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Created May 13, 2022 15:24
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AWS ECR tag multi-arch images
import typer
import json
import subprocess
GET_MANIFEST_COMMAND_TEMPLATE="MANIFEST=$(aws ecr batch-get-image --repository-name {repo_name} --image-ids imageDigest='{digest}' --output json | jq --raw-output --join-output '.images[0].imageManifest')"
PUT_IMAGE_COMMAND_TEMPLATE='aws ecr put-image --repository-name {repo_name} --image-tag {tag} --image-manifest \"$MANIFEST\"'
def get_tag_from_image(image):
Filters non-"latest" tags from image tag list
image_tags = image['imageTags']
filtered_non_latest_tags = filter(lambda x: x != "latest", image_tags)
return list(filtered_non_latest_tags)[0]
def get_image_manifest(repository_name, digest):
Gets image manifest from a given repository name and image digest hash
result =["aws", "ecr", "batch-get-image", "--repository-name", repository_name, "--image-ids", "imageDigest=" + digest], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
dict = json.loads(result.stdout)
return dict['images'][0]['imageManifest']
def process_image(image, image_index_tag, repository_name):
Adds a new tag to said image depending on image index tag and architecture
digest = image['digest']
tag = image_index_tag
os = image['platform']['os']
arch = image['platform']['architecture']
new_tag = DEFAULT_NEW_TAG_TEMPLATE.format(image_index_tag=tag, platform_os=os, platform_arch=arch)
typer.echo(f"Processing image: {image['digest']}")
result =, digest=digest) + ';' + PUT_IMAGE_COMMAND_TEMPLATE.format(repo_name=repository_name, tag=new_tag), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
typer.echo(f"Created: {new_tag}")
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
typer.echo(f"Error in: {new_tag}")
return 0
def get_image_index_images(repository_name):
Filters image index type of images from said repository
result =["aws", "ecr", "describe-images", "--repository-name", repository_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
dict = json.loads(result.stdout)
image_list = dict['imageDetails']
filtered = filter(lambda x: x['imageManifestMediaType'] == IMAGE_INDEX_IMAGE_MANIFEST_MEDIA_TYPE, image_list)
filtered_list = list(filtered)
return filtered_list
def process_image_index_list(image_index_list, repository_name):
For each image index, gets its manifest and processes its "sub-images"
for i in image_index_list:
typer.echo(f"Processing image index: {i['imageDigest']}")
image_manifest = json.loads(get_image_manifest(repository_name, i['imageDigest']))
image_manifest_manifests_list = image_manifest['manifests']
for j in image_manifest_manifests_list:
process_image(j, get_tag_from_image(i), repository_name)
def main(repository_name: str):
typer.echo(f"Processing {repository_name}")
list = get_image_index_images(repository_name)
process_image_index_list(list, repository_name)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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