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Created December 24, 2019 02:48
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early version of ffxiv opcode fixerererer
import json
import sys
import requests
import CppHeaderParser
#### config/settings/garbage
fucked_distance = 0xffffffff
max_size_diff = 10
#### end config shit
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print('missing args: [old exe schema] [new exe schema]')
with open(sys.argv[1]) as f:
old_schema = json.load(f)
with open(sys.argv[2]) as f:
new_schema = json.load(f)
# print revs
print('old client rev: %s' % old_schema['clean_rev'])
print('new client rev: %s' % new_schema['clean_rev'])
# fetch name hinting file for old rev
if old_schema['ipcs_file']:
print('have ipcs_file in client schema, downloading symbols: %s' % old_schema['ipcs_file'])
ipcs_data = requests.get(old_schema['ipcs_file'])
if ipcs_data.status_code == 200:
header = CppHeaderParser.CppHeader(ipcs_data.text, argType="string")
opcodes_found = []
# newlines for the autism
def get_opcode_by_val(enum_name, opcode):
for enum in header.enums:
if enum['name'] == enum_name:
# find enum value
for val in enum['values']:
if val['value'] == opcode:
return val['name']
return "Unknown"
def find_close_numeric(objs, dest, getter):
closest = fucked_distance
closest_obj = None
for obj in objs:
val = getter(obj)
num = abs(val - dest)
if num < closest:
closest = num
closest_obj = obj
return (closest, closest_obj)
def find_in(objs, expr):
for obj in objs:
if expr(obj):
return obj
return None
def get_opcodes_str(opcodes):
return ', '.join([hex(o) for o in opcodes])
def add_match_case(cases, case):
# check if case already exists
for c in cases:
if c['rel_ea'] == case['rel_ea']:
for k, case in enumerate(old_schema['cases']):
old_opcodes = case['opcodes']
print('finding opcode(s): %s' % get_opcodes_str(old_opcodes))
matched_handlers = []
# see if we can get a match for the relative ea first
dist, dist_match = find_close_numeric(new_schema['cases'], case['rel_ea'], lambda obj : obj['rel_ea'])
if dist == fucked_distance:
print(' got fucked distance, what?')
order_match = new_schema['cases'][k]
size_diff = abs(dist_match['size'] - case['size'])
#print(' os: %d ns: %d d: %d' % (dist_match['size'], case['size'], size_diff))
# see if the rva matches for the cases found by the distance and order
if dist_match['rel_ea'] == order_match['rel_ea'] and size_diff < max_size_diff:
print(' got order match, size diff: %d < %d' % (size_diff, max_size_diff))
# check if calls count match in found match & og code
if len(case['func']['calls']) == len(order_match['func']['calls']):
print(' has nested callcount match')
add_match_case(matched_handlers, order_match)
matched = len(matched_handlers)
if matched == 1:
# holy shit
opcodes_found.append((old_opcodes, matched_handlers[0]['opcodes']))
elif matched > 1:
print(' found %d matching handlers' % matched)
# dump found shit
for k, v in enumerate(opcodes_found):
old, new = v
print('branch %d' % k)
old = ', '.join(['%s (%s)' % (hex(o), get_opcode_by_val('ServerZoneIpcType', o)) for o in old])
print(' - old: %s' % old)
print(' - new: %s' % get_opcodes_str(new))
print('found %d/%d opcode branches!' % (len(opcodes_found), len(old_schema['cases'])))
import ida_search
import ida_ida
import idautils
import ida_idaapi
import idc
import ida_funcs
import ida_bytes
import idaapi
import ida_name
import json
from PyQt5.Qt import QApplication
main_jumptable = ida_idaapi.BADADDR
def log(str, indent=0):
print('[FFXIV Opcode Parser] %s%s' % (' ' * indent, str))
def set_clipboard(data):
def set_clipboard_json(data):
set_clipboard(json.dumps(data, indent=2, separators=(',', ':')))
log('copied parsed data to clipboard')
def find_pattern(pattern):
return ida_search.find_binary(ida_ida.cvar.inf.omin_ea, ida_ida.cvar.inf.omax_ea, pattern, 16, ida_search.SEARCH_DOWN)
def get_executable_watermark():
rev_ea = find_pattern('48 8D 0D ? ? ? ? 45 33 F6 41 8B DE')
