx ; // Position within string
String res = "" ; // Assume not found
path = String ( INIFILENAME ) ; // Form full path
inifile = ( path, "r" ) ; // Open the file
if ( inifile )
sprintf ( tkey, "preset_%02d", preset ) ; // Form the search key
while ( inifile.available() )
line = inifile.readStringUntil ( '\n' ) ; // Read next line
linelc = line ; // Copy for lowercase
linelc.toLowerCase() ; // Set to lowercase
if ( linelc.startsWith ( tkey ) ) // Found the key?
inx = line.indexOf ( "=" ) ; // Get position of "="
if ( inx > 0 ) // Equal sign present?
line.remove ( 0, inx + 1 ) ; // Yes, remove key
res = chomp ( line ) ; // Remove garbage
break ; // End the while loop
inifile.close() ; // Close the file
dbgprint ( "File %s not found, please create one!", INIFILENAME ) ;
return res ;
// R E A D I N I F I L E *
// Read the .ini file and interpret the commands. *
void readinifile()
String path ; // Full file spec as string
File inifile ; // File containing URL with mp3
String line ; // Input line from .ini file
path = String ( INIFILENAME ) ; // Form full path
inifile = ( path, "r" ) ; // Open the file
if ( inifile )
while ( inifile.available() )
line = inifile.readStringUntil ( '\n' ) ; // Read next line
analyzeCmd ( line.c_str() ) ;
inifile.close() ; // Close the file
dbgprint ( "File %s not found, use save command to create one!", INIFILENAME ) ;
// O N M Q T T C O N N E C T *
// Will be called on connection to the broker. Subscribe to our topic and publish a topic.*
void onMqttConnect( bool sessionPresent )
uint16_t packetIdSub ;
const char* present = "is" ; // Assume Session is present
if ( !sessionPresent )
present = "is not" ; // Session is NOT present
dbgprint ( "MQTT Connected to the broker %s, session %s present",
ini_block.mqttbroker.c_str(), present ) ;
packetIdSub = mqttclient.subscribe ( ini_block.mqtttopic.c_str(), 0 ) ;
dbgprint ( "Subscribing to %s at QoS 0, packetId = %d ",
packetIdSub ) ;
// O N M Q T T D I S C O N N E C T *
// Will be called on disconnect. *
void onMqttDisconnect ( AsyncMqttClientDisconnectReason reason )
dbgprint ( "MQTT Disconnected from the broker, reason %d, reconnecting...",
reason ) ;
//if ( mqttcount < MAXMQTTCONNECTS ) // Try again?
//mqttcount++ ; // Yes, count number of tries
//mqttclient.connect() ; // Reconnect
//dbgprint ( "MQTT reconnection attempt: %d",
// mqttcount ) ;
//yield() ;
// O N M Q T T S U B S C R I B E *
// Will be called after a successful subscribe. *
void onMqttSubscribe ( uint16_t packetId, uint8_t qos )
dbgprint ( "MQTT Subscribe acknowledged, packetId = %d, QoS = %d",
packetId, qos ) ;
// O N M Q T T U N S U B S C R I B E *
// Will be executed if this program unsubscribes from a topic. *
// Not used at the moment. *
void onMqttUnsubscribe ( uint16_t packetId )
dbgprint ( "MQTT Unsubscribe acknowledged, packetId = %d",
packetId ) ;
// O N M Q T T M E S S A G E *
// Executed when a subscribed message is received. *
// Note that message is not delimited by a '\0'. *
// Note that cmd buffer is shared with serial input. *
void onMqttMessage ( char* topic, char* payload, AsyncMqttClientMessageProperties properties,
size_t len, size_t index, size_t total )
char* reply ; // Result from analyzeCmd
// Available properties.qos, properties.dup, properties.retain
if ( len >= sizeof(cmd) ) // Message may not be too long
len = sizeof(cmd) - 1 ;
strncpy ( cmd, payload, len ) ; // Make copy of message
cmd[len] = '\0' ; // Take care of delimeter
dbgprint ( "MQTT message arrived [%s], length = %d, %s", topic, len, cmd ) ;
reply = analyzeCmd ( cmd ) ; // Analyze command and handle it
dbgprint ( reply ) ; // Result for debugging
// O N M Q T T P U B L I S H *
// Will be executed if a message is published by this program. *
// Not used at the moment. *
void onMqttPublish ( uint16_t packetId )
dbgprint ( "MQTT Publish acknowledged, packetId = %d",
packetId ) ;
// S C A N S E R I A L *
// Listen to commands on the Serial inputline. *
void scanserial()
static String serialcmd ; // Command from Serial input
char c ; // Input character
char* reply ; // Reply string from analyzeCmd
uint16_t len ; // Length of input string
while ( Serial.available() ) // Any input seen?
c = (char) ; // Yes, read the next input character
//Serial.write ( c ) ; // Echo
len = serialcmd.length() ; // Get the length of the current string
if ( ( c == '\n' ) || ( c == '\r' ) )
if ( len )
strncpy ( cmd, serialcmd.c_str(), sizeof(cmd) ) ;
reply = analyzeCmd ( cmd ) ; // Analyze command and handle it
dbgprint ( reply ) ; // Result for debugging
serialcmd = "" ; // Prepare for new command
if ( c >= ' ' ) // Only accept useful characters
serialcmd += c ; // Add to the command
if ( len >= ( sizeof(cmd) - 2 ) ) // Check for excessive length
serialcmd = "" ; // Too long, reset
// M K _ L S A N *
// Make a list of acceptable networks in .ini file. *
// The result will be stored in anetworks like "|SSID1|SSID2|......|SSIDN|". *
// The number of acceptable networks will be stored in num_an. *
void mk_lsan()
String path ; // Full file spec as string
File inifile ; // File containing URL with mp3
String line ; // Input line from .ini file
String ssid ; // SSID in line
int inx ; // Place of "/"
num_an = 0 ; // Count acceptable networks
anetworks = "|" ; // Initial value
path = String ( INIFILENAME ) ; // Form full path
inifile = ( path, "r" ) ; // Open the file
if ( inifile )
while ( inifile.available() )
line = inifile.readStringUntil ( '\n' ) ; // Read next line
ssid = line ; // Copy holds original upper/lower case
line.toLowerCase() ; // Case insensitive
if ( line.startsWith ( "wifi" ) ) // Line with WiFi spec?
inx = line.indexOf ( "/" ) ; // Find separator between ssid and password
if ( inx > 0 ) // Separator found?
ssid = ssid.substring ( 5, inx ) ; // Line holds SSID now
dbgprint ( "Added SSID %s to acceptable networks",
ssid.c_str() ) ;
anetworks += ssid ; // Add to list
anetworks += "|" ; // Separator
num_an++ ; // Count number of acceptable networks
inifile.close() ; // Close the file
dbgprint ( "File %s not found!", INIFILENAME ) ; // No .ini file
// G E T P R E S E T S *
// Make a list of all preset stations. *
// The result will be stored in the String presetlist (global data). *
void getpresets()
String path ; // Full file spec as string
File inifile ; // File containing URL with mp3
String line ; // Input line from .ini file
int inx ; // Position of search char in line
int i ; // Loop control
char vnr[3] ; // 2 digit presetnumber as string
presetlist = String ( "" ) ; // No result yet
path = String ( INIFILENAME ) ; // Form full path
inifile = ( path, "r" ) ; // Open the file
if ( inifile )
while ( inifile.available() )
line = inifile.readStringUntil ( '\n' ) ; // Read next line
if ( line.startsWith ( "preset_" ) ) // Found the key?
