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Created May 25, 2020 05:50
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typedef ubyte uint8_t;
typedef byte int8_t;
typedef ushort uint16_t;
typedef short int16_t;
typedef uint uint32_t;
typedef int int32_t;
typedef uint64 uint64_t;
typedef int64 int64_t;
struct ReplayHeader
char magic[12];
uint32_t unkC;
uint32_t clientBuildId;
time_t createdAt;
uint32_t totalTimeMs;
uint32_t totalTimeMs2;
uint32_t contentFinderConditionId;
uint32_t unk24;
uint32_t alwaysTrue : 1;
uint32_t unk28 : 31;
uint32_t unk2c;
uint64_t contentId <format = hex >;
uint8_t partyJobs[ 8 ];
uint32_t recorderJobIndex;
uint32_t chaptersSize;
uint32_t packetsSize;
uint32_t unknown4c;
uint32_t numChapters;
} hdr <bgcolor = cLtGreen>;
if( hdr.magic != "FFXIVREPLAY\0" )
Printf("invalid file magic: %s\n", hdr.magic );
struct Chapter
uint32_t unk; // kind?
uint32_t dataOffset;
uint32_t chapterTimeMs;
} chapters[ hdr.numChapters ] <bgcolor = cLtGreen, read=readChapter>;
string readChapter( Chapter& ch )
string s;
SPrintf( s, "unk: %d, offset: %x, time: %d", ch.unk, ch.dataOffset, ch.chapterTimeMs );
return s;
// maybe numchapters is part of the chapter size?
local uint32_t chapterReserved = hdr.chaptersSize - sizeof( chapters ) - 4;
uint8_t chaptersPadding[ chapterReserved ] <bgcolor = cLtYellow>;
local uint32_t packetsRemaining = hdr.packetsSize;
while( packetsRemaining > 0 )
struct PacketEntry
uint16_t opcode;
uint16_t size;
uint32_t msOffset;
uint32_t actorId;
uint8_t data[size];
} packet <bgcolor = cLtBlue, read=readPacket>;
packetsRemaining -= sizeof( packet );
string readPacket( PacketEntry& pe )
string s;
SPrintf( s, "opcode: %x, size: %x, time: %dms, actor: %d", pe.opcode, pe.size, pe.msOffset, pe.actorId );
return s;
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