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Termux And The ext4 Filesystem, Part 1 Of 5: Reading And Writing, No Root Required

Termux And The ext4 Filesystem, Part 1 Of 5: Reading And Writing, No Root Required
Published: April 7, 2023

Mobile Device Configuration

  • Rooted: No

  • Connected to any network: No

  • Operating system:

    neofetch --stdout|grep --color=never --ignore-case 'os:'
       OS: Android 10 armv8l 
  • CPU:

    neofetch --stdout|grep --color=never --ignore-case 'cpu:'
       CPU: Qualcomm SDM439 (8) @ 2.016GHz 
  • Display resolution: 1520x720

  • Builtin internal storage: 16 Gigabytes

  • Builtin memory: 2 Gigabytes

  • Application Binary Interface (ABI): armeabi-v7a, 32-bit

  • Linux shell: bash (Bourne Again SHell)

  • Fresh installation: Termux application, MiXplorer, MiXplorer Archive, RCX - Rclone for Android

  • App for reading the ext4 filesystem contained in the image file: MiXplorer and the MiX Archive component/addon, access to the ext4 filesystem is provided by the MiX Archive component/addon, the ext4 filesystem is always read-only, the image filename must end in ".ext" and always initialize the image file with zeroes (zero-filled, 0-filled)

  • App for creating the image file and writing the ext4 filesystem: Termux application, always enable wake-lock when running Termux, always run "termux-setup-storage" after installing Termux, use the Linux command "dd if=/dev/zero of=image-file.ext" to create the image file, use the Linux command "mkfs.ext4 -d EXT4-DIRECTORY" to write the contents of EXT4-DIRECTORY to the image file

  • MiXplorer "Tool bar" configuration: Enable "Servers" button

  • MiXplorer "HTTP/WebDav" server configuration: Remove "Admin" password, from the authentication method list ("NONE", "BASIC", "DIGEST") select "NONE"

  • RCX - Rclone for Android configuration: In "Settings" "File Access" select "Enable Content Provider Preview", select "Declare as local provider". select "Grant MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" if available

Termux application (termux, com.termux): (, (@termux),

MiXplorer (Hootan Parsa, com.mixplorer): (read), (read "Downloads"), ("MiXplorer: Q&A and FAQ (User Manual)")

MiX Archive (Hootan Parsa, com.mixplorer.addon.archive) is required: ("Downloads")

RCX - Rclone for Android (x0b, io.github.x0b.rcx): (@x0b), ,

  • Read "Configuring remotes", "Serving content", "Local Storage":
  • "Streaming (Stream media files, serve files and directories over FTP, HTTP, WebDAV or DLNA)" and "Storage Access Framework (SAF) (see docs) for SD card and USB device access.":

# Open a new Termux session: termux-setup-storage, add the Termux packages
# Termux session name: Example 1
# 50gb.ext on external storage: 50 gigabytes (53687091200 bytes,
# 1 gigabyte = 1024*1024*1024 = 1073741824 bytes) file with an
# ext4 filesystem containing the Termux "arm" repositories for
# termux-main, termux-root, termux-x11
# MiXplorer: Open "50gb.ext", start "HTTP/WebDav Server" using
# the "Servers" button on the "Tool bar" (no password for the
# "Admin" account and the server authentication method is
# "NONE"), use to access the MiXplorer
# "HTTP/WebDav Server" server, start the MiXplorer
# "FTP(S,ES)/Share Server" from the "Tool bar" (no password for
# the "Admin" account) use as the FTP address and 2121
# as the FTP port number
# RCX: Create an "FTP" remote, use for the "FTP Host",
# use Admin as the user name and make up a password, use 2121 as
# the "FTP Port", read "Serving content" and "Local Storage" in
# Backup $PREFIX/etc/apt/sources.list and use the Linux text
# editor "nano" to update $PREFIX/etc/apt/sources.list with this
# configuration (from
#    deb stable main
#    deb root stable
#    deb x11 main
echo $PS1
export PS1='\T $ '    # bash prompt string
echo $PS1
echo $HOME
echo $PREFIX
ls --color=never -l -all $HOME    # "ls --help"
ls --color=never -l -all
ls --color=never -l -a
ls --color=never -la
pwd    # "pwd --help"
mkdir --verbose BACKUP    # "mkdir --help"
ls --color=never -la $PREFIX/etc/apt
cd $PREFIX/etc/apt
cp --verbose -pi sources.list $HOME/BACKUP    # "cp --help"
ls --color=never -la $HOME/BACKUP
cat sources.list    # "cat --help"
# Edit sources.list with the Linux text editor "nano"
nano --linenumbers sources.list    # "nano --help"
cd $HOME 
cat $PREFIX/etc/apt/sources.list
apt update
apt upgrade
apt update
apt install manpages util-linux teseq vim nano wget android-tools libnfs links openssh man termux-api libusb clang ncurses ncurses-utils asciinema gnutls termux-tools bc samba apache2 traceroute net-tools iproute2 inetutils bsd-games netcat-openbsd nmap nmap-ncat rlwrap dosfstools e2fsprogs pass pass-otp openssl-tool gpgv pwgen openjdk-17 paperkey unrar ncftp lftp darkhttpd file sshpass mutt neomutt alpine neofetch cpufetch progress pv gptfdisk fdisk curl dos2unix lynx gifsicle cadaver mlocate

updatedb    # "man locate" and "man updatedb"

# Termux is ready for "Example 2"

# Open a new Termux session
# Termux session name: Example 2
# test-disk1-30mb.ext: test-disk1-30mb.ext is a
# 31457280-byte (30 megabytes, 1 megabyte = 1024*1024 bytes =
# 1048576 bytes) image file 
echo $PS1
export PS1='\T $ '
echo $PS1
echo $HOME
echo $PREFIX
ls --color=never -l $HOME/storage|grep -iv external
ls --color=never -l storage/downloads
mktemp -d /storage/emulated/0/Download/ext4-test-directory.XXXXXXXXXX    # "man mktemp"
ls --color=never -alR DIRECTORY_NAME_FROM_mktemp
cd DIRECTORY_NAME_FROM_mktemp    # "cd --help"
mkdir -v test-disk1-directory
cd test-disk1-directory
touch file1
ls --color=never -l file1.txt
mv file1 file1.txt
ls --color=never -l file1.txt
touch file2r.txt
rm -iv file2r.txt
touch file2.txt
cd ..
dd if=/dev/zero of=test-disk1-30mb.ext bs=1M count=30   # Always initialize the image file with zeroes (zero-filled, 0-filled)
ls --color=never  -l test-disk1-30mb.ext
tree test-disk1-directory
ls --color=never -la
ls --color=never -la test-disk1-directory
mkfs.ext4 -m 0 -L ext4-disk1-30mb -d test-disk1-directory test-disk1-30mb.ext # "man mkfs.ext4": "-d root-directory" "Copy the contents of the given directory into the root directory of the file system."
# MiXplorer: Stop "HTTP/WebDav Server" and 
# "FTP(S,ES)/Share Server", open test-disk1-30mb.ext and
# start "HTTP/WebDav Server" and "FTP(S,ES)/Share Server"
# from the "Tool bar"
ls --color=never -la
mkdir -v test-disk1-directory/last-example
tree test-disk1-directory
ls --color=never -al test-disk1-directory
touch test-disk1-directory/last-example/file3.html
tree test-disk1-directory
ls --color=never -la test-disk1-directory
ls --color=never -alR test-disk1-directory
# Using the Linux text editor "nano" insert into file3.html
#    <html>
#    <body>
#    <h1>
#    file4.html
#    </h1>
#    </body>
#    </html>
nano --linenumbers test-disk1-directory/last-example/file4.html
stat test-disk1-directory/last-example/file4.html
file test-disk1-directory/last-example/file4.html
cat test-disk1-directory/last-example/file4.html
tree test-disk1-directory
ls --color=never -alR test-disk1-directory
cd test-disk1-directory
mv -iv file1.txt last-example
cp -iv file2.txt last-example
tree last-example
rm -iv file2.txt
ls --color=never -al
cd ..
ls --color=never -al
mkfs.ext4 -m 0 -L ext4-disk1-30mb -d test-disk1-directory test-disk1-30mb.ext
# MiXplorer: Stop "HTTP/WebDav Server" and
# "FTP(S,ES)/Share Server", try reloading ext4-disk1-30mb.ext
# and then start "HTTP/WebDav Server" and
# "FTP(S,ES)/Share Server" from the "Tool bar"; instead of
# reloading the file stop "HTTP/WebDav Server" and
# "FTP(S,ES)/Share Server" and exit MiXplorer, restart
# MiXplorer and "HTTP/WebDav Server" and
# "FTP(S,ES)/Share Server"
ls --color=never -alR
sha256sum file4.html
sha256sum test-disk1-directory/last-example/file4.html
cmp --verbose file4.html test-disk1-directory/last-example/file4.html
links -dump
links -source
rm -iv --recursive test-disk1-directory    # "man rm"
rm -ivr DIRECTORY_NAME_FROM_mktemp
# Close Termux session "Example Number2"

# Switch to and close Termux session "Example Number 1"

# Exit MiXplorer and RCX

Termux session for Example 1
Welcome to Termux!

Community forum:
Gitter chat:
IRC channel: #termux on

Working with packages:

* Search packages: pkg search
* Install a package: pkg install
* Upgrade packages: pkg upgrade

Subscribing to additional repositories:

