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Created March 30, 2015 05:59
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  • Save Nullreff/232c2fa681f96a00e3d4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Nullreff/232c2fa681f96a00e3d4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#include "include/controller.h"
int runThreefizer(const arguments* args)
bool mac_status = true;
bool running = true;
bool threads_active = false;
bool valid = false;
int32_t error = 0;
progress_t progress;
pthread_t read_thread;
pthread_t crypto_thread;
pthread_t mac_thread;
pthread_t write_thread;
pthread_mutex_t crypto_mutex;
pthread_mutex_t mac_mutex;
pthread_mutex_t progress_mutex;
pthread_mutex_t write_mutex;
cryptParams crypto_params;
macParams mac_params;
readParams read_params;
writeParams write_params;
MacCtx_t mac_context;
static uint64_t file_size = 0;
static ThreefishKey_t tf_key;
pdebug("Threefizer controller\n");
pdebug("Arguments { free: %d, encrypt: %d, hash: %d, file_path: [%s], "
"file_path_len: %zu, State Size: %u, password: [%s], "
"pw_length %lu, file_length %lu }\n",
args->free, args->encrypt, args->hash, args->target_file, args->file_size,
args->state_size, args->password, args->pw_length, args->file_size);
if(!handleKeys(args, &tf_key, &mac_context))
else if(args->file_size == 0)
perror("File to encrypt is empty aborting\n");
//Init resources
//the temp file name is a partial skein hash of the original file name
conts uint8_t* src = hash((uint8_t*)args->target_file, TEMP_FILE_NAME_SIZE, args->state_size);
const uint8_t* temp_file_name = binToHex(src, TEMP_FILE_NAME_SIZE);
pthread_mutex_init(&crypto_mutex, NULL);
pthread_mutex_init(&mac_mutex, NULL);
pthread_mutex_init(&progress_mutex, NULL);
pthread_mutex_init(&write_mutex, NULL);
queue* crypto_queue = createQueue(QUE_SIZE);
queue* mac_queue = createQueue(QUE_SIZE);
queue* write_queue = createQueue(QUE_SIZE);
setUpProgress(args, &progress, &progress_mutex);
if(args->encrypt == true && args->file_size > 0) //encrypt
//passthrough queues with no encryption
setUpReadParams(&read_params, args, &running, &crypto_mutex, crypto_queue, &progress, &error);
setUpCryptoParams(&crypto_params, args, &running, &tf_key, &crypto_mutex, &mac_mutex, crypto_queue, mac_queue, &progress, &error);
setUpMacParams(&mac_params, &mac_status, &running, NULL, &mac_context, &mac_mutex, &write_mutex, mac_queue, write_queue, &progress, NULL, &error, NULL);
setUpWriteParams(&write_params, args, &running, NULL, &write_mutex, write_queue, temp_file_name, &progress, &error, NULL);
//generate and queue the Header before we start reading the flie so it is the first thing in the queue
queueHeader(args, crypto_queue);
threads_active = true;
pthread_create(&read_thread, NULL, queueFileForEncrypt, &read_params);
pthread_create(&crypto_thread, NULL, encryptQueue, &crypto_params);
pthread_create(&mac_thread, NULL, generateMAC, &mac_params);
pthread_create(&write_thread, NULL, asyncWrite, &write_params);
if(args->file_size > MAX_CHUNK_SIZE)
printProgressBar(&running, &error, &progress);
else //decrypt
setUpReadParams(&read_params, args, &running, &mac_mutex, mac_queue, &progress, &error);
setUpMacParams(&mac_params, &mac_status, &running, &valid, &mac_context, &mac_mutex, &crypto_mutex, mac_queue, crypto_queue, &progress, &tf_key, &error, &file_size);
setUpCryptoParams(&crypto_params, args, &running, &tf_key, &crypto_mutex, &write_mutex, crypto_queue, write_queue, &progress, &error);
setUpWriteParams(&write_params, args, &running, &valid, &write_mutex, write_queue, temp_file_name, &progress, &error, &file_size);
threads_active = true;
pthread_create(&read_thread, NULL, queueFileForDecrypt, &read_params);
pthread_create(&mac_thread, NULL, authenticateMAC, &mac_params);
pthread_create(&crypto_thread, NULL, decryptQueue, &crypto_params);
pthread_create(&write_thread, NULL, asyncWrite, &write_params);
if(args->file_size > MAX_CHUNK_SIZE)
printProgressBar(&running, &error, &progress);
//free all allocated resources
pthread_join(read_thread, NULL);
pthread_join(crypto_thread, NULL);
pthread_join(mac_thread, NULL);
pthread_join(write_thread, NULL);
pdebug("All threads joined\n");
pdebug("Resources freed\n");
if(temp_file_name != NULL)
if (error != 0)
if (error != 0)
return error;
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