ea = idc.GetOperandValue(rev_ea, 1)
return idc.GetString(ea, -1, idc.ASCSTR_C)
def get_clean_rev(rev_str):
return rev_str.replace('ff14', '').replace('/', '').replace('*', '')
def find_switch(func_ea):
# get all chunks that belong to a function, because apparently they're not contiguous or some shit
for (start_ea, end_ea) in idautils.Chunks(func_ea):
for head in idautils.Heads(start_ea, end_ea):
switch = idaapi.get_switch_info_ex(head)
if switch != None:
log('found switch @ %x, cases: %d' % (head, switch.get_jtable_size()))
return (head, switch)
return (None, None)
def find_block(ea, blocks):
for block in blocks:
if block.startEA == ea:
return block
def ea_to_rva(ea):
return ea - idaapi.get_imagebase()
def get_bytes_str(start_ea, end_ea):
size = end_ea - start_ea
bytes = []
for ea in range(start_ea, end_ea):
b = '{:02x}'.format(ida_bytes.get_byte(ea))
return ' '.join(bytes)
def get_func_name(ea):
name = ida_funcs.get_func_name(ea)
demangled = ida_name.demangle_name(name, idc.get_inf_attr(idc.INF_LONG_DN))
return demangled or name
def postprocess_func(fn, depth = 0):
func = {
'ea': fn.startEA,
'rva': ea_to_rva(fn.startEA),
'body': get_bytes_str(fn.startEA, fn.endEA)
# total aids
switch_ea, switch = find_switch(fn.startEA)
if switch and switch_ea != main_jumptable:
sw = func['switch'] = {}
res = idaapi.calc_switch_cases(switch_ea, switch)
case_ids = []
for case in res.cases:
for i in case:
sw['cases'] = [i for i in set(case_ids)]
func['switch'] = None
return func
def process_func(func, start_ea, end_ea):
for head in idautils.Heads(start_ea, end_ea):
flags = idaapi.getFlags(head)
if idaapi.isCode(flags):
mnem = idc.GetMnem(head)
if mnem == 'call' or mnem == 'jmp':
op_ea = idc.GetOperandValue(head, 0)
fn = ida_funcs.get_func(op_ea)
if fn:
fn_info = postprocess_func(fn)
if fn_info:
func['calls'][get_func_name(op_ea)] = fn_info
def process_case(case, id):
func = case['func'] = {}
body = func['body'] = get_bytes_str(case['start_ea'], case['end_ea'])
func['calls'] = {}
process_func(func, case['start_ea'], case['end_ea'])
def run():
func_ea = find_pattern('48 89 74 24 ? 57 48 83 EC 50 8B F2 49 8B F8')
output = {}
output['rev'] = get_executable_watermark()
output['clean_rev'] = get_clean_rev(output['rev'])
if func_ea == ida_idaapi.BADADDR:
log('couldn''t find server opcode handler')
func_end_ea = idc.get_func_attr(func_ea, idc.FUNCATTR_END)
output['size'] = func_size = func_end_ea - func_ea
log('found opcode handler @ %x, end: %x, size: %x' % (func_ea, func_end_ea, func_size))
output['rva'] = ea_to_rva(func_ea)
output['start_ea'] = func_ea
output['end_ea'] = func_end_ea
# find switch
head, switch = find_switch(func_ea)
global main_jumptable
main_jumptable = head
if switch == None:
log('failed to find switch in opcode handler')
# get switch cases
res = idaapi.calc_switch_cases(head, switch)
# get basic blocks
blocks = idaapi.FlowChart(idaapi.get_func(func_ea))
output['cases'] = case_infos = []
for idx, case in enumerate(res.cases):
case_ea = res.targets[idx];
rel_ea = case_ea - func_ea
case_info = {
'rva': ea_to_rva(case_ea),
'start_ea': case_ea,
'rel_ea': rel_ea
block = find_block(case_ea, blocks)
if block != None:
case_info['end_ea'] = block.endEA;
case_info['size'] = block.endEA - case_ea
# -1 to make it actually clickable in the output window and it goes to the right place
#log('end: %x, size: %x' % ((block.endEA - 1), case_info['size']), 2)
log('failed to get block for %x' % case_ea)
case_info['opcodes'] = [int(oc) for oc in case]
log('got %d case info objs, switch blocks: %d' % (len(case_infos), len(res.cases)))
for k, v in enumerate(case_infos):
process_case(v, k)
class xiv_opcode_parser_t(idaapi.plugin_t):
flags = idaapi.PLUGIN_UNL
wanted_name = 'Find FFXIV Opcodes'
wanted_hotkey = ''
comment = 'Does magic and shit'
help = 'no'
def init(self):
return idaapi.PLUGIN_OK
def run(self, arg):
def term(self):
return xiv_opcode_parser_t()
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