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Last active October 25, 2023 16:04
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NotSoBot Help Documentation
Complete command list of NotSoBot <439205512425504771>:
Owner: NotSoSuper <296044494812479498>
Prefix: .
* = Not Required
^ = Bot Owner Only
^^ = Server Admin Only
"/'s" in commands show aliases for the command (Ex: ".reverse/r <text>" Command can be run with .reverse or .r)
<max_messages> = The number of messages to search through
<image> = The image URL, @discord_user, the users name, discord/custom emoji, or, nothing inputted which will search through 25 messages for embeds or attachments
<image-face> = Image requires a HUMAN FACE to be included
<image/face> = Image with or without face is acceptable (extra adjustments will be made if is face included)
Join "NotSoServer" for any questions or help with the bot and free emotes!
Info: All tags are now guild specific...
You can only use the tag on the guild it was created on.
*** Server admins can force remove tags with .tag forceremove ***
1. View a tag : .tag <tag_name> <tag_args>*
2. Create a tag : .tag create <tag_name> <tag_content>
3. Remove a tag : .tag remove <tag_name>
1. Remove all tags : .tag remove all
4. Edit a tag : .tag edit <tag_name> <edited_tag_content>
5. List all your tags : .tag list <@discord_user>*
or a users
6. View tags owner : .tag owner <tag_name>
7. View a tag raw : .tag view/raw <tag_name>
8. View a tag raw : .tag view2/raw2 <tag_name>
in a code block
9. Upload tag content : .tag view3/raw3 <tag_name>
to hastebin
10. Random Tag : .tag random
11. Search Tags : .tag search <tag_name>
1. Search for a tag : .tag search content <text>
using tag content
12. ^^Force remove : .tag forceremove <tag_name>
a tag
13. Gift a tag/transfer : .tag gift <tag_name> <@discord_user>
Command Piping (Max 4) : Run multiple image commands through a single command.
Operator : ";"
Example : .magik <image> ; waaw ; sharpen 10 ; explode
1. Apply Magik to Image : .magik <image> <image(s)>*
2. Apply Magik to GIF : .gmagik <gif> or <image>
3. React : .react <message_id>* <text/emoji(s)>
4. Bad Meme (Imgur) : .badmeme
5. Random 4chan post : .chan <board>*
6. Text Wall : .textwall/twall <text>
7. Aesthetics : .aesthetics <text>
8. ASCII : .ascii <text>
9. Image to ASCII : .iascii <image>
10. GIF to ASCII : .gascii <gif> <liquid_rescale>*
11. RIP Generator : .rip <text> <text2>*
12. Urban Dictionary : .urban <word>
13. Triggered GIF : .triggered <image>
1. Triggered Image : .triggered2 <image>
2. Triggered2 Image : .triggered3 <image>
14. Resize Image : .resize <1-8/size> <image>
-- You can split top and bottom text using a | divider.
15. Meme : .meme <image> <top_text> <bottom_text>
16. Reverse Text : .reverse/r <text>
17. Identify Image/Gif : .identify <url>
18. Merge Images : .merge <images (>= 2)>
-- <text> argument IS required.
19. Turn Text into : .emojify/efy <background (default: 😂)> <foreground (default: 🅱)> <text>
1. Vertical Emoji : .emojify vertical/v ^^^ *same args* ^^^
20. Tone of Text : .tone/toe <text>
21. Huge Discord Emoji/ : .e/emoji <:emoji(s):> (if > 1, emojis merge) <ios/emojione>* (type of emoji) <size|10-2048>*
22. Steam Emoji : .se/steamemoji <:steam_emoji:>
23. Add eyes to a face : .eyes <image-face>
-- Alias for the eye name is also the command number (e.g. ".eyes 1" instead of ".eyes spongebob").