* Root: pkg install root-repo
* X11: pkg install x11-repo

Report issues at

~ $ pwd
~ $
~ $ echo $PS1
\[\e[0;32m\]\w\[\e[0m\] \[\e[0;97m\]\$\[\e[0m\]
~ $
~ $ export PS1='\T $ ' # bash prompt string
04:31:47 $
04:31:48 $ echo $PS1
\T $
04:32:07 $
04:32:10 $ termux-setup-storage
04:32:23 $ echo $HOME
04:32:48 $ echo $PREFIX
04:33:11 $
04:33:26 $ ls --color=never -l -all $HOME # "ls --help"
total 18
drwx------ 4 u0_a188 u0_a188 3488 Apr 3 16:32 .
drwxrwx--x 4 u0_a188 u0_a188 3488 Apr 3 16:28 ..
-rw------- 1 u0_a188 u0_a188 5 Apr 3 16:29 .bash_history
drwx------ 2 u0_a188 u0_a188 3488 Apr 3 16:28 .termux
drwx------ 2 u0_a188 u0_a188 3488 Apr 3 16:32 storage
04:33:29 $
04:33:30 $ ls --color=never -l -all
total 18
drwx------ 4 u0_a188 u0_a188 3488 Apr 3 16:32 .
drwxrwx--x 4 u0_a188 u0_a188 3488 Apr 3 16:28 ..
-rw------- 1 u0_a188 u0_a188 5 Apr 3 16:29 .bash_history
drwx------ 2 u0_a188 u0_a188 3488 Apr 3 16:28 .termux
drwx------ 2 u0_a188 u0_a188 3488 Apr 3 16:32 storage
04:34:17 $
04:34:18 $ ls --color=never -l -a
total 18
drwx------ 4 u0_a188 u0_a188 3488 Apr 3 16:32 .
drwxrwx--x 4 u0_a188 u0_a188 3488 Apr 3 16:28 ..
-rw------- 1 u0_a188 u0_a188 5 Apr 3 16:29 .bash_history
drwx------ 2 u0_a188 u0_a188 3488 Apr 3 16:28 .termux
drwx------ 2 u0_a188 u0_a188 3488 Apr 3 16:32 storage
04:34:35 $
04:34:36 $ ls --color=never -la
total 18
drwx------ 4 u0_a188 u0_a188 3488 Apr 3 16:32 .
drwxrwx--x 4 u0_a188 u0_a188 3488 Apr 3 16:28 ..
-rw------- 1 u0_a188 u0_a188 5 Apr 3 16:29 .bash_history
drwx------ 2 u0_a188 u0_a188 3488 Apr 3 16:28 .termux
drwx------ 2 u0_a188 u0_a188 3488 Apr 3 16:32 storage
04:34:52 $
04:34:52 $ pwd # "pwd --help"
04:35:08 $
04:35:09 $ ls --color=never -la $PREFIX/etc/apt
total 26
drwx------ 5 u0_a188 u0_a188 3488 Apr 3 16:28 .
drwx------ 7 u0_a188 u0_a188 3488 Apr 3 16:28 ..
drwx------ 2 u0_a188 u0_a188 3488 Apr 3 16:28 apt.conf.d
drwx------ 2 u0_a188 u0_a188 3488 Apr 3 16:28 preferences.d
-rw------- 1 u0_a188 u0_a188 91 Apr 3 16:28 sources.list
-rw------- 1 u0_a188 u0_a188 1198 Apr 3 16:28 trusted.gpg
drwx------ 2 u0_a188 u0_a188 3488 Apr 3 16:28 trusted.gpg.d
04:35:27 $
04:35:28 $ cd $PREFIX/etc/apt
04:35:52 $
04:35:55 $ pwd
04:36:05 $
04:36:07 $ cp --verbose -pi sources.list $HOME/BACKUP # "cp --help"'sources.list' -> '/data/data/com.termux/files/home/BACKUP'
04:36:25 $
04:36:26 $ ls --color=never -la $HOME/BACKUP
-rw------- 1 u0_a188 u0_a188 91 Apr 3 16:28 /data/data/com.termux/files/home/BACKUP
04:36:41 $
04:36:42 $ cat sources.list # "cat --help"
# The main termux repository:
deb stable main
04:37:17 $
04:37:17 $ nano --linenumbers sources.list # "nano --help"
04:38:53 $
04:39:13 $ cd $HOME
04:39:16 $
04:39:17 $ pwd
04:39:28 $
04:39:28 $ cat $PREFIX/etc/apt/sources.list
# The main termux repository:
#deb stable main
deb stable main
deb root stable
deb x11 main
04:39:41 $
04:39:42 $ apt update
Get:1 stable InRelease [14.0 kB]
Get:2 root InRelease [14.2 kB]
Get:3 x11 InRelease [14.0 kB]
Get:4 stable/main arm Packages [489 kB]
Get:5 root/stable arm Packages [17.8 kB]
Get:6 x11/main arm Packages [123 kB]
Fetched 673 kB in 20s (34.2 kB/s)
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
61 packages can be upgraded. Run 'apt list --upgradable' to see them.
04:40:41 $
04:40:44 $
04:40:44 $ apt upgrade
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Calculating upgrade... Done
The following NEW packages will be installed:
bash-completion libmd libsmartcols resolv-conf zstd
The following packages will be upgraded:
apt bash ca-certificates command-not-found coreutils curl dash
debianutils dialog diffutils dos2unix dpkg ed findutils gawk gpgv
grep gzip inetutils less libandroid-support libc++ libcap-ng
libcrypt libcurl libevent libexpat libgcrypt libgmp libgnutls
libgpg-error libiconv libidn2 liblz4 liblzma libmpfr libnettle
libnghttp2 libssh2 libtirpc libunistring lsof nano ncurses openssl
pcre2 procps psmisc readline sed tar termux-am-socket termux-exec
termux-keyring termux-licenses termux-tools unbound unzip
util-linux xz-utils zlib
61 upgraded, 5 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 16.9 MB of archives.
After this operation, 7487 kB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
Get:1 stable/main arm liblzma arm 5.4.2 [241 kB]
Get:2 stable/main arm xz-utils arm 5.4.2 [62.5 kB]
Get:3 stable/main arm zlib arm 1.2.13 [61.2 kB]
Get:3 stable/main arm zlib arm 1.2.13 [61.2 kB]
Get:5 stable/main arm zstd arm 1.5.4 [284 kB]
Get:6 stable/main arm libiconv arm 1.17 [550 kB]
Get:7 stable/main arm libandroid-support arm 28-3 [10.2 kB]
Get:8 stable/main arm libc++ arm 25c [185 kB]
Get:9 stable/main arm libgmp arm 6.2.1-2 [295 kB]
Get:10 stable/main arm coreutils arm 9.1-2 [731 kB]
Get:11 stable/main arm libmd arm 1.0.4 [36.6 kB]
Get:12 stable/main arm diffutils arm 3.9 [146 kB]
Get:13 stable/main arm ncurses arm 6.4-1 [503 kB]
Get:14 stable/main arm pcre2 arm 10.42 [848 kB]
Get:15 stable/main arm less arm 608-1 [93.3 kB]
Get:16 stable/main arm tar arm 1.34-2 [326 kB]
Get:17 stable/main arm dpkg arm 1.21.21 [265 kB]
Get:18 stable/main arm findutils arm 4.9.0-2 [229 kB]
Get:19 stable/main arm libgpg-error arm 1.46 [100 kB]
Get:20 stable/main arm libgcrypt arm 1.10.1-1 [421 kB]
Get:21 stable/main arm gpgv arm 2.4.0-2 [164 kB]
Get:22 stable/main arm grep arm 3.9 [116 kB]
Get:23 stable/main arm ca-certificates all 1:2023.01.10 [119 kB]
Get:24 stable/main arm openssl arm 1:3.1.0 [1507 kB]
Get:25 stable/main arm libcurl arm 7.88.1 [965 kB]
Get:26 stable/main arm curl arm 7.88.1 [186 kB]
Get:27 stable/main arm libnghttp2 arm 1.52.0 [89.9 kB]
Get:28 stable/main arm libssh2 arm 1.10.0-2 [176 kB]
Get:29 stable/main arm libnettle arm 3.8.1 [387 kB]
Get:30 stable/main arm libunistring arm 1.1 [517 kB]
Get:31 stable/main arm libidn2 arm 2.3.4 [100 kB]
Get:32 stable/main arm resolv-conf arm 1.3 [976 B]
Get:33 stable/main arm libevent arm 2.1.12-2 [190 kB]
Get:34 stable/main arm libexpat arm 2.5.0 [76.3 kB]
Get:35 stable/main arm unbound arm 1.17.1 [565 kB]
Get:36 stable/main arm libgnutls arm 3.8.0 [676 kB]
Get:37 stable/main arm liblz4 arm 1.9.4 [87.9 kB]
Get:38 stable/main arm sed arm 4.9 [111 kB]
Get:39 stable/main arm termux-am-socket arm 1.5.0 [10.4 kB]
Get:40 stable/main arm dash arm 0.5.12 [61.5 kB]
Get:41 stable/main arm libmpfr arm 4.2.0 [263 kB]
Get:42 stable/main arm readline arm 8.2.1 [224 kB]
Get:43 stable/main arm gawk arm 5.2.1 [725 kB]
Get:44 stable/main arm procps arm 3.3.17-2 [131 kB]
Get:45 stable/main arm psmisc arm 23.6-1 [38.5 kB]
Get:46 stable/main arm termux-exec arm 1:1.0 [3352 B]
Get:47 stable/main arm libsmartcols arm 2.38.1-1 [69.8 kB]
Get:48 stable/main arm util-linux arm 2.38.1-1 [551 kB]
Get:49 stable/main arm libcap-ng arm 2:0.8.3 [33.9 kB]
Get:50 stable/main arm dialog arm 1.3-20230209-0 [92.4 kB]
Get:51 stable/main arm termux-tools all 1.37.0 [28.3 kB]
Get:52 stable/main arm termux-keyring all 3.11 [37.2 kB]
Get:53 stable/main arm termux-licenses all 2.0-3 [52.2 kB]
Get:54 stable/main arm apt arm 2.6.0 [935 kB]
Get:55 stable/main arm bash arm 5.2.15 [858 kB]
Get:56 stable/main arm libcrypt arm 0.2-5 [8344 B]
Get:57 stable/main arm bash-completion all 2.11-2 [156 kB]
Get:58 stable/main arm command-not-found arm 2.1.0-15 [242 kB]
Get:59 stable/main arm debianutils arm 5.7 [18.3 kB]
Get:60 stable/main arm dos2unix arm 7.4.4 [60.1 kB]
Get:61 stable/main arm ed arm 1.19 [37.6 kB]
Get:62 stable/main arm inetutils arm 2.4 [226 kB]
Get:63 stable/main arm libtirpc arm 1.3.3 [117 kB]
Get:64 stable/main arm lsof arm 4.98.0 [107 kB]
Get:65 stable/main arm nano arm 7.2 [209 kB]
Get:66 stable/main arm unzip arm 6.0-9 [114 kB]
Fetched 16.9 MB in 42s (401 kB/s)
(Reading database ... 4112 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../archives/liblzma_5.4.2_arm.deb ...
Unpacking liblzma (5.4.2) over (5.2.5-1) ...
Setting up liblzma (5.4.2) ...
(Reading database ... 4183 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../xz-utils_5.4.2_arm.deb ...
Unpacking xz-utils (5.4.2) over (5.2.5-1) ...
Setting up xz-utils (5.4.2) ...
(Reading database ... 4183 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../archives/zlib_1.2.13_arm.deb ...
Unpacking zlib (1.2.13) over (1.2.11-5) ...
Setting up zlib (1.2.13) ...
Selecting previously unselected package zstd.
(Reading database ... 4183 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../archives/zstd_1.5.4_arm.deb ...
Unpacking zstd (1.5.4) ...
Setting up zstd (1.5.4) ...
(Reading database ... 4203 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../archives/libiconv_1.17_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libiconv (1.17) over (1.16-3) ...
Setting up libiconv (1.17) ...
(Reading database ... 4204 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../libandroid-support_28-3_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libandroid-support (28-3) over (28-2) ...
Setting up libandroid-support (28-3) ...
(Reading database ... 4204 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../archives/libc++_25c_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libc++ (25c) over (23b-3) ...
Setting up libc++ (25c) ...
(Reading database ... 4204 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../libgmp_6.2.1-2_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libgmp (6.2.1-2) over (6.2.1) ...
Setting up libgmp (6.2.1-2) ...
(Reading database ... 4204 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../coreutils_9.1-2_arm.deb ...
Unpacking coreutils (9.1-2) over (9.0) ...
Setting up coreutils (9.1-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libmd.
(Reading database ... 4204 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../archives/libmd_1.0.4_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libmd (1.0.4) ...
Setting up libmd (1.0.4) ...
(Reading database ... 4295 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../archives/diffutils_3.9_arm.deb ...
Unpacking diffutils (3.9) over (3.8) ...
Setting up diffutils (3.9) ...
(Reading database ... 4295 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../archives/gzip_1.12-1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking gzip (1.12-1) over (1.11-3) ...
Setting up gzip (1.12-1) ...
(Reading database ... 4293 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../archives/ncurses_6.4-1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking ncurses (6.4-1) over (6.2.20200725-6) ...
Setting up ncurses (6.4-1) ...
(Reading database ... 4294 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../archives/pcre2_10.42_arm.deb ...
Unpacking pcre2 (10.42) over (10.39-2) ...
Setting up pcre2 (10.42) ...
(Reading database ... 4296 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../archives/less_608-1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking less (608-1) over (590) ...
Setting up less (608-1) ...
(Reading database ... 4296 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../archives/tar_1.34-2_arm.deb ...
Unpacking tar (1.34-2) over (1.34) ...
Setting up tar (1.34-2) ...
(Reading database ... 4296 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../archives/dpkg_1.21.21_arm.deb ...
Unpacking dpkg (1.21.21) over (1.21.1) ...
Setting up dpkg (1.21.21) ...
(Reading database ... 4297 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../findutils_4.9.0-2_arm.deb ...
Unpacking findutils (4.9.0-2) over (4.8.0) ...
Setting up findutils (4.9.0-2) ...
(Reading database ... 4297 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../libgpg-error_1.46_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libgpg-error (1.46) over (1.43) ...
Setting up libgpg-error (1.46) ...
(Reading database ... 4297 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../libgcrypt_1.10.1-1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libgcrypt (1.10.1-1) over (1.9.4) ...
Setting up libgcrypt (1.10.1-1) ...
(Reading database ... 4299 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../archives/gpgv_2.4.0-2_arm.deb ...
Unpacking gpgv (2.4.0-2) over (2.3.4) ...
Setting up gpgv (2.4.0-2) ...
(Reading database ... 4299 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../apt/archives/grep_3.9_arm.deb ...
Unpacking grep (3.9) over (3.7-2) ...
Setting up grep (3.9) ...
(Reading database ... 4297 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../ca-certificates_1%3a2023.01.10_all.deb ...
Unpacking ca-certificates (1:2023.01.10) over (1:2021-10-26-0) ...
Setting up ca-certificates (1:2023.01.10) ...
(Reading database ... 4292 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../openssl_1%3a3.1.0_arm.deb ...
Unpacking openssl (1:3.1.0) over (1.1.1l) ...
Setting up openssl (1:3.1.0) ...

