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Created August 25, 2023 21:47
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A simple Tilemap Town bot
#!/usr/bin/env python
import asyncio, json, websockets
bot_prefix = "!"
# .----------------------------------------------
# | Command registration
# '----------------------------------------------
protocol_handlers = {}
def protocol_command():
def decorator(f):
command_name = f.__name__[3:]
protocol_handlers[command_name] = f
return decorator
chat_command_handlers = {}
def chat_command():
def decorator(f):
command_name = f.__name__[3:]
chat_command_handlers[command_name] = f
return decorator
# .----------------------------------------------
# | Utilities
# '----------------------------------------------
async def send_command(command, params):
def make_protocol_message_string(command, params):
if params != None:
return command + " " + json.dumps(params)
return command
await websocket.send(make_protocol_message_string(command, params))
def separate_first_word(text, lowercase_first=True):
space = text.find(" ")
command = text
arg = ""
if space >= 0:
command = text[0:space]
arg = text[space+1:]
if lowercase_first:
command = command.lower()
return (command, arg)
# .----------------------------------------------
# | Chat commands
# '----------------------------------------------
async def fn_fire(arg):
await send_command("CMD", {"text": "userpic fire"})
return "🔥"
async def fn_cat(arg):
await send_command("CMD", {"text": "userpic cat"})
return "🐈"
async def fn_hamster(arg):
await send_command("CMD", {"text": "userpic hamster"})
return "🐹"
async def fn_bunny(arg):
await send_command("CMD", {"text": "userpic bunny"})
return "🐇"
async def fn_echo(arg):
return arg
async def fn_double(arg):
if arg.isdigit():
return str(int(arg) * 2)
return "Not a number"
async def fn_allcommands(arg):
return " ".join(chat_command_handlers.keys())
# Call the handler for a chat command
async def handle_chat_command(text):
if not text.startswith(bot_prefix):
text = text[len(bot_prefix):]
command, arg = separate_first_word(text)
if command in chat_command_handlers:
return await chat_command_handlers[command](arg)
return "Unknown command"
# .----------------------------------------------
# | Protocol message handlers
# '----------------------------------------------
async def fn_PIN(arg):
await websocket.send("PIN")
async def fn_MSG(arg):
if "name" not in arg: # Ignore server messages
response = await handle_chat_command(arg["text"])
if response != None:
await send_command("MSG", {"text": response})
async def fn_PRI(arg):
response = await handle_chat_command(arg["text"])
if response != None:
await send_command("CMD", {"text": f'tell {arg["username"]} {response}'})
# .----------------------------------------------
# | Websocket connection
# '----------------------------------------------
async def receive_server_message(message):
message_type = message[0:3]
arg = {}
if len(message) > 4:
arg = json.loads(message[4:])
if message_type in protocol_handlers:
await protocol_handlers[message_type](arg)
async def run_client():
global websocket
async for websocket in websockets.connect(uri="wss://"):
await send_command("IDN", {
"bot": True,
"name": "Bot test",
"features": {
"batch": {"version": "0.0.1"}
async for message in websocket:
# Split the message into parts
if len(message)<3:
if message[0:4] == "BAT ":
for sub_message in message[4:].splitlines():
await receive_server_message(sub_message)
await receive_server_message(message)
except websockets.ConnectionClosed:
print("Connection closed")
async def main():
async with asyncio.TaskGroup() as tg:
client_task = tg.create_task(run_client())
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