i = line.substring(7, 9).toInt() ; // Get index 00..99
// Show just comment if available. Otherwise the preset itself.
inx = line.indexOf ( "#" ) ; // Get position of "#"
if ( inx > 0 ) // Hash sign present?
line.remove ( 0, inx + 1 ) ; // Yes, remove non-comment part
inx = line.indexOf ( "=" ) ; // Get position of "="
if ( inx > 0 ) // Equal sign present?
line.remove ( 0, inx + 1 ) ; // Yes, remove first part of line
line = chomp ( line ) ; // Remove garbage from description
sprintf ( vnr, "%02d", i ) ; // Preset number
presetlist += ( String ( vnr ) + line + // 2 digits plus description
String ( "|" ) ) ;
inifile.close() ; // Close the file
// S E T U P *
// Setup for the program. *
void setup()
FSInfo fs_info ; // Info about SPIFFS
Dir dir ; // Directory struct for SPIFFS
File f ; // Filehandle
String filename ; // Name of file found in SPIFFS
byte mac[6] ; // WiFi mac address
char tmpstr[20] ; // For version and Mac address
Serial.begin ( 115200 ) ; // For debug
Serial.println() ;
#if defined ( SDCARDCS ) && ( SDCARDCS >= 0 )
pinMode ( SDCARDCS, OUTPUT ) ; // Deselect SDCARD
digitalWrite ( SDCARDCS, HIGH ) ;
system_update_cpu_freq ( 160 ) ; // Set to 80/160 MHz
ringbuf = (uint8_t *) malloc ( RINGBFSIZ ) ; // Create ring buffer
xml.init ( xmlbuffer, sizeof(xmlbuffer), // Initilize XML stream.
&XML_callback ) ;
memset ( &ini_block, 0, sizeof(ini_block) ) ; // Init ini_block
ini_block.mqttport = 1883 ; // Default port for MQTT
SPIFFS.begin() ; // Enable file system
// Show some info about the SPIFFS ( fs_info ) ;
dbgprint ( "FS Total %d, used %d", fs_info.totalBytes, fs_info.usedBytes ) ;
if ( fs_info.totalBytes == 0 )
dbgprint ( "No SPIFFS found! See documentation." ) ;
dir = SPIFFS.openDir("/") ; // Show files in FS
while ( ) // All files
f = dir.openFile ( "r" ) ;
filename = dir.fileName() ;
dbgprint ( "%-32s - %7d", // Show name and size
filename.c_str(), f.size() ) ;
mk_lsan() ; // Make al list of acceptable networks in ini file.
listNetworks() ; // Search for WiFi networks
readinifile() ; // Read .ini file
getpresets() ; // Get the presets from .ini-file
WiFi.persistent ( false ) ; // Do not save SSID and password
WiFi.disconnect() ; // After restart the router could still keep the old connection
WiFi.mode ( WIFI_STA ) ; // This ESP is a station
wifi_station_set_hostname ( (char*)NAME ) ;
SPI.begin() ; // Init SPI bus
// Print some memory and sketch info
dbgprint ( "Starting ESP Version %s... Free memory %d",
system_get_free_heap_size() ) ;
dbgprint ( "Sketch size %d, free size %d",
ESP.getFreeSketchSpace() ) ;
pinMode ( BUTTON2, INPUT_PULLUP ) ; // Input for control button 2
vs1053player.begin() ; // Initialize VS1053 player
# if defined ( USETFT )
tft.begin() ; // Init TFT interface
tft.fillRect ( 0, 0, 160, 128, BLACK ) ; // Clear screen does not work when rotated
tft.setRotation ( 3 ) ; // Use landscape format
tft.clearScreen() ; // Clear screen
tft.setTextSize ( 1 ) ; // Small character font
tft.setTextColor ( WHITE ) ; // Info in white
tft.println ( "Starting" ) ;
tft.println ( "Version:" ) ;
tft.println ( VERSION ) ;
pinMode ( BUTTON1, INPUT_PULLUP ) ; // Input for control button 1
pinMode ( BUTTON3, INPUT_PULLUP ) ; // Input for control button 3
analogrest = ( analogRead ( A0 ) + asw1 ) / 2 ; // Assumed inactive analog input
tckr.attach ( 0.100, timer100 ) ; // Every 100 msec
dbgprint ( "Selected network: %-25s", ini_block.ssid.c_str() ) ;
NetworkFound = connectwifi() ; // Connect to WiFi network
//NetworkFound = false ; // TEST, uncomment for no network test
dbgprint ( "Start server for commands" ) ;
cmdserver.on ( "/", handleCmd ) ; // Handle startpage
cmdserver.onNotFound ( handleFS ) ; // Handle file from FS
cmdserver.onFileUpload ( handleFileUpload ) ; // Handle file uploads
cmdserver.begin() ;
if ( NetworkFound ) // OTA and MQTT only if Wifi network found
mqtt_on = ( ini_block.mqttbroker.length() > 0 ) && // Use MQTT if broker specified
( ini_block.mqttbroker != "none" ) ;
ArduinoOTA.setHostname ( NAME ) ; // Set the hostname
ArduinoOTA.onStart ( otastart ) ;
ArduinoOTA.begin() ; // Allow update over the air
if ( mqtt_on ) // Broker specified?
if ( ( ini_block.mqttprefix.length() == 0 ) || // No prefix?
( ini_block.mqttprefix == "none" ) )
WiFi.macAddress ( mac ) ; // Get mac-adress
sprintf ( tmpstr, "P%02X%02X%02X%02X", // Generate string from last part
mac[3], mac[2],
mac[1], mac[0] ) ;
ini_block.mqttprefix = String ( tmpstr ) ; // Save for further use
dbgprint ( "MQTT uses prefix %s", ini_block.mqttprefix.c_str() ) ;
dbgprint ( "Init MQTT" ) ;
// Initialize the MQTT client
WiFi.hostByName ( ini_block.mqttbroker.c_str(),
mqtt_server_IP ) ; // Lookup IP of MQTT server
mqttclient.onConnect ( onMqttConnect ) ;
mqttclient.onDisconnect ( onMqttDisconnect ) ;
mqttclient.onSubscribe ( onMqttSubscribe ) ;
mqttclient.onUnsubscribe ( onMqttUnsubscribe ) ;
mqttclient.onMessage ( onMqttMessage ) ;
mqttclient.onPublish ( onMqttPublish ) ;
mqttclient.setServer ( mqtt_server_IP, // Specify the broker
ini_block.mqttport ) ; // And the port
mqttclient.setCredentials ( ini_block.mqttuser.c_str(),
ini_block.mqttpasswd.c_str() ) ;
mqttclient.setClientId ( NAME ) ;
dbgprint ( "Connecting to MQTT %s, port %d, user %s, password %s...",
ini_block.mqttpasswd.c_str() ) ;
currentpreset = ini_block.newpreset ; // No network: do not start radio
delay ( 1000 ) ; // Show IP for a wile
analogrest = ( analogRead ( A0 ) + asw1 ) / 2 ; // Assumed inactive analog input
// X M L C A L L B A C K *
// Process XML tags into variables. *
void XML_callback ( uint8_t statusflags, char* tagName, uint16_t tagNameLen,
char* data, uint16_t dataLen )
if ( statusflags & STATUS_START_TAG )
if ( tagNameLen )
xmlOpen = String ( tagName ) ;
//dbgprint ( "Start tag %s",tagName ) ;
else if ( statusflags & STATUS_END_TAG )
//dbgprint ( "End tag %s", tagName ) ;
else if ( statusflags & STATUS_TAG_TEXT )
xmlTag = String( tagName ) ;
xmlData = String( data ) ;
//dbgprint ( Serial.print( "Tag: %s, text: %s", tagName, data ) ;
else if ( statusflags & STATUS_ATTR_TEXT )
//dbgprint ( "Attribute: %s, text: %s", tagName, data ) ;
else if ( statusflags & STATUS_ERROR )
//dbgprint ( "XML Parsing error Tag: %s, text: %s", tagName, data ) ;
// X M L P A R S E *
// Parses streams from XML data. *
String xmlparse ( String mount )
// Example URL for XML Data Stream:
// Clear all variables for use.
