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Last active March 30, 2023 12:12
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🚦 Define app route handler ─ A basic function to define a new route handler for Next.js 13's app directory
type ByteFormatStr = "b" | "gb" | "kb" | "mb" | "pb" | "tb";
type ByteSize = `${number}${ByteFormatStr}`;
interface NextApiConfig {
api?: {
| false
| {
sizeLimit: ByteSize;
externalResolver?: boolean;
responseLimit?: ByteSize;
runtime?: "edge" | "nodejs";
regions?: Array<string>;
type NextRouteHandler<
TParams extends Record<string, unknown> = Record<string, unknown>,
TResponse extends Response = Response
> = (request: Request, params: { params?: TParams }) => TResponse | Promise<TResponse>;
type SupportedHTTPMethods =
| "GET"
| "HEAD"
| "POST"
| "PUT";
type DefineAppRouteHandlerOptions<TParams extends Record<string, unknown>> =
Record<SupportedHTTPMethods, NextRouteHandler<TParams>> & NextApiConfig;
export function defineAppRouteHandler<
TParams extends Record<string, unknown> = Record<string, unknown>,
TOptions extends Partial<DefineAppRouteHandlerOptions<TParams>> = Partial<
>(options: TOptions): TOptions {
return options;
// app/blog/[slug]/route.ts
import { NextResponse } from "next/server";
import { defineAppRouteHandler } from 'path/to/util';
export const { config, GET } = defineAppRouteHandler<{ slug: string }>({
runtime: 'edge',
GET: (_req, { params }) => NextResponse.json({
slug: params?.slug,
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