1. Spongebob : .eyes spongebob <image-face>
2. Big Eye : .eyes big <image-face>
3. Small Eye : .eyes small <image-face>
4. Money : .eyes money <image-face>
5. Bloodshot : .eyes blood <image-face>
6. Horror : .eyes horror <image-face>
7. Illuminati : .eyes illuminati/triangle <image-face>
8. Googly : .eyes googly <image-face>
9. Flipped : .eyes flip/reverse <image-face>
10. Center : .eyes center <image-face>
11. Red Flare : .eyes red <image-face>
12. Blue Flare : .eyes blue <image-face>
13. Green Flare : .eyes green <image-face>
14. Yellow Flare : .eyes yellow <image-face>
15. Pink Flare : .eyes pink <image-face>
16. White Flare : .eyes white <image-face>
17. Black Flare : .eyes black <image-face>
18. Fidget Spinner : .eyes spinner <image-face>
24. Word Cloud : .wordcloud/wc <max_messages>* <image (custom mask)>*
25. Watermark : .watermark <image> <watermark_image>*
-- Aliases can be accesed by removing "say".
26. Cow : .cowsay <text>
1. Mech : .mechsay <text>
2. Pony : .ponysay <text>
3. Dino : .dinosay <text>
4. Sheep : .sheepsay <text>
5. Flaming Sheep : .flamingsheepsay <text>
6. Apt : .aptsay <text>
7. Moofasa : .moofasasay <text>
8. Sodomized Sheep : .sodomizedsheepsay <text>
9. Bong : .bongsay <text>
10. Beavis : .beavissay <text>
11. Tux : .tuxsay <text>
12. Duck : .ducksay <text>
13. Elephant : .elephantsay <text>
14. Eyes : .eyessay <text>
15. Milk : .milksay <text>
16. Moose : .moosesay <text>
17. Mutilated Cow : .mutilatedsay <text>
18. Chicken : .cocksay <text>
19. Head in Ass : .headinass <text>
20. Cheese : .cheesesay <text>
21. Gopher (Go) : .gophersay <text>
27. Giphy Gif : .gif <text/query>*
28. Imgur Image/Gallery : .imgur <text/query>*
29. Glitch an Image : .glitch <gif> or <image> <amount>* <seed>* <iterations>*
1. Glitch 2 : .glitch2 <image>
30. Pixelsort an Image : .sort <image> <interval_function (random, threshold, edges, waves, none)>* <pixel_angle>*
31. NeedsMoreJpeg : .jpeg/magik2 <image> <quality|1-10>*
32. Pixelate : .pixel <image> <pixels>*
33. Retro : .retro <text (split each line by '|')>
34. Retro 2 : .retro2 <text (split each line by '|')>
35. Retro 3 : .retro3 <text (split each line by '|')>
36. WaaW : .waaw <image>
37. HaaH : .haah <image>
38. WooW : .woow <image>
39. HooH : .hooh <image>
40. Flip : .flip <image>
41. Flop : .flop <image>
42. Regional Emote Text : .regional <text>
43. WebMD : .webmd <question>*
44. Wasted : .wasted <image>
45. 4Chan Green Text : .green <text>
46. Rainbow : .rainbow <image>
47. Waves : .waves <image>
48. Wall : .wall <image>
49. Rotate : .rotate <degree> <image>
50. Layer : .layer <image>
51. Multiply : .multiply/multi <image>
52. Multiply and Rotate : .multiply2/multi2 <image>
53. Dice : .dice <image>
54. Shake : .shake <image>
55. Spin : .spin <image>
56. Scramble : .scramble <image>
57. Scramble 2 : .scramble2 <image>
(No Rotation)
58. Who Did This : .whodidthis/wdt <image>
59. Agar Text : .agar <text>
60. Agarify Text : .agarify <text>
-- Do ".illegal <text> are" to replace "IS" with "ARE" in the GIF.
61. Trump Illegal GIF : .illegal <text>
62. Trump Legal GIF : .legal <text>
63. Oilpainting : .oil <image>
64. XD : .xd <text>
65. Trace : .trace <image>
66. Swirl : .swirl <image>
67. Side To Side : .ss/s2s <image>
68. Up To Down : .utd/u2d <image>
69. Recolor : .recolor <image>
-- Poorly trained Neural Network Model (Nothing really NSFW).