char tmpstr[200] ; // Full GET command, later stream URL
char c ; // Next input character from reply
String urlout ; // Result URL
bool urlfound = false ; // Result found
stationServer = "" ;
stationPort = "" ;
stationMount = "" ;
xmlTag = "" ;
xmlData = "" ;
stop_mp3client() ; // Stop any current wificlient connections.
dbgprint ( "Connect to new iHeartRadio host: %s", mount.c_str() ) ;
datamode = INIT ; // Start default in metamode
chunked = false ; // Assume not chunked
// Create a GET commmand for the request.
sprintf ( tmpstr, xmlget, mount.c_str() ) ;
dbgprint ( "%s", tmpstr ) ;
// Connect to XML stream.
if ( mp3client.connect ( xmlhost, xmlport ) )
dbgprint ( "Connected!" ) ;
mp3client.print ( String ( tmpstr ) + " HTTP/1.1\r\n"
"Host: " + xmlhost + "\r\n"
"User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0\r\n"
"Connection: close\r\n\r\n" ) ;
// Check for XML Data.
while ( true )
if ( mp3client.available() )
char c = ;
if ( c == '<' )
c = ;
if ( c == '?' )
xml.processChar ( '<' ) ;
xml.processChar ( '?' ) ;
break ;
yield() ;
// Process XML Data.
dbgprint ( "XML parser processing..." ) ;
while (true)
if ( mp3client.available() )
c = ;
xml.processChar ( c ) ;
if ( xmlTag != "" ) // Tag seen?
if ( xmlTag.endsWith ( "/status-code" ) ) // Status code seen?
if ( xmlData != "200" ) // Good result?
dbgprint ( "Bad xml status-code %s", // No, show and stop interpreting
xmlData.c_str() ) ;
break ;
if ( xmlTag.endsWith ( "/ip" ) )
stationServer = xmlData ;
else if ( xmlTag.endsWith ( "/port" ) )
stationPort = xmlData ;
else if ( xmlTag.endsWith ( "/mount" ) )
stationMount = xmlData ;
// Check if all the station values are stored.
urlfound = ( stationServer != "" && stationPort != "" && stationMount != "" ) ;
if ( urlfound )
xml.reset() ;
break ;
yield() ;
tmpstr[0] = '\0' ;
if ( urlfound )
sprintf ( tmpstr, "%s:%s/%s_SC", // Build URL for ESP-Radio to stream.
stationMount.c_str() ) ;
dbgprint ( "Found: %s", tmpstr ) ;
dbgprint ( "Closing XML connection." ) ;
dbgprint ( "Can't connect to XML host!" ) ;
tmpstr[0] = '\0' ;
return String ( tmpstr ) ; // Return final streaming URL.
// H A N D L E I P P U B *
// Handle publish op IP to MQTT. This will happen every 10 minutes. *
void handleIpPub()
static uint32_t pubtime = 300000 ; // Limit save to once per 10 minutes
if ( ( millis() - pubtime ) < 600000 ) // 600 sec is 10 minutes
return ;
pubtime = millis() ; // Set time of last publish
if ( !mqttclient.connected() ) // See if connected
mqttclient.connect() ; // No, reconnect
mqttpub.trigger ( MQTT_IP ) ; // Request re-publish IP
// Check if any publishing to do
//mqttclient.loop() ; // Handling of MQTT connection
// M P 3 L O O P *
// Called from the main loop() for the mp3 functions. *
// A connection to an MP3 server is active and we are ready to receive data. *
// Normally there is about 2 to 4 kB available in the data stream. This depends on the *
// sender. *
void mp3loop()
static uint8_t tcpbuff[1024] ; // Input buffer from mp3client stream
uint32_t maxfilechunk ; // Max number of bytes to read from file
uint32_t maxtcpchunk ; // Max number to read from mp3 stream
int res ; // Result reading from mp3 stream
int i ; // Index in tcpbuff
uint32_t rs ; // Free space in ringbuffer
uint32_t av ; // Available in stream
// Try to keep the ringbuffer filled up by adding as much bytes as possible
if ( datamode & ( INIT | HEADER | DATA | // Test op playing
if ( localfile )
maxfilechunk = mp3file.available() ; // Bytes left in file
if ( maxfilechunk > 1024 ) // Reduce byte count for this mp3loop()
maxfilechunk = 1024 ;
while ( ringspace() && maxfilechunk-- )
putring ( ) ; // Yes, store one byte in ringbuffer
yield() ;
maxfilechunk = mp3client.available() ; // Bytes available from mp3 server
if ( maxfilechunk > 1024 ) // Reduce byte count for this loop()
maxfilechunk = 1024 ;
while ( ringspace() && maxfilechunk-- )
putring ( ) ; // Yes, store one byte in ringbuffer
yield() ;
yield() ;
while ( vs1053player.data_request() && ringavail() ) // Try to keep VS1053 filled
handlebyte_ch ( getring() ) ; // Yes, handle it
yield() ;
if ( datamode == STOPREQD ) // STOP requested?
dbgprint ( "STOP requested" ) ;
if ( localfile )
mp3file.close() ;
stop_mp3client() ; // Disconnect if still connected
handlebyte_ch ( 0, true ) ; // Force flush of buffer
vs1053player.setVolume ( 0 ) ; // Mute
vs1053player.stopSong() ; // Stop playing
emptyring() ; // Empty the ringbuffer
datamode = STOPPED ; // Yes, state becomes STOPPED
mqttclr() ;
//state = "Stopped";
//mqttpub.trigger ( MQTT_PLAYSTATE ) ; // Request publishing to MQTT
#if defined ( USETFT )
tft.fillRect ( 0, 0, 160, 128, BLACK ) ; // Clear screen does not work when rotated
delay ( 500 ) ;
if ( localfile )
if ( datamode & ( INIT | HEADER | DATA | // Test op playing
if ( ( mp3file.available() == 0 ) && ( ringavail() == 0 ) )
datamode = STOPREQD ; // End of local mp3-file detected
if ( ini_block.newpreset != currentpreset ) // New station or next from playlist requested?
if ( datamode != STOPPED ) // Yes, still busy?
datamode = STOPREQD ; // Yes, request STOP
if ( playlist_num ) // Playing from playlist?
