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Noxitu / compute_prefix.mcfunction
Created February 22, 2024 22:27
GUI Calibration
execute if score @s gui_position matches ..-256 run data modify storage do:tmp GUI.PrefixText set value "\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64"
execute if score @s gui_position matches -255 run data modify storage do:tmp GUI.PrefixText set value "\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB32\\uEB16\\uEB08"
execute if score @s gui_position matches -254 run data modify storage do:tmp GUI.PrefixText set value "\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB64\\uEB32\\uEB16"
execute if sco
Noxitu / add_playsound_command_blocks.mcfunction
Last active February 4, 2024 18:49
# setblock glass/diamond_block are used to make sure command block commands get updated, if a command block was already there
# this was mainly useful when these commands were changing a lot
# recent changes:
# commented as audio system is being fixed:
# setblock -627 -25 2004 minecraft:diamond_block
# setblock -627 -25 2004 minecraft:command_block[facing=south,conditional=false]{Command: "execute as @a[,distance=..32] at @s run playsound do2:events.card_reveal master @s"}
# setblock -648 -24 2002 minecraft:diamond_block
# setblock -648 -24 2002 minecraft:command_block[facing=south,conditional=false]{Command: "execute as @a[,distance=..32] at @s run playsound do2:events.card_reveal master @s"}
Noxitu / _h9_read (entry point).py
Last active January 14, 2024 15:06
Parsing decked out 2 area (finding holes and other random stuff)
import json
from pathlib import Path
import rich.progress
import numpy as np
from import Assets
from import World
import time
import numpy as np
import numba
# Comparison: C++ code from episode: 15 μs per advance()
# Pure Python code from episode: 14000 μs per advance()
def add_glider(area, x, y):
xs = (np.array([0, 1, 2, 0, 1]) + x) % area.shape[1]
ys = (np.array([0, 1, 1, 2, 2]) + y) % area.shape[0]
#include <amp.h>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
int main()
using namespace std;
using namespace std::chrono;
using namespace concurrency;
WITH Ada.Text_IO;
USE Ada.Text_IO;
WITH Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
USE Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
Data : String (1 .. 20); -- data wprowadzana przez uzytkownika
Miejsce : Natural := 0; -- ilosc znakow daty wprowadzanej przez uzytkownika
Rok : Integer := 0; -- zmienna przechowywujaca przstepnosc roku
Miesiac : Integer := 0; -- zmienna informujaca o rodzaju miesiaca