Configuration file '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/tls/openssl.cnf'
==> File on system created by you or by a script.
==> File also in package provided by package maintainer.
What would you like to do about it ? Your options are:
Y or I : install the package maintainer's version
N or O : keep your currently-installed version
D : show the differences between the versions
Z : start a shell to examine the situation
The default action is to keep your current version.
*** openssl.cnf (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) [default=N] ?
(Reading database ... 4326 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../libcurl_7.88.1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libcurl (7.88.1) over (7.81.0) ...
Setting up libcurl (7.88.1) ...
(Reading database ... 4339 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../archives/curl_7.88.1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking curl (7.88.1) over (7.81.0) ...
Setting up curl (7.88.1) ...
(Reading database ... 4339 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../libnghttp2_1.52.0_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libnghttp2 (1.52.0) over (1.46.0) ...
Setting up libnghttp2 (1.52.0) ...
(Reading database ... 4339 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../libssh2_1.10.0-2_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libssh2 (1.10.0-2) over (1.10.0) ...
Setting up libssh2 (1.10.0-2) ...
(Reading database ... 4339 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../libnettle_3.8.1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libnettle (3.8.1) over (3.7.3) ...
Setting up libnettle (3.8.1) ...
(Reading database ... 4342 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../libunistring_1.1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libunistring (1.1) over (0.9.10-5) ...
Setting up libunistring (1.1) ...
(Reading database ... 4344 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../archives/libidn2_2.3.4_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libidn2 (2.3.4) over (2.3.2) ...
Setting up libidn2 (2.3.4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package resolv-conf.
(Reading database ... 4346 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../resolv-conf_1.3_arm.deb ...
Unpacking resolv-conf (1.3) ...
Setting up resolv-conf (1.3) ...
(Reading database ... 4350 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../libevent_2.1.12-2_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libevent (2.1.12-2) over (2.1.12) ...
Setting up libevent (2.1.12-2) ...
(Reading database ... 4350 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../libexpat_2.5.0_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libexpat (2.5.0) over (2.4.2) ...
Setting up libexpat (2.5.0) ...
(Reading database ... 4350 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../unbound_1.17.1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking unbound (1.17.1) over (1.13.2-1) ...
Setting up unbound (1.17.1) ...
(Reading database ... 4350 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../libgnutls_3.8.0_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libgnutls (3.8.0) over (3.6.16-1) ...
Setting up libgnutls (3.8.0) ...
(Reading database ... 4351 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../archives/liblz4_1.9.4_arm.deb ...
Unpacking liblz4 (1.9.4) over (1.9.3) ...
Setting up liblz4 (1.9.4) ...
(Reading database ... 4355 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../apt/archives/sed_4.9_arm.deb ...
Unpacking sed (4.9) over (4.8-2) ...
Setting up sed (4.9) ...
(Reading database ... 4355 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../termux-am-socket_1.5.0_arm.deb ...
Unpacking termux-am-socket (1.5.0) over (1.02) ...
Setting up termux-am-socket (1.5.0) ...
(Reading database ... 4356 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../archives/dash_0.5.12_arm.deb ...
Unpacking dash (0.5.12) over ( ...
Setting up dash (0.5.12) ...
(Reading database ... 4356 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../archives/libmpfr_4.2.0_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libmpfr (4.2.0) over (4.1.0) ...
Setting up libmpfr (4.2.0) ...
(Reading database ... 4356 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../readline_8.2.1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking readline (8.2.1) over (8.1.1) ...
Setting up readline (8.2.1) ...
(Reading database ... 4358 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../archives/gawk_5.2.1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking gawk (5.2.1) over (5.1.1) ...
Setting up gawk (5.2.1) ...
(Reading database ... 4362 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../procps_3.3.17-2_arm.deb ...
Unpacking procps (3.3.17-2) over (3.3.17-1) ...
Setting up procps (3.3.17-2) ...
(Reading database ... 4362 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../archives/psmisc_23.6-1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking psmisc (23.6-1) over (23.4) ...
Setting up psmisc (23.6-1) ...
(Reading database ... 4362 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../termux-exec_1%3a1.0_arm.deb ...
Unpacking termux-exec (1:1.0) over (1:0.9) ...
Setting up termux-exec (1:1.0) ...
(Reading database ... 4362 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../util-linux_2.38.1-1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking util-linux (2.38.1-1) over (2.37.2-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libsmartcols.
Preparing to unpack .../libsmartcols_2.38.1-1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libsmartcols (2.38.1-1) ...
Setting up libsmartcols (2.38.1-1) ...
(Reading database ... 4342 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../libcap-ng_2%3a0.8.3_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libcap-ng (2:0.8.3) over (1:0.8.3-pre1-0) ...
Setting up libcap-ng (2:0.8.3) ...
(Reading database ... 4342 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../dialog_1.3-20230209-0_arm.deb ...
Unpacking dialog (1.3-20230209-0) over (1.3-20211214-0) ...
Setting up dialog (1.3-20230209-0) ...
(Reading database ... 4342 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../termux-tools_1.37.0_all.deb ...
Unpacking termux-tools (1.37.0) over (0.155) ...
Setting up util-linux (2.38.1-1) ...
Setting up termux-tools (1.37.0) ...

Configuration file '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/motd'
==> File on system created by you or by a script.
==> File also in package provided by package maintainer.
What would you like to do about it ? Your options are:
Y or I : install the package maintainer's version
N or O : keep your currently-installed version
D : show the differences between the versions
Z : start a shell to examine the situation
The default action is to keep your current version.
*** motd (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) [default=N] ?

Configuration file '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/motd-playstore'
==> File on system created by you or by a script.
==> File also in package provided by package maintainer.
What would you like to do about it ? Your options are:
Y or I : install the package maintainer's version
N or O : keep your currently-installed version
D : show the differences between the versions
Z : start a shell to examine the situation
The default action is to keep your current version.
*** motd-playstore (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) [default=N] ?

Configuration file '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/profile.d/'
==> File on system created by you or by a script.
==> File also in package provided by package maintainer.
What would you like to do about it ? Your options are:
Y or I : install the package maintainer's version
N or O : keep your currently-installed version
D : show the differences between the versions
Z : start a shell to examine the situation
The default action is to keep your current version.
*** (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) [default=N] ?
(Reading database ... 4396 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../termux-keyring_3.11_all.deb ...
Unpacking termux-keyring (3.11) over (2.4) ...
Setting up termux-keyring (3.11) ...
(Reading database ... 4418 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../termux-licenses_2.0-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking termux-licenses (2.0-3) over (2.0-1) ...
Setting up termux-licenses (2.0-3) ...
(Reading database ... 4418 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../apt/archives/apt_2.6.0_arm.deb ...
Unpacking apt (2.6.0) over (2.3.13-3) ...
Setting up apt (2.6.0) ...

Configuration file '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/apt/sources.list'
==> File on system created by you or by a script.
==> File also in package provided by package maintainer.
What would you like to do about it ? Your options are:
Y or I : install the package maintainer's version
N or O : keep your currently-installed version
D : show the differences between the versions
Z : start a shell to examine the situation
The default action is to keep your current version.
*** sources.list (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) [default=N] ?
(Reading database ... 4413 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../archives/bash_5.2.15_arm.deb ...
Unpacking bash (5.2.15) over (5.1.12-2) ...
Setting up bash (5.2.15) ...

