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Created March 3, 2019 14:49
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AkumaMoe Helper - Helps download mangas from
// ==UserScript==
// @name AkumaMoe Helper
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description Helps download mangas from
// @author Nuark
// @connect
// @match https://**
// @require
// @require
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant GM_download
// @run-at document-end
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
let w = unsafeWindow;
let jq = w.$;
let blobholder = {
init: function(filename, details, maxcount, caller) {
this.filename = filename;
this.details = details;
this.maxcount = maxcount;
this.caller = caller;
blobarray: [],
currcount: 0,
addBlob: function(blob) {
console.log("blob insertion dispatched", blob, this.currcount, this.maxcount);
if (this.currcount === this.maxcount) {
console.log("calling serialization", blob, this.currcount, this.maxcount);
callback: function() {
let zip = new JSZip();
zip.file("description.txt", this.details);
let img = zip.folder("images");
this.blobarray.forEach(file => {
img.file(file[0], file[1]);
zip.generateAsync({type:"blob"}).then(function(content) {
saveAs(content, blobholder.filename);
w.zxc = async function (caller) {
caller = jq(caller);
let todo = w.pag.cnt;
let tpl = "{origin}{pathname}/{page}".replace(/(\{origin\})/, location.origin).replace(/(\{pathname\})/, location.pathname);
blobholder.init(jq(".entry-title").text(), "", todo, caller);
caller.text(`Pages: ${todo}`);
for (let i = 1; i <= todo; i++) {
caller.text(`Fetching ${i} of ${todo}...`);
let page_response = await fetch(tpl.replace(/(\{page\})/, i));
let html = await page_response.text();
let div = jq("<div>").html(html.replace(/(script)/g, "scr").replace(/(link)/g, "lnk"))[0];
let link = div.querySelector("#image-container > img").src;
method: "GET",
url: link,
synchronous: true,
responseType: "blob",
onload: function (response) {
let title = response.finalUrl .split("/").pop();;
let blob = response.response;
blobholder.addBlob([title, blob]);
function init() { //TODO: location.pathname detection
let new_btn = jq("#start").clone(); = "download";
new_btn.attr("href", "#download");
new_btn.attr("title", "Download");
new_btn.attr("onclick", "window.zxc(this)");
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I need some help

After the fetching finishes, the button remains stuck in the Serializing phase and I never get the final zip file I checked the script in Tampermonkey's Editor, and there are 2 warning icons to the side of these 2 lines: let zip = new JSZip(); saveAs(content, blobholder.filename);

The warning is the same for both:

eslint: no-undef - 'JSZip' is not defined. eslint: no-undef - 'saveAs' is not defined.

I tried changing these lines, but since I have 0 knowledge about coding i wasn't able to fix this

5 years passed, idk if it works :)
I'll try to make it work later (in a day or two) if you need it

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NuarkNoir commented Jan 22, 2024

It's possible to remove the compression part of the script? I think it will be better to just have the script download the images and then move them to a new folder with the name of the manga, the details text file can remain the same

Idk if TM scripts can work directly with filesystem

upd: it was actually main reason, why I chose to compress images into zip archive

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@Markuzkiller Can you provide link to manga you are trying to download?

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Sorry for the late reply, I'm currently sick, and I'm barely recovering
I was able to download the mangas I wanted to, but they took a long time
The first one is 1587 pages long, so it took it about 1015 mins to Fetch the images, and about 1.30 hours to finish the Serializing
The second one is 1945 pages long, so it took it about 15
20 mins to Fetch the images, and about 4 hours to finish the Serializing

It seems to that akuma .moe is having some issue, because right now is down for me, the entire website

Still, thanks for this amazing script, even tho it took an extensive amount of time I was able to download what I wanted!

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Glad it helped you, @Markuzkiller

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