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Created September 14, 2021 19:25
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#include <cstdint>
#include "em_cmu.h"
#include "em_gpio.h"
#include "core_cm3.h"
//#include "efm32gg_etm.h"
static void SetupClock()
CMU_OscillatorEnable(cmuOsc_HFXO, true, true);
CMU_ClockSelectSet(cmuClock_HF, cmuSelect_HFXO);
CMU_ClockSelectSet(cmuClock_LFA, cmuSelect_HFCLK);
CMU_ClockSelectSet(cmuClock_LFB, cmuSelect_HFCLKLE);
CMU_ClockEnable(cmuClock_HFPER, true);
CMU_ClockEnable(cmuClock_DBG, true);
CMU_ClockEnable(cmuClock_GPIO, true);
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t ITM_SendCharOnChannel (uint8_t channel, uint32_t ch)
if (((ITM->TCR & ITM_TCR_ITMENA_Msk) != 0UL) && /* ITM enabled */
((ITM->TER & (1 << channel) ) != 0UL) ) /* ITM Port enabled */
while (ITM->PORT[channel].u32 == 0UL)
ITM->PORT[channel].u8 = (uint8_t)ch;
return (ch);
extern "C" void SysTick_Handler()
static std::uint32_t i = 0;
if(i == 1000)
i = 0;
// GPIO_PinOutToggle(gpioPortE, 2);
// GPIO_PinOutToggle(gpioPortE, 3);
static char c = 'A';
// ITM_SendCharOnChannel(4, c);
if ((c - 1) == 'Z') {
c = 'A';
extern "C" void __libc_init_array(void);
constexpr std::uint32_t Prescaler = 14;
void GenericsConfigureTracing(uint32_t itmChannel, uint32_t sampleInterval, uint32_t tsPrescale)
/* EFM32 specific configuration to enable the TRACESWO IO pin */
CMU_OscillatorEnable(cmuOsc_AUXHFRCO, true, true);
CMU_ClockEnable(cmuClock_DBG, true);
/* Enable GPIO clock. */
/* Enable Serial wire output pin */
/* Set location 0 */
/* Enable output on pin - GPIO Port F, Pin 2 */
GPIO_PinOutSet(gpioPortF, 2);
/* End of EFM32 Specific instructions */
// /* Enable trace in core debug */
// CoreDebug->DEMCR |= CoreDebug_DEMCR_TRCENA_Msk;
// ITM->LAR = 0xC5ACCE55; // unlock (magic number)
// ITM->TER = 0x0; // disable all registers
// ITM->TCR = 0x0; // disable everything
// TPI->SPPR = 2; // Asynchronous SWO, using NRZ encoding
// TPI->ACPR = Prescaler - 1; // Prescaler, SWO_FREQ = REF_CLK / (PRESCALER + 1)
// ITM->TPR = 0x0; // Unprivileged access to all registers
// DWT->CTRL =
// 0x400007FF; // CYCCNTENA = 1, POSTPRESET = 0xF, POSTINIT = 0xF, CYCTAP = 1, SYNCTAP = 01, PCSAMPLENA = 0,
// ITM->TCR = 0x0001000D; // Enable ITM (ITEMENA - 0), Enable sync pack transmission (SYNCENA - 2), (TXENA - 3), TSPrescale = 0, TraceBusID = 1
// TPI->FFCR = 0x00000100; // Formatter and Flush Control Register
// ITM->TER = 0x7f; // enable all channels
// // Wait for TPIU sync packet
// auto prev = DWT->CYCCNT;
// while(((prev ^ DWT->CYCCNT) & (1 << 24)) == 0)
// {
// asm volatile("nop");
// }
*((volatile unsigned *)(0xE0040010)) = 13; // Output bits at 14000000/(13+1)=1MHz.
*((volatile unsigned *)(0xE00400F0)) = 2; // Use Async mode pin protocol
if (!itmChannel)
*((volatile unsigned *)(0xE0040304)) = 0; // Bypass the TPIU and send output directly
*((volatile unsigned *)(0xE0040304)) = 0x102; // Use TPIU formatter and flush
/* Configure Trace Port Interface Unit */
CoreDebug->DEMCR |= CoreDebug_DEMCR_TRCENA_Msk; // Enable access to registers
// /* Configure PC sampling and exception trace */
// DWT->CTRL = /* CYCEVTEN */ (1<<22) |
// /* Sleep event overflow */ (1<<19) |
// /* Enable Exception Trace */ (1 << 16) |
// /* PC Sample event */ (1<<12) |
// /* Sync Packet Interval */ ((1&0x03) << 10) | /* 0 = Off, 1 = 2^23, 2 = Every 2^25, 3 = 2^27 */
// /* CYCTap position */ (1 << 9) | /* 0 = x32, 1=x512 */
// /* Postscaler for PC sampling */ ((sampleInterval&0x0f) << 1) | /* Divider = value + 1 */
// /* CYCCnt Enable */ (1 << 0);
/* Configure PC sampling and exception trace */
DWT->CTRL = /* CYCEVTEN */ (0<<22) |
/* Sleep event overflow */ (0<<19) |
/* Enable Exception Trace */ (0 << 16) |
/* PC Sample event */ (0<<12) |
/* Sync Packet Interval */ ((0&0x03) << 10) | /* 0 = Off, 1 = 2^23, 2 = Every 2^25, 3 = 2^27 */
/* CYCTap position */ (1 << 9) | /* 0 = x32, 1=x512 */
/* Postscaler for PC sampling */ ((sampleInterval&0x0f) << 1) | /* Divider = value + 1 */
/* CYCCnt Enable */ (1 << 0);
/* Configure instrumentation trace macroblock */
ITM->TCR = /* DWT Stimulus */ (1<<3)|
/* ITM Enable */ (1<<0)|
/* SYNC Enable */ (0<<2)|
/* TS Enable */ (0<<1)|
/* TC Prescale */ ((tsPrescale&0x03)<<8) |
((itmChannel&0x7f)<<16); /* Set trace bus ID and enable ITM */
ITM->TER = 0xFFFFFFFF; // Enable all stimulus ports
/* Configure embedded trace macroblock */
// ETM_SetupMode();
// ETM->ETMCR = ETM_CR_ETMEN // Enable ETM output port
// | ETM_CR_STALL_PROCESSOR // Stall processor when fifo is full
// | ETM_CR_BRANCH_OUTPUT; // Report all branches
// ETM->ETMTRACEIDR = 2; // Trace bus ID for TPIU
// ETM->ETMTECR1 = ETM_TECR1_EXCLUDE; // Trace always enabled
// ETM->ETMFFRR = ETM_FFRR_EXCLUDE; // Stalling always enabled
// ETM->ETMFFLR = 24; // Stall when less than N bytes free in FIFO (range 1..24)
// // Larger values mean less latency in trace, but more stalls.
static const int BASE = 10'000;
static void func1()
for(int i =0 ; i < 1 * BASE; i++) {
asm volatile("nop");
static void func2()
for(int i =0 ; i < 2 * BASE; i++) {
asm volatile("nop");
int main()
GenericsConfigureTracing(1, 15, 0);
GPIO_PinModeSet(gpioPortE, 2, gpioModePushPull, 1);
GPIO_PinModeSet(gpioPortE, 3, gpioModePushPull, 0);
SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock / 1000);
// func1();
// func2();
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