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Last active May 31, 2017 18:51
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  • Save Nowosad/44c63aea71cc2fc483331b5b4630c205 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Nowosad/44c63aea71cc2fc483331b5b4630c205 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#' A qml create function
#' This function creates QGIS-like xml object with random colors based on a group variable
#' @param obj an object of class SpatialPolygonDataFrame or data.frame
#' @param group a grouping variable (colname from obj)
#' @param alpha an alpha value (0-1)
#' @param colors a character vector with colors (hex colors)
#' @return xml object
#' @import XML
#' @importFrom purrr %>% map
#' @importClassesFrom sp SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' qml_object <- qml_create(shapefile_obj, 'group')
#' saveXML(qml_object, file='new_file.qml')}
qml_create <- function (obj, group, alpha = 1, colors = NULL) {
if (class(obj) == "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame") {
df <- obj@data
} else {
df <- obj %>%
if (!missing(colors)) {
df$v <- colors
} else {
df <- rgb_add(df, group)
if (is.factor(df[, group])){
df[, group] <- as.character(df[, group])
attribute <- group
base <- newXMLNode("qgis")
addAttributes(base, version = "2.14.3-Essen", minimumScale = "0",
maximumScale = "1e+08", simplifyDrawingHints = "1", minLabelScale = "0",
maxLabelScale = "1e+08", simplifyDrawingTol = "1", simplifyMaxScale = "1",
hasScaleBasedVisibilityFlag = "0", simplifyLocal = "1",
scaleBasedLabelVisibilityFlag = "0")
trans <- newXMLNode("transparencyLevelInt", 255)
rend <- newXMLNode("renderer-v2", attrs = c(attr = attribute,
symbollevels = "0", type = "categorizedSymbol"))
categories <- newXMLNode("categories")
category <- seq_along(unique(df[, group])) %>% map(~category_node(.,
df = df, group = group))
addChildren(categories, category)
symbols <- newXMLNode("symbols")
symbol <- seq_along(unique(df[, group])) %>% map(~symbol_node(.,
df = df, alpha = alpha))
addChildren(symbols, symbol)
addChildren(rend, list(categories, symbols))
addChildren(base, list(trans, rend))
rand_rgb <- function(){
paste(paste(sample(1:255, 3, replace=TRUE), collapse=","), "255", sep=",")
rgb_add <- function(df, group){
colors <- replicate(length(unique(df[, group])), rand_rgb())
df$v <- colors
category_node <- function(x, df, group){
newXMLNode("category", attrs = c(symbol = as.character(x-1), value = df[, group][x], label = df[, group][x]))
symbol_node <- function(x, df, alpha){
dum_sym <- newXMLNode("symbol", attrs = c(outputUnit="MM", alpha=alpha, type="fill", name=as.character(x-1)))
layer <- newXMLNode("layer", attrs = c(pass="0", class="SimpleFill", locked="0"))
prop <- newXMLNode("prop", attrs = c(k="color", v=df[, 'v'][x]))
addChildren(layer, prop)
addChildren(dum_sym, layer)
nc = st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package="sf")) %>%
mutate(my_group = as.factor(rep(c("low", "medium", "high", "unknown"), 25)))
nc_sp = as(nc, "Spatial")
qml_object = qml_create(nc, 'my_group')
st_write(nc, "nc.gpkg")
saveXML(qml_object, file='nc.qml')
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