{ // Yes, retrieve URL of playlist
playlist_num += ini_block.newpreset -
currentpreset ; // Next entry in playlist
ini_block.newpreset = currentpreset ; // Stay at current preset
host = readhostfrominifile(ini_block.newpreset) ; // Lookup preset in ini-file
dbgprint ( "New preset/file requested (%d/%d) from %s",
currentpreset, playlist_num, host.c_str() ) ;
if ( host != "" ) // Preset in ini-file?
hostreq = true ; // Force this station as new preset
// This preset is not available, return to preset 0, will be handled in next mp3loop()
dbgprint ( "No host for this preset" ) ;
ini_block.newpreset = 0 ; // Wrap to first station
if ( hostreq ) // New preset or station?
hostreq = false ;
currentpreset = ini_block.newpreset ; // Remember current preset
localfile = host.startsWith ( "localhost/" ) ; // Find out if this URL is on localhost
if ( localfile ) // Play file from localhost?
if ( connecttofile() ) // Yes, open mp3-file
datamode = DATA ; // Start in DATA mode
if ( host.startsWith ( "ihr/" ) ) // iHeartRadio station requested?
host = host.substring ( 4 ) ; // Yes, remove "ihr/"
host = xmlparse ( host ) ; // Parse the xml to get the host
connecttohost() ; // Switch to new host
if ( xmlreq ) // Directly xml requested?
xmlreq = false ; // Yes, clear request flag
host = xmlparse ( host ) ; // Parse the xml to get the host
connecttohost() ; // and connect to this host
// L O O P *
// Main loop of the program. *
void loop()
mp3loop() ; // Do mp3 related actions
if ( reqtone ) // Request to change tone?
reqtone = false ;
vs1053player.setTone ( ini_block.rtone ) ; // Set SCI_BASS to requested value
if ( resetreq ) // Reset requested?
delay ( 1000 ) ; // Yes, wait some time
ESP.restart() ; // Reboot
if ( muteflag )
vs1053player.setVolume ( 0 ) ; // Mute
vs1053player.setVolume ( ini_block.reqvol ) ; // Unmute
displayvolume() ; // Show volume on display
if ( testfilename.length() ) // File to test?
testfile ( testfilename ) ; // Yes, do the test
testfilename = "" ; // Clear test request
scanserial() ; // Handle serial input
ArduinoOTA.handle() ; // Check for OTA
// Handle MQTT.
if ( mqtt_on )
if ( !mqttclient.connected() ) // See if connected
;//mqttclient.connect() ; // No, reconnect
mqttpub.publishtopic() ; // Check if any publishing to do
//mqttclient.loop() ; // Handling of MQTT connection
//handleSaveReq() ; // See if time to save settings
handleIpPub() ; // See if time to publish IP
// C H K H D R L I N E *
// Check if a line in the header is a reasonable headerline. *
// Normally it should contain something like "icy-xxxx:abcdef". *
bool chkhdrline ( const char* str )
char b ; // Byte examined
int len = 0 ; // Lengte van de string
while ( ( b = *str++ ) ) // Search to end of string
len++ ; // Update string length
if ( ! isalpha ( b ) ) // Alpha (a-z, A-Z)
if ( b != '-' ) // Minus sign is allowed
if ( b == ':' ) // Found a colon?
return ( ( len > 5 ) && ( len < 50 ) ) ; // Yes, okay if length is okay
return false ; // Not a legal character
return false ; // End of string without colon
// H A N D L E B Y T E _ C H *
// Handle the next byte of data from server. *
// Chunked transfer encoding aware. Chunk extensions are not supported. *
void handlebyte_ch ( uint8_t b, bool force )
static int chunksize = 0 ; // Chunkcount read from stream
if ( chunked && !force &&
( datamode & ( DATA | // Test op DATA handling
if ( chunkcount == 0 ) // Expecting a new chunkcount?
if ( b == '\r' ) // Skip CR
return ;
else if ( b == '\n' ) // LF ?
chunkcount = chunksize ; // Yes, set new count
chunksize = 0 ; // For next decode
return ;
// We have received a hexadecimal character. Decode it and add to the result.
b = toupper ( b ) - '0' ; // Be sure we have uppercase
if ( b > 9 )
b = b - 7 ; // Translate A..F to 10..15
chunksize = ( chunksize << 4 ) + b ;
handlebyte ( b, force ) ; // Normal data byte
chunkcount-- ; // Update count to next chunksize block
handlebyte ( b, force ) ; // Normal handling of this byte
// M Q T T C L R *
// Clear MQTT information on changes, other wise you will get stuck nfo. *
void mqttclr()
//ipaddress = "" ;
//mqttpub.trigger ( MQTT_IP ) ; // Request publishing to MQTT
icyname = "" ;
mqttpub.trigger ( MQTT_ICYNAME ) ; // Request publishing to MQTT
icystreamtitle = "" ;
mqttpub.trigger ( MQTT_STREAMTITLE ) ; // Request publishing to MQTT
icyurl = "" ;
mqttpub.trigger ( MQTT_ICYURL ) ; // Request publishing to MQTT
icygenre = "" ;
mqttpub.trigger ( MQTT_ICYGENRE ) ; // Request publishing to MQTT
//icydescription = "" ;
//mqttpub.trigger ( MQTT_ICYDESCRIPTION ) ; // Request publishing to MQTT
icysr = "" ;
mqttpub.trigger ( MQTT_ICYSR ) ; // Request publishing to MQTT
contenttype = "" ;
mqttpub.trigger ( MQTT_ICYCONTENT ) ; // Request publishing to MQTT
icybr = "" ;
mqttpub.trigger ( MQTT_ICYBITRATE ) ; // Request publishing to MQTT
nowplaying = "Player stopped." ;
mqttpub.trigger ( MQTT_NOWPLAYING ) ; // Request publishing to MQTT
//curvol = "" ;
//mqttpub.trigger ( MQTT_VOLUME ) ; // Request publishing to MQTT
//curpre = "" ;
//mqttpub.trigger ( MQTT_PRESET ) ; // Request publishing to MQTT
state = "Stopped." ;
mqttpub.trigger ( MQTT_PLAYSTATE ) ; // Request publishing to MQTT
// H A N D L E B Y T E *
// Handle the next byte of data from server. *
// This byte will be send to the VS1053 most of the time. *
// Note that the buffer the data chunk must start at an address that is a muttiple of 4. *
// Set force to true if chunkbuffer must be flushed. *
void handlebyte ( uint8_t b, bool force )
static uint16_t playlistcnt ; // Counter to find right entry in playlist
static bool firstmetabyte ; // True if first metabyte (counter)
static int LFcount ; // Detection of end of header
static __attribute__((aligned(4))) uint8_t buf[32] ; // Buffer for chunk
static int bufcnt = 0 ; // Data in chunk
static bool firstchunk = true ; // First chunk as input
String lcml ; // Lower case metaline
String ct ; // Contents type
static bool ctseen = false ; // First line of header seen or not
int inx ; // Pointer in metaline
int i ; // Loop control
if ( datamode == INIT ) // Initialize for header receive
ctseen = false ; // Contents type not seen yet
metaint = 0 ; // No metaint found
LFcount = 0 ; // For detection end of header
bitrate = 0 ; // Bitrate still unknown
dbgprint ( "Switch to HEADER" ) ;
datamode = HEADER ; // Handle header
totalcount = 0 ; // Reset totalcount
metaline = "" ; // No metadata yet
contenttype = ""; // No content type yet.
icyurl = ""; // No icy-url yet.
icygenre = ""; // No icy-genre yet.
icybr = ""; // No icy-br yet.
icysr = ""; // No icy-sr yet.
firstchunk = true ; // First chunk expected
if ( datamode == DATA ) // Handle next byte of MP3/Ogg data
buf[bufcnt++] = b ; // Save byte in chunkbuffer
if ( bufcnt == sizeof(buf) || force ) // Buffer full?
