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Created August 16, 2020 15:22
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( someFunc,
import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON
import qualified Data.Yaml as Yaml
import qualified Env
import Options.Applicative
import Text.Read
import qualified YamlParse.Applicative as YamlParse
someFunc :: IO ()
someFunc = do
-- optparseTryout
-- envparseTryout
yamlparseTryout :: IO ()
yamlparseTryout = do
let tryItOut :: (Show a, Show i) => String -> YamlParse.Parser i a -> i -> IO ()
tryItOut n p v = do
putStrLn $ unwords ["Parsing with", n <> ": ", show v]
case Yaml.parseMaybe (YamlParse.implementParser p) v of
Nothing -> putStrLn "Parsing failed"
Just r -> putStrLn $ unwords ["Parsing succeeded: ", show r]
let three n p = do
tryItOut n p Yaml.Null
tryItOut n p (JSON.toJSON "hello")
tryItOut n p (JSON.toJSON (5 :: Int))
putStrLn ""
three "yamlInt" yamlInt
three "yamlInt'" yamlInt'
yamlInt :: YamlParse.Parser Yaml.Value Int
yamlInt = YamlParse.yamlSchema
yamlInt' :: YamlParse.Parser Yaml.Value (Maybe Int)
yamlInt' = YamlParse.ParseMaybe YamlParse.yamlSchema
-- In practice you use
-- optionalField
-- optionalFieldWithDefault
-- requiredField
envparseTryout :: IO ()
envparseTryout = do
let tryItOut :: Show a => String -> Env.Parser Env.Error a -> [(String, String)] -> IO ()
tryItOut n p e = do
putStrLn $ unwords ["Parsing with", n <> ": ", show e]
case Env.parsePure p e of
Left f -> putStrLn $ unlines ["Failed: ", show f]
Right a -> putStrLn $ unwords ["Succeeded:", show a]
let three n p = do
tryItOut n p []
tryItOut n p [("NUMBER", "hello")]
tryItOut n p [("NUMBER", "5")]
three "intVar" intVar
three "intVar'" intVar'
three "intVar''" intVar''
intVar :: Env.Parser Env.Error Int
intVar = Env.var "NUMBER" ( "number")
-- WRONG: TODO make an issue about this
intVar' :: Env.Parser Env.Error (Maybe Int)
intVar' = optional $ Env.var "NUMBER" ( "number")
intVar'' :: Env.Parser Env.Error (Maybe Int)
intVar'' = Env.var (fmap Just . "NUMBER" ( "number" <> Env.def Nothing)
optparseTryout :: IO ()
optparseTryout = do
let tryItOut :: Show a => String -> Parser a -> [String] -> IO ()
tryItOut n p s = do
let i = info p fullDesc
putStrLn $ unwords ["Parsing with", n <> ": ", show s]
let prefs = defaultPrefs {prefShowHelpOnError = True}
case execParserPure prefs i s of
Failure _ -> putStrLn "Parsing failed"
Success r -> putStrLn $ unwords ["Parsing succeeded:", show r]
_ -> error "completion"
putStrLn ""
let three n p = do
putStrLn $ concat ["---", n, "---"]
tryItOut n p []
tryItOut n p ["--number", "hello"]
tryItOut n p ["--number", "5"]
three "intOption" intOption
three "intOption'" intOption''
three "intOption''" intOption''
three "intOption'''" intOption'''
-- Parse an int for the --int option. Fail if nothing was provided.
intOption :: Parser Int
intOption =
( mconcat [help "this is an int", long "number"]
-- Parse an int for the --int option.
intOption' :: Parser (Maybe Int)
intOption' =
optional $
( mconcat [help "this is an int", long "number"]
-- Parse an int for the --int option.
intOption'' :: Parser (Maybe Int)
intOption'' =
(Just <$> auto)
( mconcat [help "this is an int", long "number", value Nothing]
-- Parse an int for the --int option.
intOption''' :: Parser (Maybe Int)
intOption''' =
(Just <$> (maybeReader readMaybe))
( mconcat [help "this is an int", long "number"]
resolver: lts-15.15
- .
- yamlparse-applicative-
- github: supki/envparse
commit: de5944fb09e9d941fafa35c0f05446af348e7b4d
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