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Created January 27, 2020 22:46
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~/.bashrc - adjust PS1 & add a few aliases
$ cat ~/.bashrc
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.rvm/bin"
export PROMPT_COMMAND='export H1="`history 1|sed -e "s/^[\ 0-9]*//; s/[\d0\d31\d34\d39\d96\d127]*//g; s/\(.\{1,50\}\).*$/\1/g"`";history -a;echo -e "sgr0\ncnorm\nrmso"|tput -S'
export PS1='\n\e[1;30m[\j:\!\e[1;30m]\e[0;36m \T \d \e[1;30m[\e[1;34m\u@\H\e[1;30m:\e[0;37m`tty 2>/dev/null` \e[0;32m+${SHLVL}\e[1;30m] \e[1;37m\w\e[0;37m\[\033]0;[ ${H1}... ] \w - \u@\H +$SHLVL @`tty 2>/dev/null` - [ `uptime` ]\007\]\n\[\]\$ '
alias v="vim"
alias ..="cd .."
alias dci="docker info"
alias kl="kitchen list"
alias ss="systemctl status"
alias f="find . -name"
alias r="find ./ -type f -exec sed -i -e"
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