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Last active June 13, 2024 17:42
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  • Save Nordaj/cc6cadcbee1019a3299939d0f1b86296 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Windows API VK key codes as an enum and easier names with comments for every key. (Aligns correctly with tab size 4)
#pragma once
enum class Key
LeftMouseBtn =0x01, //Left mouse button
RightMouseBtn =0x02, //Right mouse button
CtrlBrkPrcs =0x03, //Control-break processing
MidMouseBtn =0x04, //Middle mouse button
ThumbForward =0x05, //Thumb button back on mouse aka X1
ThumbBack =0x06, //Thumb button forward on mouse aka X2
//0x07 : reserved
BackSpace =0x08, //Backspace key
Tab =0x09, //Tab key
//0x0A - 0x0B : reserved
Clear =0x0C, //Clear key
Enter =0x0D, //Enter or Return key
//0x0E - 0x0F : unassigned
Shift =0x10, //Shift key
Control =0x11, //Ctrl key
Alt =0x12, //Alt key
Pause =0x13, //Pause key
CapsLock =0x14, //Caps lock key
Kana =0x15, //Kana input mode
Hangeul =0x15, //Hangeul input mode
Hangul =0x15, //Hangul input mode
//0x16 : unassigned
Junju =0x17, //Junja input method
Final =0x18, //Final input method
Hanja =0x19, //Hanja input method
Kanji =0x19, //Kanji input method
//0x1A : unassigned
Escape =0x1B, //Esc key
Convert =0x1C, //IME convert
NonConvert =0x1D, //IME Non convert
Accept =0x1E, //IME accept
ModeChange =0x1F, //IME mode change
Space =0x20, //Space bar
PageUp =0x21, //Page up key
PageDown =0x22, //Page down key
End =0x23, //End key
Home =0x24, //Home key
LeftArrow =0x25, //Left arrow key
UpArrow =0x26, //Up arrow key
RightArrow =0x27, //Right arrow key
DownArrow =0x28, //Down arrow key
Select =0x29, //Select key
Print =0x2A, //Print key
Execute =0x2B, //Execute key
PrintScreen =0x2C, //Print screen key
Inser =0x2D, //Insert key
Delete =0x2E, //Delete key
Help =0x2F, //Help key
Num0 =0x30, //Top row 0 key (Matches '0')
Num1 =0x31, //Top row 1 key (Matches '1')
Num2 =0x32, //Top row 2 key (Matches '2')
Num3 =0x33, //Top row 3 key (Matches '3')
Num4 =0x34, //Top row 4 key (Matches '4')
Num5 =0x35, //Top row 5 key (Matches '5')
Num6 =0x36, //Top row 6 key (Matches '6')
Num7 =0x37, //Top row 7 key (Matches '7')
Num8 =0x38, //Top row 8 key (Matches '8')
Num9 =0x39, //Top row 9 key (Matches '9')
//0x3A - 0x40 : unassigned
A =0x41, //A key (Matches 'A')
B =0x42, //B key (Matches 'B')
C =0x43, //C key (Matches 'C')
D =0x44, //D key (Matches 'D')
E =0x45, //E key (Matches 'E')
F =0x46, //F key (Matches 'F')
G =0x47, //G key (Matches 'G')
H =0x48, //H key (Matches 'H')
I =0x49, //I key (Matches 'I')
J =0x4A, //J key (Matches 'J')
K =0x4B, //K key (Matches 'K')
L =0x4C, //L key (Matches 'L')
M =0x4D, //M key (Matches 'M')
N =0x4E, //N key (Matches 'N')
O =0x4F, //O key (Matches 'O')
P =0x50, //P key (Matches 'P')
Q =0x51, //Q key (Matches 'Q')
R =0x52, //R key (Matches 'R')
S =0x53, //S key (Matches 'S')
T =0x54, //T key (Matches 'T')
U =0x55, //U key (Matches 'U')
V =0x56, //V key (Matches 'V')
W =0x57, //W key (Matches 'W')
X =0x58, //X key (Matches 'X')
Y =0x59, //Y key (Matches 'Y')
Z =0x5A, //Z key (Matches 'Z')
LeftWin =0x5B, //Left windows key
RightWin =0x5C, //Right windows key
Apps =0x5D, //Applications key
//0x5E : reserved
Sleep =0x5F, //Computer sleep key
Numpad0 =0x60, //Numpad 0
Numpad1 =0x61, //Numpad 1
Numpad2 =0x62, //Numpad 2
Numpad3 =0x63, //Numpad 3
Numpad4 =0x64, //Numpad 4
Numpad5 =0x65, //Numpad 5
Numpad6 =0x66, //Numpad 6
Numpad7 =0x67, //Numpad 7
Numpad8 =0x68, //Numpad 8
Numpad9 =0x69, //Numpad 9
Multiply =0x6A, //Multiply key
Add =0x6B, //Add key
Separator =0x6C, //Separator key
Subtract =0x6D, //Subtract key
Decimal =0x6E, //Decimal key
Divide =0x6F, //Divide key
F1 =0x70, //F1
F2 =0x71, //F2
F3 =0x72, //F3
F4 =0x73, //F4
F5 =0x74, //F5
F6 =0x75, //F6
F7 =0x76, //F7
F8 =0x77, //F8
F9 =0x78, //F9
F10 =0x79, //F10
F11 =0x7A, //F11
F12 =0x7B, //F12
F13 =0x7C, //F13
F14 =0x7D, //F14
F15 =0x7E, //F15
F16 =0x7F, //F16
F17 =0x80, //F17
F18 =0x81, //F18
F19 =0x82, //F19
F20 =0x83, //F20
F21 =0x84, //F21
F22 =0x85, //F22
F23 =0x86, //F23
F24 =0x87, //F24
//0x88 - 0x8F : UI navigation
NavigationView =0x88, //reserved