if ( firstchunk )
firstchunk = false ;
dbgprint ( "First chunk:" ) ; // Header for printout of first chunk
for ( i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i += 8 ) // Print 4 lines
dbgprint ( "%02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X",
buf[i], buf[i + 1], buf[i + 2], buf[i + 3],
buf[i + 4], buf[i + 5], buf[i + 6], buf[i + 7] ) ;
vs1053player.playChunk ( buf, bufcnt ) ; // Yes, send to player
bufcnt = 0 ; // Reset count
totalcount++ ; // Count number of bytes, ignore overflow
if ( metaint != 0 ) // No METADATA on Ogg streams or mp3 files
if ( --datacount == 0 ) // End of datablock?
if ( bufcnt ) // Yes, still data in buffer?
vs1053player.playChunk ( buf, bufcnt ) ; // Yes, send to player
bufcnt = 0 ; // Reset count
datamode = METADATA ;
firstmetabyte = true ; // Expecting first metabyte (counter)
return ;
if ( datamode == HEADER ) // Handle next byte of MP3 header
if ( ( b > 0x7F ) || // Ignore unprintable characters
( b == '\r' ) || // Ignore CR
( b == '\0' ) ) // Ignore NULL
// Yes, ignore
else if ( b == '\n' ) // Linefeed ?
LFcount++ ; // Count linefeeds
if ( chkhdrline ( metaline.c_str() ) ) // Reasonable input?
lcml = metaline ; // Use lower case for compare
lcml.toLowerCase() ;
dbgprint ( metaline.c_str() ) ; // Yes, Show it
if ( lcml.indexOf ( "content-type" ) >= 0 ) // Line with "Content-Type: xxxx/yyy"
ctseen = true ; // Yes, remember seeing this
ct = metaline.substring ( 14 ) ; // Set contentstype. Not used yet
dbgprint ( "%s seen.", ct.c_str() ) ;
if ( lcml.startsWith ( "icy-br:" ) )
bitrate = metaline.substring(7).toInt() ; // Found bitrate tag, read the bitrate
if ( bitrate == 0 ) // For Ogg br is like "Quality 2"
bitrate = 87 ; // Dummy bitrate
icybr = String( bitrate ) ; // Get station bitrate.
mqttpub.trigger ( MQTT_ICYBITRATE ) ; // Request publishing to MQTT
else if ( lcml.startsWith ( "icy-metaint:" ) )
metaint = metaline.substring(12).toInt() ; // Found metaint tag, read the value
else if ( lcml.startsWith ( "icy-name:" ) )
icyname = metaline.substring(9) ; // Get station name
icyname.trim() ; // Remove leading and trailing spaces
mqttpub.trigger ( MQTT_ICYNAME ) ; // Request publishing to MQTT
displayinfo ( icyname.c_str(), 60, 68,
YELLOW ) ; // Show station name at position 60
else if ( metaline.startsWith ( "icy-genre:" ) )
icygenre = metaline.substring(10) ; // Get icy-genre.
icygenre.trim() ; // Remove leading and trailing spaces
mqttpub.trigger ( MQTT_ICYGENRE ) ; // Request publishing to MQTT
else if ( metaline.startsWith ( "content-type:" ) || metaline.startsWith ( "Content-Type:" ) )
contenttype = metaline.substring(13) ; // Get Content-Type.
contenttype.trim() ; // Remove leading and trailing spaces
mqttpub.trigger ( MQTT_ICYCONTENT ) ; // Request publishing to MQTT
else if ( metaline.startsWith ( "icy-sr:" ) )
icysr = metaline.substring(7) ; // Get icy-sr.
icysr.trim() ; // Remove leading and trailing spaces
mqttpub.trigger ( MQTT_ICYSR ) ; // Request publishing to MQTT
else if ( metaline.startsWith ( "icy-url:" ) )
icyurl = metaline.substring(8) ; // Get icy-url.
icyurl.trim() ; // Remove leading and trailing spaces
mqttpub.trigger ( MQTT_ICYURL ) ; // Request publishing to MQTT
else if ( lcml.startsWith ( "transfer-encoding:" ) )
// Station provides chunked transfer
if ( lcml.endsWith ( "chunked" ) )
chunked = true ; // Remember chunked transfer mode
chunkcount = 0 ; // Expect chunkcount in DATA
metaline = "" ; // Reset this line
if ( ( LFcount == 2 ) && ctseen ) // Some data seen and a double LF?
dbgprint ( "Switch to DATA, bitrate is %d" // Show bitrate
", metaint is %d", // and metaint
bitrate, metaint ) ;
datamode = DATA ; // Expecting data now
datacount = metaint ; // Number of bytes before first metadata
bufcnt = 0 ; // Reset buffer count
vs1053player.startSong() ; // Start a new song
metaline += (char)b ; // Normal character, put new char in metaline
LFcount = 0 ; // Reset double CRLF detection
return ;
if ( datamode == METADATA ) // Handle next byte of metadata
if ( firstmetabyte ) // First byte of metadata?
firstmetabyte = false ; // Not the first anymore
metacount = b * 16 + 1 ; // New count for metadata including length byte
if ( metacount > 1 )
dbgprint ( "Metadata block %d bytes",
metacount - 1 ) ; // Most of the time there are zero bytes of metadata
metaline = "" ; // Set to empty
metaline += (char)b ; // Normal character, put new char in metaline
if ( --metacount == 0 )
if ( metaline.length() ) // Any info present?
// metaline contains artist and song name. For example:
// "StreamTitle='Don McLean - American Pie';StreamUrl='';"
// Sometimes it is just other info like:
// "StreamTitle='60s 03 05 Magic60s';StreamUrl='';"
// Isolate the StreamTitle, remove leading and trailing quotes if present.
showstreamtitle ( metaline.c_str() ) ; // Show artist and title if present in metadata
mqttpub.trigger ( MQTT_STREAMTITLE ) ; // Request publishing to MQTT
if ( metaline.length() > 1500 ) // Unlikely metaline length?
dbgprint ( "Metadata block too long! Skipping all Metadata from now on." ) ;
metaint = 0 ; // Probably no metadata
metaline = "" ; // Do not waste memory on this
datacount = metaint ; // Reset data count
bufcnt = 0 ; // Reset buffer count
datamode = DATA ; // Expecting data
if ( datamode == PLAYLISTINIT ) // Initialize for receive .m3u file
// We are going to use metadata to read the lines from the .m3u file
metaline = "" ; // Prepare for new line
LFcount = 0 ; // For detection end of header
datamode = PLAYLISTHEADER ; // Handle playlist data
playlistcnt = 1 ; // Reset for compare
totalcount = 0 ; // Reset totalcount
dbgprint ( "Read from playlist" ) ;
if ( datamode == PLAYLISTHEADER ) // Read header
if ( ( b > 0x7F ) || // Ignore unprintable characters
( b == '\r' ) || // Ignore CR
( b == '\0' ) ) // Ignore NULL
// Yes, ignore
else if ( b == '\n' ) // Linefeed ?
