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Created February 12, 2019 23:18
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RootHelper Obfuscated, Encrypted, Converted to C source
//#____ ____ __
//#\ \ / /____ _____/ |_ ___________
//# \ Y // __ \_/ ___\ __\/ _ \_ __ \
//# \ /\ ___/\ \___| | ( <_> ) | \/
//# \___/ \___ >\___ >__| \____/|__|
//# \/ \/
//#--Licensed under GNU GPL 3
//#----Authored by Vector/NullArray
static char data [] =
#define tst2_z 19
#define tst2 ((&data[0]))
#define msg2_z 19
#define msg2 ((&data[27]))
#define xecc_z 15
#define xecc ((&data[48]))
#define chk2_z 19
#define chk2 ((&data[66]))
#define date_z 1
#define date ((&data[86]))
#define tst1_z 22
#define tst1 ((&data[92]))
#define msg1_z 65
#define msg1 ((&data[128]))
#define shll_z 10
#define shll ((&data[197]))
#define inlo_z 3
#define inlo ((&data[208]))
#define lsto_z 1
#define lsto ((&data[211]))
#define opts_z 1
#define opts ((&data[212]))
#define rlax_z 1
#define rlax ((&data[213]))
#define chk1_z 22
#define chk1 ((&data[218]))
#define text_z 3647
#define text ((&data[1005]))
#define pswd_z 256
#define pswd ((&data[4945]))
"\164\317\202\025\021\114\027"/* End of data[] */;
#define hide_z 4096
#define DEBUGEXEC 0 /* Define as 1 to debug execvp calls */
#define TRACEABLE 1 /* Define as 1 to enable ptrace the executable */
#define BUSYBOXON 0 /* Define as 1 to enable work with busybox */
/* rtc.c */
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
/* 'Alleged RC4' */
static unsigned char stte[256], indx, jndx, kndx;
* Reset arc4 stte.
void stte_0(void)
indx = jndx = kndx = 0;
do {
stte[indx] = indx;
} while (++indx);
* Set key. Can be used more than once.
void key(void * str, int len)
unsigned char tmp, * ptr = (unsigned char *)str;
while (len > 0) {
do {
tmp = stte[indx];
kndx += tmp;
kndx += ptr[(int)indx % len];
stte[indx] = stte[kndx];
stte[kndx] = tmp;
} while (++indx);
ptr += 256;
len -= 256;
* Crypt data.
void arc4(void * str, int len)
unsigned char tmp, * ptr = (unsigned char *)str;
while (len > 0) {
tmp = stte[indx];
jndx += tmp;
stte[indx] = stte[jndx];
stte[jndx] = tmp;
tmp += stte[indx];
*ptr ^= stte[tmp];
/* End of ARC4 */
* Key with file invariants.
int key_with_file(char * file)
struct stat statf[1];
struct stat control[1];
if (stat(file, statf) < 0)
return -1;
/* Turn on stable fields */
memset(control, 0, sizeof(control));
control->st_ino = statf->st_ino;
control->st_dev = statf->st_dev;
control->st_rdev = statf->st_rdev;
control->st_uid = statf->st_uid;
control->st_gid = statf->st_gid;
control->st_size = statf->st_size;
control->st_mtime = statf->st_mtime;
control->st_ctime = statf->st_ctime;
key(control, sizeof(control));
return 0;
void debugexec(char * sh11, int argc, char ** argv)
int i;
fprintf(stderr, "shll=%s\n", sh11 ? sh11 : "<null>");
fprintf(stderr, "argc=%d\n", argc);
if (!argv) {
fprintf(stderr, "argv=<null>\n");
} else {
for (i = 0; i <= argc ; i++)
fprintf(stderr, "argv[%d]=%.60s\n", i, argv[i] ? argv[i] : "<null>");
#endif /* DEBUGEXEC */
void rmarg(char ** argv, char * arg)
for (; argv && *argv && *argv != arg; argv++);
for (; argv && *argv; argv++)
*argv = argv[1];
void chkenv_end(void);
int chkenv(int argc)
char buff[512];
unsigned long mask, m;
int l, a, c;
char * string;
extern char ** environ;
mask = (unsigned long)getpid();
key(&chkenv, (void*)&chkenv_end - (void*)&chkenv);
key(&data, sizeof(data));
key(&mask, sizeof(mask));
arc4(&mask, sizeof(mask));
sprintf(buff, "x%lx", mask);
string = getenv(buff);
fprintf(stderr, "getenv(%s)=%s\n", buff, string ? string : "<null>");
