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Created May 29, 2014 12:55
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# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*-
# Time-stamp: <Thu May 29 21:49:30 東京 (標準時) 2014>
import os
import sys
import struct
import string
import binascii
# hexdump
def hexdump( dat, offset, size ):
def printable( d ):
c = chr( struct.unpack("B",d)[0])
if c in string.digits or c in string.ascii_letters or c in string.punctuation :
return c
return "."
def printdump( address, hexprint, asciiprint ):
print "%(addr)08x : %(tmp)s : %(asc)s" % {
'addr': (address & 0xfffffff0), 'tmp': hexprint, 'asc': asciiprint }
total_size = len(dat)
if offset + size > total_size:
size + total_size - offset
addr = offset & 0xfffffff0
pads = offset & 0x0000000f
tmp = ""
asc = ""
for idx in range(0,pads):
tmp = tmp + "-- "
asc = asc + "-"
addr = addr + 1
for idx in range(0,size):
tmp = tmp + binascii.hexlify(dat[offset+idx]) +" "
asc = asc + printable(dat[offset+idx])
if addr % 16 == 15:
printdump( addr, tmp, asc )
tmp = ""
asc = ""
addr = addr + 1
pads = (16 - (addr & 0x0000000f)) % 16
if pads > 0:
for idx in range(0,pads):
tmp = tmp + "-- "
asc = asc + "-"
addr = addr + 1
if tmp != "":
printdump( addr, tmp, asc )
if __name__ == '__main__':
print "Hi there", sys.argv[1]
f = open(sys.argv[1], "rb")
d =
print "test-1 18 size30"
hexdump(d, 20, 30)
print "test-2 0 size 32"
hexdump(d, 0, 32)
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python tmp.mp3
Hi there tmp.mp3
test-1 18 size30
00000010 : -- -- -- -- 79 00 45 35 5a 54 00 67 93 28 20 39 : ----y.E5ZT.g.(.9
00000020 : a5 8e 26 11 03 be 18 4a c1 c3 3a 8e 05 84 f5 bc : ..&....J..:.....
00000040 : 40 50 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- : @P--------------
test-2 0 size 32
00000000 : ff fb 44 c0 00 00 05 a4 0f 1b 20 98 40 41 3c 27 : ..D.........@A<'
00000010 : e8 34 61 89 79 00 45 35 5a 54 00 67 93 28 20 39 : .4a.y.E5ZT.g.(.9

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