Configuration file '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/bash.bashrc'
==> File on system created by you or by a script.
==> File also in package provided by package maintainer.
What would you like to do about it ? Your options are:
Y or I : install the package maintainer's version
N or O : keep your currently-installed version
D : show the differences between the versions
Z : start a shell to examine the situation
The default action is to keep your current version.
*** bash.bashrc (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) [default=N] ?
(Reading database ... 4418 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../libcrypt_0.2-5_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libcrypt (0.2-5) over (0.2-3) ...
Setting up libcrypt (0.2-5) ...
Selecting previously unselected package bash-completion.
(Reading database ... 4418 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../0-bash-completion_2.11-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking bash-completion (2.11-2) ...
Preparing to unpack .../1-command-not-found_2.1.0-15_arm.deb ...
Unpacking command-not-found (2.1.0-15) over (1.71) ...
Preparing to unpack .../2-debianutils_5.7_arm.deb ...
Unpacking debianutils (5.7) over (5.5) ...
Preparing to unpack .../3-dos2unix_7.4.4_arm.deb ...
Unpacking dos2unix (7.4.4) over (7.4.2) ...
Preparing to unpack .../4-ed_1.19_arm.deb ...
Unpacking ed (1.19) over (1.17-4) ...
Preparing to unpack .../5-inetutils_2.4_arm.deb ...
Unpacking inetutils (2.4) over (1.9.4-12) ...
Preparing to unpack .../6-libtirpc_1.3.3_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libtirpc (1.3.3) over (1.3.2) ...
Preparing to unpack .../7-lsof_4.98.0_arm.deb ...
Unpacking lsof (4.98.0) over (4.94.0-1) ...
Preparing to unpack .../8-nano_7.2_arm.deb ...
Unpacking nano (7.2) over (6.0) ...
Preparing to unpack .../9-unzip_6.0-9_arm.deb ...
Unpacking unzip (6.0-9) over (6.0-7) ...
Setting up libtirpc (1.3.3) ...
Setting up inetutils (2.4) ...
Setting up unzip (6.0-9) ...
Setting up ed (1.19) ...
Setting up command-not-found (2.1.0-15) ...
Setting up bash-completion (2.11-2) ...
Setting up lsof (4.98.0) ...
Setting up nano (7.2) ...
update-alternatives: using /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/nano to provide /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/editor (editor) in auto mode
Setting up debianutils (5.7) ...
Setting up dos2unix (7.4.4) ...
W: Automatically disabled Acquire::http::Pipeline-Depth due to incorrect response from server/proxy. (man 5 apt.conf)
04:42:15 $
04:44:21 $ apt update Get:1 stable InRelease [14.0 kB] Get:2 root InRelease [14.2 kB] Get:3 x11 InRelease [14.0 kB] Fetched 42.2 kB in 3s (12.2 kB/s)
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
All packages are up to date.
04:44:57 $ apt install manpages util-linux teseq vim nano wget android-tools libnfs links openssh man termux-api libusb clang ncurses ncurses-utils asciinema gnutls termux-tools bc samba apache2 traceroute net-tools iproute2 inetutils bsd-games netcat-openbsd nmap nmap-ncat rlwrap dosfstools e2fsprogs pass pass-otp openssl-tool gpgv pwgen openjdk-17 paperkey unrar ncftp lftp darkhttpd file sshpass mutt neomutt alpine neofetch cpufetch progress pv gptfdisk fdisk curl dos2unix lynx gifsicle cadaver mlocate
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
util-linux is already the newest version (2.38.1-1).
nano is already the newest version (7.2).
ncurses is already the newest version (6.4-1).
termux-tools is already the newest version (1.37.0).
net-tools is already the newest version (2.10.0).
inetutils is already the newest version (2.4).
gpgv is already the newest version (2.4.0-2).
curl is already the newest version (7.88.1).
dos2unix is already the newest version (7.4.4).
The following additional packages will be installed:
abseil-cpp apr apr-util attr brotli flex fontconfig freetype
fribidi gdbm gdk-pixbuf giflib git glib gnupg harfbuzz krb5 ldns
libandroid-execinfo libandroid-posix-semaphore libandroid-shmem
libandroid-spawn libandroid-wordexp libblkid libbsd libcairo
libcap libcompiler-rt libdb libedit libfdisk libffi libgmime
libgraphite libice libicu libidn libjpeg-turbo libksba libllvm
liblua53 liblzo libmount libneon libpcap libpixman libpng libpopt
libprotobuf libresolv-wrapper librsvg libsasl libsm libsqlite
libtalloc libtasn1 libtdb libtiff libuuid libwebp libx11 libxapian
libxau libxcb libxdmcp libxext libxft libxi libxml2 libxmu
libxrandr libxrender libxslt libxt libxtst lld llvm m4 make
mime-support ncurses-ui-libs ndk-sysroot notmuch oathtool
openjdk-17-x openssh-sftp-server pango pinentry pkg-config python
python-ensurepip-wheels python-pip tdb-tools termux-auth tree
ttf-dejavu vim-runtime xmlsec xorg-xauth
Suggested packages:
scdaemon cups libqrencode python-tkinter
The following NEW packages will be installed:
abseil-cpp alpine android-tools apache2 apr apr-util asciinema
attr bc brotli bsd-games cadaver clang cpufetch darkhttpd
dosfstools e2fsprogs fdisk file flex fontconfig freetype fribidi
gdbm gdk-pixbuf giflib gifsicle git glib gnupg gnutls gptfdisk
harfbuzz iproute2 krb5 ldns lftp libandroid-execinfo
libandroid-posix-semaphore libandroid-shmem libandroid-spawn
libandroid-wordexp libblkid libbsd libcairo libcap libcompiler-rt
libdb libedit libfdisk libffi libgmime libgraphite libice libicu
libidn libjpeg-turbo libksba libllvm liblua53 liblzo libmount
libneon libnfs libpcap libpixman libpng libpopt libprotobuf
libresolv-wrapper librsvg libsasl libsm libsqlite libtalloc
libtasn1 libtdb libtiff libusb libuuid libwebp libx11 libxapian
libxau libxcb libxdmcp libxext libxft libxi libxml2 libxmu
libxrandr libxrender libxslt libxt libxtst links lld llvm lynx m4
make man manpages mime-support mlocate mutt ncftp ncurses-ui-libs
ncurses-utils ndk-sysroot neofetch neomutt netcat-openbsd nmap
nmap-ncat notmuch oathtool openjdk-17 openjdk-17-x openssh
openssh-sftp-server openssl-tool pango paperkey pass pass-otp
pinentry pkg-config progress pv pwgen python
python-ensurepip-wheels python-pip rlwrap samba sshpass tdb-tools
termux-api termux-auth teseq traceroute tree ttf-dejavu unrar vim
vim-runtime wget xmlsec xorg-xauth
0 upgraded, 151 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 220 kB/264 MB of archives.
After this operation, 997 MB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
Get:1 stable/main arm libmount arm 2.38.1-1 [120 kB]
Get:2 stable/main arm fdisk arm 2.38.1-1 [100 kB]
Fetched 220 kB in 1s (342 kB/s)
Selecting previously unselected package abseil-cpp.
(Reading database ... 5170 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../000-abseil-cpp_20230125.1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking abseil-cpp (20230125.1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package openssl-tool.
Preparing to unpack .../001-openssl-tool_1%3a3.1.0_arm.deb ...
Unpacking openssl-tool (1:3.1.0) ...
Selecting previously unselected package alpine.
Preparing to unpack .../002-alpine_2.26_arm.deb ...
Unpacking alpine (2.26) ...
Selecting previously unselected package brotli.
Preparing to unpack .../003-brotli_1.0.9-1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking brotli (1.0.9-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libprotobuf.
Preparing to unpack .../004-libprotobuf_2%3a22.1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libprotobuf (2:22.1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libusb.
Preparing to unpack .../005-libusb_1.0.26-1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libusb (1.0.26-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package android-tools.
Preparing to unpack .../006-android-tools_34.0.0-1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking android-tools (34.0.0-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libuuid.
Preparing to unpack .../007-libuuid_2.38.1-1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libuuid (2.38.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package apr.
Preparing to unpack .../008-apr_1.7.2_arm.deb ...
Unpacking apr (1.7.2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package apr-util.
Preparing to unpack .../009-apr-util_1.6.3_arm.deb ...
Unpacking apr-util (1.6.3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package apache2.
Preparing to unpack .../010-apache2_1%3a2.4.56_arm.deb ...
Unpacking apache2 (1:2.4.56) ...
Selecting previously unselected package gdbm.
Preparing to unpack .../011-gdbm_1.23_arm.deb ...
Unpacking gdbm (1.23) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libandroid-posix-semaphore.
Preparing to unpack .../012-libandroid-posix-semaphore_0.1-3_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libandroid-posix-semaphore (0.1-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libffi.
Preparing to unpack .../013-libffi_3.4.4_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libffi (3.4.4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libsqlite.
Preparing to unpack .../014-libsqlite_3.41.1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libsqlite (3.41.1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package ncurses-ui-libs.
Preparing to unpack .../015-ncurses-ui-libs_6.4-1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking ncurses-ui-libs (6.4-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package python.
Preparing to unpack .../016-python_3.11.2-2_arm.deb ...
Unpacking python (3.11.2-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package ncurses-utils.
Preparing to unpack .../017-ncurses-utils_6.4-1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking ncurses-utils (6.4-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package asciinema.
Preparing to unpack .../018-asciinema_2.2.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking asciinema (2.2.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package attr.
Preparing to unpack .../019-attr_2.5.1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking attr (2.5.1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package m4.
Preparing to unpack .../020-m4_1.4.19-4_arm.deb ...
Unpacking m4 (1.4.19-4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package flex.
Preparing to unpack .../021-flex_2.6.4-3_arm.deb ...
Unpacking flex (2.6.4-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package bc.
Preparing to unpack .../022-bc_1.07.1-1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking bc (1.07.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package bsd-games.
Preparing to unpack .../023-bsd-games_1%3a3.2_arm.deb ...
Unpacking bsd-games (1:3.2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libneon.
Preparing to unpack .../024-libneon_0.32.5_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libneon (0.32.5) ...
Selecting previously unselected package cadaver.
Preparing to unpack .../025-cadaver_0.24_arm.deb ...
Unpacking cadaver (0.24) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libxml2.
Preparing to unpack .../026-libxml2_2.10.3-1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libxml2 (2.10.3-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libllvm.
Preparing to unpack .../027-libllvm_15.0.7-3_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libllvm (15.0.7-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libcompiler-rt.
Preparing to unpack .../028-libcompiler-rt_15.0.7-3_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libcompiler-rt (15.0.7-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package lld.
Preparing to unpack .../029-lld_15.0.7-3_arm.deb ...
Unpacking lld (15.0.7-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package llvm.
Preparing to unpack .../030-llvm_15.0.7-3_arm.deb ...
Unpacking llvm (15.0.7-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package ndk-sysroot.
Preparing to unpack .../031-ndk-sysroot_25c_arm.deb ...
Unpacking ndk-sysroot (25c) ...
Selecting previously unselected package clang.
Preparing to unpack .../032-clang_15.0.7-3_arm.deb ...
Unpacking clang (15.0.7-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package cpufetch.
Preparing to unpack .../033-cpufetch_1.03_arm.deb ...
Unpacking cpufetch (1.03) ...
Selecting previously unselected package darkhttpd.
Preparing to unpack .../034-darkhttpd_1.14_arm.deb ...
Unpacking darkhttpd (1.14) ...
Selecting previously unselected package dosfstools.
Preparing to unpack .../035-dosfstools_4.2_arm.deb ...
Unpacking dosfstools (4.2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libblkid.
Preparing to unpack .../036-libblkid_2.38.1-1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libblkid (2.38.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package e2fsprogs.
Preparing to unpack .../037-e2fsprogs_1.47.0_arm.deb ...
Unpacking e2fsprogs (1.47.0) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libfdisk.
Preparing to unpack .../038-libfdisk_2.38.1-1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libfdisk (2.38.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libmount.
Preparing to unpack .../039-libmount_2.38.1-1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libmount (2.38.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package fdisk.
Preparing to unpack .../040-fdisk_2.38.1-1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking fdisk (2.38.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package file.
Preparing to unpack .../041-file_5.44_arm.deb ...
Unpacking file (5.44) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libpng.
Preparing to unpack .../042-libpng_1.6.39_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libpng (1.6.39) ...
Selecting previously unselected package freetype.
Preparing to unpack .../043-freetype_2.13.0-1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking freetype (2.13.0-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package ttf-dejavu.
Preparing to unpack .../044-ttf-dejavu_2.37-8_all.deb ...
Unpacking ttf-dejavu (2.37-8) ...
Selecting previously unselected package fontconfig.
Preparing to unpack .../045-fontconfig_2.14.2-1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking fontconfig (2.14.2-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package glib.
Preparing to unpack .../046-glib_2.76.0-1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking glib (2.76.0-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package fribidi.
Preparing to unpack .../047-fribidi_1.0.12_arm.deb ...
Unpacking fribidi (1.0.12) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libjpeg-turbo.
Preparing to unpack .../048-libjpeg-turbo_2.1.5.1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libjpeg-turbo ( ...
Selecting previously unselected package libtiff.
Preparing to unpack .../049-libtiff_4.5.0_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libtiff (4.5.0) ...
Selecting previously unselected package gdk-pixbuf.
Preparing to unpack .../050-gdk-pixbuf_2.42.10-1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking gdk-pixbuf (2.42.10-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package giflib.
Preparing to unpack .../051-giflib_5.2.1-2_arm.deb ...
Unpacking giflib (5.2.1-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package gifsicle.
Preparing to unpack .../052-gifsicle_1.93_arm.deb ...
Unpacking gifsicle (1.93) ...
Selecting previously unselected package git.
Preparing to unpack .../053-git_2.40.0_arm.deb ...
Unpacking git (2.40.0) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libksba.
Preparing to unpack .../054-libksba_1.6.3_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libksba (1.6.3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package pinentry.
Preparing to unpack .../055-pinentry_1.2.1-1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking pinentry (1.2.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package gnupg.
Preparing to unpack .../056-gnupg_2.4.0-2_arm.deb ...
Unpacking gnupg (2.4.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package gnutls.
Preparing to unpack .../057-gnutls_3.8.0_arm.deb ...
Unpacking gnutls (3.8.0) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libpopt.
Preparing to unpack .../058-libpopt_1.19_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libpopt (1.19) ...
Selecting previously unselected package gptfdisk.
Preparing to unpack .../059-gptfdisk_1.0.9-1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking gptfdisk (1.0.9-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libandroid-shmem.
Preparing to unpack .../060-libandroid-shmem_0.4_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libandroid-shmem (0.4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package liblzo.
Preparing to unpack .../061-liblzo_2.10-3_arm.deb ...
Unpacking liblzo (2.10-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libpixman.
Preparing to unpack .../062-libpixman_0.42.2_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libpixman (0.42.2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libxau.
