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Last active March 22, 2021 10:31
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Generic Binary Tree implementation I built
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
// Author: NovemberDev
public class Program
/// TreeNode baseclass
public class TreeNode<T>
/// This TreeNode's Value
public T Value;
/// This TreeNode's ParentNode
public TreeNode<T> Parent;
/// This TreeNode's ChildNodes
public List<TreeNode<T>> Children = new List<TreeNode<T>>();
/// Creates a new TreeNode with an initial value and an amount of ChildNodes to parent
/// during construction
public TreeNode(T initialValue, params TreeNode<T>[] childNodes)
Value = initialValue;
foreach(TreeNode<T> childNode in childNodes)
// Note: the params can be removed in favor of a left and right ChildNode approach but
// I like to leave it as it is, since you can then customize it to hold as many children
// as you need there to be, make sure to remove the exception in AddChild as well
/// Recursively returns the leaf TreeNode by taking in a comparison function,
/// which compares all children
public TreeNode<T> Traverse(Func<TreeNode<T>, TreeNode<T>, bool> comparisonFunction)
if(Children.Count < 1)
return this;
TreeNode<T> currentNode = null;
foreach(TreeNode<T> childNode in Children)
if(currentNode == null)
currentNode = childNode;
if(comparisonFunction.Invoke(currentNode, childNode))
currentNode = childNode;
Console.WriteLine("Traverse -> " + currentNode.Value);
return currentNode.Traverse(comparisonFunction);
/// Recursively returns the Root-TreeNode
public TreeNode<T> TraverseToRoot()
if(Parent != null)
return Parent.TraverseToRoot();
return this;
/// Adds a child and sets it's Parent property to the current TreeNode
/// Throws an exception if more than 2 children exist
public void AddChild(TreeNode<T> childNode)
childNode.Parent = this;
if(Children.Count > 1)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("TreeNode cannot hold more than 2 ChildNodes");
// Check if TreeNode is a child node
public bool IsLeaf()
return Children.Count == 0;
/// Check if TreeNode is a root node
public bool IsRoot()
return Parent == null;
public static void Main()
TreeNode<int> rootNode = new TreeNode<int>(
new TreeNode<int>(
new TreeNode<int>(
new TreeNode<int>(2),
new TreeNode<int>(3)
new TreeNode<int>(
new TreeNode<int>(2),
new TreeNode<int>(3)
new TreeNode<int>(
new TreeNode<int>(
new TreeNode<int>(5),
new TreeNode<int>(6)
new TreeNode<int>(
new TreeNode<int>(7),
new TreeNode<int>(8)
TreeNode<int> leafNode = rootNode.Traverse((t1, t2) => t1.Value < t2.Value);
Console.WriteLine("Result = " + leafNode.Value);
Console.WriteLine("Root = " + leafNode.TraverseToRoot().Value);
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