70. Edges2Porn (NSFW) : .edges2porn/e2p <image>
1. Gif : .gedges2porn/ge2p <gif>
71. Sharpen : .sharpen <image>
72. Rewind GIF : .rewind <gif>
73. Gay Flag Overlay : .gay <image>
74. Rewind GIF Loop : .gloop <gif>
75. Blur : .blur <image> <scale>*
76. Pixelate GIF : .gpixel <gif>
77. JPEG GIF : .gjpeg <gif>
78. Glitch GIF : .gg/glitchgif <image>
-- FaceApp Commands (for human faces).
-- All are currently disabled for maintenance.
-- 79. Smile : .smile <image-face>
-- 80. Smile 2 : .smile2 <image-face>
-- 81. Old : .old <image-face>
-- 82. Young : .young <image-face>
-- 83. Female : .female <image-face>
-- 84. Female 2 : .female2 <image-face>
-- 85. Male : .male <image-face>
-- 86. Hot : .hot <image-face>
-- 87. Wave : .wave/hot2 <image-face>
-- 88. Beard / Pan : .beard/pan <image-face>
-- 89. Hitman : .hitman/hit <image-face>
-- 90. Heisenberg : .heisenberg/walter/ww <image-face>
-- (Breaking Bad)
-- 91. Glasses : .glasses <image-face>
-- 92. Hipster : .hipster/hip <image-face>
-- 93. Impression : .impression/imp <image-face>
-- 94. Makeup : .makeup/mup <image-face>
-- 95. Makeup 2 : .makeup2/mup2 <image-face>
-- 95. Hollywood : .hollywood/hw <image-face>
-- 96. Mustache : .mustache/must/stache <image-face>
-- 97. Bangs : .bangs <image-face>
-- 98. Goatee : .goatee/goat <image-face>
-- 99. Sun Glasses : .sunglasses/sung <image-face>
-- 100. Tight Smile : .tightsmile/tight <image-face>
102. Implode : .implode <image> <scale>*
103. Explode : .explode <image> <scale>*
104. Circular/Radial : .circle/radial <image> <angle>*
105. Fisheye Lens : .fish/bulge <image>
106. Deep Fry : .deepfry/df <image>
175. Gif Deep Fry : .gdeepfry/gdf <gif>
107. Brazzers Logo : .brazzers/br <image>
108. oWo : .owo <image>
109. Noose Guy : .nooseguy <image>
110. Composite Images : .composite <images (limit 20)>
111. Disabled : .disabled <image>
112. Kekistan : .kekistan/kekflag <image>
113. Watchmojo : .watchmojo/mojo <image> <text>
114. Snapchat Dog : .snapchat/sc <image-face>
1. Dog 2 : .snapchat dog2/d2 <image-face>
2. Cat : .snapchat cat/c <image-face>
3. Cat 2 : .snapchat cat2/c2 <image-face>
4. Devil : .snapchat devil/d <image-face>
5. Bunny : .snapchat bunny/b <image-face>
6. Heart : .snapchat heart/h <image-face>
7. Flowers : .snapchat flowers/f <image-face>
8. Flowers 2 : .snapchat flowers2/f2 <image-face>
9. Glasses : .snapchat glasses/g <image-face>
10. Moustache : .snapchat moustache/m <image-face>
11. Angery : .snapchat angery/a <image-face>
12. Sunglasses : .snapchat sunglasses/sg <image-face>
115. iDubbbz Painting : .paint <image>
--Use negative speeds to make it slower.
