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Created May 11, 2022 06:39
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  • Save Nook2007/9dbec85a9af2e9c3dbadf9da17bf67ec to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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import java.lang.IllegalArgumentException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.DataBuffer;
import java.awt.image.DataBufferByte;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import org.doubango.ultimateAlpr.Sdk.ULTALPR_SDK_IMAGE_TYPE;
import org.doubango.ultimateAlpr.Sdk.UltAlprSdkEngine;
import org.doubango.ultimateAlpr.Sdk.UltAlprSdkResult;
public class Recognizer {
* Defines the debug level to output on the console. You should use "verbose" for diagnostic, "info" in development stage and "warn" on production.
* JSON name: "debug_level"
* Default: "info"
* type: string
* pattern: "verbose" | "info" | "warn" | "error" | "fatal"
* More info:
static final String CONFIG_DEBUG_LEVEL = "info";
* Whether to write the transformed input image to the disk. This could be useful for debugging.
* JSON name: "debug_write_input_image_enabled"
* Default: false
* type: bool
* pattern: true | false
* More info:
static final boolean CONFIG_DEBUG_WRITE_INPUT_IMAGE = false; // must be false unless you're debugging the code
* Path to the folder where to write the transformed input image. Used only if "debug_write_input_image_enabled" is true.
* JSON name: "debug_internal_data_path"
* Default: ""
* type: string
* pattern: folder path
* More info:
* Defines the maximum number of threads to use.
* You should not change this value unless you know what you’re doing. Set to -1 to let the SDK choose the right value.
* The right value the SDK will choose will likely be equal to the number of virtual core.
* For example, on an octa-core device the maximum number of threads will be 8.
* JSON name: "num_threads"
* Default: -1
* type: int
* pattern: ]-inf, +inf[
* More info:
static final int CONFIG_NUM_THREADS = -1;
* Whether to enable GPGPU computing. This will enable or disable GPGPU computing on the computer vision and deep learning libraries.
* On ARM devices this flag will be ignored when fixed-point (integer) math implementation exist for a well-defined function.
* For example, this function will be disabled for the bilinear scaling as we have a fixed-point SIMD accelerated implementation.
* Same for many deep learning parts as we’re using QINT8 quantized inference.
* JSON name: "gpgpu_enabled"
* Default: true
* type: bool
* pattern: true | false
* More info:
static final boolean CONFIG_GPGPU_ENABLED = true;
* The parallel processing method could introduce delay/latency in the delivery callback on low-end CPUs.
* This parameter controls the maximum latency you can tolerate. The unit is number of frames.
* The default value is -1 which means auto.
* JSON name: "max_latency"
* Default: -1
* type: int
* pattern: [0, +inf[
* More info:
static final int CONFIG_MAX_LATENCY = -1;
* Defines a charset (Alphabet) to use for the recognizer.
* JSON name: "charset"
* Default: "latin"
* type: string
* pattern: "latin" | "koran"
* More info:
static final String CONFIG_CHARSET = "latin";
* Whether to enable Image Enhancement for Night-Vision (IENV).
* IENV is explained at
* <p>
* JSON name: "ienv_enabled"
* Default: false
* type: bool
* pattern: true | false
* Available since: 3.2.0
* More info:
static final boolean CONFIG_IENV_ENABLED = System.getProperty("os.arch").equals("amd64");
* Whether to use OpenVINO instead of Tensorflow as deep learning backend engine. OpenVINO is used for detection and classification but not for OCR.
* OpenVINO is always faster than Tensorflow on Intel products (CPUs, VPUs, GPUs, FPGAs…) and we highly recommend using it.
* We require a CPU with support for both AVX2 and FMA features before trying to load OpenVINO plugin (shared library).
* OpenVINO will be disabled with a fallback on Tensorflow if these CPU features are not detected.
