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Last active July 31, 2023 07:13
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IDAPython snippets

This gist contains lots of my written IDAPython snippets.

# partially dirty fix for non-adjacent MOVW + MOVT.W combination.
from idaapi import *
cur = 0x89cc
ea = 0x8a0e
while True:
if print_insn_mnem(ea) == "MOVW":
high = cmd[1].value
high_reg = cmd[0].reg
rev = ea
for i in range(6):
rev = PrevHead(rev)
if print_insn_mnem(rev) == "MOVT.W":
if cmd[0].reg == high_reg:
target = (high) | (cmd[1].value << 16)
print "Got two phase mov at %x, value %x" % (ea, target)
if target < 0x80000:
cmd.add_dref(target, 1, dr_O)
elif print_insn_mnem(ea) == "MOVT.W":
high = cmd[1].value
high_reg = cmd[0].reg
rev = ea
for i in range(6):
rev = PrevHead(rev)
if print_insn_mnem(rev) == "MOVW":
if cmd[0].reg == high_reg:
target = (high << 16) | cmd[1].value
print "Got two phase mov at %x, value %x" % (ea, target)
if target < 0x80000:
cmd.add_dref(target, 1, dr_O)
ea = NextHead(ea)
if ea == BADADDR or ea > 0x50000:
import sys
import flare_emu
import unicorn as UC
def mem_hook(unicornObject, accessType, memAccessAddress, memAccessSize, memValue, userData):
#if accessType == UC.UC_MEM_READ:
# print("Read: ", hex(memAccessAddress), memAccessSize, hex(memValue))
if accessType == UC.UC_MEM_WRITE:
#print("Write: ", hex(memAccessAddress), memAccessSize, hex(memValue))
if memAccessSize == 1:
idc.PatchByte(memAccessAddress, memValue)
elif memAccessSize == 2:
idc.PatchWord(memAccessAddress, memValue)
elif memAccessSize == 4:
idc.PatchDword(memAccessAddress, memValue)
def getInitEh():
eh = flare_emu.EmuHelper()
eh.addApiHook('LoadLibraryA', 'GetProcessHeap')
eh.addApiHook('GetProcAddress', 'GetProcessHeap')
eh.addApiHook('ClearLibName', 'GetProcessHeap')
eh.addApiHook('SanitizeString', 'GetProcessHeap')
eh.addApiHook('j_RtlAllocateHeap', lambda eh, address, argv, funcName, userData: eh.uc.reg_write(eh.regs["ret"], 0x600000))
eh.emulateRange(0x00407EB9, endAddr=0x407ef6, skipCalls=False, memAccessHook=mem_hook)
return eh
eh = getInitEh()
# -----------------------------------------------------
def call_hook(address, argv, funcName, userData):
print('{}:call fun:{}'.format(hex(address),funcName))
print("argv:", hex(argv[0]), argv[1:])
eh = userData["EmuHelper"]
if funcName == 'GetProcAddress':
curEdi = eh.uc.reg_read(eh.regs['edi'])
curProc = eh.getEmuString(argv[1])
curProc = curProc.decode('latin-1')
print("GetProc to " + hex(curEdi) + ": "+ curProc)
MakeName(curEdi, "j_" + curProc)
eh.emulateRange(0x407ef6, endAddr=0x407efb, skipCalls=False, callHook=call_hook)
eh.emulateRange(0x40289B, endAddr=0x402911, skipCalls=False, memAccessHook=mem_hook, callHook=call_hook)
# -----------------------------------------------------
def decstr_call_hook(address, argv, funcName, userData):
#print('{}:call fun:{}'.format(hex(address),funcName))
#print("argv:", hex(argv[0]), argv[1:])
eh = userData["EmuHelper"]
if funcName == 'DecryptStringInplace':
userData['decLoc'] = argv[0]
d = {}
for x in XrefsTo(get_name_ea(BADADDR, 'DecryptStringInplace')):
ea1 = PrevHead(x.frm)
ea2 = PrevHead(ea1)
ea3 = PrevHead(ea2)
start = None
if Byte(ea1) == 0x68 and Byte(ea2) == 0xFF:
start = ea2
elif Byte(ea1) == 0x53 and Byte(ea2) == 0xff and Byte(ea3) == 0x8D:
start = ea3
dd = GetDisasm(start)
if dd in d:
d[dd] = 1
print("Handling %x" % start)
eh.emulateRange(start, endAddr=NextHead(x.frm), skipCalls=False, memAccessHook=mem_hook, callHook=decstr_call_hook)
