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Jason Spafford NullSoldier

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"graffiti": "Hpool.75",
"difficulty": "926197966049671",
"hash": "00000000000006ce61057e714ede8471d15cc9d19f0ff58eee179cadf3ba1f31",
"previousBlockHash": "0000000000004409275c3cad4a93d8ba827c7dea278a70884b7f11fca64d337c",
"sequence": 270446,
"timestamp": 1668332431318,
"transactions": [
"signature": "b8baa9b193652d4b133377449fb1b13013bcf652076b1ff15774be2043f1b3d2884e88ff6b5c89e242d6ccb38cf73bdb4e22a8b78e8782acfa20946b275fe208",
import { AmmoJSPlugin, PhysicsImpostor, Vector3 } from "babylonjs"
import { Actor, RigidBody } from "./actors"
import { Assert } from "./assert"
import { IdGenerator } from "./idGenerator"
import type { Table } from "./table"
import { AmmoUtils } from "./utils"
import type { btAmmo, btManifoldPoint, btRigidBody, btWorld } from './utils/ammo'
This class manages manifolds from bullet which are a data structure that is created and destroyed
Rule #1: Players Can Only Declare Actions or Ask Questions
When the DM asks a player: “what do you do,” there are only two valid responses. And neither one involves the name of a skill.
First, the player can ask the DM a question about the world or the situation. “Do I know anything about the strange rune?” “Do I recognize the name ‘The Clan of the Pointed Stick?” “Do I see anything hiding on the ceiling?” Notice, none of these things require the player to mention skills. The DM can respond with an answer or ask for a specific roll. “Make an Arcane Lore check, but only if you’re trained.” “Yes. The strange old man in the mask mentioned it last week. It is apparently a clan of martial artists.” “Make an Observation roll with a -5 penalty because its dark.”
Second, the player can describe what action his PC is taking. And he should do so as if the D&D adventure were a book and his PC was a character. It doesn’t matter what skill or ability score the player thinks his PC should roll; what matters is what the
NullSoldier / gameoflife.cs
Created July 31, 2012 18:40 — forked from mgeist/gameoflife
game of life c#
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class GoL : MonoBehaviour {
public bool[,] currentGrid = new bool[40, 40];
public bool[,] newGrid = new bool[40, 40];
bool[,] bufferGrid = new bool[40, 40];
List<GameObject> liveCells = new List<GameObject>();