* JSON name: "openvino_enabled"
* Default: true
* type: bool
* pattern: true | false
* Available since: 3.0.0
* More info:
static final boolean CONFIG_OPENVINO_ENABLED = true;
* OpenVINO device to use for computations. We recommend using "CPU" which is always correct.
* If you have an Intel GPU, VPU or FPGA, then you can change this value.
* If you try to use any other value than "CPU" without having the right device, then OpenVINO will be completely disabled with a fallback on Tensorflow.
* JSON name: "openvino_device"
* Default: "CPU"
* type: string
* pattern: "GNA" | "HETERO" | "CPU" | "MULTI" | "GPU" | "MYRIAD" | "HDDL " | "FPGA"
* Available since: 3.0.0
* More info:
static final String CONFIG_OPENVINO_DEVICE = "CPU";
* Define a threshold for the detection score. Any detection with a score below that threshold will be ignored. 0.f being poor confidence and 1.f excellent confidence.
* JSON name: "detect_minscore",
* Default: 0.3f
* type: float
* pattern: ]0.f, 1.f]
* More info:
static final double CONFIG_DETECT_MINSCORE = 0.3;
* Defines the Region Of Interest (ROI) for the detector. Any pixels outside region of interest will be ignored by the detector.
* Defining an WxH region of interest instead of resizing the image at WxH is very important as you'll keep the same quality when you define a ROI while you'll lose in quality when using the later.
* JSON name: "detect_roi"
* Default: [0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f]
* type: float[4]
* pattern: [left, right, top, bottom]
* More info:
static final List<Float> CONFIG_DETECT_ROI = Arrays.asList(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
* Whether to return cars with no plate. By default any car without plate will be silently ignored.
* To filter false-positives:
* JSON name: "car_noplate_detect_enabled"
* Default: false
* type: bool
* pattern: true | false
* Available since: 3.2.0
* More info:
static final boolean CONFIG_CAR_NOPLATE_DETECT_ENABLED = false;
* Defines a threshold for the detection score for cars with no plate. Any detection with a score below that threshold will be ignored. 0.f being poor confidence and 1.f excellent confidence.
* JSON name: "car_noplate_detect_min_score",
* Default: 0.8f
* type: float
* pattern: [0.f, 1.f]
* Available since: 3.2.0
* More info:
static final double CONFIG_CAR_NOPLATE_DETECT_MINSCORE = 0.8; // 80%
* Whether to enable pyramidal search. Pyramidal search is an advanced feature to accurately detect very small or far away license plates.
* JSON name: "pyramidal_search_enabled"
* Default: true
* type: bool
* pattern: true | false
* More info:
static final boolean CONFIG_PYRAMIDAL_SEARCH_ENABLED = true;
* Defines how sensitive the pyramidal search anchor resolution function should be. The higher this value is, the higher the number of pyramid levels will be.
* More levels means better accuracy but higher CPU usage and inference time.
* Pyramidal search will be disabled if this value is equal to 0.
* JSON name: "pyramidal_search_sensitivity"
* Default: 0.28f
* type: float
* pattern: [0.f, 1.f]
* More info:
static final double CONFIG_PYRAMIDAL_SEARCH_SENSITIVITY = 0.33; // 33%
* Defines a threshold for the detection score associated to the plates retrieved after pyramidal search.
* Any detection with a score below that threshold will be ignored.
* 0.f being poor confidence and 1.f excellent confidence.
* JSON name: "pyramidal_search_minscore"
* Default: 0.8f
* type: float
* pattern: ]0.f, 1.f]
* More info:
static final double CONFIG_PYRAMIDAL_SEARCH_MINSCORE = 0.3; // 30%
* Minimum image size (max[width, height]) in pixels to trigger pyramidal search.
* Pyramidal search will be disabled if the image size is less than this value. Using pyramidal search on small images is useless.
