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Last active March 24, 2023 04:29
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PyQGIS Implementation of generating raster statistics
import numpy as np
from PyQt5.QtCore import QFileInfo
import gdal
import osr
from PyQt5.QtGui import QColor
import processing
__author__ = 'admire'
from qgis.core import QgsRasterShader, QgsColorRampShader, QgsSingleBandPseudoColorRenderer, \
QgsProject, QgsRasterLayer, \
QgsRasterBandStats, QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem
class ReportClass(object):
def __init__(self):
self.colour_ramp = {}
def mini_style(self, layer):
raster_shader = QgsRasterShader()
color_ramp = QgsColorRampShader()
my_pseudo_renderer = QgsSingleBandPseudoColorRenderer(layer.dataProvider(),
QgsProject.instance().addMapLayer(layer, True)
if layer.isValid() is True:
print("Layer was loaded successfully")
print("Unable to read basename and file path - Your string is probably invalid")
def get_area(self, raster_path):
raster_layer = QgsRasterLayer(raster_path)
colour_ranges = self.colour_ramp['ranges']
colours = self.colour_ramp['colours']
area_per_colour = {}
# open the raster
ds = gdal.Open(raster_path)
if ds is None:
gdal.sys.exit("ERROR: can't open raster")
# get cell sizes
# TODO: Add this piece of code correctly
pixel_size_x = raster_layer.rasterUnitsPerPixelX()
pixel_size_y = raster_layer.rasterUnitsPerPixelY()
hectare_per_cell = pixel_size_x * pixel_size_y / 10000
# get raster bands
# hectare_per_cell = 225
raster = ds.ReadAsArray()
# process the raster
for (bottom, top, colour) in zip([-1] + colour_ranges[:-1], colour_ranges, colours):
# TODO: break up
# TODO: convert to method
# TODO: test
raster = np.where(raster != -9999, raster, np.nan)
# print top
# print np.nanmin(raster)
raster_bounds = np.where(top >= raster, raster, np.nan)
# print np.nansum(raster_bounds)
lower_bounds = np.where(raster_bounds > bottom, 1, np.nan)
classified_area = np.nansum(lower_bounds)
# print classified_area
if np.isnan(classified_area):
classified_area = 0
area_per_colour[colour] = round(hectare_per_cell * classified_area, 2)
# print area_per_colour
return area_per_colour
def get_raster_area(self, raster_path):
raster_layer = QgsRasterLayer(raster_path)
ds = gdal.Open(raster_path)
if ds is None:
gdal.sys.exit("ERROR: can't open raster")
# get cell sizes
raster_band = ds.GetRasterBand(1)
no_data_value = raster_band.GetNoDataValue()
if no_data_value is None:
no_data_value = -9999
no_data_value = no_data_value
# TODO: Add this piece of code correctly
pixel_size_x = raster_layer.rasterUnitsPerPixelX()
pixel_size_y = raster_layer.rasterUnitsPerPixelY()
hectare_per_cell = pixel_size_x * pixel_size_y / 10000
raster = ds.ReadAsArray()
all_pixels_1 = np.where(raster != no_data_value, 1, np.nan)
total_pixel_area = np.nansum(all_pixels_1)
total_area_raster = total_pixel_area * hectare_per_cell
return total_area_raster
# function to style raster layers dynamically
def style_raster(self, raster_path):
file_info = QFileInfo(raster_path)
path = file_info.filePath()
basename = file_info.baseName()
layer = QgsRasterLayer(path, basename)
provider = layer.dataProvider()
extent = layer.extent()
ver = provider.hasStatistics(1, QgsRasterBandStats.All)
stats = provider.bandStatistics(1, QgsRasterBandStats.All, extent, 0)
self.colour_ramp = {'colours': [], 'ranges': [], 'ramp': []}
if ver is not False:
print("minimumValue = ", stats.minimumValue)
print("maximumValue = ", stats.maximumValue)
if stats.minimumValue < 0:
minimum = 0
minimum = int(stats.minimumValue)
maximum = int(stats.maximumValue)
raster_range = maximum - minimum
total_area_raster = self.get_raster_area(raster_path)
print(" 6 classes generated")
colours = ['#33a02c', '#80c02e', '#cee130', '#f1c62c', '#ea7024',
add = raster_range // (len(colours) - 1)
int_1 = int(minimum + add)
int_2 = int(int_1 + add)
int_3 = int(int_2 + add)
int_4 = int(int_3 + add)
value_list = [minimum, int_1, int_2, int_3, int_4, maximum]
self.colour_ramp['colours'] = colours
self.colour_ramp['ranges'] = value_list
area_per_colour = self.get_area(raster_path)
percentage_0 = round(((area_per_colour[colours[0]] / total_area_raster) * 100), 2)
percentage_1 = round(((area_per_colour[colours[1]] / total_area_raster) * 100), 2)
percentage_2 = round(((area_per_colour[colours[2]] / total_area_raster) * 100), 2)
percentage_3 = round(((area_per_colour[colours[3]] / total_area_raster) * 100), 2)
percentage_4 = round(((area_per_colour[colours[4]] / total_area_raster) * 100), 2)
percentage_5 = round(((area_per_colour[colours[5]] / total_area_raster) * 100), 2)
self.colour_ramp['ramp'] = (
QgsColorRampShader.ColorRampItem(value_list[0], QColor(colours[0]), lbl=str('%d (%s ha - %s %%)' % (
value_list[0], area_per_colour[colours[0]], percentage_0))),
QgsColorRampShader.ColorRampItem(value_list[1], QColor(colours[1]),
lbl='%d - %d (%s ha - %s %%)' % (
value_list[0] + 1,
area_per_colour[colours[1]], percentage_1)),
QgsColorRampShader.ColorRampItem(value_list[2], QColor(colours[2]),
lbl='%d - %d (%s ha - %s %%)' % (
value_list[1] + 1,
area_per_colour[colours[2]], percentage_2)),
QgsColorRampShader.ColorRampItem(value_list[3], QColor(colours[3]),
lbl='%d - %d (%s ha - %s %%)' % (
value_list[2] + 1,
area_per_colour[colours[3]], percentage_3)),
QgsColorRampShader.ColorRampItem(value_list[4], QColor(colours[4]),
lbl='%d - %d (%s ha - %s %%)' % (
value_list[3] + 1,
area_per_colour[colours[4]], percentage_4)),
QgsColorRampShader.ColorRampItem(value_list[5], QColor(colours[5]),
lbl='%d - %d (%s ha - %s %%)' % (
value_list[4] + 1,
area_per_colour[colours[5]], percentage_5)))
# function to determine utm zones
def crs_zone(self, raster_path):
data = gdal.Open(raster_path, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
if data is None:
print("Raster layer not valid")
projection = osr.SpatialReference(wkt=data.GetProjection())
epsg_code = projection.GetAttrValue('AUTHORITY', 1)
return epsg_code
# Main function that has all the logic
def run(self):
raster = '/tmp/S34E020.hgt'
eps_code = self.crs_zone(raster)
if eps_code == '4326':
projected_raster ="gdal:warpreproject", {'INPUT': '%s' % raster, 'SOURCE_CRS': None,
'TARGET_CRS': QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(
'EPSG:3857'), 'RESAMPLING': 0, 'NODATA': None,
'EXTRA': '',
raster_path = projected_raster.get('OUTPUT')
if not raster_path:
raise Exception('Raster was not reprojected')
raster_path = raster
print("The raster layer that is generated is:" + raster_path)
reporter = ReportClass()
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It works only for DEM or .TIFF too?

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should work for both, mind you this was written for QGIS2, you might need to port it to QGIS 3

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