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Created December 23, 2022 23:44
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[AHK] Parsec dual cursor fix
;based on:
show_Mouse(bShow := True) { ; show/hide the mouse cursor
; WINAPI: SystemParametersInfo, CreateCursor, CopyImage, SetSystemCursor
static BlankCursor
static CursorList := "32512, 32513, 32514, 32515, 32516, 32640, 32641"
. ",32642, 32643, 32644, 32645, 32646, 32648, 32649, 32650, 32651"
local ANDmask, XORmask, CursorHandle
If bShow ; shortcut for showing the mouse cursor
Return, DllCall("SystemParametersInfo" ; returns BOOL
, "UInt", 0x57 ; UINT uiAction (SPI_SETCURSORS)
, "UInt", 0 ; UINT uiParam
, "Ptr", 0 ; PVOID pvParam
, "UInt", 0) ; UINT fWinIni
If Not BlankCursor { ; create BlankCursor only once
VarSetCapacity(ANDmask, 32 * 4, 0xFF)
VarSetCapacity(XORmask, 32 * 4, 0x00)
BlankCursor := DllCall("CreateCursor" ; returns HCURSOR
, "Ptr", 0 ; HINSTANCE hInst
, "Int", 0 ; int xHotSpot
, "Int", 0 ; int yHotSpot
, "Int", 32 ; int nWidth
, "Int", 32 ; int nHeight
, "Ptr", &ANDmask ; const VOID *pvANDPlane
, "Ptr", &XORmask) ; const VOID *pvXORPlane
; set all system cursors to blank, each needs a new copy
Loop, Parse, CursorList, `,, %A_Space%
CursorHandle := DllCall("CopyImage" ; returns HANDLE
, "Ptr", BlankCursor ; HANDLE hImage
, "UInt", 2 ; UINT uType (IMAGE_CURSOR)
, "Int", 0 ; int cxDesired
, "Int", 0 ; int cyDesired
, "UInt", 0) ; UINT fuFlags
DllCall("SetSystemCursor" ; returns BOOL
, "Ptr", CursorHandle ; HCURSOR hcur
, "UInt", A_Loopfield) ; DWORD id
OnWinActiveChange(hWinEventHook, vEvent, hWnd)
static _ := DllCall("user32\SetWinEventHook", UInt,0x3, UInt,0x3, Ptr,0, Ptr,RegisterCallback("OnWinActiveChange"), UInt,0, UInt,0, UInt,0, Ptr)
DetectHiddenWindows, On
; WinGetClass, vWinClass, % "ahk_id " hWnd
WinGetActiveTitle, Title
if(Title == "Parsec"){
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