116. GIF Speed : .gspeed <speed>
117. Bob Ross : .bobross/paint2 <image>
118. Stepped on Shit : .shit <image>
119. Perfection : .perfection <image>
120. Worse Than Hitler : .wth <image>
121. For REALLY big : .mistake <image>
122. Reminder : .reminder <image> <text>
123. Zuckerbergs : .zuckerberg/zuck <image>
124. Ugly : .ugly <image>
125. Cool Guy : .coolguy/cg <image>
126. God : .god <image>
127. Gaben : .gaben <image>
128. Autism Hat : .autism <image-face>
129. Snapple Fact : .fact <text>
130. DLSR Image : .dslr <image>
131. Ed Ed and Eddy : .dork <image>
132. Squidward Nose : .art/squidward <image-face>
133. : .p90 <tags>*
134. 9GAG Watermark : .9gag <image>
135. Adidas : .adidas <image>
136. Admin Walk : .adminwalk/adw <image>
137. America : .america <image>
138. Autism Level : .autismlevel/alevel <image>
139. Bandicam : .bandicam/bandi <image>
140. Condom Fails : .condomfail/condom <image>
141. Depression : .depression/depr <image>
142. Hacker : .hacker <text>
1. Connor : .hacker 2/connor <text>
143. Gold Star : .goldstar/star <image>
144. Hyper Cam : .hypercam/hcam <image>
145. Challange : .jackoff/challenge <image>
146. Keemstar : .keemstar/keem <image>
1. Keemstar 2 : .keemstar2/keem2 <image>
147. Rope Portal : .portal <image>
148. PornHub Caption : .phcaption/phc <image> <text>
149. Respects : .respects <image>
150. Russia : .russia <image>
151. Spain : .spain <image>
152. Stockphoto : .stock <image>
153. USSR : .ussr <image>
154. iFunny Watermark : .ifunny <image>
--Auto places if no face detected.
155. Santa Hat : .santahat/hat <image/face>
156. Gif Sharpen : .gsharpen <gif> <scale>*
157. Pixel 2 : .pixel2 <image> <scale>*
158. Face Swap : .swap <image (>= 2 faces)>
159. Bernie : .bernie/congress <image>
160. Thug Life : .thug/thuglife <image-face>
161. Crop/Zoom Face : .zoom <image-face>
162. Race Recognition : .races/kairos <image-face>
163. Gimp Resize Error : .gimp <image>
164. Transgender Flag : .trans <image>
165. Sonic : .sonic <text>
166. NotSoBot Face : .notsobot/nsb <image-face>
167. Zalgo : .zalgo <text>
168. Yusuke : .yusuke <image>
169. Thinking Face : .thinking <image-face>
170. Joy Face : .joy <image-face>
171. Ajit Pai : .ajit <image>
172. Jack : .jack <image>
173. Israel Flag : .israel <image>
174. Logan Paul : .logan <image>
176. Trump : .trump <image>
177. Blackify Face : .blackify <image-face>
178. Black Panther : .panther <image>
179. SpaceX Starman : .spacex/starman <image>
180. Thinking Blend : .think <image> <scale|1-100 (opacity)>*
181. Invert Flash : .flash <image> <delay (ms)>
182. GExplode : .gexplode/gex <image> <scale|1-6>*
183. GImplode : .gimplode/gim <image> <scale|1-6>*
184. Change My Mind : .changemymind/cmm <text>
185. WikiHow : .wikihow <query>
186. Supreme Logo : .supreme <image>
-- Create a discord message screenshot.
-- Use flags such as "-compact" or "-light" to change the theme.
187. Quote : .quote <user-mention/id>* <text>
1. Message : .quote id <message_id>
-- Last 100 messages
2. User : .quote user <@discord_user>
188. Stephen Hawking : .hawking/hawk <image>
189. Rain : .rain <image>
190. Gold : .gold <image>
191. Gold 2 : .gold2 <image>
192. Exo : .exo <image>
193. Kek : .kek <image>
194. Kek 2 - Rain : .kek2 <image>
195. Paper/Napkin : .paper <image>
196. Bubble : .bubble <image>
197. Tunnel : .tunnel <image>
1. Mode 2 : .tunnel2 <image>
198. In Out : .inout/io <image> <delay|20-200 (ms)>
199. Out In : .outin/oi <image> <delay|20-200 (ms)>
200. Blurple : .blurple <image>
201. Universe Overlay : .universe/uni <image> <overlay_type|1-4>*
202. Einstein Chalk : .einstein/ein <text|1-15 characters>
203. Fat Maker : .fat <image-face>
204. 100 Dollar Bill : .bill/100 <image>
205. Anime Eyes (Black) : .anime <image-face>
1. Blue : .anime blue/1 <image-face>
2. Aqua : .anime aqua/2 <image-face>
3. Green : .anime green/3 <image-face>
4. Brown : .anime brown/4 <image-face>
5. Red : .anime red/5 <image-face>
6. Purple : .anime purple/6 <image-face>
206. Clown Face : .clown <image-face>
207. Alien Face : .alien <image-face>
208. Soup Letters : .soup <text|1-14 characters>
209. Mount Rushmore : .mount <image-face>
210. Galatea of the : .spheres/galatea <image>
211. Museum Frame : .museum <image>
212. Burning Photo : .burn <image>
213. Pop Art (2 x 2) : .popart/pop <image>
-- Removes transparent body surrounding image.
