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Created May 21, 2021 15:25
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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Test.Syd.Scratchpad where
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary
import Test.QuickCheck.Gen
import Test.QuickCheck.Random
data Property i where
Leaf :: i -> Property i
WithResource :: (forall r. (a -> IO r) -> IO r) -> (a -> Property i) -> Property i
ForAll :: Show a => Gen a -> (a -> [a]) -> (a -> Property i) -> Property i
class Testable prop where
property :: prop -> Property (IO ())
instance Testable (Property (IO ())) where
property = id
instance Testable (IO ()) where
property = Leaf
instance (Show a, Arbitrary a, Testable prop) => Testable (a -> prop) where
property p = ForAll arbitrary shrink $ \a -> property (p a)
forAllShrink :: (Show a, Testable prop) => Gen a -> (a -> [a]) -> (a -> prop) -> Property (IO ())
forAllShrink gen shrinker func = ForAll gen shrinker (property . func)
forAll :: (Show a, Testable prop) => Gen a -> (a -> prop) -> Property (IO ())
forAll g p = forAllShrink g (const []) p
wrapProperty :: Testable prop => (forall r. (a -> IO r) -> IO r) -> (a -> prop) -> Property (IO ())
wrapProperty wrapper p = WithResource wrapper (\a -> property (p a))
-- | The results of one example being tested, with all the necessary information to do shrinking still there.
-- We'll have to shrink if the bottom bool is False
data SingleResultTree i where
LeafResult :: Bool -> SingleResultTree i
WrapperResult :: Seed -> Size -> (forall r. (a -> IO r) -> IO r) -> (a -> Property i) -> SingleResultTree i -> SingleResultTree i
ForAllResult :: Show a => Seed -> Size -> a -> (a -> [a]) -> (a -> Property i) -> SingleResultTree i -> SingleResultTree i
type Seed = QCGen
type Size = Int
didItCrash :: IO () -> IO Bool
didItCrash action = do
(action >> pure True)
`catches` [
-- Re-throw AsyncException, otherwise execution will not terminate on SIGINT (ctrl-c).
Handler (\e -> throw (e :: AsyncException)),
-- Catch all the rest as a string
Handler (\(e :: SomeException) -> print e >> return False)
runSingleExample :: Testable prop => Seed -> Size -> prop -> IO (SingleResultTree (IO ()))
runSingleExample seed size prop = do
let go = \case
Leaf io -> LeafResult <$> didItCrash io
WithResource wrapper propFunc ->
wrapper $ \a -> WrapperResult seed size wrapper propFunc <$> go (propFunc a)
ForAll gen shrinker propFunc -> do
let generatedValue = unGen gen seed size
ForAllResult seed size generatedValue shrinker propFunc <$> go (propFunc generatedValue)
go (property prop)
didFail :: SingleResultTree i -> Bool
didFail = go
go = \case
LeafResult b -> not b
WrapperResult _ _ _ _ srt -> go srt
ForAllResult _ _ _ _ _ srt -> go srt
-- This could be adapted to return result that contains the number of shrinks, the failing example, etc.
runShrunkExampleBecauseTheTestFailed :: SingleResultTree (IO ()) -> IO Bool
runShrunkExampleBecauseTheTestFailed srt_ = do
putStrLn "Starting to shrink"
go srt_
go = \case
LeafResult r -> pure r
WrapperResult seed size wrapper propFunc _originalResult -> do
-- What the hell do we do here?
-- If we don't rerun the wrapper then the invariants of the wrappers are not maintained
-- If we do rerun the wrapper then all of the shrinking below is thrown away.
putStrLn "Running the wrapper while shrinking"
wrapper $ \a -> do
srt <- runSingleExample seed size (propFunc a)
go srt
ForAllResult seed size generatedValue shrinker propFunc originalResult -> do
let go2 [] = do
print ("return the failure", generatedValue)
go originalResult
go2 (smallerVersion : rest) = do
print ("Trying smaller version", smallerVersion)
srt <- runSingleExample seed size (propFunc smallerVersion)
success <- go srt
print ("result", success)
if success
then -- dindn't fail again, keep looking
go2 rest
else -- Smaller version that still fails, keep going!
go $ ForAllResult seed size smallerVersion shrinker propFunc srt
go2 (shrinker generatedValue)
runPropTest :: Testable prop => prop -> IO Bool
runPropTest p = do
seed <- newQCGen
putStrLn "Starting the test"
srt <- runSingleExample seed 30 p
if didFail srt
then runShrunkExampleBecauseTheTestFailed srt
else pure True
main :: IO ()
main = do
var <- newTVarIO True
let withTrue :: (() -> IO r) -> IO r
withTrue func = do
atomically $ writeTVar var True
r <- func ()
atomically $ writeTVar var False
pure r
b <- runPropTest $
wrapProperty withTrue $ \() -> forAllShrink (sized $ \n -> pure n) shrink $ \i -> do
print i
b <- readTVarIO var
if b
then if (i < 3) then pure () else error "test failed"
else error "Invariant violated." -- this should never happen
print b
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