PatchDword(eh.hookData['decLoc'] - 4, 0)
from idaapi import *
from idc import *
import idautils
def getUserDefinedName():
for ea, name in idautils.Names():
if has_user_name(getFlags(ea)):
yield (ea,name)
def main():
for ea, name in getUserDefinedName():
print "ea: %X name:%s" % (ea, name)
# This snippet also supports bb that is not belonged to functions
bb_end = bb_addr
while True:
if is_basic_block_end(bb_end):
bb_end = NextHead(bb_end)
buf = '''
byte_10A15 ^= 0xD3u;
byte_10A16 ^= 0x41u;
byte_10A17 ^= 0x31u;
byte_10A18 ^= 0xDBu;
byte_10A19 ^= 0x94u;
byte_10A1A ^= 0xDu;
byte_10A1B ^= 0x12u;
byte_10A1C ^= 0x18u;
byte_10A1D ^= 0x68u;
byte_10A1E ^= 0xB0u;
byte_10A20 ^= 0x3Cu;
byte_10A21 ^= 0x3Fu;
byte_10A22 ^= 0x6Au;
byte_10A23 ^= 0x89u;
byte_10A24 ^= 0x22u;
byte_10A25 ^= 0x83u;
byte_10A26 ^= 0xA1u;
byte_10A27 ^= 0xD0u;
byte_10A28 ^= 0xDCu;
byte_10A29 ^= 0xB9u;
byte_10A2A ^= 0xBFu;
byte_10A2B ^= 0x44u;
byte_10A2C ^= 0xC6u;
byte_10A2D ^= 0x79u;
byte_10A2E ^= 0xE6u;
byte_10A2F ^= 0xB9u;
byte_10A30 ^= 0x52u;
byte_10A31 ^= 0x6Du;
byte_10A32 ^= 0x78u;
byte_10A33 ^= 0x29u;
byte_10A34 ^= 0xB3u;
byte_10A35 ^= 0x31u;
byte_10A36 ^= 0x65u;
byte_10A37 ^= 0xE1u;
byte_10A38 ^= 0x7Cu;
byte_10A39 ^= 0x61u;
byte_10A3A ^= 0xE2u;
byte_10A3B ^= 0x48u;
byte_10A3C ^= 0x62u;
byte_10A3D ^= 0xB2u;
byte_10A3E ^= 0xB1u;
byte_10A3F ^= 0x56u;
byte_10A40 ^= 0xE1u;
byte_10A41 ^= 9u;
byte_10A42 ^= 0xE2u;
byte_10A43 ^= 0x6Cu;
byte_10A44 ^= 0x32u;
byte_10A45 ^= 0xB5u;
byte_10A46 ^= 0x85u;
byte_10A47 ^= 0x79u;
byte_10A48 ^= 0x67u;
byte_10A49 ^= 0x14u;
byte_10A50 ^= 0x75u;
byte_10A51 = ~byte_10A51;
byte_10A52 ^= 0xA0u;
byte_10A53 ^= 0xE6u;
byte_10A54 ^= 0x7Fu;
byte_10A55 ^= 0x9Fu;
byte_10A56 ^= 0x7Cu;
byte_10A57 ^= 0x84u;
byte_10A58 ^= 9u;
byte_10A59 ^= 0xEu;
byte_10A5B ^= 0xC2u;
byte_10A5C ^= 0x8Cu;
byte_10A5D ^= 0x48u;
byte_10A5E ^= 0x2Bu;
byte_10A5F ^= 0xF9u;
byte_10A60 ^= 0xF7u;
byte_10A61 ^= 0x4Du;
byte_10A62 ^= 0x4Fu;
byte_10A63 ^= 0xDCu;
byte_10A64 ^= 0xC8u;
byte_10A65 ^= 0x7Au;
byte_10A66 ^= 0x47u;
byte_10A67 ^= 0x9Fu;
byte_10A68 ^= 0x59u;
byte_10A69 ^= 0x9Bu;
byte_10A6A ^= 0x1Eu;
byte_10A6B ^= 0xF7u;
def get_name_type(name):
if name.startswith("byte"):
return "Byte"
elif name.startswith("qword"):
return "Qword"
return None
def handle_buf(buf):
for line in buf.splitlines():
line = line.strip().rstrip(";")
print "Processing line: %s" % line
if "^=" in line:
name, _, num = line.partition("^=")
addr = get_name_ea(BADADDR,name.strip())
num = num.strip().rstrip("L").rstrip("u")
imm = int(num, 16) if num.startswith("0x") else int(num)
nametype = get_name_type(name)
eval("Patch"+nametype+"(addr, "+ nametype + "(addr) ^ imm)")
elif " = ~" in line:
print "Handling not"
name, _, _ = line.partition("=")
addr = get_name_ea(BADADDR,name.strip())
nametype = get_name_type(name)
print "Patch"+nametype+"(addr, ~"+ nametype + "(addr))"
eval("Patch"+nametype+"(addr, ~"+ nametype + "(addr))")
import sys
if not r"D:\ProjWorkspace\example_mod" in sys.path:
sys.path.append(r"C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm 2019.2.1\debug-eggs\pydevd-pycharm.egg")
import idaapi
def hotkey_pressed():
import pydevd
pydevd.settrace('localhost', port=11100, stdoutToServer=True, stderrToServer=True, suspend=False)
hotkey_ctx = idaapi.add_hotkey("Ctrl-Shift-A", hotkey_pressed)
import re
from keystone import *
ks = Ks(KS_ARCH_X86, KS_MODE_64)
ea = 0x1000007a0
ea_end = 0x100013f80
while ea < ea_end:
ea1 = ea
ea2 = next_head(ea1)
ea3 = next_head(ea2)