Preparing to unpack .../063-libxau_1.0.11_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libxau (1.0.11) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libxdmcp.
Preparing to unpack .../064-libxdmcp_1.1.4_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libxdmcp (1.1.4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libxcb.
Preparing to unpack .../065-libxcb_1.15_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libxcb (1.15) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libx11.
Preparing to unpack .../066-libx11_1.8.4-1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libx11 (1.8.4-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libxext.
Preparing to unpack .../067-libxext_1.3.5_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libxext (1.3.5) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libxrender.
Preparing to unpack .../068-libxrender_0.9.11_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libxrender (0.9.11) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libcairo.
Preparing to unpack .../069-libcairo_1.17.8_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libcairo (1.17.8) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libgraphite.
Preparing to unpack .../070-libgraphite_1.3.14-2_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libgraphite (1.3.14-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package harfbuzz.
Preparing to unpack .../071-harfbuzz_7.1.0_arm.deb ...
Unpacking harfbuzz (7.1.0) ...
Selecting previously unselected package iproute2.
Preparing to unpack .../072-iproute2_6.2.0_arm.deb ...
Unpacking iproute2 (6.2.0) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libresolv-wrapper.
Preparing to unpack .../073-libresolv-wrapper_1.1.7-4_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libresolv-wrapper (1.1.7-4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libdb.
Preparing to unpack .../074-libdb_18.1.40-4_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libdb (18.1.40-4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package krb5.
Preparing to unpack .../075-krb5_1.20.1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking krb5 (1.20.1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package ldns.
Preparing to unpack .../076-ldns_1.8.3-2_arm.deb ...
Unpacking ldns (1.8.3-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package lftp.
Preparing to unpack .../077-lftp_4.9.2-5_arm.deb ...
Unpacking lftp (4.9.2-5) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libandroid-execinfo.
Preparing to unpack .../078-libandroid-execinfo_0.1-1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libandroid-execinfo (0.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libandroid-spawn.
Preparing to unpack .../079-libandroid-spawn_0.3_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libandroid-spawn (0.3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libandroid-wordexp.
Preparing to unpack .../080-libandroid-wordexp_0.1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libandroid-wordexp (0.1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libbsd.
Preparing to unpack .../081-libbsd_0.11.7_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libbsd (0.11.7) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libcap.
Preparing to unpack .../082-libcap_2.67_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libcap (2.67) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libedit.
Preparing to unpack .../083-libedit_20221030-3.1-0_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libedit (20221030-3.1-0) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libgmime.
Preparing to unpack .../084-libgmime_3.2.13_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libgmime (3.2.13) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libice.
Preparing to unpack .../085-libice_1.1.1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libice (1.1.1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libicu.
Preparing to unpack .../086-libicu_72.1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libicu (72.1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libidn.
Preparing to unpack .../087-libidn_1.41_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libidn (1.41) ...
Selecting previously unselected package liblua53.
Preparing to unpack .../088-liblua53_5.3.6_arm.deb ...
Unpacking liblua53 (5.3.6) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libnfs.
Preparing to unpack .../089-libnfs_5.0.2_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libnfs (5.0.2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libpcap.
Preparing to unpack .../090-libpcap_1.10.3_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libpcap (1.10.3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libxft.
Preparing to unpack .../091-libxft_2.3.7_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libxft (2.3.7) ...
Selecting previously unselected package pango.
Preparing to unpack .../092-pango_1.50.14_arm.deb ...
Unpacking pango (1.50.14) ...
Selecting previously unselected package librsvg.
Preparing to unpack .../093-librsvg_2.55.2_arm.deb ...
Unpacking librsvg (2.55.2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libsasl.
Preparing to unpack .../094-libsasl_2.1.28_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libsasl (2.1.28) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libsm.
Preparing to unpack .../095-libsm_1.2.4-1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libsm (1.2.4-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libtalloc.
Preparing to unpack .../096-libtalloc_2.4.0_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libtalloc (2.4.0) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libtasn1.
Preparing to unpack .../097-libtasn1_4.19.0-1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libtasn1 (4.19.0-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libtdb.
Preparing to unpack .../098-libtdb_1.4.8_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libtdb (1.4.8) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libwebp.
Preparing to unpack .../099-libwebp_1.3.0_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libwebp (1.3.0) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libxapian.
Preparing to unpack .../100-libxapian_1.4.22_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libxapian (1.4.22) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libxi.
Preparing to unpack .../101-libxi_1.8_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libxi (1.8) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libxt.
Preparing to unpack .../102-libxt_1.2.1-2_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libxt (1.2.1-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libxmu.
Preparing to unpack .../103-libxmu_1.1.4_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libxmu (1.1.4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libxrandr.
Preparing to unpack .../104-libxrandr_1.5.3_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libxrandr (1.5.3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libxslt.
Preparing to unpack .../105-libxslt_1.1.37_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libxslt (1.1.37) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libxtst.
Preparing to unpack .../106-libxtst_1.2.4_arm.deb ...
Unpacking libxtst (1.2.4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package links.
Preparing to unpack .../107-links_2.28-1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking links (2.28-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package lynx.
Preparing to unpack .../108-lynx_2.8.9rel.1-7_arm.deb ...
Unpacking lynx (2.8.9rel.1-7) ...
Selecting previously unselected package make.
Preparing to unpack .../109-make_4.4.1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking make (4.4.1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package man.
Preparing to unpack .../110-man_1.14.6_arm.deb ...
Unpacking man (1.14.6) ...
Selecting previously unselected package manpages.
Preparing to unpack .../111-manpages_6.03_all.deb ...
Unpacking manpages (6.03) ...
Selecting previously unselected package mime-support.
Preparing to unpack .../112-mime-support_1%3a2.1.53_all.deb ...
Unpacking mime-support (1:2.1.53) ...
Selecting previously unselected package mlocate.
Preparing to unpack .../113-mlocate_0.26-5_arm.deb ...
Unpacking mlocate (0.26-5) ...
Selecting previously unselected package mutt.
Preparing to unpack .../114-mutt_2.2.9_arm.deb ...
Unpacking mutt (2.2.9) ...
Selecting previously unselected package ncftp.
Preparing to unpack .../115-ncftp_3.2.6-1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking ncftp (3.2.6-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package neofetch.
Preparing to unpack .../116-neofetch_7.1.0-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking neofetch (7.1.0-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package notmuch.
Preparing to unpack .../117-notmuch_0.37_arm.deb ...
Unpacking notmuch (0.37) ...
Selecting previously unselected package neomutt.
Preparing to unpack .../118-neomutt_20220429-1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking neomutt (20220429-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package netcat-openbsd.
Preparing to unpack .../119-netcat-openbsd_1.219-1-0_arm.deb ...
Unpacking netcat-openbsd (1.219-1-0) ...
Selecting previously unselected package nmap.
Preparing to unpack .../120-nmap_7.93_arm.deb ...
Unpacking nmap (7.93) ...
Selecting previously unselected package nmap-ncat.
Preparing to unpack .../121-nmap-ncat_7.93_arm.deb ...
Unpacking nmap-ncat (7.93) ...
Selecting previously unselected package xmlsec.
Preparing to unpack .../122-xmlsec_1.2.37_arm.deb ...
Unpacking xmlsec (1.2.37) ...
Selecting previously unselected package oathtool.
Preparing to unpack .../123-oathtool_2.6.7_arm.deb ...
Unpacking oathtool (2.6.7) ...
Selecting previously unselected package openjdk-17.
Preparing to unpack .../124-openjdk-17_17.0-25_arm.deb ...
Unpacking openjdk-17 (17.0-25) ...
Selecting previously unselected package openjdk-17-x.
Preparing to unpack .../125-openjdk-17-x_17.0-25_arm.deb ...
Unpacking openjdk-17-x (17.0-25) ...
Selecting previously unselected package openssh-sftp-server.
Preparing to unpack .../126-openssh-sftp-server_9.3p1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking openssh-sftp-server (9.3p1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package termux-auth.
Preparing to unpack .../127-termux-auth_1.4-2_arm.deb ...
Unpacking termux-auth (1.4-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package openssh.
Preparing to unpack .../128-openssh_9.3p1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking openssh (9.3p1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package paperkey.
Preparing to unpack .../129-paperkey_1.6_arm.deb ...
Unpacking paperkey (1.6) ...
Selecting previously unselected package tree.
Preparing to unpack .../130-tree_2.1.0_arm.deb ...
Unpacking tree (2.1.0) ...
Selecting previously unselected package pass.
Preparing to unpack .../131-pass_1.7.4-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking pass (1.7.4-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package pass-otp.
Preparing to unpack .../132-pass-otp_1.2.0-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking pass-otp (1.2.0-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package pkg-config.
Preparing to unpack .../133-pkg-config_0.29.2-2_arm.deb ...
Unpacking pkg-config (0.29.2-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package progress.
Preparing to unpack .../134-progress_0.16-1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking progress (0.16-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package pv.
Preparing to unpack .../135-pv_1.6.20_arm.deb ...
Unpacking pv (1.6.20) ...
Selecting previously unselected package pwgen.
Preparing to unpack .../136-pwgen_2.08-1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking pwgen (2.08-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package python-ensurepip-wheels.
Preparing to unpack .../137-python-ensurepip-wheels_3.11.2-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking python-ensurepip-wheels (3.11.2-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package python-pip.
Preparing to unpack .../138-python-pip_23.0.1_all.deb ...
Unpacking python-pip (23.0.1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package rlwrap.
Preparing to unpack .../139-rlwrap_0.46.1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking rlwrap (0.46.1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package tdb-tools.
Preparing to unpack .../140-tdb-tools_1.4.8_arm.deb ...
Unpacking tdb-tools (1.4.8) ...
Selecting previously unselected package samba.
Preparing to unpack .../141-samba_4.15.13_arm.deb ...
Unpacking samba (4.15.13) ...
Selecting previously unselected package sshpass.
Preparing to unpack .../142-sshpass_1.10_arm.deb ...
Unpacking sshpass (1.10) ...
Selecting previously unselected package termux-api.
Preparing to unpack .../143-termux-api_0.57_arm.deb ...
Unpacking termux-api (0.57) ...
Selecting previously unselected package teseq.
Preparing to unpack .../144-teseq_1.1.1-1_arm.deb ...
Unpacking teseq (1.1.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package traceroute.
Preparing to unpack .../145-traceroute_2.1.2_arm.deb ...
Unpacking traceroute (2.1.2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package unrar.
Preparing to unpack .../146-unrar_6.2.6_arm.deb ...
Unpacking unrar (6.2.6) ...
Selecting previously unselected package vim-runtime.
Preparing to unpack .../147-vim-runtime_9.0.1400_all.deb ...
Unpacking vim-runtime (9.0.1400) ...
Selecting previously unselected package vim.
Preparing to unpack .../148-vim_9.0.1400_arm.deb ...
Unpacking vim (9.0.1400) ...
Selecting previously unselected package wget.
Preparing to unpack .../149-wget_1.21.3-5_arm.deb ...
Unpacking wget (1.21.3-5) ...
Selecting previously unselected package xorg-xauth.
Preparing to unpack .../150-xorg-xauth_1.1.2_arm.deb ...
Unpacking xorg-xauth (1.1.2) ...
Setting up paperkey (1.6) ...
Setting up libksba (1.6.3) ...
Setting up libedit (20221030-3.1-0) ...
Setting up openssh-sftp-server (9.3p1) ...
Setting up libuuid (2.38.1-1) ...
Setting up cpufetch (1.03) ...
Setting up mime-support (1:2.1.53) ...
Setting up libpng (1.6.39) ...
Setting up teseq (1.1.1-1) ...
Setting up traceroute (2.1.2) ...
Setting up libpcap (1.10.3) ...
Setting up libpixman (0.42.2) ...
Setting up openssl-tool (1:3.1.0) ...
Setting up attr (2.5.1) ...
Setting up libxdmcp (1.1.4) ...
Setting up libgraphite (1.3.14-2) ...
Setting up iproute2 (6.2.0) ...
Setting up libusb (1.0.26-1) ...
Setting up gdbm (1.23) ...
Setting up libandroid-wordexp (0.1) ...
Setting up ldns (1.8.3-2) ...
Setting up libandroid-shmem (0.4) ...
Setting up dosfstools (4.2) ...
Setting up bsd-games (1:3.2) ...
Setting up lftp (4.9.2-5) ...
Setting up ndk-sysroot (25c) ...
Setting up m4 (1.4.19-4) ...
Setting up libneon (0.32.5) ...
Setting up libcap (2.67) ...
Setting up libpopt (1.19) ...
Setting up unrar (6.2.6) ...
Setting up libnfs (5.0.2) ...
Setting up file (5.44) ...
Setting up ncurses-utils (6.4-1) ...
Setting up libandroid-posix-semaphore (0.1-3) ...
Setting up sshpass (1.10) ...
Setting up neofetch (7.1.0-1) ...
Setting up libicu (72.1) ...
Setting up libandroid-spawn (0.3) ...
Setting up libsqlite (3.41.1) ...
Setting up libffi (3.4.4) ...
Setting up libice (1.1.1) ...
Setting up ttf-dejavu (2.37-8) ...
Setting up apr (1.7.2) ...
Setting up libandroid-execinfo (0.1-1) ...
Setting up ncurses-ui-libs (6.4-1) ...
Setting up gptfdisk (1.0.9-1) ...
Setting up darkhttpd (1.14) ...
Setting up libblkid (2.38.1-1) ...
Setting up libtasn1 (4.19.0-1) ...
Setting up make (4.4.1) ...
Setting up libxau (1.0.11) ...
Setting up pinentry (1.2.1-1) ...
Setting up rlwrap (0.46.1) ...
Setting up tree (2.1.0) ...
Setting up libjpeg-turbo ( ...
Setting up git (2.40.0) ...
Setting up man (1.14.6) ...
Setting up apr-util (1.6.3) ...
Setting up liblua53 (5.3.6) ...
Setting up pv (1.6.20) ...
Setting up gnutls (3.8.0) ...
Setting up giflib (5.2.1-2) ...
Setting up gifsicle (1.93) ...
Setting up glib (2.76.0-1) ...
Setting up libresolv-wrapper (1.1.7-4) ...
Setting up libtalloc (2.4.0) ...
Setting up gnupg (2.4.0-2) ...
Setting up termux-auth (1.4-2) ...
Setting up libbsd (0.11.7) ...
Setting up termux-api (0.57) ...
Setting up openjdk-17 (17.0-25) ...
Setting up libxcb (1.15) ...
Setting up mlocate (0.26-5) ...
Remember to run `updatedb'.
Setting up libgmime (3.2.13) ...
Setting up libidn (1.41) ...
Setting up vim-runtime (9.0.1400) ...
Setting up libxapian (1.4.22) ...
Setting up alpine (2.26) ...
warning making a passwordless masterpasword file
Setting up libmount (2.38.1-1) ...
Setting up ncftp (3.2.6-1) ...
Setting up libdb (18.1.40-4) ...
Setting up liblzo (2.10-3) ...
Setting up python (3.11.2-2) ...

