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Created March 15, 2024 11:14
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A cursed implementation of TicTacToe in Rust
use std::io;
struct Board(u32, String);
impl Board {
fn new() -> Board { Board(0, "".to_string()) }
fn run(&mut self) -> () {
loop {
loop {
self.0 &= 0x0FFFFF;
println!(" a b c\n ┌───┬───┬───┐");
while self.0 & 0xF00000 < 0x900000 {
if (self.0 & 0xF00000) % 0x300000 == 0x000000 { print!(" {} │ ", 3 - self.0 / 0x300000) } else { print!(" │ ") }
print!("{}", if self.0 >> 0o11 >> (self.0 >> 0o24) & 1 != 0 { if self.0 >> (self.0 >> 0o24) & 1 == 0 {'O'} else {'X'} } else {' '});
if (self.0 & 0xF00000) % 0x300000 == 0x200000 { print!(" │ {}\n", 3 - self.0 / 0x300000); if self.0 & 0xF00000 < 0x800000 { println!(" ├───┼───┼───┤") } }
self.0 += 0x100000;
println!(" └───┴───┴───┘\n a b c");
if self.0 >> 0o23 & 1 == 1 { println!("{} has won!", if self.0 >> 0o22 & 1 == 0 { 'O' } else { 'X' }); break }
else if self.0 >> 0o11 & 0x1FF == 0x1FF { println!("It's a draw!"); break }
else { self.0 ^= 1 << 0o22; println!("It is {}'s turn!", if self.0 >> 0o22 & 1 == 0 { 'O' } else { 'X' }) }
println!("Please enter a cell to place your piece in (e.g. a1):");
loop {
io::stdin().read_line(&mut self.1).unwrap_or_default();
self.1 = self.1.trim().to_string();
if self.1.len() > 2 { continue }
self.0 = self.0 & 0x000FFFFF | (self.1.chars().nth(0).unwrap_or_default() as u32) << 0o30;
match self.0 >> 0o30 { 0x61..=0x63 => { self.0 |= (self.0 >> 0o30) - 0x61 << 0o24 }, _ => { continue } }
self.0 = self.0 & 0x00FFFFFF | (self.1.chars().nth(1).unwrap_or_default() as u32) << 0o30;
match self.0 >> 0o30 { 0x31..=0x33 => { self.0 += (2 - ((self.0 >> 0o30) - 0x31)) * 3 << 0o24 }, _ => { continue } }
if self.0 >> 0o11 >> (self.0 >> 0o24 & 0xF) & 1 == 0 { break }
self.0 |= 1 << 0o11 + (self.0 >> 0o24 & 0xF);
if self.0 >> 0o22 & 1 == 1 { self.0 |= 1 << (self.0 >> 0o24 & 0xF) }
for win in [0b001001001, 0b010010010,0b100100100, 0b000000111, 0b000111000, 0b111000000, 0b100010001, 0b001010100] as [u16; 8] {
if (self.0 >> 0o11 & 0x1FF) as u16 & win == win && matches!((self.0 & 0x1FF) as u16 & win, x if x == win || x == 0) { self.0 |= 1 << 0o23 }
println!("Would you like to play again? (y/n)");
loop {
io::stdin().read_line(&mut self.1).unwrap_or_default();
self.1 = self.1.trim().to_string();
if self.1.len() > 1 || !matches!(self.1.chars().nth(0).unwrap_or_default(), 'y' | 'n') { continue }
if self.1.chars().nth(0).unwrap_or_default() == 'n' { break }
self.0 = 0;
fn main() { Board::new().run() }
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