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Last active February 10, 2020 11:04
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## Preliminary data:
Upgrades to validity: be40c0a0b0bf6a1d58f4a6a5c6770c4a544c4450
- better generators for
- Int, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64
- Word, Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64
- Float, Double
- Integer, Natural
Upgrades to mergeful: f1c780066a6279cf5b4a4531df0a5ee4eab78c6a
- ServerTime now uses Natural instead of Word64
## Current ploblem
On 31665c6 in the smos repo: (
stack test :smos-server-test segfaults:
smos-server-gen> Test suite smos-server-test failed
Test suite failure for package smos-server-gen-
smos-server-test: exited with: ExitFailure (-11)
nix-build -A smos-server-gen does not segfault but still fails:
1) Smos.Server.Env.writeServerStore can read exactly what was just written
uncaught exception: ArithException
arithmetic underflow
### Digging
stack ghci smos-server-gen --no-load --package genvalidity --package genvalidity-mergeful
This works:
> import Test.QuickCheck
> import Numeric.Natural
> import Data.Mergeful.Timed
> sample (genUnchecked :: Gen Natural)
> sample (genValid :: Gen Natural)
> import Data.Mergeful.Timed
> import Data.GenValidity.Mergeful
> sample (genUnchecked :: Gen ServerTime)
> sample (genValid :: Gen ServerTime)
This doesn't:
> sample (genUnchecked :: Gen (Timed Int))
Timed {timedValue = -8382519431551690709, timedTime = ServerTime {unServerTime = /tmp/nix-shell-15284-0/rc: line 1: 16043 Segmentation fault (core dumped) '/nix/store/7xvxx52qrqgksycj88f5fq6hcifq92c8-stack-' $STACK_IN_NIX_EXTRA_ARGS '--internal-re-exec-version=' 'ghci' 'smos-server-gen' '--no-load' '--package' 'genvalidity' '--package' 'genvalidity-mergefu
The same happens with `genValid :: Gen (Timed Int)`.
``` haskell
data Timed a =
{ timedValue :: !a
, timedTime :: !ServerTime
instance Validity a => Validity (Timed a)
instance GenUnchecked a => GenUnchecked (Timed a)
instance GenValid a => GenValid (Timed a) where
genValid = genValidStructurallyWithoutExtraChecking
shrinkValid = shrinkValidStructurallyWithoutExtraFiltering
instance GenUnchecked ServerTime
instance GenValid ServerTime where
genValid = genValidStructurallyWithoutExtraChecking
shrinkValid = shrinkValidStructurallyWithoutExtraFiltering
#### GDB
I tried using GDB:
$ gdb ./smos-server-gen/.stack-work/dist/x86_64-linux-nix/Cabal-
(gdb) run
Thread 16 "smos-server-t:w" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
(gdb) bt
#0 0x0000000001e6e1a4 in base_GHCziNatural_naturalToInteger_info ()
#1 0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
I found the code for that function: (
``` haskell
-- | @since
naturalToInteger :: Natural -> Integer
naturalToInteger (NatS# w) = wordToInteger w
naturalToInteger (NatJ# bn) = Jp# bn
{-# CONSTANT_FOLDED naturalToInteger #-}
Note that `CONSTANT_FOLDED` is just `NOINLINE`. (
I don't understand why this would be called.
Indeed, if you look at the generator for Natural values, you would expect things to go the other way:
``` haskell
instance GenUnchecked Integer where
genUnchecked = genInteger
shrinkUnchecked = shrink
instance GenValid Integer
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
instance GenUnchecked Natural where
genUnchecked = fromInteger . abs <$> genUnchecked
shrinkUnchecked = fmap (fromInteger . abs) . shrinkUnchecked . toInteger
instance GenValid Natural where
genValid = fromInteger . abs <$> genValid
genInteger :: Gen Integer
genInteger = sized $ \s -> oneof $
(if s >= 10 then (genBiggerInteger :) else id)
[ genIntSizedInteger
, small
small = sized $ \s -> choose (- toInteger s, toInteger s)
genIntSizedInteger = toInteger <$> (genIntX :: Gen Int)
genBiggerInteger = sized $ \s ->do
(a, b, c) <- genSplit3 s
ai <- resize a genIntSizedInteger
bi <- resize b genInteger
ci <- resize c genIntSizedInteger
pure $ ai * bi + ci
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