214. Center Image : .center <image>
215. Face Ovleray : .faceoverlay/overlay <image-face> <image-overlay>
216. Hot Girl Bottle : .grill <text>
217. Simpsons Days : .days/simpsons <text>
-- Append flags " -eyes" or " -mouth" for specific facial feature.
218. Face -Magik- : .facemagik/fm <image-face>
-- Alias for the effect is also the command number (e.g. ".fm 1" instead of ".fm explode").
1. Explode : .fm explode/exp <image-face>
2. Implode : .fm implode/impl <image-face>
3. Swirl : .fm swirl <image-face>
4. Circular/Radial : .fm circle/radial <image-face>
5. Blur : .fm blur <image-face>
6. Charcoal : .fm charcoal/coal <image-face>
7. Tehi : .fm tehi <image-face>
8. Pixelate : .fm pixelate/pixel <image-face>
9. Spin - Random Hues : .fm spin <image-face>
10. Alternative Magik : .fm magika <image-face>
11. Rain : .fm rain <image-face>
12. Gold : .fm gold <image-face>
13. Frost : .fm frost <image-face>
14. Pseudo Color : .fm pc <image-face>
15. Kaleidoscope : .fm ks <image-face>
16. Toon Filter : .fm toon <image-face>
17. Ripples : .fm rip/ripples <image-face>
18. Emoji Mosaic : .fm emoji/e2m <image-face>
219. Wheeze : .wheeze <image>
220. Pseudocolor / Hue : .pc <image>
Rainbow GIF
221. Text Distort Image : .textdistort/td <image> <text>
1. Black Background : .textdistort2/td2 <image> <text>
222. Wiggle GIF : .wiggle <image>
223. Stained Glass : .stainedglass/sg <image>
-- Append flags " -invert" / " -i" or " -composite" / " -c" for extra abstraction.
224. Abstract Art : .abstract/aa <image>
225. Old Man : .oldman/oldguy <image>
226. LegalFling Consent : .consent <image> <text>*
227. Linus : .linus <image>
228. Austin : .austin <image>
229. Source Pistol : .pistol <image>
230. Source Shotgun : .shotgun <image>
231. Fallout Excuse Me : .excuse <image>
232. Presidential Alert : .presidential/alert <text>
233. Kowalski Analysis : .analysis <image>
234. RTX On and Off : .rtx <image> <image>
235. Miranda Cosgrove : .miranda <image>
236. Binoculars : .binoculars/bino <image>
-- Requires 2 text arguments (e.g. ".race test | test2")
237. Racecard : .racecard/race <text (split each race by '|')>
238. Am I Disabled : .amidisabled/disabled2 <text>
239. Jesus : .jesus <image>
240. Recaptcha : .captcha <text>
241. Wonka Chocolate : .wonka <text>
242. Latte Art : .latte <image>
243. Emoji Mosaic : .emojimosaic/e2m <image>
1. Algorithm 2 : .emojimosaic2/e2m2 <image>
244. AirPods Engraving : .airpods <text>
245. AirPods Pro ^^ : .airpodspro/airpods2 <text>
246. Thinking Text : .thonk <text>
-- Accepts 2 text arguments using "|", not required.