ea = ea2
m = re.match(r'mov\s*(r[a-z0-9]+?), rsp', GetDisasm(ea1))
if not m:
reg1 =
m = re.match(r'add\s*(r[a-z0-9]+?), (.*?)h', GetDisasm(ea2))
if not m:
reg2 =
spd =
m = re.match(r'mov\s*rsp, (r[a-z0-9]+?)$', GetDisasm(ea3))
if not m:
reg3 =
if reg1 != reg2 or reg2 != reg3:
retbuf, retinsnum = ks.asm(f"""
add rsp, {spd}h; mov {reg1}, rsp;
print(retbuf, retinsnum)
#assert retinsnum == 2
ret = b''.join((c.to_bytes(1, 'little') for c in retbuf))
ea = next_head(ea3)
buflen = ea - ea1
buf = ret.rjust(buflen, b'\x90')
idaapi.patch_bytes(ea1, buf)
print("patched %x" % ea1)
# Rename function based on call to logger functions such as assert("assert failed", "function name", line_num, ...)
from collections import defaultdict
class CallTargetFinder(idaapi.ctree_visitor_t):
def __init__(self, target, cb):
idaapi.ctree_visitor_t.__init__(self, idaapi.CV_FAST) = target
self.cb = cb
# Hex-Rays will call this function for every expression within the first
# line of code extracted from the case statement bodies.
def visit_expr(self,i):
# Look for call expressions...
if i.op == idaapi.cot_call:
# ... where the target is a known location in the database.
if i.x.op == idaapi.cot_obj and i.x.obj_ea ==
return 0
def process_func(ea, target, argloc):
f = idaapi.get_func(ea)
if f is None:
print "Couldn't get func_t for hexdsp?"
# Decompile the function.
cfunc = idaapi.decompile(f)
if cfunc is None:
print "Failed to decompile!"
def handler(i):
nameexpr = i.a[argloc]
if nameexpr.op == idaapi.cot_str:
newname = nameexpr.string
elif nameexpr.op == idaapi.cot_obj:
newname = get_strlit_contents(nameexpr.obj_ea)
print "Warning: Failed to get arg %d as string!" % argloc
print "Renaming function at %x to %s" % (f.startEA, newname)
idaapi.set_name(f.startEA, newname, SN_AUTO | SN_NOCHECK | SN_NOWARN)
# Apply the visitors above to the decompilation listing.
se = CallTargetFinder(target, handler)
se.apply_to(cfunc.body, None)
def process_xrefs(logfun, argloc):
# argloc starts from 0
for xref in XrefsTo(logfun, 0):
print "Processing xref: %s(0x%x)" % (GetFunctionName(xref.frm), xref.frm)
ref_type = ""
process_func(xref.frm, logfun, argloc)
process_xrefs(0x2eb24, 1)
process_xrefs(0x2d250, 2)
# This version supports the function chunk, which will be much more robust than func.endEA
def make_all_func(start,end):
cur = start
while True:
print("Making %x" % cur)
endchunk = idc.get_fchunk_attr(cur, FUNCATTR_END)
cur = endchunk if endchunk != BADADDR else idc.next_addr(cur)
if cur > end:
make_all_func(0x60010000, 0x60cd2690)
# get hex pattern of a function (excluding relocations)
func = get_func(ScreenEA())
sig = ""
config = Config()
type config: Config
type func: idc.func_t
logger = logging.getLogger("idb2pat:make_func_sig")
if func.end_ea - func.start_ea < config.min_func_length:
logger.debug("Function is too short")
raise FuncTooShortException()
ea = func.start_ea
publics = [] # type: idc.ea_t
refs = {} # type: dict(idc.ea_t, idc.ea_t)
variable_bytes = set([]) # type: set of idc.ea_t
while ea != BADADDR and ea < func.end_ea:
logger.debug("ea: %s", hex(ea))
name = get_name(ea)
if name is not None and name != "":
logger.debug("has a name")
ref = get_first_dref_from(ea)
if ref != BADADDR:
# data ref
logger.debug("has data ref")
ref_loc = find_ref_loc(config, ea, ref)
if ref_loc != BADADDR:
logger.debug(" ref loc: %s", hex(ref_loc))
for i in zrange(config.pointer_size):
logger.debug(" variable %s", hex(ref_loc + i))
variable_bytes.add(ref_loc + i)