== Note: pip is now separate from python ==
To install, enter the following command:
pkg install python-pip

Setting up libxml2 (2.10.3-1) ...
Setting up pwgen (2.08-1) ...
Setting up abseil-cpp (20230125.1) ...
Setting up libsasl (2.1.28) ...
Setting up brotli (1.0.9-1) ...
Setting up notmuch (0.37) ...
Setting up flex (2.6.4-3) ...
Setting up vim (9.0.1400) ...
update-alternatives: using /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/vim to provide /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/editor (editor) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/vim to provide /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/vi (vi) in auto mode
Setting up wget (1.21.3-5) ...
Setting up python-ensurepip-wheels (3.11.2-2) ...
Setting up mutt (2.2.9) ...
Setting up progress (0.16-1) ...
Setting up cadaver (0.24) ...
Setting up libtdb (1.4.8) ...
Setting up manpages (6.03) ...
Setting up libfdisk (2.38.1-1) ...
Setting up apache2 (1:2.4.56) ...
Setting up netcat-openbsd (1.219-1-0) ...
Setting up libtiff (4.5.0) ...
Setting up libxslt (1.1.37) ...
Setting up bc (1.07.1-1) ...
Setting up e2fsprogs (1.47.0) ...
Setting up libprotobuf (2:22.1) ...
Setting up nmap (7.93) ...
Setting up fdisk (2.38.1-1) ...
Setting up libsm (1.2.4-1) ...
Setting up libx11 (1.8.4-1) ...
Setting up android-tools (34.0.0-1) ...
Setting up freetype (2.13.0-1) ...
Setting up fribidi (1.0.12) ...
Setting up tdb-tools (1.4.8) ...
Setting up pkg-config (0.29.2-2) ...
Setting up pass (1.7.4-2) ...
Setting up krb5 (1.20.1) ...
Setting up libllvm (15.0.7-3) ...
Setting up libxext (1.3.5) ...
Setting up neomutt (20220429-1) ...
Setting up gdk-pixbuf (2.42.10-1) ...
Setting up lynx (2.8.9rel.1-7) ...
Setting up asciinema (2.2.0-2) ...
Setting up nmap-ncat (7.93) ...
Setting up libxi (1.8) ...
Setting up samba (4.15.13) ...
Setting up libwebp (1.3.0) ...
Setting up fontconfig (2.14.2-1) ...
Setting up libxt (1.2.1-2) ...
Setting up xmlsec (1.2.37) ...
Setting up openssh (9.3p1) ...
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Your identification has been saved in /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
Your public key has been saved in /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:w3RqVtJPMBmOnnZWtvlcxB9ra6anqpa7B4MbiLngKVg u0_a188@localhost
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 3072]----+
| +o |
| +.o . |
| + = + .o|
| + * = o .+|
| o . S o + oo|
| .Eo . * * o...|
|o.o . o + o+ |
|oo . . o . +. |
|. .+=..oo |
Generating public/private dsa key pair.
Your identification has been saved in /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key
Your public key has been saved in /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:jVxvs02JHA/mbfyqLI4s3xRjvark1mOxmVJK9guNrss u0_a188@localhost
The key's randomart image is:
+---[DSA 1024]----+
| |
| |
| . + |
| . + * B . |
| S = O B |
| o+o+ B . |
| o+=o=o . .|
| ..=+=Xo . |
| E*B==+o.. |
Generating public/private ecdsa key pair.
Your identification has been saved in /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key
Your public key has been saved in /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:iZnQTohaJOMWRPlICZjFyzlPG0MjOcuA9ufEbYnd4VM u0_a188@localhost
The key's randomart image is:
+---[ECDSA 256]---+
|XB=. |
|*O*.oo . E |
|o**B+.* + o |
|.+Bo+O O = |
|. +++* S . |
| o. |
| |
| |
| |
Generating public/private ed25519 key pair.
Your identification has been saved in /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key
Your public key has been saved in /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:DPl0BGPTX+D7jKmBzQbOz1YjoSWSrrl3VioQubsYuSE u0_a188@localhost
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ED25519 256]--+
| =o. .. |
| o +.. . |
| .o.. .... |
| o o=..o .. |
| + .S+ .. |
| .o .o.=o o= |
|E + = +o=oo.o |
| . =+ o ++.o |
| o o+ + .+ |
Setting up lld (15.0.7-3) ...
Setting up libxrender (0.9.11) ...
Setting up oathtool (2.6.7) ...
Setting up libcompiler-rt (15.0.7-3) ...
Setting up llvm (15.0.7-3) ...
Setting up libxft (2.3.7) ...
Setting up libxtst (1.2.4) ...
Setting up libxmu (1.1.4) ...
Setting up libcairo (1.17.8) ...
Setting up harfbuzz (7.1.0) ...
Setting up libxrandr (1.5.3) ...
Setting up pass-otp (1.2.0-3) ...
Setting up openjdk-17-x (17.0-25) ...
Setting up xorg-xauth (1.1.2) ...
Setting up clang (15.0.7-3) ...
Setting up python-pip (23.0.1) ...
pip setup...
Writing to /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/pip.conf
Setting up pango (1.50.14) ...
Setting up librsvg (2.55.2) ...
Setting up links (2.28-1) ...
04:47:12 $
04:47:25 $
04:47:26 $ updatedb # "man locate" and "man updatedb"
04:47:45 $
04:47:47 $