* JSON name: "pyramidal_search_min_image_size_inpixels"
* Default: 800
* type: integer
* pattern: [0, inf]
* More info:
* Whether to enable License Plate Country Identification (LPCI) function (
* To avoid adding latency to the pipeline only enable this function if you really need it.
* JSON name: "klass_lpci_enabled"
* Default: false
* type: bool
* pattern: true | false
* Available since: 3.0.0
* More info at
static final boolean CONFIG_KLASS_LPCI_ENABLED = false;
* Whether to enable Vehicle Color Recognition (VCR) function (
* To avoid adding latency to the pipeline only enable this function if you really need it.
* JSON name: "klass_vcr_enabled"
* Default: false
* type: bool
* pattern: true | false
* Available since: 3.0.0
* More info at
static final boolean CONFIG_KLASS_VCR_ENABLED = false;
* Whether to enable Vehicle Make Model Recognition (VMMR) function (
* To avoid adding latency to the pipeline only enable this function if you really need it.
* JSON name: "klass_vmmr_enabled"
* Default: false
* type: bool
* pattern: true | false
* More info at
static final boolean CONFIG_KLASS_VMMR_ENABLED = false;
* Whether to enable Vehicle Body Style Recognition (VBSR) function (
* To avoid adding latency to the pipeline only enable this function if you really need it.
* JSON name: "klass_vbsr_enabled"
* Default: false
* type: bool
* pattern: true | false
* Available since: 3.2.0
* More info at
static final boolean CONFIG_KLASS_VBSR_ENABLED = false;
* 1/G coefficient value to use for gamma correction operation in order to enhance the car color before applying VCR classification.
* More information on gamma correction could be found at
* Values higher than 1.0f mean lighter and lower than 1.0f mean darker. Value equal to 1.0f mean bypass gamma correction operation.
* This parameter in action:
* * JSON name: "recogn_minscore"
* Default: 1.5
* type: float
* pattern: [0.f, inf[
* Available since: 3.0.0
* More info:
static final double CONFIG_KLASS_VCR_GAMMA = 1.5;
* Define a threshold for the overall recognition score. Any recognition with a score below that threshold will be ignored.
* The overall score is computed based on "recogn_score_type". 0.f being poor confidence and 1.f excellent confidence.
* JSON name: "recogn_minscore"
* Default: 0.3f
* type: float
* pattern: ]0.f, 1.f]
* More info:
static final double CONFIG_RECOGN_MINSCORE = 0.2; // 20%
* Defines the overall score type. The recognizer outputs a recognition score ([0.f, 1.f]) for every character in the license plate.
* The score type defines how to compute the overall score.
* - "min": Takes the minimum score.
* - "mean": Takes the average score.
* - "median": Takes the median score.
* - "max": Takes the maximum score.
* - "minmax": Takes (max + min) * 0.5f.
* The "min" score is the more robust type as it ensure that every character have at least a certain confidence value.
* The median score is the default type as it provide a higher recall. In production we recommend using min type.
* JSON name: "recogn_score_type"
* Default: "median"
* Recommended: "min"
* type: string
* More info:
static final String CONFIG_RECOGN_SCORE_TYPE = "min";
* Whether to add rectification layer between the detector’s output and the recognizer’s input. A rectification layer is used to suppress the distortion.
* A plate is distorted when it’s skewed and/or slanted. The rectification layer will deslant and deskew the plate to make it straight which make the recognition more accurate.
* Please note that you only need to enable this feature when the license plates are highly distorted. The implementation can handle moderate distortion without a rectification layer.
* The rectification layer adds many CPU intensive operations to the pipeline which decrease the frame rate.
