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Last active February 23, 2025 23:27
Performance mods 1.12

Performance Mods

A list of performance-enhancing mods for 1.12.x versions.

Any suggestions/complaints?
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Mods marked as "Dangerous" might be unstable, and cause some unexpected behaviour.


Forge 1.12.2

Name Known Incompatibilities Description Author Performance Improvement
FoamFix None FoamFix is a mod designed to optimize post-1.7.10 modded Minecraft using simple, targeted optimizations asiekierka Both
VanillaFix Mods using outdated mixin versions¹ VanillaFix is a mod that improves performance and fixes bugs and annoyances in vanilla Minecraft Runemoro (Dimensional Development) Both
Phosphor Mods using outdated mixin versions¹ Phosphor is a Minecraft mod which works to optimize one of game's most inefficient areas, the lighting engine jellysquid_ Both
BetterFPS None BetterFps is a Minecraft mod that add a few performance improvements, trying to be compatible with other mods. Guichaguri Both
Surge Mods using outdated mixin versions¹ Surge is an open source mod which aims to improve the load time and performance of the game. DarkhaxDev Both
Clumps None Clumps groups XP orbs together into a single entity to reduce lag when there are many in a small area jaredlll08 Both
Particle Culling None This mod is a client-side performance enhancing mod, which stops particles that are outside the player's view from rendering bl4ckscor3 Client
Entity Culling Pixelmon, Sync Entity Culling is a small client-side performance core mod which improves the rendering of entities and tile entities. meldexun Client
TexFix FoamFix-Anarchy, MCPatcher TexFix optimizes the loading of textures of other mods Speiger Client
Better Biome Blend None Better Biome Blend is a mod which accelerates the biome color blending algorithm. FionaTheMortal Client
FastFurnace None Similar to FastWorkbench, it caches the last recipe used, and checks this recipe first before re-scanning the entire registry. Shadows_of_Fire Server (Must be installed in client aswell)
FastWorkbench None This is a mod aimed at improving performance of all crafting-related functions. Shadows_of_Fire Server (Must be installed in client aswell)
AI Improvements None Simplified AI modification mod focused on performance and low-level modifications to AIs in the game QueenOfMissiles Server
Get It Together, Drops! None This mod adds two configuration options to control how dropped items combine on the ground. This can significantly improve performance in areas with lots of dropped items bl4ckscor3 Server
Born In a Barn Unknown Fixes a Minecraft bug where Village doors keep chunks loaded. Speiger Server
Stackie Unknown This mod increases stack sizes of experience and items Lunatrius Server
PortalSuperCache (Dangerous) Unknown When using this mod, your game will search portal blocks at a high speed on teleport. LucunJi Server
Tiquality Unknown Limiting a player's tick time in the world to evenly distribute time. Terminator_NL Server
Multithreaded Noise Unknown This mod makes overworld terrain generate faster by replacing the three 3D noise generators in the overworld with multithreaded versions. bloodnbonesgaming Server (Must be installed in client aswell)
Performant (Dangerous) Unknown Lightweight mod project which hugely improves performance and blocklag. someaddon Server


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User4716 commented Oct 8, 2022

Why is Performant is Dangerous?

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User4716 commented Oct 8, 2022

Oh i didn't notice this:
"Mods marked as "Dangerous" might be unstable, and cause some unexpected behaviour."

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Oh i didn't notice this: "Mods marked as "Dangerous" might be unstable, and cause some unexpected behaviour."

We don't use this gist anymore please use

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bushaev-denis commented Oct 14, 2022

My mini-research. (Macbook air m1 2020 (7-cores of gpu, 16bg), minecraft 1.12.2, optifine G5)
With or without mods i have equal fps (maybe little more smooth), but 20+ mods and no effects.

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Nice. This helped me to optimize my modpack.
Thanks Cyrus

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Nice. This helped me to optimize my modpack. Thanks Cyrus

This is old and outdated is where we operate now.

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