Termux session for Example 2
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* Install a package: pkg install
* Upgrade packages: pkg upgrade

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* Root: pkg install root-repo
* X11: pkg install x11-repo

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~ $ echo $PS1
\[\e[0;32m\]\w\[\e[0m\] \[\e[0;97m\]\$\[\e[0m\]
~ $
~ $ export PS1='\T $ '
11:07:44 $
11:07:45 $ echo $PS1
\T $
11:08:03 $
11:08:04 $ echo $HOME
11:08:16 $
11:08:17 $ echo $PREFIX
11:08:40 $
11:08:41 $ pwd
11:08:56 $
11:08:58 $ ls --color=never -l $HOME/storage|grep -iv external
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 u0_a188 u0_a188 26 Apr 3 16:32 dcim -> /storage/emulated/0/DCIM
lrwxrwxrwx 1 u0_a188 u0_a188 30 Apr 3 16:32 downloads -> /storage/emulated/0/Download
lrwxrwxrwx 1 u0_a188 u0_a188 30 Apr 3 16:32 movies -> /storage/emulated/0/Movies
lrwxrwxrwx 1 u0_a188 u0_a188 30 Apr 3 16:32 music -> /storage/emulated/0/Music
lrwxrwxrwx 1 u0_a188 u0_a188 30 Apr 3 16:32 pictures -> /storage/emulated/0/Pictures
lrwxrwxrwx 1 u0_a188 u0_a188 22 Apr 3 16:32 shared -> /storage/emulated/0
11:09:21 $
11:09:23 $ ls --color=never -l storage/downloads
lrwxrwxrwx 1 u0_a188 u0_a188 30 Apr 3 16:32 storage/downloads -> /storage/emulated/0/Download
11:09:38 $
11:13:25 $
11:13:33 $ mktemp -d /storage/emulated/0/Download/ext4-test-directory.XXXXXXXXXX
11:13:37 $
11:13:39 $
11:15:14 $
11:15:14 $ tree /storage/emulated/0/Download/ext4-test-directory.B7AjMjt8aB

0 directories, 0 files
11:15:19 $
11:15:32 $ ls --color=never -alR /storage/emulated/0/Download/ext4-test-directory.B7AjMjt8aB
total 7
drwxrwx--- 2 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:13 .
drwxrwx--- 14 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:13 ..
11:16:24 $
11:16:25 $ cd /storage/emulated/0/Download/ext4-test-directory.B7AjMjt8aB # "cd --help"
11:16:55 $
11:16:58 $ pwd
11:17:14 $
11:17:15 $ mkdir -v test-disk1-directory
mkdir: created directory 'test-disk1-directory'
11:17:28 $
11:17:30 $ cd test-disk1-directory
11:17:54 $
11:17:54 $ pwd
11:18:41 $
11:18:41 $ touch file1
11:18:54 $
11:18:54 $ ls --color=never -l file1.txt
ls: cannot access 'file1.txt': No such file or directory
11:19:06 $
11:19:08 $ mv file1 file1.txt
11:19:36 $
11:19:36 $ ls --color=never -l file1.txt
-rw-rw---- 1 root everybody 0 Apr 7 11:18 file1.txt
11:19:55 $
11:19:55 $ touch file2r.txt
11:20:09 $
11:20:10 $ rm -iv file2r.txt
rm: remove regular empty file 'file2r.txt'? y
removed 'file2r.txt'
11:20:33 $
11:20:34 $ touch file2.txt
11:20:48 $
11:20:49 $ cd ..
11:21:56 $
11:21:58 $ pwd
11:22:12 $
11:22:13 $ dd if=/dev/zero of=test-disk1-30mb.ext bs=1M count=30 # Always initialize the image file with zeroes (zero-filled, 0-filled)
30+0 records in
30+0 records out
31457280 bytes (31 MB, 30 MiB) copied, 0.0563377 s, 558 MB/s
11:22:44 $
11:22:46 $ ls --color=never -l test-disk1-30mb.ext
-rw-rw---- 1 root everybody 31457280 Apr 7 11:22 test-disk1-30mb.ext
11:23:01 $
11:23:02 $ tree test-disk1-directory
├── file1.txt
└── file2.txt

1 directory, 2 files
11:23:13 $
11:23:14 $ ls --color=never -la
total 30763
drwxrwx--- 3 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:22 .
drwxrwx--- 14 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:13 ..
-rw-rw---- 1 root everybody 31457280 Apr 7 11:22 test-disk1-30mb.ext
drwxrwx--- 2 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:20 test-disk1-directory
11:23:37 $
11:23:38 $ ls --color=never -la test-disk1-directory
total 7
drwxrwx--- 2 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:20 .
drwxrwx--- 3 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:22 ..
-rw-rw---- 1 root everybody 0 Apr 7 11:18 file1.txt
-rw-rw---- 1 root everybody 0 Apr 7 11:20 file2.txt
11:23:56 $
11:23:57 $ mkfs.ext4 -m 0 -L ext4-disk1-30mb -d test-disk1-directory test-disk1-30mb.ext # "man mkfs.ext4": "-d root-directory" "Copy the contents of the given directory into the root directory of the file system."
mke2fs 1.47.0 (5-Feb-2023)
Creating filesystem with 30720 1k blocks and 7680 inodes
Filesystem UUID: c1bfbb1b-4ca2-4d8a-b1b7-4d398994b042
Superblock backups stored on blocks:
8193, 24577

Allocating group tables: done
Writing inode tables: done
Creating journal (1024 blocks): done
Copying files into the device: done
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done

11:24:27 $
11:24:28 $ pwd
11:24:55 $
11:24:55 $ cadaver
dav:/> ls
Listing collection `/': succeeded.
Coll: [SYS] 0 Apr 7 11:24
Coll: [UNKNOWN] 0 Apr 7 11:24
Coll: lost+found 0 Apr 7 11:24
file1.txt 0 Apr 7 11:18
file2.txt 0 Apr 7 11:20
dav:/> quit
Connection to `' closed.
11:30:01 $
11:30:02 $ ls --color=never -la
total 30763
drwxrwx--- 3 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:22 .
drwxrwx--- 14 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:13 ..
-rw-rw---- 1 root everybody 31457280 Apr 7 11:24 test-disk1-30mb.ext
drwxrwx--- 2 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:20 test-disk1-directory
11:30:39 $
11:30:40 $ mkdir -v test-disk1-directory/last-example
mkdir: created directory 'test-disk1-directory/last-example'
11:30:55 $
11:30:56 $ tree test-disk1-directory
├── file1.txt
├── file2.txt
└── last-example

2 directories, 2 files
11:31:29 $
11:31:30 $ ls --color=never -al test-disk1-directory
total 11
drwxrwx--- 3 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:30 .
drwxrwx--- 3 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:22 ..
-rw-rw---- 1 root everybody 0 Apr 7 11:18 file1.txt
-rw-rw---- 1 root everybody 0 Apr 7 11:20 file2.txt
drwxrwx--- 2 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:30 last-example
11:31:42 $
11:31:43 $ touch test-disk1-directory/last-example/file3.html
11:31:58 $
11:31:59 $ tree test-disk1-directory
├── file1.txt
├── file2.txt
└── last-example
└── file3.html

2 directories, 3 files
11:32:20 $
11:32:21 $ ls --color=never -la test-disk1-directory
total 11
drwxrwx--- 3 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:30 .
drwxrwx--- 3 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:22 ..
-rw-rw---- 1 root everybody 0 Apr 7 11:18 file1.txt
-rw-rw---- 1 root everybody 0 Apr 7 11:20 file2.txt
drwxrwx--- 2 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:31 last-example
11:32:37 $
11:32:38 $ ls --color=never -alR test-disk1-directory
total 11
drwxrwx--- 3 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:30 .
drwxrwx--- 3 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:22 ..
-rw-rw---- 1 root everybody 0 Apr 7 11:18 file1.txt
-rw-rw---- 1 root everybody 0 Apr 7 11:20 file2.txt
drwxrwx--- 2 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:31 last-example

total 7
drwxrwx--- 2 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:31 .
drwxrwx--- 3 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:30 ..
-rw-rw---- 1 root everybody 0 Apr 7 11:31 file3.html
11:32:52 $
11:32:52 $ nano --linenumbers test-disk1-directory/last-example/file4.html
11:34:52 $
11:34:53 $ pwd
11:35:21 $
11:35:21 $ stat test-disk1-directory/last-example/file4.html
File: test-disk1-directory/last-example/file4.html
Size: 52 Blocks: 8 IO Block: 4096 regular file
Device: 0,31 Inode: 291051 Links: 1
Access: (0660/-rw-rw----) Uid: ( 0/ root) Gid: ( 9997/everybody)
Access: 2023-04-07 11:34:51.981375695 -0400
Modify: 2023-04-07 11:34:51.981375695 -0400
Change: 2023-04-07 11:34:51.981375695 -0400
Birth: -
11:36:10 $
11:36:11 $ file test-disk1-directory/last-example/file4.html
test-disk1-directory/last-example/file4.html: HTML document, ASCII text
11:36:27 $
11:36:28 $ cat test-disk1-directory/last-example/file4.html
11:36:51 $
11:36:52 $ tree test-disk1-directory
├── file1.txt
├── file2.txt
└── last-example
├── file3.html
└── file4.html

2 directories, 4 files
11:37:11 $
11:37:11 $ ls --color=never -alR test-disk1-directory
total 11
drwxrwx--- 3 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:30 .
drwxrwx--- 3 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:22 ..
-rw-rw---- 1 root everybody 0 Apr 7 11:18 file1.txt
-rw-rw---- 1 root everybody 0 Apr 7 11:20 file2.txt
drwxrwx--- 2 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:34 last-example

total 11
drwxrwx--- 2 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:34 .
drwxrwx--- 3 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:30 ..
-rw-rw---- 1 root everybody 0 Apr 7 11:31 file3.html
-rw-rw---- 1 root everybody 52 Apr 7 11:34 file4.html
11:37:27 $
11:37:28 $ cd test-disk1-directory
11:37:54 $
11:37:54 $ mv -iv file1.txt last-example
renamed 'file1.txt' -> 'last-example/file1.txt'
11:38:09 $
11:38:15 $ cp -iv file2.txt last-example
'file2.txt' -> 'last-example/file2.txt'
11:38:32 $
11:38:34 $ tree last-example
├── file1.txt
├── file2.txt
├── file3.html
└── file4.html

