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Last active July 28, 2020 06:29
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who function
WHO Searches AD for user information.
If an exact account name is found it will be shown. If not a search will be performed. Fields searched are
sAMAccountName, Name, and Title
User to look for in AD.
.PARAMETER RetrieveHostname
Get the hostname for the resolved user(s). More precisely: gets computer objects in AD whose description
matches sAMAccountName
who <searchterm>
Searches AD for the relevant sAMAccountName or actual name if no matching sAMAccountName found.
Function Who {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)][string]$Search,
$entry = [System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry]::new("LDAP://dc=<YOUR_DOMAIN>,dc=com")
$filter = "(&(sAMAccountName=$Search)(objectclass=user)(objectCategory=person))"
$data = ([adsisearcher]::new($entry, $filter)).FindAll()
# No error is raised when performing the search, only when inspecting the result.
try {
$data | out-null
if ($data -ne "") {
$got_results = $true
else {
$got_results = $false
catch {
# Search filter was broken somehow
$got_results = $false
if (-not $got_results) {
# Turn something like "firstname lastname" into "*firstname*lastname*"
$Search = "*" + ($Search -split " " -join "*") + "*"
$filter = "(&(objectclass=user)(objectCategory=person)(&(|(sAMAccountName=*$Search*)(Name=*$Search*)(Title=*$Search*))))"
$data = ([adsisearcher]::new($entry, $filter)).FindAll()
$data | ForEach-Object {
if ($RetrieveHostname) {
$machine_search = ([adsisearcher]"(&(description=$($["sAMAccountName"]))(objectclass=computer))").FindAll()
if ($machine_search -ne "") {
$machine_search | ForEach-Object {
$hostname += $["cn"]
$output = [PSCustomObject]@{
Name = $_.Properties["Name"] | select -first 1
UserName = $_.Properties["SAMAccountName"] | select -first 1
Title = $_.Properties["Title"] | select -first 1
Mail = $_.Properties["UserPrincipalName"] | select -first 1
Department = $_.Properties["Department"] | select -first 1
Mobile = $_.Properties["Mobile"] | select -first 1
Telephone = $_.Properties["telephonenumber"] | select -first 1
Location = $_.Properties["l"] | select -first 1
Office = $_.Properties["physicaldeliveryofficename"] | select -first 1
if ($RetrieveHostname) {
$output | Add-Member -Name "Hostname" -Value $hostname -MemberType "NoteProperty"
$hostname = ""
Shows a form dialogue window with the photo of a user
SAM account name of the user
Show-UserPhoto <username>
who <username> | Show-UserPhoto
function Show-UserPhoto {
param (
[parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)][string]$UserName
$img = Get-UserPhoto $UserName
$form = new-object Windows.Forms.Form
$form.Text = "Image Viewer"
$form.Width = $img.Size.Width
$form.Height = $img.Size.Height
$pictureBox = new-object Windows.Forms.PictureBox
$pictureBox.Width = $img.Size.Width
$pictureBox.Height = $img.Size.Height
$pictureBox.Image = $img
$form.Add_Shown( { $form.Activate() } )
Returns a bitmap object representing a picture of a user
Searches AD for a specific accountname, and returns the associated thumbnailphoto property as a bitmap object. The width and height parameters can be used to scale the image. If only one of width or height is supplied the other will be calculated to keep image proportions.
A SAMAccountName for a user
Desired output width
Desire output height
Get-UserPhoto <SAMAccountName>
function Get-UserPhoto {
param (
$user_data = ([adsisearcher]"(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=$user))").FindAll()
$stream = [System.Io.MemoryStream]::new($user_data.Properties["thumbnailphoto"][0])
$img = [System.Drawing.Image]::FromStream($stream)
if ($width -or $height) {
if (-not $width) {
$width = ($img.Width / $img.height) * $height
if (-not $height) {
$height = ($img.height / $img.width) * $width
if ($width -ne $img.Width -or $height -ne $img.Height) {
$destination_rect = New-Object System.Drawing.Rectangle 0, 0, $width, $height
$destination_image = New-Object System.Drawing.Bitmap $width, $height
$destination_image.SetResolution($img.HorizontalResolution, $img.VerticalResolution)
$graphics = [System.Drawing.Graphics]::FromImage($destination_image)
$graphics.CompositingMode = [System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingMode]::SourceCopy
$graphics.CompositingQuality = [System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingQuality]::HighQuality
$graphics.InterpolationMode = [System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode]::HighQualityBicubic
$graphics.SmoothingMode = [System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode]::HighQuality
$graphics.PixelOffsetMode = [System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PixelOffsetMode]::HighQuality
$wrapmode = [System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes]::new()
$graphics.DrawImage($img, $destination_rect, 0, 0, $img.Width, $img.Height, [System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit]::Pixel, $wrapmode)
else {
# Width and height parameters don't differ from what the image already has
else {
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