l = strlen(buff);
if (!string) {
/* 1st */
sprintf(&buff[l], "=%lu %d", mask, argc);
return 0;
c = sscanf(string, "%lu %d%c", &m, &a, buff);
if (c == 2 && m == mask) {
/* 3rd */
rmarg(environ, &string[-l - 1]);
return 1 + (argc - a);
return -1;
void chkenv_end(void){}
#include <sys/ptrace.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#if !defined(PTRACE_ATTACH) && defined(PT_ATTACH)
void untraceable(char * argv0)
char proc[80];
int pid, mine;
switch(pid = fork()) {
case 0:
pid = getppid();
/* For problematic SunOS ptrace */
#if defined(__FreeBSD__)
sprintf(proc, "/proc/%d/mem", (int)pid);
sprintf(proc, "/proc/%d/as", (int)pid);
mine = !open(proc, O_RDWR|O_EXCL);
if (!mine && errno != EBUSY)
mine = !ptrace(PTRACE_ATTACH, pid, 0, 0);
if (mine) {
kill(pid, SIGCONT);
} else {
kill(pid, SIGKILL);
case -1:
if (pid == waitpid(pid, 0, 0))
#endif /* !TRACEABLE */
char * xsh(int argc, char ** argv)
char * scrpt;
int ret, i, j;
char ** varg;
char * me = argv[0];
if (me == NULL) { me = getenv("_"); }
if (me == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "E: neither argv[0] nor $_ works."); exit(1); }
ret = chkenv(argc);
key(pswd, pswd_z);
arc4(msg1, msg1_z);
arc4(date, date_z);
if (date[0] && (atoll(date)<time(NULL)))
return msg1;
arc4(shll, shll_z);
arc4(inlo, inlo_z);
arc4(xecc, xecc_z);
arc4(lsto, lsto_z);
arc4(tst1, tst1_z);
key(tst1, tst1_z);
arc4(chk1, chk1_z);
if ((chk1_z != tst1_z) || memcmp(tst1, chk1, tst1_z))
return tst1;
arc4(msg2, msg2_z);
if (ret < 0)
return msg2;
varg = (char **)calloc(argc + 10, sizeof(char *));
if (!varg)
return 0;
if (ret) {
arc4(rlax, rlax_z);
if (!rlax[0] && key_with_file(shll))
return shll;
arc4(opts, opts_z);
arc4(text, text_z);
arc4(tst2, tst2_z);
key(tst2, tst2_z);
arc4(chk2, chk2_z);
if ((chk2_z != tst2_z) || memcmp(tst2, chk2, tst2_z))
return tst2;
/* Prepend hide_z spaces to script text to hide it. */
scrpt = malloc(hide_z + text_z);
if (!scrpt)
return 0;
memset(scrpt, (int) ' ', hide_z);
memcpy(&scrpt[hide_z], text, text_z);
} else { /* Reexecute */
if (*xecc) {
scrpt = malloc(512);
if (!scrpt)
return 0;
sprintf(scrpt, xecc, me);
} else {
scrpt = me;
j = 0;
varg[j++] = "busybox";
varg[j++] = "sh";
varg[j++] = argv[0]; /* My own name at execution */
if (ret && *opts)
varg[j++] = opts; /* Options on 1st line of code */
if (*inlo)
varg[j++] = inlo; /* Option introducing inline code */
varg[j++] = scrpt; /* The script itself */
if (*lsto)
varg[j++] = lsto; /* Option meaning last option */
i = (ret > 1) ? ret : 0; /* Args numbering correction */
while (i < argc)
varg[j++] = argv[i++]; /* Main run-time arguments */
varg[j] = 0; /* NULL terminated array */
debugexec(shll, j, varg);
execvp(shll, varg);
return shll;
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
debugexec("main", argc, argv);
argv[1] = xsh(argc, argv);
fprintf(stderr, "%s%s%s: %s\n", argv[0],
errno ? ": " : "",
errno ? strerror(errno) : "",
argv[1] ? argv[1] : "<null>"
return 1;
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My bad. Although you could always obfuscate it yourself. Or just use the regular version. this is an early version of an obfuscation attempt. If i make one with the current version of RootHelper, i will obviously be testing it extensively and put it in the Repo with the original project.

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Holit commented Jul 5, 2022

Cool project! What kind of obfuscation is this? Where can I find this obfuscator?

obfuscator is

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