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Created May 25, 2016 13:01
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Glicko 2 Groovy Implementation
static class Glicko2 {
double _MU
double _SIGMA
double _PHI
double _TAU
double _EPSILON
Glicko2(Double mu, Double sigma, Double phi, Double tau, Double epsilon) {
this._MU = mu
this._SIGMA = sigma
this._PHI = phi
this._TAU = tau
this._EPSILON = epsilon
Glicko2() {
this._MU = MU
this._PHI = PHI
this._TAU = TAU
Rating create_rating(Double _mu, Double _phi, Double _sigma) {
double mu = (_mu == null) ? this._MU : _mu
double phi = (_phi == null) ? this._PHI : _phi
double sigma = (_sigma == null) ? this._SIGMA : _sigma
return new Rating(mu, phi, sigma)
Rating scale_down(Rating rating, Double ratio) {
ratio = ratio ?: 173.7178
double mu = ( - this._MU ) / ratio
double phi = rating.phi / ratio
return create_rating(mu, phi, rating.sigma)
Rating scale_up(Rating rating, Double ratio) {
ratio = ratio ?: 173.7178
double mu = * ratio + this._MU
double phi = rating.phi * ratio
return create_rating (mu, phi, rating.sigma)
static Double reduceImpact(Rating rating) {
return 1.0 / Math.sqrt((1.0 + (3.0 * Math.pow(rating.phi, 2.0)) / Math.pow(Math.PI, 2.0)))
static Double expectScore(Rating rating, Rating otherRating, Double impact) {
return (1.0 / (1.0 + Math.exp(-impact * ( -
static double phiStar(double sigma, double phi) {
return Math.sqrt(phi * phi + sigma * sigma)
Rating volatilize(Rating r) {
def nR = scale_down(r, null)
nR.phi = phiStar(nR.sigma, nR.phi)
return scale_up(nR, null)
class F {
double difference
double variance
double phi
double tau
double alpha
double f(double x) {
double tmp = Math.pow(phi, 2.0) + variance + Math.exp(x)
double _a = Math.exp(x) * (Math.pow(difference, 2.0) - tmp) / (2 * Math.pow(tmp, 2.0))
double _b = (x - alpha) / Math.pow(tau, 2.0)
return _a - _b
static double sign(x) {
return x <=> 0.0
def determineSigma(Rating rating, double difference, double variance) {
"""Determines new volatility."""
double phi = rating.phi
double difference_squared = Math.pow(difference, 2.0)
// 1. Let a = ln(s^2), and define f(x)
double alpha = Math.log(Math.pow(rating.sigma, 2.0))
def f = new F(difference: difference, variance: variance, phi: phi, tau: this._TAU, alpha: alpha)
// 2. Set the initial values of the iterative algorithm.
double a = alpha
double b = 0.0 // just to stop it whining about potentially unset values
if (difference_squared > (Math.pow(phi, 2.0) + variance)) {
b = Math.log(difference_squared - Math.pow(phi, 2.0) - variance)
else {
int k = 1
while (f.f(alpha - k * Math.abs(this._TAU)) < 0) {
k += 1
b = alpha - k * Math.abs(this._TAU)
// 3. Let fA = f(A) and f(B) = f(B)
double fa = f.f(a)
double fb = f.f(b)
// 4. While |B-A| > e, carry out the following steps.
// (a) Let C = A + (A - B)fA / (fB-fA), and let fC = f(C).
// (b) If fCfB < 0, then set A <- B and fA <- fB; otherwise, just set
// fA <- fA/2.
// (c) Set B <- C and fB <- fC.
// (d) Stop if |B-A| <= e. Repeat the above three steps otherwise.
double c
double fc
double d
double fd
for (int i = 100; i > 0; i--) {
if (Math.abs(b-a) <= this._EPSILON) {
return Math.exp(a / 2.0)
c = (a + b) * 0.5
fc = f.f(c)
d = c + (c-a)*(sign(fa-fb)*fc)/ Math.sqrt(fc*fc-fa*fb)
fd = f.f(d)
if (sign(fd) != sign(fc)) {
a = c
b = d
fa = fc
fb = fd
} else if (sign(fd) != sign(fa)) {
b = d
fb = fd
} else {
a = d
fa = fd
throw new Exception("Exceeded iterations: Rating: ${rating} / difference: ${difference} / variance: ${variance}")
Rating rate(Rating _rating, List<Series> series) {
// Step 2. For each player, convert the rating and RD's onto the
// Glicko-2 scale.
Rating rating = scale_down(_rating, null)
// Step 3. Compute the quantity v. This is the estimated variance of the
// team's/player's rating based only on game outcomes.
// Step 4. Compute the quantity difference, the estimated improvement in
// rating by comparing the pre-period rating to the performance
// rating based only on game outcomes.
double d_square_inv = 0.0
double variance_inv = 0.0
double difference = 0.0
series.each { Series sera ->
Rating otherRating = scale_down(sera.otherRating, null)
double impact = reduceImpact(otherRating)
double expected_score = expectScore(rating, otherRating, impact)
variance_inv += Math.pow(impact, 2.0) * expected_score * (1 - expected_score)
difference += impact * (sera.score - expected_score)
d_square_inv += (
expected_score * (1 - expected_score) *
Math.pow(Q, 2.0) * Math.pow(impact, 2.0))
difference /= variance_inv
double variance = 1.0 / variance_inv
double denom = Math.pow(rating.phi , 2.0) + d_square_inv
double phi = Math.sqrt(1 / denom)
// Step 5. Determine the new value, Sigma', ot the sigma. This
// computation requires iteration.
double sigma = this.determineSigma(rating, difference, variance)
// Step 6. Update the rating deviation to the new pre-rating period
// value, Phi*.
double phi_star = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(rating.phi, 2.0) + Math.pow(sigma, 2.0))
// Step 7. Update the rating and RD to the new values, Mu' and Phi'.
phi = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(1.0 / Math.pow(phi_star, 2.0) + 1.0 / variance)
double mu = + Math.pow(phi, 2.0) * (difference / variance)
// Step 8. Convert ratings and RD's back to original scale.
return scale_up(create_rating(mu, phi, sigma), null)
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