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Created January 21, 2023 09:06
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-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Main where
import Data.List
import System.Environment (getArgs, getProgName)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import Prelude
main :: IO ()
main = do
input <-
getArgs >>= \case
[] -> do
pn <- getProgName
putStrLn $ "Usage: " <> pn <> " <the.regexes>"
(fn : _) -> readFile fn
print $ solve input
solve :: String -> [(Int, String, String)]
solve = map solveRegex . lines
solveRegex :: String -> (Int, String, String)
solveRegex s =
let regex = parseRegex s
simplified = simplify regex
in (countOptions simplified, renderRegex regex, renderRegex simplified)
data Regex
= One Char
| And [Regex]
| Or [Regex]
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | Render a regex back to a string
renderRegex :: Regex -> String
renderRegex = \case
One c -> [c]
And rs -> ['('] ++ concatMap renderRegex rs ++ [')']
Or rs -> ['['] ++ concatMap renderRegex rs ++ [']']
-- | Parse a regex
-- Assumes balancing
parseRegex :: String -> Regex
parseRegex = And . go
go :: String -> [Regex]
go = \case
[] -> []
('(' : rest) -> let (ands, leftovers) = goAnd [] rest in And ands : go leftovers
('[' : rest) -> let (ors, leftovers) = goOr [] rest in Or ors : go leftovers
(c : rest) -> One c : go rest
goAnd :: [Regex] -> String -> ([Regex], String)
goAnd acc = \case
[] -> undefined -- Should not happen.
(')' : rest) -> (acc, rest)
('(' : rest) -> let (ands, leftovers) = goAnd [] rest in goAnd (acc ++ [And ands]) leftovers
('[' : rest) -> let (ors, leftovers) = goOr [] rest in goAnd (acc ++ [Or ors]) leftovers
(']' : rest) -> undefined -- Should not happen.
(c : rest) -> goAnd (acc ++ [One c]) rest
goOr :: [Regex] -> String -> ([Regex], String)
goOr acc = \case
[] -> undefined -- Should not happen.
(']' : rest) -> (acc, rest)
('[' : rest) -> let (ors, leftovers) = goOr [] rest in goOr (acc ++ [Or ors]) leftovers
('(' : rest) -> let (ands, leftovers) = goAnd [] rest in goOr (acc ++ [And ands]) leftovers
(')' : rest) -> undefined -- Should not happen.
(c : rest) -> goOr (acc ++ [One c]) rest
-- | Simplifies into an equivalent regex
simplify :: Regex -> Regex
simplify = go
go :: Regex -> Regex
go = \case
One c -> One c
And [r] -> go r
And rs -> And $ concatMap goAnd rs
Or [r] -> go r
Or rs -> Or $ nub $ concatMap goOr rs
goAnd :: Regex -> [Regex]
goAnd = \case
One c -> [go $ One c]
And rs -> map go $ concatMap goAnd rs
Or rs -> [go $ Or rs]
goOr :: Regex -> [Regex]
goOr = \case
One c -> [go $ One c]
And rs -> [go $ And rs]
Or rs -> map go $ concatMap goOr rs
-- Must be simplified
countOptions :: Regex -> Int
countOptions = \case
One _ -> 1
And rs -> product $ map countOptions rs
Or rs -> sum $ map countOptions rs
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