* More info on the rectification layer could be found at
* JSON name: "recogn_rectify_enabled"
* Default: false
* Recommended: false
* type: string
* More info at
static final boolean CONFIG_RECOGN_RECTIFY_ENABLED = false;
static final int NUM_LOOPS = 500;
static final float PERCENT_POSITIVES = .2f; // 20%
public static void main(String[] args) throws IllegalArgumentException, FileNotFoundException, IOException {
// Parse arguments
final Hashtable<String, String> parameters = ParseArgs(args);
// Make sur the image is provided using args
if (!parameters.containsKey("--positive")) {
System.err.println("--positive required");
throw new IllegalArgumentException("--positive required");
if (!parameters.containsKey("--negative")) {
System.err.println("--negative required");
throw new IllegalArgumentException("--negative required");
// Extract assets folder
String assetsFolder = parameters.containsKey("--assets")
? parameters.get("--assets") : "";
// License data - Optional
String tokenDataBase64 = parameters.containsKey("--tokendata")
? parameters.get("--tokendata") : "";
// Charset - Optional
String charsetAkaAlphabet = parameters.containsKey("--charset")
? parameters.get("--charset") : CONFIG_CHARSET;
//!\\ This is a quick and dirty way to load the library. You should not use it:
// create a static block outside the main function and load the library from there.
// In the next version we'll make sure the library has the same name regardless the platform/OS.
System.load(new File("../../../binaries/linux/x86_64/", "").getAbsolutePath());
System.load(new File("../../../binaries/linux/x86_64/", "").getAbsolutePath());
System.load(new File("../../../binaries/linux/x86_64/", "").getAbsolutePath());
System.load(new File("../../../binaries/linux/x86_64/", "").getAbsolutePath());
System.load(new File("../../../binaries/linux/x86_64/", "").getAbsolutePath());
System.load(new File("../../../binaries/linux/x86_64/", "").getAbsolutePath());
System.load(new File("../../../binaries/linux/x86_64/", "").getAbsolutePath());
System.load(new File("../../../binaries/linux/x86_64/", "").getAbsolutePath());
System.load(new File("../../../binaries/linux/x86_64/", "").getAbsolutePath());
System.load(new File("../../../binaries/linux/x86_64/", "").getAbsolutePath());
// Initialize the engine: Load deep learning models and init GPU shaders
// Make sure de disable VS hosting process to see logs from native code:
// This function should be called once.
UltAlprSdkResult result = CheckResult("Init", UltAlprSdkEngine.init("{\"debug_level\": \"info\",\"debug_write_input_image_enabled\": false,\"debug_internal_data_path\": \".\",\"num_threads\": -1,\"gpgpu_enabled\": true,\"max_latency\": -1,\"klass_vcr_gamma\": 1.5,\"detect_roi\": [0, 0, 0, 0],\"detect_minscore\": 0.1,\"pyramidal_search_enabled\": false,\"pyramidal_search_sensitivity\": 0.28,\"pyramidal_search_minscore\": 0.8,\"pyramidal_search_min_image_size_inpixels\": 800,\"recogn_minscore\": 0.3,\"recogn_score_type\": \"min\",\"assets_folder\": \"../../../assets\",\"charset\": \"latin\",\"recogn_rectify_enabled\": false,\"ienv_enabled\": false,\"openvino_enabled\": true,\"openvino_device\": \"CPU\",\"klass_lpci_enabled\": false,\"klass_vcr_enabled\": false,\"klass_vmmr_enabled\": false,\"klass_vbsr_enabled\": false}"));
// TODO(dmi): add code to extract EXIF orientation
final int orientation = 1;
// Processing
// For packed formats (RGB-family):
// For YUV formats (data from camera):
List<Integer> indices = new ArrayList<>(NUM_LOOPS);
final int numPositives = (int) (NUM_LOOPS * PERCENT_POSITIVES);
for (int i = 0; i < numPositives; ++i) {
indices.add(1); // positive index
for (int i = numPositives; i < NUM_LOOPS; ++i) {
indices.add(0); // negative index
Collections.shuffle(indices); // make the indices random
// Read the images
final ImageWrapper images[] = new ImageWrapper[2];
images[0] = loadImage(parameters.get("--positive"));
if (images[0] == null) {
throw new AssertionError("Failed to read file");
images[1] = loadImage(parameters.get("--negative"));
