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  • Save NotOctogonapus/93db623aa01a9ffaedde7a39d659381d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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BNO055 Visualizer
import javafx.scene.transform.Affine;
import javafx.application.Platform;
def field = ScriptingEngine.gitScriptRun(
"", // git location of the library
"2002/2002 Field/2002 Field STL.STL" , // file to load
// call another script that will create the robot object and return it.
def myRobot = ScriptingEngine.gitScriptRun(
"", // git location of the library
"LoadIMUServer.groovy" , // file to load
// Pass the name of the device. This needs to match what was written to the device in Arduino
// If no robot exists, return and do nothing
// Create a simple object that will look different when moved to various angles.
CSG vitaminFromScript = Vitamins.get("hobbyServo","Dynam");
// add the object to the 3d window. This can also be done by returning the object.
// Affine is a frame transformation object used to place objects in the 3d window.
// Writing new values will trigger a re-render of the screen.
Affine manip= vitaminFromScript.getManipulator()
// Data vector object, this object will have the latest data written into it by the stack in another thread
double [] printData = myRobot.getImuData()
// Waiting for the user to hit the stop button
Thread.sleep(20)//UI thread runs at 16ms, we should wait at least that long before updating.
println System.currentTimeMillis()+"\r\n Acceleration= "+(printData[0])+" , "+(printData[1])+" , "+
(printData[2])+"\r\n Gyro= "+
(printData[3])+" , "+
(printData[4])+" , "+
(printData[5])+"\r\n Gravity= "+
(printData[6])+" , "+
(printData[7])+" , "+
(printData[8])+"\r\n Euler= "+
(printData[9])+" , "+
(printData[10])+" , "+(printData[11])
double x=0;
double y=0;
double z=0;
// If you would like to visualize the accelorameter then uncomment the next 3 lines
// Conver from Euler angles to frame transformation
TransformNR newLoc = new TransformNR(x,y,z,new RotationNR( printData[9], -printData[11], printData[10] ))
// copy frame transformation into the object manipulatyor
// Platform.runlater uses the UI thread to do the write to prevent UI lockup
Platform.runLater( {TransformFactory.nrToAffine(newLoc,manip)})
}catch(Throwable t){
// Disconnect the IMU device on exit
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