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Created February 9, 2011 12:06
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JavaScript - Media Playback Detection
// this is part of my core javascript code, it detects flash and MP4 media playback capabilities
window.core = new function() {
var document = window.document;
var navigator = window.navigator;
var flashVersion = null;
var flashAvailable = false;
var audioAvailable = false; // MP4
var videoAvailable = false; // MP4
// new closure used to isolate variables
new function() {
// partial HTML5 element rendering fix for MSIE < 9
if( /MSIE [0-8]\./.test(navigator.userAgent) ) {
var a = [
while( a.length ) {
document.createElement( a.pop() );
var o;
var v;
var x = /([0-9]+).([0-9]+).[a-z]?([0-9]+)/;
try {
o = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"];
v = o.description.match( x );
catch( error ) {
try {
o = new ActiveXObject( "ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash" );
v = o.GetVariable( "$version" ).match( x );
catch( error ) {}
if( v ) {
flashVersion = [ v[1]-0, v[2]-0, v[3]-0 ];
flashAvailable = true;
if( flashVersion[0] > 9 || flashVersion[0] == 9 && flashVersion[2] >= 152 ) {
audioAvailable = true;
videoAvailable = true;
return; // HTML5 media elements not required
o = document.createElement( "audio" );
if( o.canPlayType ) {
audioAvailable = o.canPlayType( "audio/mp4; codecs=\"mp4a\"" ) == "probably";
o = document.createElement( "video" );
if( o.canPlayType ) {
videoAvailable = o.canPlayType( "video/mp4; codecs=\"avc1,mp4a\"" ) == "probably";
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