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Last active December 9, 2022 11:00
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Transform nmap IP and MAC scan into csv file using Powershell

If you're gathering IP and MAC addresses using nmap on a Windows machine, you can use Powershell to replace awk to transform the output to a comma seperated file, containing the IP and MAC address.

nmap -sP -n -oX scan.xml 

This call produces an XML file, contining the scanned hosts as XML nodes containing subnodes with address information. The address nodes will be the IP address and the MAC address.

	<status reason="arp-response" reason_ttl="0" state="up"/>
	<address addr="" addrtype="ipv4"/>
	<address addr="F1:E2:D3:C4:B5:A6" addrtype="mac" vendor="Manufacturer"/>
	<times rttvar="16000" srtt="16000" to="100000"/>

You can utilize Select-Xml and it's -XPath argument to select each nmap scan node and extract the address subnodes information as either IP or MAC address string.

Select-Xml -Path scan_1.xml -XPath '/nmaprun/host' | ForEach-Object { 

	$addr = $_.Node.address
	$ip = ''
	$mac = ''

    foreach ($a in $addr){
        if($a.addrtype -eq 'ipv4'){
		    $ip = $a.addr
		    $mac = $a.addr
 	Write-Output "$($ip);$($mac)"

The strings are written to the terminal and can be piped into a file, if you like. If you want to output into a file directlym you can replace Write-Output with Add-Content. You will get this as the ouput:;F1:E2:D3:C4:B5:A6;F1:E2:D3:C4:B5:A6;F1:E2:D3:C4:B5:A6
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