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Created October 24, 2012 00:51
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Proposal Object
@api public
@api public
@!attribute account_id [r]
@return [Integer] the id of the {Account} this {Proposal} is tied to. Can't be changed.
@api public
@!attribute allow_accept
@return [Boolean] allow the proposal to be accepted
@api public
@!attribute allow_decline
@return [Boolean] allow the proposal to be declined
@api public
@!attribute allow_downloads
@return [Boolean] allow the pdf of this proposal to be downloaded
@api public
@!attribute archived
@return [Boolean] the state of archival
@api public
@!attribute category_id
@return [Integer] the id of the associated {Category}
@api public
@!attribute client
@return [String] the name of the client that this proposal is intended for
@!attribute closed_at [r]
@return [DateTime] the date and time that the proposal was closed
@!attribute closed_comment_id
@return [Integer] if the proposal is closed with the standard TinderBox esignature process, there will be an
associated object containing the name, email, and ip address of the signer
@!attribute created_at [r]
@return [DateTime] the date and time that the proposal was created
@!attribute deleted_at [r]
@return [DateTime] the date and time that the proposal was soft deleted
@!attribute description
@return [String] Short description of what the proposal is for
@!attribute downloads
@return [Integer] number of times that the PDF of this proposal has been downloaded from the view URL
@!attribute enable_access_code
@return [Boolean] enable a password for viewing the proposal once published
@!attribute enable_cover_page
@return [Boolean] display a cover page
@!attribute enable_public_redlining
@return [Boolean] enable redlining from the public view once published
@!attribute enable_redlining
@return [Boolean] enable redlining internally
@!attribute esignable
@return [Boolean] let this proposal use the {Account}'s current esignature provider
@!attribute expires_at
@return [DateTime] the date and time that the proposal expires (no longer is viewable to the public)
only matters if the proposal is publish, as the URL to this proposal becomes dead
@!attribute ext_integration_id
@return [String] Could be used for storing an external id for keeping track of this proposal within
some external system
@!attribute id [r]
@return [Integer] identification for this {Proposal}. Can't be changed
@!attribute last_viewed_at
@return [DateTime] the date and time that the proposal was last viewed (only valid after publish)
@!attribute name
@return [String] the name of the proposal
@!attribute metadata [r]
@return [Hash] metadata
@!attribute password
@return [String] the code used for accessing the public view of this proposal
@!attribute proposal_template_id
@return [Integer] the id of the {Proposal::Template} that was used to populate content and attributes of this proposal
@!attribute published_at [r]
@return [DateTime] the date and time that this proposal was published
@!attribute status
@return [Integer] status of this proposal. see statuses below
@!attribute updated_at [r]
@return [DateTime] the date and time that the proposal was last updated
@!attribute user_id
@return [Integer] the id of the owner of this proposal
@!attribute value
@return [Decimal] the monetary value of this proposal
@!attribute variable_data
@return [Hash] variable definitions. To safely add / remove variables, see {ProposalController}
@!attribute views [r]
@return [Integer] the number of public views (post publish)
@!attribute visibility
@return [Integer] see visibility in {Shared}
@association account [Account]
@association attachments [Array<Proposal::Attachment>]
@association category [Category]
@association contents [Array<Proposal::Content>]
@association hard_copies [Array<Proposal::PDF>]
@association sections [Array<Proposal::Section>]
@association user [User]
class Proposal < LibraryItem
# @!group status
# @api public
# @api public
# @api public
# final - accepted
# @api public
# straight up declined
# @api public
# @api public
# waiting for more information
# @api public
# errors are less than 0
# esign document generation failed - proposal publishing cancelled
# @api public
# waiting for esignature service to finish before publishing
# @!endgroup status
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