NavigationMenu =0x89, //reserved
NavigationUp =0x8A, //reserved
NavigationDown =0x8B, //reserved
NavigationLeft =0x8C, //reserved
NavigationRight =0x8D, //reserved
NavigationAccept =0x8E, //reserved
NavigationCancel =0x8F, //reserved
NumLock =0x90, //Num lock key
ScrollLock =0x91, //Scroll lock key
NumpadEqual =0x92, //Numpad =
FJ_Jisho =0x92, //Dictionary key
FJ_Masshou =0x93, //Unregister word key
FJ_Touroku =0x94, //Register word key
FJ_Loya =0x95, //Left OYAYUBI key
FJ_Roya =0x96, //Right OYAYUBI key
//0x97 - 0x9F : unassigned
LeftShift =0xA0, //Left shift key
RightShift =0xA1, //Right shift key
LeftCtrl =0xA2, //Left control key
RightCtrl =0xA3, //Right control key
LeftMenu =0xA4, //Left menu key
RightMenu =0xA5, //Right menu
BrowserBack =0xA6, //Browser back button
BrowserForward =0xA7, //Browser forward button
BrowserRefresh =0xA8, //Browser refresh button
BrowserStop =0xA9, //Browser stop button
BrowserSearch =0xAA, //Browser search button
BrowserFavorites =0xAB, //Browser favorites button
BrowserHome =0xAC, //Browser home button
VolumeMute =0xAD, //Volume mute button
VolumeDown =0xAE, //Volume down button
VolumeUp =0xAF, //Volume up button
NextTrack =0xB0, //Next track media button
PrevTrack =0xB1, //Previous track media button
Stop =0xB2, //Stop media button
PlayPause =0xB3, //Play/pause media button
Mail =0xB4, //Launch mail button
MediaSelect =0xB5, //Launch media select button
App1 =0xB6, //Launch app 1 button
App2 =0xB7, //Launch app 2 button
//0xB8 - 0xB9 : reserved
OEM1 =0xBA, //;: key for US or misc keys for others
Plus =0xBB, //Plus key
Comma =0xBC, //Comma key
Minus =0xBD, //Minus key
Period =0xBE, //Period key
OEM2 =0xBF, //? for US or misc keys for others
OEM3 =0xC0, //~ for US or misc keys for others
//0xC1 - 0xC2 : reserved
Gamepad_A =0xC3, //Gamepad A button
Gamepad_B =0xC4, //Gamepad B button
Gamepad_X =0xC5, //Gamepad X button
Gamepad_Y =0xC6, //Gamepad Y button
GamepadRightBumper =0xC7, //Gamepad right bumper
GamepadLeftBumper =0xC8, //Gamepad left bumper
GamepadLeftTrigger =0xC9, //Gamepad left trigger
GamepadRightTrigger =0xCA, //Gamepad right trigger
GamepadDPadUp =0xCB, //Gamepad DPad up
GamepadDPadDown =0xCC, //Gamepad DPad down
GamepadDPadLeft =0xCD, //Gamepad DPad left
GamepadDPadRight =0xCE, //Gamepad DPad right
GamepadMenu =0xCF, //Gamepad menu button
GamepadView =0xD0, //Gamepad view button
GamepadLeftStickBtn =0xD1, //Gamepad left stick button
GamepadRightStickBtn =0xD2, //Gamepad right stick button
GamepadLeftStickUp =0xD3, //Gamepad left stick up
GamepadLeftStickDown =0xD4, //Gamepad left stick down
GamepadLeftStickRight =0xD5, //Gamepad left stick right
GamepadLeftStickLeft =0xD6, //Gamepad left stick left
GamepadRightStickUp =0xD7, //Gamepad right stick up
GamepadRightStickDown =0xD8, //Gamepad right stick down
GamepadRightStickRight =0xD9, //Gamepad right stick right
GamepadRightStickLeft =0xDA, //Gamepad right stick left
OEM4 =0xDB, //[ for US or misc keys for others
OEM5 =0xDC, //\ for US or misc keys for others
OEM6 =0xDD, //] for US or misc keys for others
OEM7 =0xDE, //' for US or misc keys for others
OEM8 =0xDF, //Misc keys for others
//0xE0 : reserved
OEMAX =0xE1, //AX key on Japanese AX keyboard
OEM102 =0xE2, //"<>" or "\|" on RT 102-key keyboard
ICOHelp =0xE3, //Help key on ICO
ICO00 =0xE4, //00 key on ICO
ProcessKey =0xE5, //Process key input method
OEMCLEAR =0xE6, //OEM specific
Packet =0xE7, //IDK man try to google it
//0xE8 : unassigned
OEMReset =0xE9, //OEM reset button
OEMJump =0xEA, //OEM jump button
OEMPA1 =0xEB, //OEM PA1 button
OEMPA2 =0xEC, //OEM PA2 button
OEMPA3 =0xED, //OEM PA3 button
OEMWSCtrl =0xEE, //OEM WS Control button
OEMCusel =0xEF, //OEM CUSEL button
OEMAttn =0xF0, //OEM ATTN button
OEMFinish =0xF1, //OEM finish button
OEMCopy =0xF2, //OEM copy button
OEMAuto =0xF3, //OEM auto button
OEMEnlw =0xF4, //OEM ENLW
OEMBackTab =0xF5, //OEM back tab
Attn =0xF6, //Attn
CrSel =0xF7, //CrSel
ExSel =0xF8, //ExSel
EraseEOF =0xF9, //Erase EOF key
Play =0xFA, //Play key
Zoom =0xFB, //Zoom key
NoName =0xFC, //No name
PA1 =0xFD, //PA1 key
OEMClear =0xFE, //OEM Clear key
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