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Created November 20, 2023 18:17
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Salsa helpers (version 2)
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
import Text.Printf
men =
[ (3, 3),
(1, 3),
(3, 3),
(3, 3),
(3, 3),
(3, 3),
(1, 1),
(2, 2),
(1, 1),
(3, 3),
(2, 2) -- ,
-- (6, 6),
-- (6, 7),
-- (4, 7),
-- (5, 6),
-- (7, 7),
-- (7, 7),
-- (3, 7),
-- (2, 2),
-- (4, 5),
-- (6, 7),
-- (7, 7),
-- (4, 7)
women =
[ (2, 2),
(3, 3),
(0, 3),
(3, 3),
(2, 2),
(2, 3),
(1, 2),
(1, 3),
(1, 3),
(1, 2) -- ,
-- (4, 7),
-- (5, 7),
-- (6, 7),
-- (3, 3),
-- (4, 7),
-- (6, 7),
-- (6, 7),
-- (6, 7),
-- (3, 4),
-- (4, 7),
-- (7, 7),
-- (6, 7)
menShowUps = sum $ map fst men
menSignUps = sum $ map snd men
womenShowUps = sum $ map fst women
womenSignUps = sum $ map snd women
manRate = fromIntegral menShowUps / fromIntegral menSignUps
womanRate = fromIntegral womenShowUps / fromIntegral womenSignUps
factorial n = product [2 .. n]
showupProb :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double
showupProb rate signups i =
( factorial i
* factorial (signups - i)
/ factorial signups
* (rate ** i)
* ((1 - rate) ** (signups - i))
manProb :: Double -> Double -> Double
manProb = showupProb manRate
womanProb :: Double -> Double -> Double
womanProb = showupProb womanRate
combinedProb :: (Double, Double) -> (Double, Double) -> Double
combinedProb (mSignups, wSignups) (m, w) = manProb mSignups m * womanProb wSignups w
trouble :: (Double, Double, Double) -> Double
trouble (m, w, h) =
balanceTrouble (m - w + h) + helperTrouble (m, w, h)
helperTrouble :: (Double, Double, Double) -> Double
helperTrouble (m, w, h)
| m + h > w + 2 && h > 0 = 10 * min (abs h) (m + h - w - 2)
| m < w - h - 2 && h < 0 = 10 * min (abs h) (w - h - m - 2)
| otherwise = 0
balanceTrouble :: Double -> Double
balanceTrouble x = (x ^^ 2) / 2
evTrouble :: (Double, Double) -> Double -> Double
evTrouble signups@(manSignups, womanSignups) h =
[ combinedProb signups (i, j) * trouble (i, j, h)
| i <- [0 .. manSignups],
j <- [0 .. womanSignups]
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn $ unlines ["Men rate:", printf "%.2f %%" (manRate * 100)]
putStrLn $ unlines ["Women rate:", printf "%.2f %%" (womanRate * 100)]
let signups :: (Double, Double)
-- signups@(manSignups, womanSignups) = (7, 3)
signups@(manSignups, womanSignups) = (4, 5)
putStrLn $
[ "If",
printf "%.0f" manSignups,
"men and",
printf "%.0f" womanSignups,
"women have signed up"
let tups = [(h, evTrouble signups h) | h <- [-10 .. 10]]
forM_ tups $ \(h, t) -> do
putStrLn $
[ case compare h 0 of
EQ -> "no helpers: "
GT -> "male helpers: "
LT -> "female helpers: ",
show (abs h),
printf "%.5f" t
let (bestH, _) = minimumBy (comparing snd) tups
putStrLn $
[ "\nThe optimale approach is to invite",
case compare bestH 0 of
EQ -> "no helpers"
GT -> printf "%.0f" bestH <> " men"
LT -> printf "%.0f" (abs bestH) <> " women"
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