247. Neon Writing : .neon <text (split using '|')>
248. Text 2 Speach : .tts <text>
-- American English
1. Lisa : .tts lisa <text>
2. Michael : .tts michael <text>
-- Other Countries
3. Brazil : .tts brazil/br <text>
4. United Kingdom : .tts british/uk <text>
5. Spanish : .tts spanish/es <text>
6. French : .tts french/fr <text>
7. German : .tts german/de <text>
8. Italian : .tts italian/it <text>
9. Japanese : .tts japanese/jr <text>
249. Logout : .logout <text>
250. GIF Crystalize : .gcrystal <image>
-- Turn concentrations of colors into circles.
251. Quadart : .quadart/quad <image>
1. Boxes instead of : .quadart box <image>
252. NYC Time Square : .nyc/timesquare <image>
253. Lego : .lego <image> <scale|4-41>*
Google / Search:
-- Google Search will also attempt to parse cards e.g. "weather in nyc".
1. Google Search : .google/g <text>
1. Simpler Response : .google2/g2 <text>
2. Google Image : .image/img <text>
1. Simpler Response : .image2/img2 <text>
3. YouTube Search : .youtube/yt <text>
4. DuckDuckGo Search : .duckduckgo/ddg <text>
1. Simpler Response : .duckduckgo2/ddg2 <text>
5. WolframAlpha : .wolframalpha/wa <text>
6. Image Labels : .labels <image>
7. Image Safety Lables : .slabels/isnsfw <image>
-- Extract text from images
8. OCR : .ocr <image>
-- Target language must be two letter language code.
-- english => en | spanish => es | german => de
-- You can also specify the "-source <source-language>" flag
-- as part of the text.
9. Translation : .translate/tr <target-language> <text>
-- Same flags/rules apply as ^^^ translate.
10. OCR Translate : .ocrtranslate/ocrtr <target-language> <image>
1. Invite OAUTH2 Link : .invite
2. (^)Git Pull : .update
3. (^)Logout of Discord : .die
4. (^)Changes Status : .status <status>
5. (^)Say Text : .say <text>
6. Server Info : .server
7. Eval Python Code : .debug <code>
8. (^)Loop : .loop <amount> <commmand>
9. Ping : .ping <ip/website>*
10. Users Avatar Link : .avatar <@discord_user>
11. Servers Seen On : .seenon <@discord_user>*
12. Bots Uptime : .uptime
13. Users Information : .info/user <@discord_user>
14. Channel Information : .cinfo
15. Upload A Gist : .gist <text>
16. (^)Set Bot Avatar : .setavatar <image>
17. (^)Set Bot Name : .setname <text>
18. Steam User Info : .steam <steamid/steam64/steamurl/customurl>
--Start the message with (NO PREFIX).
19. Find and Replace : sed/<text to find>/<text to replace it with>/
Text (Sed)
20. Statistics : .stats
21. Leave Feedback or : .complain <text>
1. (^)Complain : .complain respond <complain_id/latest/|> <text>
22. Leave a *nice* : .compliment <text>
-- Name logs are archived 07/16/19
-- Guild name logs still work!
23. Name/Nickname Logs : .names <@discord_user>*
1. Server Name Logs : .snames
-- 30. Online Staff : .admins/mods
24. Reminder : .remind <time> (1d1h = 1 day 1 hour) <text>*
1. List Reminders : .remind list
2. Remove Reminder : .remind remove <id>
1. Remove All : .remind remove all
25. Hash MD5 : .hash <text>
1. Hash SHA1 : .hash sha1 <text>
2. Hash SHA256 : .hash sha256 <text>
3. Hash SHA512 : .hash sha512 <text>
26. Undo Command : .undo
27. Screenshot a Site : .screenshot <url>
28. Unicode Character : .char <text>
---You can also only input a discord code block with the language you want as the syntax highlighting language.
29. Rextester Code : .rex <language> <code>
1. List Languages : .rex list
30. Shard Info : .shards
31. (^)RPC : .rpc
1. Ping : .rpc ping
2. (^)Eval : .rpc eval <code>
1. Specific Shard : .rpc eval shard <code>
3. (^)Reload Mod : .rpc reload <mod>
4. (^)Send Message : .rpc say <#discord_channel> <text>
5. (^)MySQL Reload : .rpc mysql reload <table>
6. (^)Set RPC Timeout : .rpc timeout <float>
7. (^)Git Pull : .rpc update
32. Command logging to : .logopt
channel opt-in/out
--Responds with a message of your choice or simply that you're AFK whenever someone pings you.
