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Last active January 16, 2021 12:34
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An example dalamud plugin made using MSIL
.module ILTestPlugin.dll
.corflags 1 // ILOnly
// deps
.assembly extern mscorlib
.ver 2:0:0:0
// dalamud shits
.assembly extern Dalamud
.ver 5:2:2:0
.assembly extern ImGui.NET
.ver 1:72:0:0
.assembly extern ImGuiScene
.ver 1:0:0:0
.assembly ILTestPlugin
.ver 1:0:0:0
// TestPlugin
.class public auto ansi beforefieldinit ILTestPlugin
extends [mscorlib]System.Object
implements [Dalamud]Dalamud.Plugin.IDalamudPlugin
// init func
.method public final hidebysig newslot virtual
instance void Initialize(
class [Dalamud]Dalamud.Plugin.DalamudPluginInterface pluginInterface
) cil managed
.maxstack 8
// grab the ui builder instance
ldfld class [Dalamud]Dalamud.Interface.UiBuilder [Dalamud]Dalamud.Plugin.DalamudPluginInterface::UiBuilder
// grab the ptr to the draw func
ldftn instance void ILTestPlugin::DrawTest()
// create the delegate with the function ptr and object instance
newobj instance void [ImGuiScene]ImGuiScene.RawDX11Scene/BuildUIDelegate::.ctor(object, native int)
// add the delegate to the list
callvirt instance void [Dalamud]Dalamud.Interface.UiBuilder::add_OnBuildUi(class [ImGuiScene]ImGuiScene.RawDX11Scene/BuildUIDelegate)
// get name property
.property instance string Name()
.get instance string ILTestPlugin::get_Name()
.method public final hidebysig specialname newslot virtual
instance string get_Name() cil managed
.maxstack 8
ldstr "ILTestPlugin"
// draw ui shit
.method public hidebysig
instance void DrawTest() cil managed
.maxstack 8
ldstr "test window"
call bool [ImGui.NET]ImGuiNET.ImGui::Begin(string)
// need to pop otherwise you send 2 args to the text function which only takes 1 string param
ldstr "hello from il plugin :))))"
call void [ImGui.NET]ImGuiNET.ImGui::Text(string)
call void [ImGui.NET]ImGuiNET.ImGui::End()
// required dispose func
.method public final hidebysig newslot virtual
instance void Dispose() cil managed
.maxstack 8
.method public hidebysig specialname rtspecialname
instance void .ctor() cil managed
.maxstack 8
call instance void [mscorlib]System.Object::.ctor()
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