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Last active May 9, 2024 11:22
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Save Normal-Tangerine8609/0c7101942b3886bafdc08c357b8d3f18 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is a function that allows you to create simple circular progress bars for widgets. It creates the image of the progress circle using `WebView` and the canvas element. The image is then set to the background image of a stack with padding applied so you can put any widget element within the circle.
* progressCircle(on: Stack or Widget, value: number, colour: string, background: string, size: number, barWidth: number) : Promise<Stack>
* on - the stack or widget to add the progress circle to
* value - a number between 1 and 100 to be the circle percentage or a number between 0 and 1 to be the circle percentage
* colour - a HTML supported (hex, rgb, hsl) colour for the progress of the circle. Alternitively, it can be two HTML supported colours seperated by a hyphen (white-black) for the first colour to be active on light mode and second on dark mode
* background - a HTML supported (hex, rgb, hsl) colour for the unfilled progress of the circle. Alternitively, it can be two HTML supported colours seperated by a hyphen (white-black) for the first colour to be active on light mode and second on dark mode
* size - the size of the progress circle
* barWidth - the width of the circular progress bar
* A stack with the background image set to the progress circle and with set padding.
// Example usage
const widget = new ListWidget()
let progressStack = await progressCircle(widget,35)
let sf = SFSymbol.named("cloud.fill")
sf = progressStack.addImage(sf.image)
sf.imageSize = new Size(26,26)
sf.tintColor = new Color("#fafafa")
widget.presentAccessoryCircular() // Does not present correctly
async function progressCircle(
value = 50,
colour = "hsl(0, 0%, 100%)",
background = "hsl(0, 0%, 10%)",
size = 56,
barWidth = 5.5
) {
if (value > 1) {
value /= 100
if (value < 0) {
value = 0
if (value > 1) {
value = 1
async function isUsingDarkAppearance() {
return !Color.dynamic(Color.white(),
let isDark = await isUsingDarkAppearance()
if (colour.split("-").length > 1) {
if (isDark) {
colour = colour.split("-")[1]
} else {
colour = colour.split("-")[0]
if (background.split("-").length > 1) {
if (isDark) {
background = background.split("-")[1]
} else {
background = background.split("-")[0]
let w = new WebView()
await w.loadHTML('<canvas id="c"></canvas>')
let base64 = await w.evaluateJavaScript(
let colour = "${colour}",
background = "${background}",
size = ${size}*3,
lineWidth = ${barWidth}*3,
percent = ${value * 100}
let canvas = document.getElementById('c'),
c = canvas.getContext('2d')
canvas.width = size
canvas.height = size
let posX = canvas.width / 2,
posY = canvas.height / 2,
onePercent = 360 / 100,
result = onePercent * percent
c.lineCap = 'round'
c.arc( posX, posY, (size-lineWidth-1)/2, (Math.PI/180) * 270, (Math.PI/180) * (270 + 360) )
c.strokeStyle = background
c.lineWidth = lineWidth
c.strokeStyle = colour
c.lineWidth = lineWidth
c.arc( posX, posY, (size-lineWidth-1)/2, (Math.PI/180) * 270, (Math.PI/180) * (270 + result) )
const image = Image.fromData(Data.fromBase64String(base64))
let stack = on.addStack()
stack.size = new Size(size, size)
stack.backgroundImage = image
let padding = barWidth * 2
stack.setPadding(padding, padding, padding, padding)
return stack
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Thanks for trying it!

On my iPhone 8 device the circle size is perfect at 56 and goes over the widget at a 60 size. That is why I had the default at 56. But smaller and larger devices do have different widget sizes so it would be difficult to account perfectly for all devices.

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