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Created January 3, 2021 05:50
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import copy
import math
import random
MINUS_BIG = -100000
def gen_teams(n, d=20):
return list(range(1000, 1000 + (n * d), d))
def elo(a, b, boX=1):
a_score, b_score = 0, 0
d = (0.0 + a - b) / 400.0
threshold = 1. / (1.0 + pow(10.0, d))
while max(a_score, b_score) < (1 + boX) / 2:
if random.random() > threshold:
a_score += 1
b_score += 1
return (a, b) if a_score > b_score else (b,a)
def chunks(lst, n):
for s in range(0, len(lst), n):
yield lst[s:s + n]
def dotapit(teams):
# Single run, top 4 move forward
while len(teams) > 4:
winners = []
for pairs in chunks(teams, 2):
match = elo(pairs[0], pairs[1], 3 if len(teams) == 8 else 1) # Quarterfinals are bo3
teams = winners
return teams
def N_runs_K_winners(teams, n, k):
# N events, top K from each move forward
qualified = []
for r in range(n):
qualified.extend(do_run([t for t in copy.copy(teams) if t not in qualified], k))
return qualified
def do_run(teams, k):
while len(teams) >= pow(2,k):
byes = pow(2, math.ceil(math.log(len(teams), 2))) - len(teams)
winners = []
for _ in range(byes):
for pairs in chunks(teams, 2):
match = elo(pairs[0], pairs[1], 3 if len(teams) == k * 2 else 1) # Final matches are
teams = winners
return teams
teams = gen_teams(128)
# Counter of times qualified for each skill
dp_format = {t:0 for t in teams}
two_two = {t:0 for t in teams}
four_one = {t:0 for t in teams}
N = 10**4
for _ in range(N):
if _ % 10**3 == 0: print("poke")
for t in dotapit(copy.copy(teams)):
dp_format[t] = 1 + dp_format[t]
for t in N_runs_K_winners(copy.copy(teams), 2, 2):
two_two[t] = 1 + two_two[t]
for t in N_runs_K_winners(copy.copy(teams), 4, 1):
four_one[t] = 1 + four_one[t]
for t in teams:
print("{},{},{},{}".format(t, dp_format[t], two_two[t], four_one[t]))
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