33. AFK : .afk <text>*
34. Playing Steam : .sp <game>
NSFW (Not Safe For Work): --Requires the channel to be marked as NSFW.
1. E621 : .e621 <search/tags>
2. Rule34 : .rule34 <search/tags>
3. Rule34 Paheal : .paheal <search/tags>
4. Yandera : .yande <search/tags>
5. Xbooru : .xbooru <search/tags>
6. Gelbooru : .gelbooru <search/tags>
7. Pornhub : .porn/pornhub <search>
8. Ban a tag/search : .bantag <tags>
1. List all banned : .bantag list
2. Unban tag : .bantag remove <tags>
1. Unban all : .bantag remove all
1. Set Your Color : .color <color>
1. (^^)Add color : .color add <hex/name/etc> <role_name>
2. (^^)Remove color : .color remove <name>
2. Remove your color : .uncolor
3. Colors Available : .colors
5. (^^)Add default : .addcolors
6. (^^)Remove all : .removecolors
Administration/Moderation (^^):
1. Server Logs : .slogs
1. Ignore User/Bot : .slogs ignore <@discord_user(s)>/<user_id(s)>
2. Ignore User/Bot : .slogs ignore avatar <@discord_user(s)>/<user_id(s)>
Avatar Changes
2. Remove Bot & Invoker : .clean <max_messages>*
3. Remove Messages : .prune <max_messages>* <@discord_user(s)>*
1. Bot Messages : .prune bots <max_messages>*
2. Attachments : .prune attachments <max_messages>*
3. Embeds : .prune embeds <max_messages>*
4. Images : .prune images <max_messages>*
5. With a string/text : .prune with <max_messages> <text>
6. After message id : .prune after <message_id> <#discord_channel>*
4. Hackban (Ban user : .hackban <id(s)>
not on server/by id)
5. Mute/Turn off a User : .off <@discord_user>
1. List users "off" : .off list
6. Un-mute/Turn on a : .on <@discord_user>
1. Turn on all users: : .on all
7. Leave Server : .leave
8. Nickname : .nick <nickname> <@discord_user(s)>
1. Mass Change : .nick mass <nickname>
Everyones Nickname
2. Mass Revert/Remove : .nick mass revert/reset
Everyones Nickname
3. Cancel Mass Event : .nick mass cancel
9. List Invites : .invites
--Role name is case sensitive
10. Add role : .addrole <role> <@discord_user(s)>
to a user
11. Remove role : .removerole <role> <@discord_user(s)>
from a user
12. Channel Perm Mute : .mute <@discord_user(s)>
1. Unmute : .unmute <@discord_user(s)>
13. Pin a message : .pin <max_messages> <message_id/message_content> (ID of the Message or Text in the content of the message)
1. After a Specific : .pin date <MM/DD/YYYY>
2. Before a Specific : .pin before <MM/DD/YYYY> <max_messages> <message_content>
3. Pin the first : .pin first <#discord_channel>*
Message in current/specified channel
4. Remove Pins : .pin removeall <@discord_user>* <#discord_channel>*
--For commands: image, google/search (Safety is automatically disabled if NSFW channel).
14. Set Google Safety : .safety <low/medium/high> or <1 (off)/2 (medium)/3 (high)>
--Send a message including the command when a user deletes the invoking message (before 20 minutes).
15. On Command Message : .cmd_delete
Delete Messages
--Server Protection
--Ban users if they mention over the specified threshold (Bans logged to current or specified channel).
16. Auto Mention Spam : .mentionspam <threshold/count> <#discord_channel>*
1. Disable : .mentionspam off
2. Change Action Log : .mentionspam channel <#discord_channel>*
--Raid mode for when your server is under attack.
--Levels: 0 - off (turn off raid mode), 1 - on (log member joins to a channel), 2 - strict (kick members who joined (the server or discord) less than 30 minutes ago).
