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Created July 5, 2018 09:06
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whoohoo i got my money from dell hahaha
Squirrel in training
@BugFinder why?
I bought a laptop 1/1/2016, by 25/12/2016 it was hosed, something had died, and all it would do was blue screen.. so, they replaced the disk (dont ask) which not unsurprisingly didnt fix it, so they replaced the motherboard.. with one with half the graphics card I had paid for... they then argued for a month with their own build docs .. and finally put in the right one.. it was still blue screening
so, by march they replaced it with a new model, better graphics less screen but it was ok
it arrived with 1 of 2 USB ports not working
within 3 months the hard disk died
which they then came out and fixed both parts although that USB port was still only good for power and USB1
so, they obviously wanted the first back so over the next few months, I was told "man coming on .." so I would take the day off, be at home, waiting.. no one came.. 5 times.. thats 1/4 of my holiday waiting on asshats who didnt come
so I told dell enough, I wasnt taking more time off for them they could f*king wait.
anyway, i kinda forgot all about it, they never wrote so I never thought about it
the new one one day stopped.. I dont mean hung, or anything, i mean brick.
all it did was faintly issue a bad smell
so I called them up, "oh madam, you dont have support" .. fecking do, till 2020, "no no madam.. YOU didnt return the old one"
err, Im sorry what, I didnt return the old one, I took 5 days off you never came.. yes well its your responsibility to return it.. But you dont give an adress dell arrange the collection.. how is this MY responsibility.. anyway.. so more arguments
so, it took them 2+ weeks to sort out that they would collect it, and.. surprisingly now saturdays were an option, and a man came..
10+ days later they agreed they had had it back and it was on support, but my next business day agreement.. I got a call thursday to say its on support and they would book a man to come... monday
so, man came on the monday... he replaced the motherboard and....... it still didnt power on right.. he told dell it didnt power on, that wasnt entirely true, it did, but all it did was flash the power button red and switch off again.. UNLESS you kept the lid closed, then it would power on (I have a theory what was wrong but as it wouldnt power an external screen I couldnt fix)
so it had to go back
at this point, I kinda flipped my s*t.. i had had enough, cos if it takes 10 days for them to agree they got it, lets say a week for the trained monkey to look at it (given there are tons of reports that they will often return it without even opening it) and then of course, taking yet another day off to receive it.. and maybe find it still didnt work
I asked for my money back.. they agreed to pay 80% ... now, given this laptop was about 4.5K of my money, I was unimpressed, the next business day support was nearly 1k of that.. but they gave me 80% back.. and set about the collection of the unit..
Guess what?
Lee Butler
£4500 laptop?
@BugFinder the said it cost less?
For some reason (cant think why) I had doubts the man would come.. and I voiced this and it was "oh no madam, he will come" .. but, after a few more mails.... they provided me with a phone number for the collection people.. so I rang them.
Oh no madam, we rejected that pickup we arent coming today
apparently dell had provided a phone number of 0123456789
and so they rejected it
and once again I was sitting at home having taken a day off work
I pleaded with the collection company and explained this story and the girl understood why I wanted to buy arms and take it out on dell, and arranged for a man to pick it up on his way home..
so, no thanks to tell it did go back that day, but I needn't have taken a day off for it
2 odd weeks later dell did give me my 80%.. which then took another week+ to go through..
I told them I thought they were shocking, and that the support was insulting for the money paid
we are sorry to hear you had problems returning your machine, so I laughed, and explained this story
his job is phoning people like me who understand why people go postal and go shoot up places.. and he agreed to return me a further 360 quid.. which is in my bank today
Lee Butler
I recommend going out and buying The new Microsoft SUrface Book 2 with NVidia GTX 1050 discrete gpu
so, they know their support is so bad that people go nuts, so they hire people who's only job is the call mistreated customers and give them more money? Seems legit!
@BugFinder did you get a new laptop?
no.. I bought a desktop last october
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