LFcount++ ; // Count linefeeds
dbgprint ( "Playlistheader: %s", // Show playlistheader
metaline.c_str() ) ;
metaline = "" ; // Ready for next line
if ( LFcount == 2 )
dbgprint ( "Switch to PLAYLISTDATA" ) ;
datamode = PLAYLISTDATA ; // Expecting data now
return ;
metaline += (char)b ; // Normal character, put new char in metaline
LFcount = 0 ; // Reset double CRLF detection
if ( datamode == PLAYLISTDATA ) // Read next byte of .m3u file data
if ( ( b > 0x7F ) || // Ignore unprintable characters
( b == '\r' ) || // Ignore CR
( b == '\0' ) ) // Ignore NULL
// Yes, ignore
else if ( b == '\n' ) // Linefeed ?
dbgprint ( "Playlistdata: %s", // Show playlistheader
metaline.c_str() ) ;
if ( metaline.length() < 5 ) // Skip short lines
return ;
if ( metaline.indexOf ( "#EXTINF:" ) >= 0 ) // Info?
if ( playlist_num == playlistcnt ) // Info for this entry?
inx = metaline.indexOf ( "," ) ; // Comma in this line?
if ( inx > 0 )
// Show artist and title if present in metadata
showstreamtitle ( metaline.substring ( inx + 1 ).c_str(), true ) ;
mqttpub.trigger ( MQTT_STREAMTITLE ) ; // Request publishing to MQTT
if ( metaline.startsWith ( "#" ) ) // Commentline?
metaline = "" ;
return ; // Ignore commentlines
// Now we have an URL for a .mp3 file or stream. Is it the rigth one?
dbgprint ( "Entry %d in playlist found: %s", playlistcnt, metaline.c_str() ) ;
if ( playlist_num == playlistcnt )
inx = metaline.indexOf ( "http://" ) ; // Search for "http://"
if ( inx >= 0 ) // Does URL contain "http://"?
host = metaline.substring ( inx + 7 ) ; // Yes, remove it and set host
host = metaline ; // Yes, set new host
connecttohost() ; // Connect to it
metaline = "" ;
host = playlist ; // Back to the .m3u host
playlistcnt++ ; // Next entry in playlist
metaline += (char)b ; // Normal character, add it to metaline
return ;
// G E T C O N T E N T T Y P E *
// Returns the contenttype of a file to send. *
String getContentType ( String filename )
if ( filename.endsWith ( ".html" ) ) return "text/html" ;
else if ( filename.endsWith ( ".png" ) ) return "image/png" ;
else if ( filename.endsWith ( ".gif" ) ) return "image/gif" ;
else if ( filename.endsWith ( ".jpg" ) ) return "image/jpeg" ;
else if ( filename.endsWith ( ".ico" ) ) return "image/x-icon" ;
else if ( filename.endsWith ( ".css" ) ) return "text/css" ;
else if ( filename.endsWith ( ".zip" ) ) return "application/x-zip" ;
else if ( filename.endsWith ( ".gz" ) ) return "application/x-gzip" ;
else if ( filename.endsWith ( ".mp3" ) ) return "audio/mpeg" ;
else if ( filename.endsWith ( ".pw" ) ) return "" ; // Passwords are secret
return "text/plain" ;
// H A N D L E F I L E U P L O A D *
// Handling of upload request. Write file to SPIFFS. *
void handleFileUpload ( AsyncWebServerRequest *request, String filename,
size_t index, uint8_t *data, size_t len, bool final )
String path ; // Filename including "/"
static File f ; // File handle output file
char* reply ; // Reply for webserver
static uint32_t t ; // Timer for progress messages
uint32_t t1 ; // For compare
static uint32_t totallength ; // Total file length
static size_t lastindex ; // To test same index
if ( index == 0 )
path = String ( "/" ) + filename ; // Form SPIFFS filename
SPIFFS.remove ( path ) ; // Remove old file
f = ( path, "w" ) ; // Create new file
t = millis() ; // Start time
totallength = 0 ; // Total file lengt still zero
lastindex = 0 ; // Prepare test
t1 = millis() ; // Current timestamp
// Yes, print progress
dbgprint ( "File upload %s, t = %d msec, len %d, index %d",
filename.c_str(), t1 - t, len, index ) ;
if ( len ) // Something to write?
if ( ( index != lastindex ) || ( index == 0 ) ) // New chunk?
f.write ( data, len ) ; // Yes, transfer to SPIFFS
totallength += len ; // Update stored length
lastindex = index ; // Remenber this part
if ( final ) // Was this last chunk?
f.close() ; // Yes, clode the file
reply = dbgprint ( "File upload %s, %d bytes finished",
filename.c_str(), totallength ) ;
request->send ( 200, "", reply ) ;
// H A N D L E F S F *
// Handling of requesting files from the SPIFFS/PROGMEM. Example: /favicon.ico *
void handleFSf ( AsyncWebServerRequest* request, const String& filename )
static String ct ; // Content type
AsyncWebServerResponse *response ; // For extra headers
dbgprint ( "FileRequest received %s", filename.c_str() ) ;
ct = getContentType ( filename ) ; // Get content type
if ( ( ct == "" ) || ( filename == "" ) ) // Empty is illegal
request->send ( 404, "text/plain", "File not found" ) ;
if ( filename.indexOf ( "index.html" ) >= 0 ) // Index page is in PROGMEM
response = request->beginResponse_P ( 200, ct, index_html ) ;
else if ( filename.indexOf ( "radio.css" ) >= 0 ) // CSS file is in PROGMEM
response = request->beginResponse_P ( 200, ct, radio_css ) ;
else if ( filename.indexOf ( "config.html" ) >= 0 ) // Config page is in PROGMEM
response = request->beginResponse_P ( 200, ct, config_html ) ;
else if ( filename.indexOf ( "about.html" ) >= 0 ) // About page is in PROGMEM
response = request->beginResponse_P ( 200, ct, about_html ) ;
else if ( filename.indexOf ( "favicon.ico" ) >= 0 ) // Favicon icon is in PROGMEM
response = request->beginResponse_P ( 200, ct, favicon_ico, sizeof ( favicon_ico ) ) ;
response = request->beginResponse ( SPIFFS, filename, ct ) ;
// Add extra headers
response->addHeader ( "Server", NAME ) ;
response->addHeader ( "Cache-Control", "max-age=3600" ) ;
response->addHeader ( "Last-Modified", VERSION ) ;
request->send ( response ) ;
dbgprint ( "Response sent" ) ;
// H A N D L E F S *
// Handling of requesting files from the SPIFFS. Example: /favicon.ico *
void handleFS ( AsyncWebServerRequest* request )
handleFSf ( request, request->url() ) ; // Rest of handling
// A N A L Y Z E C M D *
// Handling of the various commands from remote webclient, Serial or MQTT. *
// Version for handling string with: <parameter>=<value> *
char* analyzeCmd ( const char* str )
char* value ; // Points to value after equalsign in command
value = strstr ( str, "=" ) ; // See if command contains a "="
if ( value )
*value = '\0' ; // Separate command from value
value++ ; // Points to value after "="
value = (char*) "0" ; // No value, assume zero
return analyzeCmd ( str, value ) ; // Analyze command and handle it
// C H O M P *
// Do some filtering on de inputstring: *
// - String comment part (starting with "#"). *
// - Strip trailing CR. *
// - Strip leading spaces. *
// - Strip trailing spaces. *
String chomp ( String str )
int inx ; // Index in de input string
if ( ( inx = str.indexOf ( "#" ) ) >= 0 ) // Comment line or partial comment?
