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Last active September 13, 2024 14:37
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Techmino - List of changed or deleted modes
  • Hotseat (Splitscreen Multiplayer) [v0.6 - v0.8.18]: Multiple boards/players at once, similar to TGM.

  • Stack_20l (v1) [a0.16.0]: Similar to 's Pack mode. The objective is to fit as many pieces in the board as possible.

  • Stack_40l (v1) [a0.16.0]: Similar to that, but with a field height of 40l

  • Stack_100l (v1) [a0.16.0]: you know the drill

  • Stack_e (v2) [a0.16.1 - a0.16.2]: Similar to stack_100l (v1). The objective is to not make any holes in the board.

  • Stack_h (v2) [a0.16.1 - a0.16.2]: Similar to stack_e (v2), but mixed in with pentominoes

  • Stack_u (v2) [a0.16.1 - a0.16.2]: Similar to stack_e (v2), but only pentominoes

  • Stack_e (v3) [a0.16.4]: 20-high board, and lines only clear if there's a mino above row 20 (in the red zone), and you get unclearable garbage if you don't fill the whole non-red-area zone

  • Stack_h (v3) [a0.16.4]: Similar to stack_e (v3), but mixed in with pentominoes and it has a 21-high board. You only get unclearable garbage if you don't fill more than 3 lines in the non-red-area zone.

  • Stack_u (v3) [a0.16.4]: Similar to stack_h (v3), but only pentominoes. You only get unclearable garbage if you don't fill more than 4 lines in the non-red-area zone.

  • Stack_e (v4) [a0.16.5 - a0.17.4]: Similar to v3, but lines clear if you're about to die. Has 15 death delay.

  • Stack_u (v4) [a0.16.5 - a0.17.4]: Similar to stack_e (v4), but only pentominoes.

  • Stack_e (v5) [a0.17.5 - now]: Similar to v4, but you can clear garbage by clearing (required height + 2) lines

  • Stack_u (v5) [a0.17.5 - now]: Simillar to stack_e (v5), but onnly pentominoes.

  • Rhythm Easy [a0.13.2 - a0.16.4]: Kinda like Marathon, but blocks are automatically placed at a certain BPM. The BPM increases every level. Starts at 40 BPM, increases by 2 each level, and ends at 80 BPM.

  • Rhythm Hard [a0.13.2 - a0.16.4]: Starts at 60 BPM, increases by 3 each level, and ends at 120 BPM.

  • Rhythm Ultimate [a0.13.2 - a0.16.4]: Starts at 120 BPM, increases by 2 each level, and ends at 160 BPM.

  • Big Bang [a0.8.5? - a0.16.5]: A planned allspin tutorial mode that was never complete.

  • Clear Rush [a0.17.0 - a0.17.3]: The renamed version of the aforementioned mode.

  • Dig Techrash 10L (v1) [a0.17.4 - a0.17.16]: A mode similar to Dig 10L, where you have to clear the garbage lines with Techrashes (quadruples).

  • Dig Techrash 10L (v2) [a0.17.17 - now]: The mode was changed such that if you clear a Techrash which does not clear a garbage line, your rank will be reduced.

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