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Ntropish / index..js
Last active December 24, 2021 00:11
Remix with Recipe
// This approach uses:
// - Remix's Express Adapter
// - An external server on port 3050
// - http-proxy-middleware
// install http-proxy-middleware and apply these lines to `server/index.js`:
const { createProxyMiddleware } = require("http-proxy-middleware");
// Add the middleware before remix's catch-all '*' route
// Original
var scrKeys = Object.keys(source)
return collection.filter(obj => => obj[key] === souce[key])
.map(key => obj[key] === souce[key]).
reduce((a, b) => a && b
handlers: {
start(time) {},
stop(time) {},
schedule(from, to, currentTime) {}
context: AudioContext
const createScheduler = handlers => context => {
let lastSchedule = context.currentTime
const express = require('express')
const bodyParser = require('body-parser')
const uuidv4 = require('uuid/v4')
const app = express()
const images = {}
// This is middleware that lets you get the post body in your endpoint handlers below
var Core = artifacts.require('Core')
var Contract2 = artifacts.require('Contract2')
var Contract1 = artifacts.require('Contract1')
module.exports = async function (deployer) {
deployer.deploy(Core).then(function () {
deployer.deploy(Contract1, Core.address, 250)
subscription {
Game(filter: {
node: {
id: "cj5pmeixz2n8d0187a67a51jo"
}) {
node {
Ntropish / drag.js
Created April 16, 2017 19:54
A drag directive for Vue
import handle from './handle'
document.handlers = handle(document)
export default {
bind(el, binding, {context: {_uid: id}}) {
el.handlers = handle(el)
el.handlers.mousedown = downHandler
// Namespaced handler
const mutations = {
SET_SELECTED(state, newSelectedThing) {
state.item = newSelectedThing
Vue.set(state, 'item', newSelectedThing)
UPDATE_SELECTED(state, {type, name, value}) {
if (!state.item) throw new Error(`No item selected while trying to update`)
if (!state.item[type]) throw new Error(`Missing property type: ${type}`)
// If no name given update the type, else update
<!-- css, page title goes in here-->
<img id="sadface" src="">
<button onclick="Changeimg(;">Smile</button>
console.log('Seems correct!');