if (images[1] == null) {
throw new AssertionError("Failed to read file");
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
final ImageWrapper imageWrapper = images[i];
int bytesPerPixel = imageWrapper.bpp;
ByteBuffer nativeBuffer = imageWrapper.buffer;
BufferedImage image = imageWrapper.image;
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
CheckResult("Process", UltAlprSdkEngine.process(
image.getWidth(), // stride
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("time is " + (end - start));
final long startTimeInMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (Integer i : indices) {
final ImageWrapper imageWrapper = images[i];
int bytesPerPixel = imageWrapper.bpp;
ByteBuffer nativeBuffer = imageWrapper.buffer;
BufferedImage image = imageWrapper.image;
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
CheckResult("Process", UltAlprSdkEngine.process(
image.getWidth(), // stride
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
// System.out.println("time is " + (end - start));
final long endTimeInMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
final long elapsedTime = (endTimeInMillis - startTimeInMillis);
final float estimatedFps = 1000.f / (elapsedTime / (float) NUM_LOOPS);
// Print result to console
System.out.println("Result: " + result.json() + System.lineSeparator());
System.out.println("Elapsed time: " + elapsedTime + " millis, FrameRate: " + estimatedFps);
// Wait until user press a key
System.out.println("Press any key to terminate !!" + System.lineSeparator());
final java.util.Scanner scanner = new java.util.Scanner(;
if (scanner != null) {
// Now that you're done, deInit the engine before exiting
CheckResult("DeInit", UltAlprSdkEngine.deInit());
public static ImageWrapper loadImage(String path) throws IOException {
// Decode the JPEG/PNG/BMP file
final File file = new File(path);
if (!file.exists()) {
throw new FileNotFoundException("File not found: " + file.getAbsolutePath());
final BufferedImage image =;
final int bytesPerPixel = image.getColorModel().getPixelSize() >> 3;
if (bytesPerPixel != 1 && bytesPerPixel != 3 && bytesPerPixel != 4) {
throw new IOException("Invalid BPP: " + bytesPerPixel);
System.out.println("bytesPerPixel: " + bytesPerPixel + System.lineSeparator());
// Write data to native/direct ByteBuffer
final DataBuffer dataBuffer = image.getRaster().getDataBuffer();
if (!(dataBuffer instanceof DataBufferByte)) {
throw new IOException("Image must contains 1-byte samples");
final ByteBuffer nativeBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(image.getWidth() * image.getHeight() * bytesPerPixel);
final byte[] pixelData = ((DataBufferByte) dataBuffer).getData();
return new ImageWrapper(image, nativeBuffer, bytesPerPixel);
static class ImageWrapper {
public ImageWrapper(BufferedImage image, ByteBuffer buffer, int bpp) {
this.image = image;
this.buffer = buffer;
this.bpp = bpp;
public BufferedImage image;
public ByteBuffer buffer;
public int bpp;
static Hashtable<String, String> ParseArgs(String[] args) throws IllegalArgumentException {
System.out.println("Args: " + String.join(" ", args) + System.lineSeparator());
if ((args.length & 1) != 0) {
String errMessage = String.format("Number of args must be even: %d", args.length);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(errMessage);
// Parsing
Hashtable<String, String> values = new Hashtable<String, String>();
for (int index = 0; index < args.length; index += 2) {
String key = args[index];
if (!key.startsWith("--")) {
String errMessage = String.format("Invalid key: %s", key);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(errMessage);
values.put(key, args[index + 1].replace("$(ProjectDir)", System.getProperty("user.dir").trim()));
return values;
static UltAlprSdkResult CheckResult(String functionName, UltAlprSdkResult result) throws IOException {
if (!result.isOK()) {
String errMessage = String.format("%s: Execution failed: %s", functionName, result.json());
throw new IOException(errMessage);
return result;
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