str.remove ( inx ) ; // Yes, remove
str.trim() ; // Remove spaces and CR
return str ; // Return the result
// A N A L Y Z E C M D *
// Handling of the various commands from remote webclient, serial or MQTT. *
// par holds the parametername and val holds the value. *
// "wifi_00" and "preset_00" may appear more than once, like wifi_01, wifi_02, etc. *
// Examples with available parameters: *
// preset = 12 // Select start preset to connect to *
// preset_00 = <mp3 stream> // Specify station for a preset 00-99 *) *
// uppreset = 1 // Go up a preset. *
// downpreset = 1 // Go down a preset. *
// volume = 95 // Percentage between 0 and 100 *
// upvolume = 2 // Add percentage to current volume *
// downvolume = 2 // Subtract percentage from current volume *
// toneha = <0..15> // Setting treble gain *
// tonehf = <0..15> // Setting treble frequency *
// tonela = <0..15> // Setting bass gain *
// tonelf = <0..15> // Setting treble frequency *
// station = <mp3 stream> // Select new station (will not be saved) *
// station = <URL>.mp3 // Play standalone .mp3 file (not saved) *
// station = <URL>.m3u // Select playlist (will not be saved) *
// xml = IHR_TRAN // Select new xml station (will not be saved) *
// stop // Stop playing *
// resume // Resume playing *
// mute // Mute the music *
// unmute // Unmute the music *
// wifi_00 = mySSID/mypassword // Set WiFi SSID and password *) *
// mqttbroker = // Set MQTT broker to use *) *
// mqttprefix = XP93g // Set MQTT broker to use *
// mqttport = 1883 // Set MQTT port to use, default 1883 *) *
// mqttuser = myuser // Set MQTT user for authentication *) *
// mqttpasswd = mypassword // Set MQTT password for authentication *) *
// mqtttopic = mytopic // Set MQTT topic to subscribe to *) *
// mqttpubtopic = mypubtopic // Set MQTT topic to publish to *) *
// status // Show current URL to play *
// testfile = <file on SPIFFS> // Test SPIFFS reads for debugging purpose *
// test // For test purposes *
// debug = 0 or 1 // Switch debugging on or off *
// reset // Restart the ESP8266 *
// analog // Show current analog input *
// Commands marked with "*)" are sensible in ini-file only *
// Note that it is adviced to avoid expressions as the argument for the abs function. *
char* analyzeCmd ( const char* par, const char* val )
String argument ; // Argument as string
String value ; // Value of an argument as a string
int ivalue ; // Value of argument as an integer
static char reply[150] ; // Reply to client, will be returned
//static char topic[250] ; // topic for MQTT.
//static char message[250] ; // message for MQTT.
uint8_t oldvol ; // Current volume
bool relative ; // Relative argument (+ or -)
int inx ; // Index in string
String tmpstr ; // Temporary for value
strcpy ( reply, "Command accepted" ) ; // Default reply
argument = chomp ( par ) ; // Get the argument
if ( argument.length() == 0 ) // Lege commandline (comment)?
return reply ; // Ignore
argument.toLowerCase() ; // Force to lower case
value = chomp ( val ) ; // Get the specified value
ivalue = value.toInt() ; // Also as an integer.
ivalue = abs ( ivalue ) ; // Make it absolute.
relative = argument.indexOf ( "up" ) == 0 ; // + relative setting?
if ( argument.indexOf ( "down" ) == 0 ) // - relative setting?
relative = true ; // It's relative
ivalue = - ivalue ; // But with negative value
if ( value.startsWith ( "http://" ) ) // Does (possible) URL contain "http://"?
value.remove ( 0, 7 ) ; // Yes, remove it
if ( value.length() )
tmpstr = value ; // Make local copy of value
if ( argument.indexOf ( "passw" ) >= 0 ) // Password in value?
tmpstr = String ( "******" ) ; // Yes, hide it
dbgprint ( "Command: %s with parameter %s",
argument.c_str(), tmpstr.c_str() ) ;
dbgprint ( "Command: %s (without parameter)",
argument.c_str() ) ;
if ( argument.indexOf ( "volume" ) >= 0 ) // Volume setting?
// Volume may be of the form "upvolume", "downvolume" or "volume" for relative or absolute setting
oldvol = vs1053player.getVolume() ; // Get current volume
if ( relative ) // + relative setting?
ini_block.reqvol = oldvol + ivalue ; // Up by 0.5 or more dB
ini_block.reqvol = ivalue ; // Absolue setting
if ( ini_block.reqvol > 100 )
ini_block.reqvol = 100 ; // Limit to normal values
sprintf ( reply, "Volume is now %d", // Reply new volume
ini_block.reqvol ) ;
curvolm = vs1053player.getVolume() ; //(char*)ini_block.reqvol ;
mqttpub.trigger ( MQTT_VOLUME ) ; // Request publishing to MQTT
else if ( argument == "mute" ) // Mute request
muteflag = true ; // Request volume to zero
state = "Muted" ; // Change player state.
mqttpub.trigger ( MQTT_PLAYSTATE ) ; // Request publishing to MQTT
else if ( argument == "unmute" ) // Unmute request?
muteflag = false ; // Request normal volume
state = "Playing" ; // Change player state.
mqttpub.trigger ( MQTT_PLAYSTATE ) ; // Request publishing to MQTT
else if ( argument.indexOf ( "preset" ) >= 0 ) // Preset station?
if ( !argument.startsWith ( "preset_" ) ) // But not a station URL
if ( relative ) // Relative argument?
ini_block.newpreset += ivalue ; // Yes, adjust currentpreset
ini_block.newpreset = ivalue ; // Otherwise set preset station
sprintf ( reply, "Preset is now %d", // Reply new preset
ini_block.newpreset ) ;
curprem = String( ini_block.newpreset ) ;
mqttpub.trigger ( MQTT_PRESET ) ; // Request publishing to MQTT
playlist_num = 0 ;
else if ( argument == "stop" ) // Stop requested?
datamode = STOPREQD ; // Request STOP
mqttclr() ;
//state = "Stopped" ; // Change state to stopped.
//mqttpub.trigger ( MQTT_PLAYSTATE ) ; // Request publishing to MQTT
strcpy ( reply, "Command not accepted!" ) ; // Error reply
else if ( argument == "resume" ) // Request to resume?
if ( datamode == STOPPED ) // Yes, are we stopped?
hostreq = true ; // Yes, request restart
else if ( argument == "station" ) // Station in the form address:port
datamode = STOPREQD ; // Request STOP
host = value ; // Save it for storage and selection later
hostreq = true ; // Force this station as new preset
sprintf ( reply,
"New preset station %s accepted", // Format reply
host.c_str() ) ;
else if ( argument == "xml" )
datamode = STOPREQD ; // Request STOP
host = value ; // Save it for storage and selection later
xmlreq = true ; // Run XML parsing process.
sprintf ( reply,
"New xml preset station %s accepted", // Format reply
host.c_str() ) ;
else if ( argument == "status" ) // Status request
if ( datamode == STOPPED )
sprintf ( reply, "Player stopped" ) ; // Format reply
sprintf ( reply, "%s - %s", icyname.c_str(),
icystreamtitle.c_str() ) ; // Streamtitle from metadata
else if ( argument.startsWith ( "reset" ) ) // Reset request
resetreq = true ; // Reset all
else if ( argument == "testfile" ) // Testfile command?