17. Raid Mode : .raid <mode>
1. Change Action Log : .raid channel <#discord_channel>*
Blacklisting/Command Toggling/Prefix (^^):
1. Blacklisting (Alias: ignore):
--To unblacklist, run the command the same way as you did to blacklist.
1. User : .blacklist <@discord_user>
2. Channel : .blacklist channel <#discord_channel>*
--This will blacklist everyone except specific roles (user must have the role to use the bot).
--It also acts as a toggle, to remove a role run the command again with the specified role, same with adding.
3. All except role(s) : .blacklist except <@discord_role(s)>
4. List all blacklists : .blacklist list
5. (^)Global : .blacklist global <@discord_user>
2. Command Toggling (Alias: cmd):
--All commands act as a toggle (run once to disable, again to enable).
1. Server Wide : .command <command_name>
2. User : .command user <command_name> <@discord_user>
3. Role : .command role <command_name> <discord_role>
4. Channel : .command channel <command_name> <#discord_channel>*
5. (^)Global : .command global <command_name>
6. Enable all disabled : .command all
7. List all disabled : .command list
--Specific bot modules such as Fun/Image commands or NSFW Commands (run the list command to see all).
8. Module : .command module <module_name>
1. List all Modules : .command module list
3. Bot Server/Channel Prefix:
1. Add default prefix : .prefix <text>
1. Change default : .prefix channel <text (wrap in "" if more than 1 word)> <#discord_channel>*
prefix for channel
2. Add a prefix : .prefix add <text>
2. Delete prefix : .prefix delete <text>
3. Reset server : .prefix reset
1. Reset channel : .prefix reset channel <#discord_channel>*
2. Reset all channel : .prefix reset channels
3. Reset all : .prefix reset all
prefix settings
Tag Scripting
{user} - Your username
{mention} - Your username#discrim
{discrim} - Your discriminator
{id} - Your ID
{nick} - Your nickname (username by default)
{server} - This server
{servercount} - Number of users on the server
{serverid} - The servers ID
{channel} - The name of the channel the tag was used
{channelid} - The id of the channel the tag was used (try <#{channelid}> for a mention)
{args} - All the text that came after the tag name
{arg:0} - A specific-numbered argument, starting at 0 for the first argument
{argslen} - The number of arguments
{avatar} - Your avatar URL
{randuser} - A random username from the server
{randonline} - A random online username on the server
{randchannel} - A random channel on the server
{choose:A|B|C} - A random item in the list
{range:1|100} - A random number
{replace:text1|with:text2|in:text3} - Replaces text
{replaceregex:regex|with:text|in:text2} - Regex replace text
{upper:text} - UPPERCASE TEXT
{lower:text} - lowercase text
{url:text} - Converts URL to proper encoding
{math:4|+|5|%|6} - Computes values (valid oprations: |+| |-| |*| |/| |%|)
{if:{id}|=|130070621034905600|then:potato|else:idk} Valid Conditions/Comparisons: |=| (Equal) |<| (Less than) |>| (Greater than) |>=| (Greater/equal) |<=| (Less/equal) |~| (Ignore-case equal) |?| (Regex)
{set:variable|value} - Set a temporary variable to call later on in the tag
{get:variable} - Retrieves the value of a temporary variable
{note:text} - Comment, completely removed during parsing
{substring:text|start|end} - Take the substring of a text
{prefix} - Returns the first current bot prefix
{code:text} - Formats text into a code block
// Run code with tags!
{lua:print('1')} - Execute Lua Code or Functions
{lang:code} - Replace lang with any language from the "rex list" command to execute code
{n​sfw} - Mark a tag as NSFW
{eval:text} - Reevaluates text (useful with {ignore})
{ignore:text} - Ignores script tags in text
{length:text} - Number of characters in text
{attach/file:url|filename (optional)} - Attaches an image (Ex: {})
{text:url} - Returns the text contents of the URL
{haste:text} - Returns URL to a hastebin of the included text
{lattach} - Returns URL of the last attachment in chat
// Tag script to manipulate images using code.
{iscript:code} - Image Script v1
{iscript2/imagescript:code} Image Script v2
Problems/Reports: Contact @NotSoSuper#3412 or ask on the Development Server.
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