refs[ref_loc] = ref
# not sure why we only care about two...
# only two possible operands?
ref = get_next_dref_from(ea, ref)
if ref != BADADDR:
logger.debug("has data ref2")
ref_loc = find_ref_loc(config, ea, ref)
if ref_loc != BADADDR:
logger.debug(" ref loc: %s", hex(ref_loc))
for i in zrange(config.pointer_size):
logger.debug(" variable %s", hex(ref_loc + i))
variable_bytes.add(ref_loc + i)
refs[ref_loc] = ref
# code ref
ref = get_first_fcref_from(ea)
if ref != BADADDR:
logger.debug("has code ref")
if ref < func.start_ea or ref >= func.end_ea:
# code ref is outside function
ref_loc = find_ref_loc(config, ea, ref)
if BADADDR != ref_loc:
logger.debug(" ref loc: %s", hex(ref_loc))
for i in zrange(config.pointer_size):
logger.debug(" variable %s", hex(ref_loc + i))
variable_bytes.add(ref_loc + i)
refs[ref_loc] = ref
ea = next_not_tail(ea)
for ea in zrange(func.start_ea, func.end_ea):
if ea in variable_bytes:
sig += "?? "
sig += "%02X " % (get_byte(ea))
RANGE_START = 0x6006f544
RANGE_END = 0x60cd2690
ADDR_START = 0x60010000
ADDR_END = 0x60cd2690
for ea in range(RANGE_START, RANGE_END, 4):
word = idaapi.get_dword(ea)
if word >= ADDR_START and word < ADDR_END:
idaapi.op_plain_offset(ea, 0, 0)
# from
def mark_as_decompiled(function_address):
function = idaapi.get_func(function_address)
if not function:
return False
function.color = 0xEEFFF0
return True
ea = 0x4280010C0 - 1
while True:
ea = NextFunction(ea)
if ea > 0x428006F40:
print ea,mark_as_decompiled(ea)
from collections import defaultdict
class FindSEPCall(idaapi.ctree_visitor_t):
def __init__(self, sepworker):
idaapi.ctree_visitor_t.__init__(self, idaapi.CV_FAST)
self.sepworker = sepworker = []
# Hex-Rays will call this function for every expression within the first
# line of code extracted from the case statement bodies.
def visit_expr(self,i):
# Look for call expressions...
if i.op == idaapi.cot_call and i.x.op == idaapi.cot_obj:
# ... where the target is a known location in the database.
if len(i.a) >= 1:
a0 = i.a[0]
if a0.op == idaapi.cot_obj and a0.obj_ea == self.sepworker: += [i.x.obj_ea]
return 0
class FindSEPMsgID(idaapi.ctree_visitor_t):
def __init__(self, argivar):
idaapi.ctree_visitor_t.__init__(self, idaapi.CV_FAST)
self.tracing = [argivar]
self.foundid = -1
# Hex-Rays will call this function for every expression within the first
# line of code extracted from the case statement bodies.
def visit_expr(self,i):
# Look for call expressions...
if i.op == idaapi.cot_asg:
if i.y.op == idaapi.cot_var and i.y.v.idx in self.tracing:
self.tracing += [i.x.v.idx]
if i.op == idaapi.cot_call:
if i.x.op == idaapi.cot_var and i.x.v.idx in self.tracing:
assert(i.a [1].op == idaapi.cot_num)
self.foundid = i.a[1].n
return 0
def get_callsep_funcs(sepworker):
ret = []
for xref in XrefsTo(sepworker, 0):
print "Finding target in xref: %s(0x%x)" % (GetFunctionName(xref.frm), xref.frm)
cfunc = idaapi.decompile(xref.frm)
if not cfunc:
finder = FindSEPCall(sepworker)
finder.apply_to(cfunc.body, None)
ret +=
return ret
def process_callsep(callsep):
cfunc = idaapi.decompile(callsep)
sepvar = None
for i,c in enumerate(cfunc.get_lvars()):
if c.is_arg_var:
sepvar = i
finder = FindSEPMsgID(sepvar)
finder.apply_to(cfunc.body, None)
if finder.foundid._value != -1:
newname = "callsep_%d" % finder.foundid._value
print "Renamed %x to %s" % (callsep, newname)
idaapi.set_name(callsep, newname, SN_NOCHECK | SN_NOWARN | SN_AUTO)
print "Failed to find msgid for %x" % callsep
fun = get_callsep_funcs(0xFFFFFFF0067CD14C)
print fun
for c in fun:
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