testfilename = value ; // Yes, set file to test accordingly
else if ( argument == "test" ) // Test command
sprintf ( reply, "Free memory is %d, ringbuf %d, stream %d",
system_get_free_heap_size(), rcount, mp3client.available() ) ;
// Commands for bass/treble control
else if ( argument.startsWith ( "tone" ) ) // Tone command
if ( argument.indexOf ( "ha" ) > 0 ) // High amplitue? (for treble)
ini_block.rtone[0] = ivalue ; // Yes, prepare to set ST_AMPLITUDE
if ( argument.indexOf ( "hf" ) > 0 ) // High frequency? (for treble)
ini_block.rtone[1] = ivalue ; // Yes, prepare to set ST_FREQLIMIT
if ( argument.indexOf ( "la" ) > 0 ) // Low amplitue? (for bass)
ini_block.rtone[2] = ivalue ; // Yes, prepare to set SB_AMPLITUDE
if ( argument.indexOf ( "lf" ) > 0 ) // High frequency? (for bass)
ini_block.rtone[3] = ivalue ; // Yes, prepare to set SB_FREQLIMIT
reqtone = true ; // Set change request
sprintf ( reply, "Parameter for bass/treble %s set to %d",
argument.c_str(), ivalue ) ;
else if ( argument.startsWith ( "mqtt" ) ) // Parameter fo MQTT?
strcpy ( reply, "MQTT broker parameter changed. Save and restart to have effect" ) ;
if ( argument.indexOf ( "broker" ) > 0 ) // Broker specified?
ini_block.mqttbroker = value.c_str() ; // Yes, set broker accordingly
else if ( argument.indexOf ( "prefix" ) > 0 ) // Port specified?
ini_block.mqttprefix = value ; // Yes, set port user accordingly
else if ( argument.indexOf ( "port" ) > 0 ) // Port specified?
ini_block.mqttport = ivalue ; // Yes, set port user accordingly
else if ( argument.indexOf ( "user" ) > 0 ) // User specified?
ini_block.mqttuser = value ; // Yes, set user accordingly
else if ( argument.indexOf ( "passwd" ) > 0 ) // Password specified?
ini_block.mqttpasswd = value.c_str() ; // Yes, set broker password accordingly
else if ( argument.indexOf ( "pubtopic" ) > 0 ) // Publish topic specified?
ini_block.mqttpubtopic = value.c_str() ; // Yes, set broker password accordingly
else if ( argument.indexOf ( "topic" ) > 0 ) // Topic specified?
ini_block.mqtttopic = value.c_str() ; // Yes, set broker topic accordingly
else if ( argument == "debug" ) // debug on/off request?
DEBUG = ivalue ; // Yes, set flag accordingly
else if ( argument == "analog" ) // Show analog request?
sprintf ( reply, "Analog input = %d units", // Read the analog input for test
analogRead ( A0 ) ) ;
else if ( argument.startsWith ( "wifi" ) ) // WiFi SSID and passwd?
inx = value.indexOf ( "/" ) ; // Find separator between ssid and password
// Was this the strongest SSID or the only acceptable?
if ( num_an == 1 )
ini_block.ssid = value.substring ( 0, inx ) ; // Only one. Set as the strongest
if ( value.substring ( 0, inx ) == ini_block.ssid )
ini_block.passwd = value.substring ( inx + 1 ) ; // Yes, set password
else if ( argument == "getnetworks" ) // List all WiFi networks?
sprintf ( reply, networks.c_str() ) ; // Reply is SSIDs
sprintf ( reply, "%s called with illegal parameter: %s",
NAME, argument.c_str() ) ;
return reply ; // Return reply to the caller
// H A N D L E C M D *
// Handling of the various commands from remote (case sensitive). All commands have the *
// form "/?parameter[=value]". Example: "/?volume=50". *
// The startpage will be returned if no arguments are given. *
// Multiple parameters are ignored. An extra parameter may be "version=<random number>" *
// in order to prevent browsers like Edge and IE to use their cache. This "version" is *
// ignored. *
// Example: "/?upvolume=5&version=0.9775479450590543" *
// The save and the list commands are handled specially. *
void handleCmd ( AsyncWebServerRequest* request )
AsyncWebParameter* p ; // Points to parameter structure
static String argument ; // Next argument in command
static String value ; // Value of an argument
const char* reply ; // Reply to client
//uint32_t t ; // For time test
int params ; // Number of params
static File f ; // Handle for writing /radio.ini to SPIFFS
//t = millis() ; // Timestamp at start
params = request->params() ; // Get number of arguments
if ( params == 0 ) // Any arguments
if ( NetworkFound )
handleFSf ( request, String( "/index.html") ) ; // No parameters, send the startpage
handleFSf ( request, String( "/config.html") ) ; // Or the configuration page if in AP mode
return ;
p = request->getParam ( 0 ) ; // Get pointer to parameter structure
argument = p->name() ; // Get the argument
argument.toLowerCase() ; // Force to lower case
value = p->value() ; // Get the specified value
// For the "save" command, the contents is the value of the next parameter
if ( argument.startsWith ( "save" ) && ( params > 1 ) )
reply = "Error saving " INIFILENAME ; // Default reply
p = request->getParam ( 1 ) ; // Get pointer to next parameter structure
if ( p->isPost() ) // Does it have a POST?
f = ( INIFILENAME, "w" ) ; // Save to inifile
if ( f )
f.print ( p->value() ) ;
f.close() ;
reply = dbgprint ( "%s saved", INIFILENAME ) ;
else if ( argument.startsWith ( "list" ) ) // List all presets?
dbgprint ( "list request from browser" ) ;
request->send ( 200, "text/plain", presetlist ) ; // Send the reply
return ;
reply = analyzeCmd ( argument.c_str(), // Analyze it
value.c_str() ) ;
request->send ( 200, "text/plain", reply ) ; // Send the reply
//t = millis() - t ;
// If it takes too long to send a reply, we run into the "LmacRxBlk:1"-problem.
// Reset the ESP8266.....
//if ( t > 8000 )
// ESP.restart() ; // Last resource
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Edzelf commented May 26, 2017

I see various "reconnect to MQTT". You are using the async version, so only reconnect on disconnect.
And please do no fill my Github with long stackdumps.

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Edzelf commented May 28, 2017

I see still various "reconnect to MQTT"s. This is allowed only on setup() and in onMqttConnect(). There's no change that this will contribute to the stability.

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NonaSuomy commented May 30, 2017

Sorry Github didn't seem to notify me that you were commenting here. Also, GitHub has an unlimited size for repos, only recommended limitations of 1GB which is only for the code repository so it should not fill up your GitHub account no matter the length of posting issues if you were worried about that. I didn't know how hardcore you were for debug information, should be removed now.

I can't seem to find any information pertaining to that you can't reconnect to ASync MQTT but in those locations and not any other place in your code. Can you show me a reference to this?

I will remove the mqttclient.connect() ; because of what you say but the issue is the client never actually gets properly disconnected from the broker just the client crashes internally on the esp8266 and never tries to reconnect but still continues to play music, the mqtt connect counter never increases past 1. When I added the extra re connect on disconnect other place in the code the first time a while back it would actually try to connect again in the 10min timer which worked, when I added it to the end of the loop like you did with the esp32 version I thought this was a better idea so I switched to that which I think causes it to crash because it doesn't give it enough time to connect before it retries like how I had it previously in a different function.

If I turn off the broker then it will increase the reconnect counter as we tested this with your server when you reset it.

Were you able to run this code base on your esp8266 with vs1053 + ihr radio station xxxxFM etc (not an ihr local station IHR_xxxx) ?

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