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Created March 9, 2014 05:42
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binary dump for the register hexdump output.
# -*- mode: tcl; coding: utf-8 -*-
# binary dump
proc binDump { dump } {
if { [regexp {0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)} $dump result longhex] > 0 } {
set sz [string length $longhex]
set startpos [expr $sz - 4]
for { set x $startpos } { $x > -4 } { incr x -4 } {
set y $x
incr y 3
if { $x < 0 } {
set x 0
set tmp [string range $longhex $x $y]
binary scan [binary format H* $tmp] B* bits
puts [format "%02d-%02d: %-4s %s" [expr $sz - $x -1] [expr $sz -$y -1] $tmp $bits]
if { $argc > 0 } {
foreach fwork $argv {
set fl [open $fwork]
set data [read $fl]
foreach tmp [split $data \n] {
puts $tmp
binDump $tmp
if {[catch {close $fl} err]} {
puts "open failed: $err"
} else {
puts "Usage: tclsh binDump.tcl regdump.txt"
# Local Variables:
# mode:tcl
# End:
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