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Last active May 28, 2021 05:50
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Migrating a 150K LOC codebase to Vite and ESBuild

Migrating a 150K LOC codebase to Vite and ESBuild

This gist are for my Vite migration articles, here you can find the links to the articles

  • Migrating a 150K LOC codebase to Vite and ESBuild: Why? (Part 1/3) (Medium -
  • Migrating a 150K LOC codebase to Vite and ESBuild: How? (Part 2/3) (Medium -
  • Migrating a 150K LOC codebase to Vite and ESBuild: Is it worthile? (Part 3/3) (Medium -

Feel free to discuss it on Twitter.

Tool Build
(babel-loader + ts-loader + fork-ts-checker)
Vite* 58s

* Turning off Brotli compression

Tool yarn start app loads in React component hot reload ** web-worker change "hot" reload **
Webpack* 150s 6s 13s 17s
Vite* 6s 10s 1s 13s

* Early benchmark where Webpack runs both ESLint and TypeScript while Vite doesn't
** Means from CTRL+S on a file to when the app is ready

Tool 1st yarn start, app loads in 2nd yarn start, app loads in browser reload (with cache), app loads in React component hot reload ** server-data change "hot" reload **
(babel-loader + ts-loader + fork-ts-checker)
185s 182s 7s 10s 18s
56s 52s 7s 10s 16s
Vite 48s 31s * 11s 1s 14s

* Vite has an internal cache that speeds up initial loading
** Means from CTRL+S on a file to when the app is ready

Tool 1st yarn start, app loads in 2nd yarn start, app loads in browser reload (with cache), app loads in React component hot reload ** server-data change "hot" reload **
Webpack 185s 182s 7s 10s 18s
Vite 48s 31s * 11s 1s 14s

* Vite has an internal cache that speeds up initial loading
** Means from CTRL+S on a file to when the app is ready

import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import reactRefresh from '@vitejs/plugin-react-refresh'
import { injectHtml } from 'vite-plugin-html'
import packageJson from '../../apps/route-manager/package.json'
// see
export default defineConfig(({ mode }) => {
return {
// avoid clearing the bash' output
clearScreen: false,
// React 17's JSX transform workaround
esbuild: { jsxInject: `import * as React from 'react'` },
define: {
'process.env.uuiVersion': JSON.stringify(packageJson.version),
server: {
port: 3003,
strictPort: true,
plugins: [
injectData: {
title: mode === 'production' ? 'WorkWave RouteManager' : `RM V3 @${packageJson.version}`,
json: {
// improve JSON performances and avoid transforming them into named exports above all
stringify: true,
resolve: {
alias: {
'@/defaultIntlV2Messages': '/locales/en/v2.json',
'@/defaultIntlV3Messages': '/locales/en/v3.json',
'@/components': '/src/components',
'@/intl': '/src/intl/index.ts',
'@/atoms': '/src/atoms/index.ts',
'@/routing': '/src/routing/index.ts',
// ...
// the dependencies consumed by the worker must be early included by Vite's pre-bundling.
// Otherwise, as soon as the Worker consumes it, Vite reloads the page because detects a new dependency.
// @see
optimizeDeps: {
include: [
// ...
build: {
target: ['es2019', 'chrome61', 'edge18', 'firefox60', 'safari16'], // default esbuild config with edge18 instead of edge16
minify: true,
brotliSize: true,
chunkSizeWarningLimit: 20000, // allow compressing large files (default is 500) by slowing the build. Please consider that Brotli reduces bundles size by 80%!
sourcemap: true,
rollupOptions: {
output: {
// having a single vendor chunk doesn't work because pixi access the `window` and it throws an error in server-data.
// TODO: by splitting axios, everything works but it's luck, not a designed and expected behavior…
manualChunks: { axios: ['axios'] },
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