1 directory, 4 files
11:38:55 $
11:39:09 $
11:39:17 $
11:39:17 $ rm -iv file2.txt
rm: remove regular empty file 'file2.txt'? y
removed 'file2.txt'
11:39:22 $
11:39:22 $ pwd
11:39:36 $
11:39:37 $ ls --color=never -al
total 11
drwxrwx--- 3 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:39 .
drwxrwx--- 3 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:22 ..
drwxrwx--- 2 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:38 last-example
11:39:59 $
11:39:59 $ cd ..
11:40:24 $
11:40:25 $ pwd
11:40:58 $
11:40:58 $ ls --color=never -al
total 30763
drwxrwx--- 3 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:22 .
drwxrwx--- 14 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:13 ..
-rw-rw---- 1 root everybody 31457280 Apr 7 11:24 test-disk1-30mb.ext
drwxrwx--- 3 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:39 test-disk1-directory
11:41:17 $
11:41:39 $
11:41:42 $ mkfs.ext4 -m 0 -L ext4-disk1-30mb -d test-disk1-directory test-disk1-30mb.ext
mke2fs 1.47.0 (5-Feb-2023)
test-disk1-30mb.ext contains a ext4 file system labelled 'ext4-disk1-30mb'
created on Fri Apr 7 11:24:27 2023
Proceed anyway? (y,N) y
Creating filesystem with 30720 1k blocks and 7680 inodes
Filesystem UUID: 6b941b84-6c1b-4fd1-8ed8-2bbe787fa2a1
Superblock backups stored on blocks:
8193, 24577

Allocating group tables: done
Writing inode tables: done
Creating journal (1024 blocks): done
Copying files into the device: done
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done

11:42:13 $
11:42:15 $ cadaver
dav:/> ls
Listing collection `/': succeeded.
Coll: [SYS] 0 Apr 7 11:42
Coll: [UNKNOWN] 0 Apr 7 11:42
Coll: last-example 0 Apr 7 11:38
Coll: lost+found 0 Apr 7 11:42
dav:/> cd last-example
dav:/last-example/> ls
Listing collection `/last-example/': succeeded.
file1.txt 0 Apr 7 11:18
file2.txt 0 Apr 7 11:38
file3.html 0 Apr 7 11:31
file4.html 52 Apr 7 11:34
dav:/last-example/> get file4.html
Downloading `/last-example/file4.html' to file4.html:
Progress: [=============================>] 100.0% of 52 bytes succeeded.
dav:/last-example/> quit
Connection to `' closed.
11:44:59 $
11:45:00 $ pwd
11:45:51 $
11:45:51 $ tree
├── file4.html
├── test-disk1-30mb.ext
└── test-disk1-directory
└── last-example
├── file1.txt
├── file2.txt
├── file3.html
└── file4.html

3 directories, 6 files
11:46:11 $
11:46:12 $ ls --color=never -alR
total 30767
drwxrwx--- 3 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:44 .
drwxrwx--- 14 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:13 ..
-rw-rw---- 1 root everybody 52 Apr 7 11:44 file4.html
-rw-rw---- 1 root everybody 31457280 Apr 7 11:42 test-disk1-30mb.ext
drwxrwx--- 3 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:39 test-disk1-directory

total 11
drwxrwx--- 3 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:39 .
drwxrwx--- 3 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:44 ..
drwxrwx--- 2 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:38 last-example

total 11
drwxrwx--- 2 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:38 .
drwxrwx--- 3 root everybody 3488 Apr 7 11:39 ..
-rw-rw---- 1 root everybody 0 Apr 7 11:18 file1.txt
-rw-rw---- 1 root everybody 0 Apr 7 11:38 file2.txt
-rw-rw---- 1 root everybody 0 Apr 7 11:31 file3.html
-rw-rw---- 1 root everybody 52 Apr 7 11:34 file4.html
11:46:37 $
11:46:38 $ sha256sum file4.html
832da14690c20076c46153432f4692dcf7517641eb7ef92bc1ce1aa66db21bba file4.html
11:47:14 $
11:47:14 $ sha256sum test-disk1-directory/last-example/file4.html
832da14690c20076c46153432f4692dcf7517641eb7ef92bc1ce1aa66db21bba test-disk1-directory/last-example/file4.html
11:47:32 $
11:47:37 $ cmp --verbose file4.html test-disk1-directory/last-example/file4.html
11:47:57 $
11:47:58 $ links -dump
URL expected after -dump
11:48:17 $
11:48:19 $ links -dump
11:48:41 $
11:48:42 $
11:49:04 $
11:49:04 $ links -source
11:49:07 $
11:49:08 $ cd /storage/emulated/0/Download/ext4-test-directory.B7AjMjt8aB
11:49:28 $
11:49:29 $ rm -iv --recursive test-disk1-directory # "man rm"
rm: descend into directory 'test-disk1-directory'? y
rm: descend into directory 'test-disk1-directory/last-example'? y
rm: remove regular empty file 'test-disk1-directory/last-example/file3.html'? y
removed 'test-disk1-directory/last-example/file3.html'
rm: remove regular file 'test-disk1-directory/last-example/file4.html'? y
removed 'test-disk1-directory/last-example/file4.html'
rm: remove regular empty file 'test-disk1-directory/last-example/file1.txt'? y
removed 'test-disk1-directory/last-example/file1.txt'
rm: remove regular empty file 'test-disk1-directory/last-example/file2.txt'? y
removed 'test-disk1-directory/last-example/file2.txt'
rm: remove directory 'test-disk1-directory/last-example'? y
removed directory 'test-disk1-directory/last-example'
rm: remove directory 'test-disk1-directory'? y
removed directory 'test-disk1-directory'
11:50:10 $
11:50:13 $ pwd
11:50:28 $
11:50:29 $ cd
11:51:01 $
11:51:01 $ pwd
11:51:18 $
11:51:19 $ rm -ivr /storage/emulated/0/Download/ext4-test-directory.B7AjMjt8aB
rm: descend into directory '/storage/emulated/0/Download/ext4-test-directory.B7AjMjt8aB'? y
rm: remove regular file '/storage/emulated/0/Download/ext4-test-directory.B7AjMjt8aB/test-disk1-30mb.ext'? y
removed '/storage/emulated/0/Download/ext4-test-directory.B7AjMjt8aB/test-disk1-30mb.ext'
rm: remove regular file '/storage/emulated/0/Download/ext4-test-directory.B7AjMjt8aB/file4.html'? y
removed '/storage/emulated/0/Download/ext4-test-directory.B7AjMjt8aB/file4.html'
rm: remove directory '/storage/emulated/0/Download/ext4-test-directory.B7AjMjt8aB'? y
removed directory '/storage/emulated/0/Download/ext4-test-directory.B7AjMjt8aB'
11:52:10 $
11:55:28 $

Reference Links

  1. Linux ext4 filesystem: "Filesystems in the Linux kernel": , ("ext4 Data Structures and Algorithms"), ("Linux Change Disk Label Name on EXT2 / EXT3 / EXT4 File Systems"), ("Linux sysadmins want to know: Where did my disk space go?")
  2. "What sysadmins need to know about using Bash":
  3. "10 basic Linux commands you need to know":
  4. "8 fundamental Linux file-management commands for new users":
  5. "8 essential Linux file navigation commands for new users":
  6. "Basic Linux commands and tools every sysadmin should know":
  7. bash: ("Bash Reference Manual"), ("Linux environment variable tips and tricks"), ("Bash scripting: How to write data to text files"), ("Working with pipes on the Linux command line"), ("Linux Pipe Command with Examples"), ("How to manipulate files with shell redirection and pipelines in Linux"), ("How to redirect shell command output"), ("How to manage your Linux command history"), ("Parsing Bash history in Linux"),
  8. ctrl-c (control-c), ctrl-d (control-d): ("The Unresponsive Terminal"), ("Linux control sequence tricks"), ("UNIX Control-Key Commands")
  9. Linux commands "tput init", "tput reset", "tput clear": ("Portable Terminal Control From Scripts"), ("16.7. Terminal Control Commands"), ("BASH Fix Display and Console Garbage and Gibberish on a Linux / Unix / macOS"), ("Fixing the display with reset")
  10. "The Linux man-pages project": ,
  11. "How to find out what a Linux command does":
  12. Linux 'tree" and "ls" commands: ("Linux see directory tree structure using tree command"), ("Sysadmin tools: 11 ways to use the ls command in Linux"), ("8 essential Linux file navigation commands for new users")
  13. "How to Use the less, more, and most Commands to Read Text Files in Linux":
  14. Linux text editor "nano": ("Getting started with Nano")
  15. Linux text editors "vi", "vim", "ed": ("How to get started with the Vi editor"), ("An introduction to the vi editor"), ("Linux basics: A beginner's guide to text editing with vim"), ("Vim: Basic and intermediate commands"), ("How to get started with the ed text editor")
  16. Linux web browswer "links": , ("Documentation"), ("A Command Line Web Browsing with Lynx and Links Tools")
  17. Linux "grep" command: ("Find text in files using the Linux grep command")
  18. Linux "echo" command: ("Echo Command in Linux (With Examples)"), ("15 Practical Examples of ‘echo’ command in Linux"),
  19. Linux "find" command: ("10 ways to use the Linux find command"), : ("When it comes to Linux system troubleshooting, find is my best friend")
  20. Regular expressions (regex): ("Introducing regular expressions"), ("Getting started with regular expressions: An example"), ("Regex and grep: Data flow and building blocks"), ("Regular expressions: Pulling it all together"), ("Getting started with regular expressions")
  21. Linux "chmod" command: ("Linux file permissions explained"), ("Linux permissions: An introduction to chmod"), ("How to manage Linux permissions for users, groups, and others"), ("What sysadmins need to know about Linux permissions")
  22. Linux "bc" command: ("bc" "an arbitrary precision calculator language"), ("bc command in Linux with examples"), ("Chapter 49 Working with Numbers" "49.3 Gotchas in Base Conversion"), ("Converting numbers on Linux among decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary"), ("bc - Unix calculator"), ("bc" "arbitrary precision calculator"), ("6. (Very) Brief intro to bc")
  23. Linux "apt" command: ("Understanding and Using Debian sources.list"), ("Configuring Apt Sources")
  24. Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV), Linux command "cadaver": , ("Cadaver Client Access"), ("Using the Cadaver WebDAV Client"). ("WebPal Resources for Editors, Admins, Collaborators and Coders" "WebDAV Interface")
  25. Check the apps: ("OPSWAT. MetaDefender Cloud"), ("VirusTotal")

Additional Installed Software

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